Preston Election - 1768
Register of Voters, with examinations as to their validity (DDPd 11/51).


In the original, Jurat All. S & Abj. are used when a papist and, to some extent, dissenters votes (abbreviated here as J: A). Jurat B (abbreviated here as J: B) refers to the bribery oath been taken. The main three J. A. oaths being:-

1. the oath of allegiance to George III

2. the oath of supremacy which declared the King as the leader of the established church and , by implication, denied the Pope his authority.

3. The oath of abjuration which repudiated the rights of the Stuarts to the throne of Great Britain and Ireland.

The bribery oath was intended to stop corruption of the vote. Acts had been passed in the reigns of William II, George II and George III. From this document it appears to have failed to stop the practice.

When a witness was cross examined different symbols or abbreviations were adopted. “Xem” or “X” (shown as “X” in this document to make it stand out) being the common ones.


A State of the Poll at the Election at Preston the 21st of March 1768.

Robt Moss Esqr. Mayor & Robt ffarrer Gent. Bailiff took the Oaths. Nichs Winckley Esqr. Bailiff was absent on Acc[oun]t of Indisp[ositio]n & the Candidates required no proof of his Indisposition. Mr. Thos Winckley attended to have proved it.


Sir Peter Leicester, Bart. Sir ffrank Standish, Bart. Sir Henry Hoghton, Bart. & Colonel Burgoyne.

1st Tally










ffleetwood Hesketh Esq





Thomas Starkie





John Waring





Rd Pilkington





John Cooke





John Richardson





Tho: Bullen





Wm. Broadbent





Wm. Jackson





James Grundy






2nd Tally










John Harrison





James Barnes






Richd Bray





Wm. Grundy





John Hall


Objected to as a pauper & for want of Inh[ab]itancy. Admitted.





Robert Hall





Thomas Shepherd


Obj: to on Acct of his poverty as having been relieved which was proved & his vote disallowed.

The Obj: was made before the vote was taken tho' the Mayors poll clerk has previously entered it. H&B crossed out.





Lawrence Shepherd





John Shepherd





Daniel Thompson





Henry Foster




3rd Tally










John Marsh






Evan Heath jun


Objected to as not being a man. The Councell on the other hand object to any Evid: being produced to prove it .The court admitted the evidence: James Kitching proves he has no testicles but saw nothing of the female sex about him. Pritcherd An Apoth[ecar]y proves him more of the female than the male. Two other Apoth[ecary] exam[ine]d him privately & prove the contrary. Admitted.





John Slater





Tho: Livesay





Richard Pert






Geo: Helme





Hy Heath





Jas Kay





Wm Tipping






Thos Alford






4th Tally










Henry Jameson






Ra: Kellet





Hy Marsden





Wm Alford





Stephen Thompson


Obje: to as a pauper. Admitted.





Isaac Cooke





John ffisher





Richard Hodgkinson jun


Objected to as being under Influence by his Brother late a Soldier having recd his Discharge. Admitted.





Thomas Hodgkinson


Obj: to having been taken out of the Almshouse abt 3 weeks ago. Says he quitted it because it was too little; he could not setup an[other] Bed. A wall was built wch threw the water into the House. Rejected.


Thomas Greenhalgh





Samuel Thompson





5th Tally










Rt Parker Esq






Thos Dickinson





Edw: Bailey





John Hodgkinson son of Rt





J.A. & J.B.

Edmd Cuerden





James Pilkington


Obj: to as being under Influence by money having been given for his use, but admitted.




John Smalley





J. A.

Wm Cooper





Thos Ward





Lawrence Bostock






6th Tally










John Ainsworth





Hugh Cook





Rd Riley jun





Joseph Holmes





John Nixon





Wm Nixon





Edw: Parr





Tho: Parr





Tho: Singleton





James Taylor






7th Tally










Thos Shakeshaft






James Kighley





Henry Thompson






Hy Hoskinson






Hy Hoskinson






Geo: Osbaldeston jun





Wm Horrobin





John Holmes





Thos Holmes






Rt Dugdale






8th Tally










Richard Sill




Wm Poole





John Pennington





Geo: Osbaldeston





Wm Threlfall jun





John Thornton





Thomas Wignall





Nich Wiggins


Object: to as being a receiver of Alms, having his rent paid by the Town, - which was proved by Hy. Varley the Overseer. Rejected.


Tho: Woods





Tho: Gregson





John Kay





9th Tally










Robt Chaddock Gorst Esq





Richd Graystock






Chas Cooper





Joshua Holliday





Rd Livesay





Rt Salter





Benj Cornthwaite





John Green






Tho: Sherliker






Wm Coup






10th Tally










Tho: Helliwell





Will: Lorimer





Robt Rutter





Wm Far





Tho: Sumner





Jas Richardson





James Parker





John Pilkington





James Salter





Thos Bramwell






Half past 6 – Adj[ourne]d to 8 in the morn[in]g

Tuesday, March 22nd 1768 at 8am

11th Tally










Wm Poole





Joseph Dickenson






John Rushton






James Eddleston





John Eddleston






John Hodgkinson son of John






Richd Clayton





Francs Cooke





Richd Cooke





Thos Bailey






12th Tally










John Pearson





Thos Grundy





Thos Talbot





Hy Woods


Obj: to for non-residence – being consid[ere]d as an Outvote. Admitted.





William Hardman


Obj: to being a Soldier for non residence – has a furlough & has resided 8 days. Rejected


John Cook





Ralph Crompton


Obj: to for non residence. Allowed.





John Birchall





Leonard Clarkson


Obj: to for non residence. Allowed.





John Barker





Tho: Anderton





13th Tally










Thos Bradley






Richard Bradley


Obj: to as a pauper – has had 3 or 4 p[ai]r of shoes in 3 or 4 years from the Town – but has Houses & of £10. 15 p Ann. Rejected.

Margin Note: A House £7. 10s, A Cottage £2. 5s and a Stable £1. 0s.


Wm Baines





Wm Cooke






John Hodgkinson





James Johnson





Barth: Charnley


Obj: for non residence; Heald having p[ai]d for bringing his Goods to Preston. Admitted.




David Cooke


Obj: to as a pauper, his Rent being paid by the Town for the last year. Admitted.




Peter Pennington





James Green





Thomas Sumner


Obj: to for non residence & afterwards for non Age. Admitted. Neither being proved.





14th Tally










John Gregson





Hy Broughton





James Hodgkinson


Obj: to as a pauper - which was proved. Rejected.


Robt Riley





Thomas Bullen





Geo: Walton





ffleetwood Shaw





John Wilkinson





Robt Calland





Richard Sallom





Near 8 in the Evening – Adjourned until 8 in the morning

Wednesday the 23rd March, 1768

15th Tally










Wm Parke Esq






Geo: Gregson


The Voters for the future to give an Acct. of themselves & if not satisfactory to the Court, further evid: to be produced, the voter not being sufft to prove his own Inhabitancy.

Wm Gregson Brother to Geo: proves Heald gave Gold to Geo: Gregson's wife that he heard Heald say so. No Evid: Admitted.





John Sherliker





John Stanley


Obj: to as receipt of Jolly's Charity which was proved. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


John Stanley son of John


Obj: to for same Reason – also for non age & Regr of Preston produced. Christened Augt. 1747. Wd have voted for L & S. Rejected.


John Stockport






James Connell





James Connell jun





Lawrence Salter





Samuel Cooke als Coope


Obj: to for poverty: Hy Varley says he lived in the workhouse till after the canvas began. That he is able to work now than when in the workhouse & that he maintains himself; was bad in his eyes when in the workhouse. The Mayor then say'd he disallowed the vote, but on being told there was evidence on the part of the vote which has not been produced. The court entred into further consideration of the matter.

Varley on Xem: Sayd he was better both in Health & Eyesight when he left the workhouse than ever he knew him before & never heard he was out of Health since. Rejected. Would have voted for L & S.



John Cooke jun






John Sumner


Obj: was a pauper, his rent having been paid in Walton the 5: of December last by John Holland th' Overseer – who says Sumner never desired him to pay it. Watson the landlord – says the rent has been paid by the Town, that Lutwich Sent a Letter that rent should be paid before the canvas he bel[ieve]s rents land of Watson at £3 p Ann. Allowed.

Margin note: + Agent for H & B.




Charles Sharples






16th Tally










Henry Dickinson


Obj: to as a pauper – Varley having paid his rent but not as Overseer as Varley declared.





Wm Rigby


Obj: to for nonresidence:- proved his residence for 2 m[onth]s. Proved contra that he had a Lodging in Liverpoole furnished in Novr last. Rigby says he has not yet begun Business since he came to Preston. Rejected.

Margin Comment: Mr Tho: Case w[oul]d have proved that Rigby declared he must come to Preston to be a voter that he c[oul]d not vote with[ou]t taking a room or residing.


James Sharples


Obj: to for nonresidence. Proved to be Mr(s) Shaw's Man; helps to clean knives & water horses. Proved to have a wife & children near Lancaster – lives there & has gone by a different names. Rejected.


Wm Rhodes


Obj: to as a nonresident. Sallom the Agent to H & B proves his Residence with Dawson for 3 mo[nth]s. Davison says he has lived with him between 5 & six mos. so has done every thing he has ordered. His wife has lived with him also. Econv John Waring says he lives in Thornley, saw him in July last at his house there & he asked how parliamenteering went on & if any Drink co[ul]d. be got for that he was coming to Preston to vote on the Saturday following in Preston. Tho: Simpson – known him 15 or 16 years – has 2 or 3 children – never knew he had left Thornley – has the House there yet went here in the World & has a sale of his Horses & Beasts – can't tell whether he occupys the Land or has Gist - had been ask'd who occupied the House & Land he sho[ul]d. Have said Wm. Rhodes - & he now fancys he is the Occupier. Thinks he is not able to occupy the Land, but believes he takes gist: Xem: has heard of his coming to Preston at times. Had he been ask'd last week he sho[ul]d have said he lived in Thornley unless he had been gone to Preston a voting. John Simpson – known him 20 yrs. Lived in Thornley all the Time. When he first knew him he was unmarried, then marr[ie]d & has children & rented Land – more than 5 acres – never knew any Body else in poss[ess]ion. Saw him there last Xmas spelking the House. X Can't tell the part[icu]lar time, but it was in Winter a little before Xmas – has seen his wife and children there since Xmas in the House. Rejected. Says he w[oul]d have voted for H & B.



Thomas Slater


Obj: to as being under Influence. Mr Wilkinson having paid his Rent within 2 mo[nth]s last. Mr Wilkinson admitted he had paid it. Admitted.





Geo: Clitherow





Edward Cowburn


Obj: to for nonresidence – a Watchmaker from Liverpoole, bro[ugh]t his wife & 3 children & all the Tools of his Trade. Off[ered]d to take House for £15 but w[oul]d not. Econv Thos. Cowburn says he is his cousin, that he saw him abt. a month ago & wondring that he had bro[ugh]t his ffamily ask'd him if it was worth his while to remove to Preston to vote - he say'd his m[oth]er pref'red him to remove. John Thornley his neighbour in Liverpoole says he has a House there which he furnish'd & believes is now furnish'd but shut up. Bickerstaff says he went with him to take a House & that he offered to take one of 8 m[onth]s. Mr. Andrews has emply'd him to make a watch. Mr Hatton has paid him for work & now owes him money. His Brother says he told him to let his House at Leverpoole & has let it to Dr. Bromley. Allowed.





Wm Cunliffe Shaw


Obj: to for nonresidence, being entred of the Temple, has only stay'd 3 yrs – was in the Temple the last Term – rents & has chambers there – when he comes to Preston he resides with his ffather. Admitted.





Edward Rigby


A drummer in the militia – Tho: English says Rigby told him he work'd at Lancastr but was obliged to be at Preston 2 n[igh]ts in the week when they were talking of the Election. Rejected. Says he wd. have voted for H & B.


Richard Cross





Edward Hodgkinson





Wm Wiggans


Obj: to as a pauper. Hy Varley says Wiggin's wife came for & recd relief down to the 26th of Sept. last. Has been relieved constantly before. He apply'd to th' Mayor and sayd he cou'd not maintain himself & wanted relief. Varley relieved his wife sev[era]l times. In October last Mr Shaw hearing he was upon the poor list, say'd he wou'd have no occasion for further relief. Not a yr ago he apply'd for relief. Rejected as insupportable as Mr Lee acknowledged.

Margin note: + An Agent


Thomas Hudson





Geo: Bramwell






Wm Pritchard jun





17th Tally










John Broughton





Richd Rawlinson





James Rishton


Obj: to for nonresidence. Rd. Briggs proves him his servant; came 14th of Janry – he hired him the 15: for 12 mo[nth]s at £6 p. Ann: to do his Business – he is Agent to Mr Hesketh in the Wine trade – a serv[an]t went away abt a ffortnt before, & he enquired of several persons to find him a serv[an]t to supply his places – he had apply'd to Serjt Dawson and he recommended him. His former Serv[an]t left him abruptly & he was in great want of one to supply his place. He says he told him he was a ffreeman & that he had lived with Mr Chadwick but wou'd have kept the former Servt if he w[oul]d have stay'd. Left Mr Chadwick and went to Ribchester where he stay'd near a year as a weaver, then came & hired with Briggs whom he has served regularly except for a week or two when he gave him Leave to to go & finish a piece he had left in his Looms, intends to keep him for the year. Then Obj: he has not proved his Age – he said he was upwards of 21, & that his Birthday is abt the 7: of ffeb: - Wm Rishton his ffather – says he can't swear whether he is or is not of Age but that he was born in ffeb. His mother says he was of Age the 6: of ffeb: last – is ask'd what year he was born in – hesitates at that, but says she has it entred in a Book wch she has at Home but that the Entry is not her own writing. Mr Lee insisted as she had refer'd to a Book it ought to be produced which Mr Serjt Aspinall denied to be Law. His mother – says she has a Dau[gh]tr living which is 23 years old & that she is not quite 2 years older than her son James. He says he was born in ffeb: 1747 & that is so entred in the Book.

The Court is of Opinion that if he is of Age he is a good vote. His name erased in the Mayor's pole book in the presence of Colonel Burgoyne – having been wrote therein by Mr Bradley the Mayor's clerk in Expectation the vote wo[oul]d be allowed. The Book sent for to be produced by the mo[th]er.

The Book produced & the vote disallowed. It appearing he was bapt in ffeb: 1747


Wm Catterall


Obj: to for nonresidence. Thos. Smith proves he has his ffamily & Goods in his House at Preston where he has resided full nine weeks; has seen him sev[era]l times a week. Wm mentions his having work'd for 6 or 7 difft persons & that he lives in a House of Mr Westbys; left a House at Ribchester for wch he paid Rent at Marts & Mayday, has house there & some goods in it. Rejected. Wou'd have voted to L & S.


Thomas Cooper


Obj: to for nonresidence. Tho: Smith proves he resides in Preston is a Blacksmith and has a shop. That he came on great Saturday and takes a room – does not know he bro[ugh]t his ffurniture or that he has any – his wife died ab[ou]t a ffortn[igh]t ago – his child[ren] are in Preston. Hy Varley says he relieved him in Walton 6 or 7 times in Summer last. He & his wife were then badly of a ffever. Rejected. Wd. have poled for L & S.



Wm Woods


Obj: to for nonresidence. Wm Leak a grocer has hired him for a year as his porter had no stated porter before, but hired one occasionally before & hired this for a year ffinding it wo[ul]d be cheaper - £5 wages & meat & drink when he comes to it, but that he lodges with his wife in Preston. About 8 or 10 D[ay]s ago he gave him leave to go away for a few D[ay]s and that he stay'd a week. Says he wo[ul]d have hired him whether he had been a ffreeman or not. That he wo[ul]d gain experiences & in a year or two deserve better wages. Allowed.




Thomas Hollingshead






John Hollingshead






Thomas Smith


Obj: to – Varley having paid his rent the last yr in May, his family little & his wife bad health, left that house in May last, his ch[ildre]n have left him & his wife betterd, the eldest girl has left him & is gone to Service. He (Varley) is not to pay the rent for this year, nor knows anything of it. Leond. Walmsley – lets him a house & says he told him Hy Varley wou'd pay his rent, being ask'd by Colonel Burgoyne if he wou'd have let the house with[ou]t Varley's undertaking, he says he knows not but that Varley never undertook. Admitted.




Richard Sarjant





Joseph Whitehead





J.A. & J.B.

Thomas Connell


Obj: to for nonresidence. Miles Connell his brother – says he came from Walton to Preston within a week of Christmas last to vote for Myres & Burgoyne, but they disappointed him & he changed to th' other side. His wife & family have resided for 20 years in Preston but he boarded in Walton & came occasionally to Preston & subsisted his ffamily there all the while. Holland, the Overseer of Walton, gave him a shilling part of some charity money last Good Friday which money is distributed among the poor not having Town's pay. Allowed




Miles Connell


Obj: to for nonresidence – Salter – known him long before Christmas, knew him before but knows not where his resid' was, has seen him in Preston before, believes he had no fix'd resid: An Obj: to his nonage wch is to be determd tomorrw. His fa[the]r Tho. Connell proves his Age.

The Court to determine Tomorrow morni'g whe[the]r Miles Connell be of Age or not & in the Interim his vote is taken de bene esse & John ffisher's son to be exam[ine]d re[gar]d[in]g it.

Margin note: Wm Son of John ffisher. I was play ffellow with Miles who was never reckon'd older tham me. His vote admitted.

And Ld Strange acknowledged he that this Evid: did not alter the case & as the Mayor has agreed to allow a scrutiny, he, Ld Strange, w[oul]d give no further trouble at present. Then determd absolutely.





18th Tally










Edward Bramwell





John Singleton





Henry Scott





Thomas Richardson





Thos Smith





James Bostock





Robert Thompson





Richd Mason





Tho: Haslingden





Wm Threlfall





Adjourned to 8 in the morning

Thursday, March 24th 1768

19th Tally










Philip Wood





Robert Taylor






Joseph Marsh






Joseph Sherliker





Thomas Richardson


Obj: to for nonresidence. Wm Woodcock a carp[ent]er & joiner – He came from Manch[est]er in the latter end of Janry last bro[ugh]t his wife with him & has work'd with witness eversince – knew him to be a freeman for he was born neighbour to him – had Rooms at Manch[est]er but furniture not his – his ffa[th]er lives here – he has prom[ise]d to continue to work here after the Election & that is had not made that promise he wo[ul]d not have taken him. Admitted.




John Richardson


Obj: to for nonresidence – came from Manch[est]er a joiner & had there 20d p day – now has 16d but expects to do something better for himself, works with Evan Heath by the week, sometimes by the day for he sometimes did not make a whole week. Mr Starkie – has seen him work most part of the Winter with Evan Heath. Evan Heath his ma[st]er says he serv'd his time with him – that he waits for a shop – somebody dying that he may come into Business, has his money at a shop. Admitted.




Hy Walmsley


Obj: to as rece[ivin]g pt of the Sacram[en]t money. The Parish Clerk – proves his wife has rece[ive]d pt of it monthly. Obj: & admitted that the Husb: did not know of it so obj: that he co[ul]d not be affected.

Hy Varley – says he frequently gives money to the wives where the Husb[an]ds names are entred in the List. Mr Andrews, the vicar – says the money is charity & that she has recd it pretty constantly for near 20 years last – that there are 66 to whom he usually gives Shares & if any overplus he gives it at Discretion to others. Obj: that rece[ivin]g any Alms disqualifies & quote the case of Ailesbury – wch says any others Alms in general. - Ans: that if the Vicar's giving Alms to wives unknown to their Husbands wo[ul]d disqualify – it wo[ul]d be making the Vicars reurning Officers in every Borough & lodging too great power in the clergy. Margin note: Mr Kennyon to the same effect. Mr Serjt. Aspinall. Thinks it wo[ul]d be dangerous to disq: for such Alms – as it wd. be putting too much power in a vicar. That Lee & Lockhart has laid it down for Law in a former case that the wife's rece[ivin]g Alms could not affect the Husb[an]d unless he knew of it & put the opposite p[ar]ty to prove it & he tho[ugh]t there was weight in the Argum[en]t. Admitted.




Thomas Heath


Obj: to as rece[ivin]g Rishton's Charity. Margt Latham – says she does not know of the wife rece[ivin]g it but says she has heard her say Serjt Dawson was a good man & had given her half a crown. Requested by Ld Strange that they may have a copy of the List of the persons rece[ivin]g Rishton's Charity in the Custody of the Town C[oun]cell as Agt. to the Mayor – Obj: that Mr. Nabb, T. C. has the Book as Agt. to the Tru[st]ees of the Charity only & not as Agt. to the Mayor – Mr Nabb says nobody has apply'd for a copy or to see it since he rece[ive]d it last Christmas. Mr Nabb never consid[ere]d he had 'em as a public Officer, & has given a copy to one Trustee. The present Mayor has never acted. Ld. Strange des[ire]d to know if the Mayor as returning Officer wd refuse producing and Evidence in his Custody. Mr Nabb went to fetch the Ev. in his custody & bro[ugh]t it.

Serjt. Dawson. His wife has recd it 2 or 3 times but unknown to her Husband, because he tho[ugh]t he wo[ul]d spend it being a drinking man. Admitted.




Wm Horrobin


Obj: to for nonresidence. Wm Woodcock – proves he has resided in Preston a mo[n]th or upwards – was Serv[an]t with Mr Gorst out of Town – his wife took the House in Preston of this witness in July last & lived in it. Has a child. Helps a public House & he came to her. She before lived with Mr Nowell of Read. Admitted.




John Horrrobin






20th Tally










Joseph Myers


Voted for Lord Strange & Sir Harry Hoghton but admitted to be entred as above, the vote for Lord Strange being a castaway.





Thurstan Green


Peter Brown – proves his Resid: - his wife has lived here about 4 mo[nth]s – came from Layland, was a malster, but has no House there. Jno Yates – proves he was a Malster, has seen him in his House at Fishwick within a month or 5 weeks – his wife with him & the House furnished as usual. The House in ffishwick is Rd Heapy's – does not know but he may have let it, but he saw him unlock the Door within 5 weeks. Hy Brewer – proves he is a malster, that a wagon was laid abt 3 years ago to be determin[e]d by a Malster & was refered to Thurstan Green who determined it in ffavor. Mr Ditchfield – proves him a malster but believes he has not followed the Business for 3 or 4 years. Peter Brown Xem - says tho' he has left the House he has not taken it of his Landl[or]d for ano[th]er yr but may stay end way. Mr Watson says he imagines he intends to stay ano[th]er year. Rejected.


James Helme





Richard Livesay


Mr Medhurst – proves Livesay his hired Serv[an]t for a year at £12 p. Ann: has sometimes 4, 5 or 6 in his Employ, hired men to do the Husbandry he now does. Wd take him for 7 years – is sometimes half of his Times. Wm Charnley – has known Livesay, he always lived with his ffather – saw him in work for his ffa[th]er abt a ffortnt or 3 weeks ago; the ffa[th]er has other sons who do the same work, he has worked all along he be[lieve]s for his ffa[th]er has seen him drive a cart & cut wood for his ffa[th]er lately. Allowed.





Isaac Cross





John Gradwell


Obj: to for nonresidence – His Residences proved by himself – he pays taxes here. Mr Swan – proves he told him the 24: of Jan: last that he had left his warehouse in Preston & was gone to Clifton.

Allowed. Mr. Davenport was refused calling a witness – saying he had not done with him.





Wm Kilnshaw





Wm Bramwell


Resid: proved by – Thos HattonMr Seonce Teacher of Mathematics – says has att[ende]d him 3 mo[nth]s diligently as a scholar. Mr Tyzer – he was Butcher with his ffather – went to London – came back & went to School in George's Street, Liverpool till Xmas last. Old Bramwell his ffa[th]er lives in Liverpool & has a House & Goods there at the Top of King/Kay Street. Saw his fa[th]er within 6 weeks last. Mr Sharrock – his the voter's ffa[th]er lives there & has Houses – has often met him upon the Road bet[ween] Preston & Liverpool & also his ffa[th]er – when he met the son he called out Col: Burgoyne, damn your soul. Xem - says he lives in Liverpoole – has seen the voter often in Liverpoole of late – Wm Son – says he comes into his House almost every Day; knows he has been at Liverpool, but thinks not more than 3 or 4 Times - & 3 or 4 D[ay]s at a Time. Rejected.

W[oul]d have voted for H & B.


Robt Brooke





John Ashworth


Mrs Hart – has let him a Room for a year, he came near 8 weeks ago – She keeps a public House – he came from Chorley – it was no Lodging room before – no convers: ab[ou]t taking a Room – the Reason he took the Room was because he wanted it for himself & ffamily – dare say he has given up his House in Chorley but knows nothing of it. Has 9 rooms – 3 whereof she has let since the canvas. Rd. Hirdiker – has seen him at his House in Chorley within a ffortn[igh]t: his wife bot check of his wife there within that Time. Rejected.

Mr Lee consented to it. The ask'd who he wd have voted for. H & B


John Parr





Tho: Osbaldeston





Henry Bullen





21st Tally










James Walker





Tho: Poole





Tho: Anderton





Wm Byrom





James Townsend





Chas Townsend





Tho Oldford jun





John Calvert jun





Tho Clayton





John Bray






22nd Tally










Wm Wearden





Richard Brewer





John Wyke





John Bailey





Js Scholefield





Joseph Sudell





Wm Southworth





Tho: Jolley





Ra: Smith





Hy Barker





23rd Tally










John Harrison





John Bond





John Radcliffe





Chas English jun





Robt Clayton


Obj: Mr Watson – proves he paid his Rent for him: - Js Heald – says he gave him gratis. Hy. Varley relieved his wife in her sickness in July last. Admitted by consent.




Jas Clayton





Lawrence Salter





James Bamber





Tho: English





Wm Gradwell






24th Tally










Henry Parr





Henry Smith





Thomas Sharples


Obj: to for nonresidence – Hodgkinson – proves him to be at the first canvas – he then went away – can't tell where he had a house or a Lodging in Town, knows ffulwood, does not know whether he lives there or not. Js. Boys – proves him an Inhitant at the canvas & staid till Christmas then sail'd & went away – returned to the same place – has nothing but his cloathes; Boys keeps a public house – lets him lodgings, he please him for 'em, let for as long as he pleases – had no settled abode but with his ffather, but when he went ab[ou]t his Business. Jo: Turner – has known him 4 years – App: with Birkin in the Shambles – lodges at Boys's – never knew he had any & settled Abode but at Preston returned in Nov[emb]er. Xem knows of no other Abode but Boys's. Wm Shakeshaft – he was app: here – set up Bus: near a 12 month since when out of App: - left Town for 6 or 8 w[eek]s – retd to Js. Boys's has stay'd ever since – ffulwood abt a mile & a half from Preston. - Hy Moreton – says he served his App: in July – kept a shop in Preston – carr[ie]d on his Trades – can't tell whe[th]er he stay'd two yrs or one – no bed in his shop – no shop but on Sat & Monday & sometimes all D[ay]s in the week – m[igh]t live in Preston for any thing he knows – m[igh]t go to his ffa[th]ers at ffulwood for anything he knows – Js Lavague – says he is an Inhitant in Preston remembers him App: - his ma[st]er kept a shop in Preston – bel[ieve]s he set up a Shop – saw him in it. Knows not how long he kept it. He fail'd – met Lavague ask'd him to come to Boys's he did – told him he was going to take a voyage – since his return has seen him in Bed at Boys's – Xem - has seen him at Boys's – heard the Ma[st]er say he was his ma[st]er – Birkit lived on Preston Moor – seen shop open on Thurs: ffrid: Sat: & Mond: - Js Carr – He served Ap: with Birkit a Butcher who lived on Preston Moor – only kept market on Saturday – sold w[ha]t rem[aine]d on Mond: - went to his ffa[th]ers to lodge – been wth him there, bel[ieve]s his ffa[th]ers was his Lodging – has seen him go there to put on his shirt. Mich[ae]l Sharples – ma[st]er lived out of Preston – came on Thusd: kill[in]g day – Sat: selling Day - & came to sell Rem[aind]er on Mond: when he co[ul]d not fo home he stayd and lodged with his Son – never heard till now that he had any Abode in Preston.

Sharples his ffa[th]er – he some times resided with me 2 n[ight]s a week - Preston was most of his resid: he was bigger Share of his Time there – went away – returned to Preston – can't tell he had a shop since – Rd. ffoster – He served his App: in Preston but lived on Cadley Moor – Tho: Emmet – he lived on Cadley Moor – he laid sev[era]l n[ight]s with him at his ffa[th]ers – since he last came Home, he say'd he was 2 n[ight]s a week at Boys's but that he went Home to his ffa[th]ers at o[th]er Times, he has often gone with him – that he eat & drank there & had no Resid: elsewhere – Wm Horrobin – has known him long, came from London with him -say'd his ffa[th]er says he has poll'd for the two Barts. Totally rejected.


Henry Hodgkinson


Came out o' th' Almshouses since Augt last in Preston belonging to th' Corp: - knows no name for th' Almshouses, went in with his mo[th]er in Law – was 7 or 8 years in the Almshouses – his mo[th]er dead – stay'd near 3 y[ea]rs after, quitted Almshouse being too little. Does not know but he is better in circ[umstance]s- but has no Estate come to him. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H &B.


William Roscow





James Gregson





Roger Scarisbrick





John Low jun





Wm Loxham





John Bullen


Says Jas. Heald off[ere]d him a yearly sum to vote for the Barts.





Henry Biggs





Thos Wilson





25th Tally










John Calvert


Obj: to for nonresid: - Meadows – proves he achnowl[edge]d that he was an Inhit of Balderstone. Sallom – ditto – which Calvert denied. Admitted.




Thomas Vicars





Hy Vicars





Hy Seed





Jos: Bramwell





Tho: Bolton





John Woods





Thos: Jameson





Thos: Jameson jun





James Heald






26th Tally










Wm Gornall





Alexr Jolley





John Hodgkinson

Chapel Clerk





Thomas Place





James Barnes

Gardiner (a Rushton Charity man)





Thos Graystock





John Gornall






John Southcote





Hy Whittle





Rd Hall





27th Tally










Rt Shepherd





James Sharples






Tho Walmsley


Obj: that he has had money from the Overseer. Hy Varley the overseer says he did not pay it as Overseer – but that he did pay it. It was paid out of no Charity. Admitted.




John Clitherow





Towers Mason






John Leech jun





Thomas Newsham





Robt Helme





James Jackson





Richd Bramwell






28th Tally










Thos Wilson





Rt Beconsall





Rt Gregson





John Walmsley





John Roscow





Jas Hodgkinson


Hy Varley – has relieved him & his wife a little before Xmas last – they were sick – he has had Rushton's Charity for 63, 64, 65, 66 also money pd £3 with his son in Janry 68. J[a]s admitted it was pd since Xmas. Allowed.





Isaac Cooke





Tho: Moorton





George Birchall





John Hodgkinson






Adjourned to 9 in the Morn[in]g

Friday, Mar: 25: 1768

Tally 29










Peter Hodgkinson


Obj: to for nonresidence – proved by Hodgkinson – who says he has resided in Preston before Mich[aelma]s last. That he came before the canvas, then went into Worcestershire & ffetch'd his ffamily & he and his ffamily have resided here ever since – that he came determ[ine]d to fit here or at Ulverstone, his ffa[th]er resided here before. Mr Smalley – had no concern in taking a house for him. Allowed.




Richard Arkwright


Mr Henry – let him some Rooms in his House, has resided there since Janry at 7 G[uinea]s per Ann. Making a machine to find out the Longitude, apprehended he was a ffreeman when he let the rooms, does not know why he apprehended so, rooms let till May come 12 months – ackn: he had let it before to Mr Parker till May next. Let it to Arkwright if Corp: sh[oul]d continue him Ten[en]t. Jno Kay – has known him 12 mo[nth]s – is a Serv[an]t assisting him is making a machine – his wife & children with him – his wife here 5 weeks ago, know not were he came from – but by Lr from Manchester. X work'g abt a machine – know not what it is for, but bel[ieve]s to find Longitude. Rejected.

Wo[ul]d have voted for L & S.


Chas Clayton


His ffa[th]er – proves his resid: - says he is marr[ie]d, his wife is now in the Straw- is a Dyer, follows his Trade. X lived at Manch[est]er before he came, had no goods, came on new years day. Was Ap: to Ja: Yates at ffishwich – has worked with Jas: Crompton & Js. Yates – wife lodges at a public house & fell in Labour there. Js. Yates his ma[st]er – says he works with him always when he has Employ for him X says he served his Ap: in ffishwick where his shop now is. Rejected.

Wo[ul]d have voted for L & S.


Elias Townsend


Wm Townsend his Bro[th]er – proves his Inhitancy in Preston in ffriergate – bred and born in Preston – lived here 3 mo[nth]s ago. Lived in Liverpool before – is a Journeyman Shoemaker – came in November – had bad Health at Liverpool – came to follow Bus: as well as for his Health – works for his Living – both journeyman & ma[st]er – has seen his Bro[th]er in his sickness – has one Room – his wife & children came with him. Mr Hartshorn an Ironmonger – says he came to his shop and said he was come on Acc[oun]t of the Election. The voter – denies he ever s[ai]d any such thing came to buy pitch and Rezen - w[oul]d be glad to have his custom as he did not know but he int. settle here for ever. Smith – saw him in a public house – he said he prom[ise]d his votes in Liverpool to L & S. Allowed




Robt Charnock


Mr Clarkson – proves he resides in this Town, known him many y[ea]rs – lived here from 1st of September – was Ap: here ab[ou]t 2 or 3 years ago – an upholst[er]er. Was in London. Lodges he is inform'd with his ffa[th]er in Law. Serjt Dawson – has taken a shop he bel[ieve]s in Preston. Mr Smalley – knows C. an Uph: has Lodgings at Mrs Latus's – is come to settle here as an Uph: his uncle des[ire]d him to settle here, he came abt July – made the cushions in the Hall: he & D: Cragg have a room at Mrs Latus's – lodges with his uncle – he wrote at his uncles Request to get hime to come to settle but heard no Reason but to begin Bus: - had no view in it – bel[ieve]s he had a good Op[portunit]y of carry[in]g on Bus: & wd meet with a good many ffriends – bel[ieve]s it was before the canvas – remembers no convers[ation] abt the Election. Has followed his Bus: - The Landlord at the Red Lion is his fa[th]er in Law, he came there at th' first. Jno Gornall says he has paper'd part of a Room for him, known him many y[ea]rs – has not seen any other work. Ask'd him if he co[ul]d find him a shop – he employ'd him because he lik'd to encourage a New Beginner – wd have employed him if he had not been a ffreeman – he employed Loxham when a Beginner. Geo: Houghton - says he apply'd to him to take a shop for his Bus: it is a proper one he has let it to him – but the present Ten[an]t is yet is poss[ess]ion – he is to enter at May day next at £8 p. Ann: - Loxham – says he came down with Ellison & in January last was hired to Ellison. Hy. Bickerstaff – says he had engaged with Ellison in June last.





Thomas Waring


Js. Cheetham – knows him, he's an Upholst[er]er & lives in the Backweent in Preston, knew him before he went to London, he went to gain Shill – employ'd himself in the Bus: his Goods came abt affortn[igh]t after – lodges with the Wit: has all Kinds of papers for Rooms – came from London abt a ffortn[igh]t after. Has a single bed room & ano[th]er room for his Goods, does not know who employ'd him – had Blankets fro' Wakefield & Clocks from Manch[est]er. Mr Parker's Servt – proves he worked for his ma[st]er – he before employ'd Addison – he removed his Goods, the House being threatned to be pull'd down by the mob. Mich: Emmett – has employ'd him. Bramwell work'd as his Servt – papering a Room, not yet finished. Has a great many Goods in Town & when the plunderers were here he removed 'em. John Danson – knows Tho: Waring – has let him a shop for a year from May day at £3. 10s. - he has taken a House & a Shop in ano[th]er part of the Town -was Ten[en]t for ano[th]er year. Woods the Barber is Owner – Waring is Ten[en]t to him & he to Woods. Allowed.




Thomas ffells


Geo: Hoskinson – proves he lives with him at the Eagle & th' Child. X he came as a Boarder – is used to take Boarders. Ffell is a nailer, is unmarr[ie]d – knows nothing of his House at Blackley – thinks he had none – bel[ieve]s he had resided in this Town before, has heard him say so, has worked as other people do since he came. He works with Mr Davis. Mr Davis – knows ffell – he came to him about last Mich[aelma]s – he employed him not knowing he was a ffreeman – employs him by the thous[an]d – he has made ten thous[an]d & more – may have made 20, 30, or 40,000, say'd he wo[ul]d rather word at Spadework – bel[ieve]s he m[igh]t get more in that way. Means to employ him on. Chs Pye – he lived at Preston 6 m[onth]s – has seen him at work sev[era]l Times within that time. Rejected.

W[oul]d have voted for L & S.



Geo: Hilton





James Crane


Js. Sharples – a victualler – says he has a wife & ffamily (one child) is marr[ie]d, lives in ffriergate – was once in his Room, has worked for him – when the mob was here he made a Latch for a Door which they had broke – has seen him making Grates & Ranges – he came in Oct: - thinks he has done more than 5 pounds worth of work; may say ten, he works constantly in his shop – before a weaver's shop. He furnished his Room – had a Bed – knows not where it came from – seen sev[era]l grates of his making -foll[owe]d his Bus: as constantly as any man can do. X Eleven y[ea]rs out of Preston & never came till Xmas last. Mr Aldred – he is a whitesmith – industrious & made many grates wch wit: sells – known him many y[ear]s, knows not how long it is since he left Preston – works with his ffa[th]er here. Allowed.




Richard Fothergill


Mr Waterworth – knows ffothergill – is House Stew[ar]d to Mr Parker – he told him so – he came to live in Preston August last & has ever since lived with him – has no ffamily. Mr Grimshaw – knows ff[othergill] – he lives with Mr Parker – has done so since the latter end of last Summer – he hired him for Mr P by his Dir[ection]s – told Mr Parker he knows him, that he wrote well – nothin said of him being a ffreeman – to his knowledge has heard Mr P. order him to do part[ic]lar things, knows he has gone errands. Mr Amb: Watson – known him many y[ea]rs – his Bro[th]er wd have hired him if Mr P had not – has een him in Mr P's service at various times. Allowed.





Walter Myers


Mr Davis – knows him – knew ffa[th]er & Gdf[ath]er - he is a marr[ie]d man & has his ffamily in Preston – he employs him – he apply'd to him last Easter before he knew of the contest, he came in the beg: of September last. Ab[ou]t 8 ye[ea]rs ago he lived in Preston – quarrel'd with his wife & enlisted – work'd with him before Mich[aelma]s last. Has a House, wife & children – children have lived in the Town all the while. The Town relieved them not two y[ea]rs ago – wo[ul]d have employ'd more men if he co[ul]d have got them. W[oul]d have go this man sooner if co[ul]d, pays him 14d p market Day & his meat on Saturday, has overp[ai]d him £5 in wages. Allowed.




John Colley





William Dawson






30th Tally










Richard Threlfall


Mr Sallom – Att[orne]y – lets him lodge – is a Malster at Kelly's Kiln – came before Xmas – was marr[ie]d before Xmas – took the room in May last – was to have it for 40s – has sev[era]l Ten[en]ts of those Rooms – was entitled to Rent from May last. Richard Kelly – proves his Inhitancy. Chris: Salisbury – knows he's a malster – has bought malt of him – made at Kelly's Kilne – which is his Repository. Reuben Cooke – knows him, he was a Tanner – has pits at Goosnargh & Leather there – he is a Tanner & Dealer in Lea there. X his ffa[th]er is both Tanner & Malster – his Home is with his ffa[th]er in Goosnargh & he has taken a farm there & has Leather in the pits & lives with his ffa[th]er. Wm Billington – says he only comes two n[igh]ts a week to Preston, but says he has only been told so. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Whittle


Peter Rawstorn – knows Whittle – he boards with him in P. has no Habitation elsewhere that he knows of, came from Longton, knows nothing further, has no more to say, keeps a public House, Whittle came to it every Saturday for many y[ea]rs. Edw: Birchill – of Hutton & knew Whittle at Longton, does not know when he gave up his House there – has let it go to his son, so is only a Boarder there with his Son – when he's at Longton – his present Habitation is Preston – not a Boarder with his son at present – p[er]haps in a 12 month he will. Left his son abt th' latter end of Xmas. Is sometimes here sometimes at Longton. Rog[e]r Ryding 0 W. lives at Longton & always did – is sometimes here & sometimes at Longton – more at Longton he bel[ieve]s – says he told him he was to be at P. 3 D[ay]s p week. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


Richard Beasley


Mr Lucas – proves his Resid: & that he has no other than this in Preston or elsewhere. Rd Addison – proves Beasley has resided here since January last & thinks it is his place of Abode & Settlement – bel[ieve]s he came from Wales. Admitted.





Chris Dickenson


Henry Dickenson his ffa[th]er – says he is come to settle here – endeav[oure]d to take a cellar for Trade – a Brazier – had his Cloaths upon his Shoulder. ffa[th]er is a Brazier, lives with Chris: Capper at Nantwich a Brazier – came to visit at Xmas as he had done before – stay'd & settled. John Talbot – abt 6 weeks ago he say'd he rec[eive]d 14 or 15s p week from Mr Wilkinson the late Town Clerk – that there was some mistake in the Book and they gave him something more, but as soon as the Bus: was over he was to return to his ma[st]er at Nantwich say'd he cou'd not tell whether he was come to settle or not. He afterwards say'd he had borrow'd a man to supply his place with his ma[st]er in Absence. Tho: Smith – says he heard him say he was come to settle & that he wo[ul]d ask no favours till the time was over. Robt Cowell – heard him on Ash Wednesday or Shrove Tuesday over a Gill of Ale say he w[oul]d not have come but for his ffa[th]er, that his ma[st]er was a better ffriend to him than any Gent – that he had 16s P week, that his ffa[th]er had sent for him, that he had disobliged his ma[st]er with coming. Eliz: Kelly – he works in a cellar under out House – has worked every day since Xmas. Mr Williams – he is an Inhitant works as a Brazier – has work'd every day since Xmas – say'd he proposed staying here in the Bus: of a Brazier & Tinman. His ma[st]er had instructed him in the latter. Rd Addison – he apply's to him to take a cellar. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edward Birchell


Says he goes by the name of Cutler at Hutton. Having said that he resided at Hutton when at Home when he was produced this morn[in]g as a wit[ness]. He was by consent – Rejected.


John Wiggans


Mrs Jackson – he is my son in law & resides with me – lived with me before he went to Liverpoole to seek work – came ag[ai]n at Xmas Day – is a Bricklayer – has no Habitation elsewhere – has only 4 rooms – he has one room & an old man an[oth]er. Samuel Thompson – He is a Bricklayer. I am a ma[st]er Bricklayer – he has work'd wth me ever since he came to Town – I have hired him for a year – he lives at Liverpoole before he came here wch was sometime in Xmas (the voter produces an Agreem[en]t of hiring says there's no other pt of it) – he bro[gh]t no Goods with him, only his & his wife's cloaths – he has work'd for Robert Dugdale a papist who has swallowed the Oaths, also for Mr Addison & at the White Horse. I have had a convers: with him to persu: him to stay a year, does not know whether he intended to stay or not – gives him 10s p. week. Tho: Arnett – met him coming from Liverpoole in Xmas. Elias Townsend – I know John Wiggins – he lives near the brown Row at the bottom of Wood Street Liverpoole – left him with his Room furnished. Jn. Derbyshire – I know him in Liverpoole, he bought Goods to furnish his Room. I saw him there a little before Xmas last. I have known him 2 y[ea]rs. I lived in L. at the same time. His wife wished he has never come to the Election for as soon as the Election was over she wo[ul]d go back. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


James Gregson


Jane Machrill – I know J. Gregson. I let him a Room – he has had it 20 y[ea]rs – he carrys on his Trade in it – most an End; I can't say always – I have five Rooms – 2 or 3 ffam[ilie]s in 'em – he sometimes goes to his mothers's at Catford – furniture some his some mine – his Skins are in a chest in my House – he takes out the Skins & stands in the market on Saturdays – lives as he always did – most generally at our House still – very likely more of late – heard of his Skinpits at Catford. Wm Ellison – he kept P: market – he told me he stay'd a Day or two in Preston, but he co[ul]d not stay constant & leave his Horses & Beasts for voting. I ask'd him how he went on with his voting abt a month since – he say'd he stay'd a Day or two in the week at Preston. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


Thos Haydock


Mr John Harbinson – he is a hired serv[an]t wth me. I hired him on the 30: of December last for 12 m[onth]s – he was serv[an]t with me at Darwen near Blackburn, he manufactured goods for me there. I bro[gh]t him here to be a warper for me, he is a one. I wo[ul]d have hired him before – I co[ul]d not get one here I co[ul]d rely upon or do to my mind. His ffa[th]er co[ul]d not do with[ou]t him till Dec: - I mean to keep him constantly for 7 years – he has stay'd constantly. Admitted.





Wm Gradwell


Wm Gornall – I know him, he has a good Est[ate] near Preston, he keeps no trade, goes where he pleases – he has taken a Room of me – he means to stay as long as he pleases. He is not come upon the parliamenteering Acc[oun]t. I mean – not to be hired to do any thing. X: I never let Lodgings before, I have no occasion. I had a large family it's now less. I know he lived at Liverpool. He came ab[ou]t 7 or 8 w[eek]s ago – he has taken the room for a year at 3 G[uinea]s. Mr Banner – I know him, he's a man of substance & has returned to live at Preston. I believe him to be a settled Inhitt in Preston. He lived with Mr Rd Sill as cl[er]k in his Tobacco Bus: at Liverpool. He has no wife. I think he came to reside. I have heard he has an Est[ate] here or near here. Edwd. Gradwell – he last lived at Boston near Manch[est]er. Mr Rd Tyzer – he lived at L[iverpool] till within 2 m[onths]s. It was com: Rep: he left L. to vote. Tho: Arnet – saw him in Liverpoole in the Beginning of January. He ask'd him if he intended going to Preston. He say'd he tho[ugh]t not, he sho[ul]d go to Germany – or if he did go to P[reston] he wo[ul]d have half a G[uine]a a Day from his going till h­is Return. He the voter does not deny but he say'd so. Rejected by consent.


Isaac Cross the Younger


Tho: Jolley – hired him for so much p. week but to stay a year – his ffa[th]er lives here. He the voter came a little before Xmas – he was Ap:here. I have prom[ise]d him work for a y[ea]r – he lived at Middleton Hall near Manch[est]er.I want more Hands if I can get them. I ask'd his Bro[th]er to come before. W[oul]d have taken him if not a ffreeman. Admitted.





Edward Woodcock


Peter Melling – Lord Strange's Gardener – he has taken a Room of me, he has come on purpose for us. He came from Layland – was a weaver formerly – came to be near the church – has left no ffamily behind him at Layland – My wife comes from Layland was an old neighbour & thinks that might be the Reason of his preferring my House – never kept a shop. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Roscow


Peter Melling – I know Roscow he serv'd his App: in Preston. He inhabits & is a labourer here, he works works with me at Lord Strange's Garden at 12d p. day. He came at Xmas – before lives at Layland. He came as under gard[ne]r – he is to continue – no certain Time fixed – he may go when he pleases – we have an[oth]er ffreeman & one not free – the o[th]er ffreeman came at Xmas – that not free has been many years. Had 3 before – one went away at Xmas – I took 2 ffreemen in his Room told me he was discha[rge]d from Mr Boldwin's of Layland. Mr Chritchley – I know Roscow – he lived with Mr Baldwin. I don't know he has left him. I saw him in his Garden as usual ab[ou]t 3 weeks ago, he say'd he did not know how soon he was for going to Preston. I am a Linnen manufacturer in Layland. I live there when I am at Home, but I have come to live here lately to vote as many o[ther]s have done. Roscow – then said he had been 12 times more D[ay]s at Preston than Critchley.


John Haydock


Mr Harbinson – he is my hired Serv[an]t in Preston absolutely for 12 m[onth]s – he is not come to serve any temporary purpose I know of. I took him to attend my shop the 2nd of January last – I have an[oth]er in the same place before. I had been with[out] 7 m[onth]s. I have more Serv[an]ts than him – He & all my Serv[an]ts lodge in my House – I have had half a doz: for 3 or 4 m[onth]s. I have sometimes the like number for 3 or 4 y[ear]s – he carrys out parcels. I kept 4 or 5 serv[an]ts sev[era]l y[ea]rs before. My ffather assisted me – when he dyed & my Bro: who had been App: with me marr[ie]d & left me. I wanted a serv[an]t. I have had half a Doz: for 3 or 4 m[onth]s & before for 3 or 4 y[ear]s but never 6 that I know of. I mean to keep this man, if he chooses to stay with me – after the Election in over. Admitted.





Thomas Ryder


I have been here since Christmas last. I dye & clean cloaths. I did not know of any Election till I came here. I came from behind London to see my ch[ildre]n. I don't know but I may have say'd I came on purpose to vote. Mr Hatton – when he was in Preston before he follow'd the like Business. Mr Hulton – I saw him inhis way to Preston, he said he heard there was a contested Election or to be a disputed one & that he was coming to vote for L & S. - I gave him half a crown for he say'd he had nothing to support himself. He say'd he came down to support the old Int[erest] Of the County & that he was at the grand election here in 1741. I w[oul]d not have given him anything if he had been coming to vote on the o[the]r side he sho[ul]d have laid in the Lanes first. T Ryder – I have been at Preston, was coming back from Manch[est]er. I was obliged to say I was for Sir Peter & Sir ffrank for ffear of my Brains being knocked out – he gave me 10d. I then came away thro' Chorley to Preston. I came on purpose to see my children. I left near London at Mich[aelma]s & told Mr Hulton, I had come a long Journey. I came to Preston again to vote. John Jepson – He call'd at Hulton, say'd he had heard the news of the Election; I lent my ma[ste]r Mr Hulton 6d to make 2s. He had half a crown & saw him give it to Mr Ryder. He say'd he saw it in the news that there wo[ul]d be a contested Election & that he had set out the Day aftwds. Rejected.

Would have voted for H & B.


Richard Eaves


Henry Lowes – I know Rd Eaves he has worked with me as a Journeyman Cordwainer for 2 or 3 months – he ask'd me for work – I employ him & he has been contantly in my Employ since he came. He is to stay as long as we both like. I don't know he is come to serve any temporary purpose. I never knew him before, he says he comes out of the ffylde Country. Rd. Clarkson – I have known him 6 or 7 y[ea]rs – I believe he comes on purpose to vote. I heard him say in the club room where we have a club for the Relief of the poor – that he was to have 16s. p. week for coming & work where he w[oul]d get it. Rejected.

Wo[ul]d have voted for H & B.


Edward Bradley


Js. Barton – I know him he lives at my House, has a Room. Thos. Smith – He is my hired Serv[an]t as a Butcher for a 12 month – He lives at Js. Barton's. I hired him above 20 yrs since for a y[ea]r certain, I hired him 8 or 9 yrs ago. I know I have hired him again for a y[ea]r about 3 or 4 m[onth]s since. I was badly myself – wanted a man. Bradley work'd with me now & then all the while. I desired him to be hired for a year. He has been at Liverpoole & sev[era]l places for several yrs but always came when I wanted him. I had not seen him of a year & an half before he came from Liverpoole. I am a Butcher & followeth Trade, my son does not do all the Business. I believe he means to stay a year or more. He was hired by writing. I have it at Home but I wont fetch it. Robt. Tyzer – I know him he was 'ship to old Dr Robinson – he attended his horses. I never knew him a Butcher – he lived in Chapel street in Liverpoole the same Street I lived in; He tended Capt: Ward's & Capt: Lawson's Horses. Heard he was come hither. X I have seen him almost every Day for some yrs – till within 3 or 4 mo[nth]s. Edw: Atherton – I have seen him at L[iverpool] sev[era]l Times, last Time ab[ou]t 3 m[onth]s ago – he lived in Chapel street – took care of Mr Lawton's Horses – I never knew he was a Butcher. Geo: Horrocks – I have met him several times between here and L. within the last two mo[nth]s. I last met him near Tarlton Bridge abt 6 weeks ago – I have been going backwards & forwards between L. & here as many o[the]rs have done. Rejected.


Note: Col: Burgoyne say'd he shou'd not be surprized after what he had seen this Day, if the best vote in Preston was refused.


Thomas Bussells


Thos. Mayor – proves his resid: in Preston but says he never knew him til within 3 or 4 mo[nth]s. He boards somewhere in the Turks yard he tells me – he is my hired Serv[an]t for a y[ea]r, he intends to stay he told me – he came to works – I am a weaver – have had a hired Serv[an]t before by the week but never for a year. Thos. Hatton – I believe he is come to reside here. I have known him 3 or 4 mo[nth]s. He lodges with his ffa[th]er here in a public house. John Lowe – I have known him in Copping many years he is the son of old Bussell a weaver a neighbour of mine – he the ffa[th]er takes a House there & the Town pays his rent – the Overseer told me so. I have seen him go for Relief & he told me he rec[eive]d it. I have seen the ffa[th]er and him there lately. The House & Land there is yet in his poss[ess]ion – he told me if he co[ul]d get three polls for Burgoyne – one Peter Yates who was enlisted (a friend of his) co[ul]d get discha[rge]d & he this voter his ffa[th[er & Bro[th]er wo[ul]d make the three. X He has a pair of Rooms in his ffa[th]ers house – at least he calls 'em so – they are either his own of hired. Capt. Rigby – I am acquainted with Bussell. He told me he came into the Band at Preston to play the Hautboy & that he intended to continue there. John Leech – I know him he plays in the Band of Music: he told me in the Music Gallery he only came for the Election & that he wo[ul]d play for the Time. Mr Carr - I am one of the Band – he is engaged to play he was also engaged by the last Queen. Mrs Broughton who pays the money to the music told him so. Rejected.

Wo[ul]d have voted for H & B.


Matthew Gradwell


Thos. Mayor – I know him he lives in Turks yard – he works with me as a weaver – he is my Serv[an]t, he has been 2 or 3 m[onth]s – he works by the year But I am to pay him so much a yard. I expected him continuing and still expect it. I have two lately hire – this in the beg: of this month – knows not where he came from, never heard. I knew he was a ffreeman when I hired him. I was to find constantly with work. I keep an Alehouse – he has wrought & I paid him for it. Does not know how much, but has paid him for all he has cut out, sometimes pays 2s. & sometimes 4d. p. y[ar]d, I can't say that he has weaved 20 y[ar]ds since he came. Benj: Johnson – I know Matthew Gradwell, he lived with his ffa[th]er – I have known him 20 yrs – he lived at Maston near Manch[est]er – was a weaver wth his mo[th]er. I sho[ul]d have thought he lived there yet, but that I met him upon Newton Heath a little before Xmas with a black Ribbon in his Hat. I ask'd him if he was listed – he say'd no. He was a ffreeman of Preston and he was going a voting & that Mr Bailey was his protector & to pay him as I thought. I talk'd with him this Day & he say'd he was tired of voting & say'd he wanted to be at Home. Rejected.


Robert Boardman


Thos. Fishwick – he is my serv[an]t hired for a year. He is a distant relation & has no other Home. I am in the Cotton Trade & do some little in Grocery. I keep no serv[an]t. I hired him as an Assistant. I have been in business 5 or 5 y[ea]rs. Had no serv[an]t before. He came from Harwood & came to me abt 8 or 9 mo[nth]s ago then went to ano[th]er part of the Country – to Prescot & other place. Hired with one Mr Chorley. He was hired by me by written Agreem[en]t (now produced) he has been most employ'd in cotton trades but was not bro[gh]t up to it. I hired him the 5. of January – he ask'd me to go Home to his mother & he went on Sunday & stay'd till Wed: with my leave – I wanted him before I hired him – I did not want him some months ago, but my wife has since had a child & can't attend the shop. Geo: Nicholson – I know his mother, she say'd he wo[ul]d want 6 m[onth]s of Age at the Election if it happened in March or April. I was with her & her husband his step father talking of the Election when this was say'd. They now live at Mellor. It was before Mich[aelma]s. I had to apply'd to them as I wanted to be pleasured with a Vote. They wish'd he had been of Age. Nobody present besides ffa[th]er & mo[th]er. Wm Ellison – I know him – his ffa[th]er & me marr[ie]d 2 sisters – he was bro[ugh]t up a methodist & christened in the House – I can't positively say whether he is of Age or not, but I think he is not. I help'd to bind him App: to Tho: Mercer a Tanner at Harwood when he was 13 or 14 – for 5 or 6 y[ea]rs he was a journeyman at Prescot till he came here in January last. The Voter – says he does not know that he shall ever follow the trade of a Tanner again. Mr ffishwick – I have p[ai]d him a G[uine]a in part of wages & will pay him the Rem[aind]er. I give him £8 a year meat drink washing & lodging. Hy Barnes – I was present at the making of the contract – a shill[in]g was given him in Earnest & we drank it. Admitted. De bene esse. If of full Age, the vote to be substantiated otherwise not. The mother to determine it. Allowed.

Margin: says to the best of her remembrance he was of Age the 30: of October last. His birth is entred in the Book produced – it was made some Ds after the Christn[in]g by a person I got to write it. I did not see it till some D[ay]s aft[er]w[ar]ds.





Thomas Crane





Henry Bickerstaff jun





Leon: Walker





Joseph Turner





Adjourn'd to 9 in the Morning


Saturday, Mar: 26th, 1768

31st Tally










John Rushton


Obj: to for nonresidence. Mr Bradley – he works as a journeyman with me – has done so ever since the Races. X Rushton – I came a month before the Races – but a month after I was requested to go to work a week at Garstang to help Nich[ola]s Roscow. I did so & stay'd four D[ay]s & an half, then returned & have never been out o' Town since. I work'd here before I work'd with Bradley. Admitted.




John Cuerdale


Mr Bailey – I have known Curdale 6 or 7 m[onth]s – he came to work with me the 7: of September last. X He came from Tockholes. He is a journeyman carpenter. I employ him by the week. I only came to live here since Christmas but my Business chiefly lay here & he work'd here before, but might go a Day or two to Ribble Bridge in ffishwick. He lives in a private House in Preston & has a wife & child wth him. I saw his wife in a week or two after he came to work with me. She might be here at first for aught he knows, knows not how he takes his room. I have no Tye upon him nor do I know whether he takes his Room for a year or not. He works with me as all other Serv[an]ts does under the same Agreem[en]t I make with other persons. Cuerdale – I live at Betty Coopers. I have a House (the lower Room) & a chamber – Thomas Wetherwood lives in the same House & Betty Cooper & nobody else – I don't know who had the same House Chamber before. Wetherwood is no ffreeman that I know – I have taken it till May X I was at Tockholes in September last but never since. I lived at Lower Darwnt at Jas. Holden's before I came. I p[ai]d ab[ou]t a G[uine]a for a room from May day or Sept – when I engaged my room I never tho[ugh]t of the Election. I have taken a House to begin at May day & potato ground – have digged it – potatoes wont be ready till Mich[aelma]s. I am to have the Ground a long while & the House. My Bro[th]er in Law say'd if I would take a House there he wo[ul]d have me take it for him. I ask'd Amdrew Eccles about the House but not for myself. I am to pay 30s for the House I have taken for a year in Preston of Js. Jameson & so much a fall for the potato Garth. I find my own fires. Andrew Eccles – I conversed with him a ffortn[igh]t since today – he wanted to take a House & Cowgate in Lower Darwen – we made no Bargain – he look'd to see if it wo[ul]d suit him & heard nothing but it was for himself – does not know that he ever kept a cow. Jo. Turner – I saw him in Aug[us]t Assizes in Sept: - he met with me in the Street. He say'd cou'd I help him with a little money – If I co[ul]d help him to 50s he wou'd come & vote for Lord Strange – he went himself to Lord Strange. I told him he wo[ul]d give nothing for a vote. He came the week foll[owin]g. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Edward Cuerdale


Mr Bailey – I believe John & Edward Cuerdale came both the same Day. Edw. is a joiner works with me under the same circumst[ance]s as the last. I am a ffreeman, came to live here abt 2 m[onth]s ago – came & took a shop bought the wood – sho[ul]d have done so if there had been no Election at all. Wm Robinson - I live in Chapel yard Preston. Cuerdale lives in a House of mine. Serjt Arney took it for him by the week till May next. His wife is with him. She lay in the Day after he came – he only bro[ugh]t a knife & ffork – left his other ffurniture at Tockholes where he came from – Arnet took the House for ano[th]er man who ran away. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


James Johnson jun


Heald – I know Johnson, he keeps a public garden. I have known him 4 m[onth]s in Preston – he lives in Minspit Weent takes the House of John Parker – the Garden of Js Woodcock – took it for 7 years. I was by when the bargain was made. The Garden was before let to Wm Heaton who had had it some years. Heaton ran away. He had no leave of it that I know – don't know how he came into possession. Johnson is a Gardener & so was his ffa[th]er. The rent of the Garden is £4 a year. Wm Moss – I know Js. Johnson – I digg'd with him in the Garden as a Labourer. It is planted & sown for the present y[ea]r in the usual manner. I am a husbandman. I work for daily pay. Eliz: Beazley – I am very well acquainted with Johnson – he has a wife & children – I believe he has not all his Chi[ldren] here but I never heard him say any thing of it. He was Gardener till Xmas last to Mr Banks of Winstanley. Mrs Thornton – I have known Johnson 3 or 4 yrs – he lived in Winstanley with Banks – he then marr[ie]d & work'd Detail Work. He has a wife & 3 ch[ildre]n, in Billings & the wife the o[th]er in Preston – his House in Winstanley is unlet. A load of his Goods came from there on New Years Day. He sent word by here to Mr Jackson of Orrell he wo[ul]d come to work as soon as the weather serv'd – the week after this. X If he went to Orrell he w[oul]d stay from week end to week end. Johnson – says the house in Winstanley is let & the Garden dug she says the House & Garden was not occupied three weeks ago 0 He says – I used to work for Jackson & I sent him word as he was a good ma[st]er I wo[ul]d go & work for him as usual when the weather was good. She ask'd him this week when he wo[ul]d go – he say'd the week after the Election if the weather served. Allowed.




Henry Bailey


Robt. Salter – I live in P[reston]. I let Bailey a Room 5 or 6 weeks ago. He has been an Inhitant ever since. He came from Wigan, is a weaver, has no family, I suppose, but his wife & 3 ch[ildre]n that are with him. I believe he has no house at Wigan for I heard him say he had let his House there & sold his furniture. I have let him the Room for a year at 23s. I have no o[th]er persons in the House but my wife & ch[ildre]n – he came to take the House the week before his ffamily came – The wife & one child came at first, then ano[th]er & she has been bro[ugh]t to bed since. They all lay in a Bed. Saml. Hampson - I live in Wigan – know Bailey – he has a House in Wigan before – I took it of him for this year & the next – I took the furniture he left & came into poss[ess]ion on his quitting it. I took it a month since. I am to pay 10s. Till Mayday & £3 a y[ea]r after. When he first left Wigan he said he wo[ul]d let it – for he said he wo[ul]d go & live at Preston – he say'd so at the first. He took one Bed. I bought the other. I don't know whether he came for the purpose of the Election. I don't believe he did. Mary Graystock – I know Bailey – he lived comfortably at Wigan. I can say nothing else. I never heard him say any thing abt the Election but his family did. Admitted.




Wm Leatherbarrow


Geo: Hudd – I know he is ma[st]er of a shop – he came the 2nd of January – he sometimes lived in P[reston] sometimes out. He was Ap[prentice] in P. is a joiner – was in London till January – he went to London for Inst[rumen]ts. L says he came from London to Preston for his Health – he has carr[ie]d on his Trade as a ma[st]er but intends working as a journeyman after May for he has no Money to carry on with – has very little in his shop. L[eatherbarrow] – I was App[rentice] in P[reston] with Geoffrey Siddall. I have work'd at many Houses, at Sir Geo: Warren's & Sir P. Leicester's. I always will stay here I intend it. I was born in P. & never was y[ea]r out of it in my life. The shop was taken a ffortn[igh]t after Xmas till Mayday. I did not take the Shop myself: It was taken for me by my own Orders by my Bro[th]er in law George. Nobody desired me to take it – it was taken at the same Rate as before. I came down to my Bro[th]er in Laws in P. My Tools are in my shop – the best of 'em – the o[th]er not worth carriage. I have no wife or ch[ildre]n. I left London on Acc[oun]t of my Health. I believe the shop belongs to Gornall. I came with the Intent to settle – I took it till May because the year was out then – I took it till then that I might try how it wo[ul]d answer. I was here ab[ou]t a week before I entre it. The man who before had the shop died – I did not come down from London on purpose to vote – it wou'd have been too far. Rd. Bailey - I know W. L. very well – he work'd ab[ou]t a y[ea]r and a half ago at Sir G. Warren's. He came some mo[nth]s ago – ask'd me for work on his coming down from London seem'd to be poorly, but say'd he sho[ul]d be glad to work with me as soon as he was able if he fell into journeywork – he as apply'd to me for journeywork after Mayday & I verily believe he intended & intends to settle here & if I was to be put to my Oath either way I sho[ul]d swear so. I never said he came to vote (knowingly) or with a view to th' Election. Js. Kitching – I have heard Rd Bailey say W. L. came to vote he believed. Bailey – denies it. James Cowell - I wor'd with W. L. in London – he consulted the D[octo]rs, who advided him to come into the country for his Health and he say'd he wou'd go down & settle here. He compain'd of ffaintness & that he w[oul]d not bear work – I came from London a little after Xmas to see my ffriends. I am a ffreeman but never had any Thoughts of voting. Ann Stanley – I have heard L. say he had 5 G[uinea]s paid for coming down from London for any thing I know – but I can say no more – he had got the money, we talking of the Election. Admitted.




Thos Leatherbarrow


Geo: Hudd – he lives with me – has lived with me a y[ea]r & since the 12: of this month – he sometimes go to see his sister at Walton but seldom stays all n[igh]t & sometimes goes to see his relations in Garstang & stays a Day or two but his constant Resid:has been with me. He lived in Liverpool before he came to P[reston]. He has the pleasure not to have a wife – follows no Trade – I think he has little. He likes the pot too well, but he is my wife's uncle & I support him. I can't say whether I expect to be paid for his maintenance – he came long before there was any thoughts of an Election & only went to see his relations. Obj: by Mr Lee – that L. is kept by charity & that being a pauper, he is dependent & not a good vote. Mr Wilson – this w[oul]d destroy all Acts of Humanity – a Stat. Compels ffa[th]er, grandfa[th]er & to provide for sons & which he thinks co[ul]d not disqualify – neither co[ul]d this unless the House of Commons has made a Resolution for the purpose. Mr Kenyon – a son provided for by the ffa[th]er or depend[ent] upon him & who may be disinherited was never thought disqualified. Mr Lee – Mr Wilson said this diff[ere]d from Alms which might be withdrawn. I insist that is the very Reason why Alms or any other Charity wch may be withdrawn constitutes the Dependance & the statutable provision does not disqualify – for the Just[ice]s may order it & the p[ar]ty Is compellable to obey & may be indicted for refusing. The case of Rex & Robinson lately determ[ine]d shows it. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Richard Bailey


Rd Salter – he lives with me as my hired Serv[an]t, he is hired for a year & been 4 or 5 mo[nth]s – I am a paviour – he is to do my work – as getting or leading stones or any thing else – he is a Labourer & I can't do with[ou]t such. I never hired any body for a year before – we generally pay 16p p. Day & 2 pints of Ale. When we hire men before to the Town we don't hire 'em by the years. I don't know he has a Rupture, I never heard of it: He has no Habitation but mine – I give him meat, drink, washing & lodging. Bailey – says he came in August but did not stay constantly till 4 or 5 mo[nth]s last. My dau[ght]er is marr[ie]d & I gave up the House to her & her sones if she have any. It was done before Xmas. I rented it under Dr Baldwin for 23 y[ea]rs from yr to yr. I told the stew[ar]d of my intentions of giving it up to my Dau[ght]er but not as to the ffurniture. I came in August but stay'd all night as I did not then intend to be an Inhitant. Capt: Walmsley – I apply'd to him for a vote for B. - ask'd him to sup with us. He say'd he was in a bad state of Health & had a Rupture. I was to pay the Exp[ense]s of his removal. I was with him in his Houses at Wigan since Xmas. Rd Bailey - Xem - says he is his Servant for a y[ea]r &he is to find meat, drinks, washing & lodging. Allowed.





Thomas Cooper


Tho: Oram – he is my hired Serv[an]t. I keep 4 chaisy & he takes care of my Horses. I live at th' Kings Arms – he has done this ever since May last & he is my Hostler – he came from Bamber Bridge ab[ou]t 3 or 4 miles. He is a widower & two of his children Ap[prentice]s – the other lives with an Aunt – does not know that he had ever Relief – he came as a single man to me – he was out of Bus: & weaving went badly. I did not think much ab[ou]t Election then – he say'd noting ab[ou]t it. Admitted.




John Barker


Ra: Heald – I know him, he lives in Preston – is a joiner – I have known him many y[ea]rs, he has lived here 3 m[onth]s or better – he lived here before- he came from Liverpoole, he his wifes ffamily were settled there, never saw him there. He has taken a House here & furnished it with his own Goods. Wm Woodcock is his ma[st]er a joiner – he works by the week. He was here before his wife & ffamily came – I never was in his House nor ever saw him in it. John Clitherow - I know he has a House. I have many Times been in it wth him – he has had it ever since Xmas. I am a neighbour to him. I knew him when he lived in this Town before. I can't say I've seen him in Preston for 5 yrs before. I have no conv: with him but in drinking L & S. hoping they wo[ul]d get it. He never told me where he had resided before. Widow Rushton did live in the House where he does, but I don't know where she now lives. I have never seen her since. Js. Bartlett – I know Barker, he has resided in Liverpoole for 7 yrs – before he came here he gave up his House & he took a Room where he has left his Goods. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Chas English the Elder


Hy. Varley – I relieved him in Sept. last. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


George Howarth


Geo: Hodgkinson – he has lived with me half a year, he sometimes goes out for Health – came to consult the Doctors. He comes every week & goes every week elsewhere to mind Bus[iness]: is 3 or 4 D[octor]s in a week here – he has substance & may live anywhere – he is a Singleman – never heard he was marr[ie]d – came from Darwen. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Thomas Singleton


Obj: to as a pauper – Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Thomas Johnson


Obj: to as a pauper. Inhitancy proved by Hy. Varley – Liddall lived in a Charity House given by Mr Winkley til within two y[ea]rs last. Mr Winkley gives Houses to any poor persons he pleases. Mr Bickerstaff – he is a poor man that now lives in the House & for that Reason was put into the House. Johnson came out in the beg[inin]g of January. They are reputed Alms houses. Rejected.

Wd. have voted for L & S.


Lawrence Barnes


Hy. Varley – proves his Resid[ence]. That he was relieved in July last & before – having left a widower 4 y[ea]rs before with small children, but now lives in a House of his own – pays his own Rent & can maintain himself he bel[ieve]s. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Thos Thompson the Elder


Hy. Varley – proves his Resid[ence] – Bickerstaff – he lived in a charity house of Mr Winckleys till after the canvas. Jno Taylor – lived in an Almshouse till lately. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


James Horrobin


Hy. Varley – proves his Resid[ency] that he went out of the Almshouse abt Martin[ma]s last – is a weaver. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


John Taylor


Came to live at Preston in January last, being a ffreeman here & not in Liverpoole where he came from. Taken a House from the 1st of January till Mayday – has apply'd for ano[th]er House from Mayday & means to stay here as long as he lives – only took it till Mayday because that is the Time of letting – the House was empty – the o[the]r house also belongs to him – keeps a public House. My Intention was to come long bef[ore] the Electio was tho[ugh]t of – his House at Liverpoole is let to one Hughes & he has nothing to do with it. Hy. Varley – he apply'd to me abt Xmas to take a House for him & say'd he intended to settle & continue here & to get the Brewery Business as a Cooper – he says he is under contract to work in the Brewery as a Cooper from June next.Wm Wearden – He say'd yesterday he was come to poll. Wm Barnes – the same. Allowed.




Thomas Dewhurst


Evan Heath – I know him; he lives in Preston, he served his time here – he has been abroad a year & an half, he returned the 26th of Sept: last – he went Away because of a Bastard Child – he has work'd constantly with me since he came. John Woods – I know D. he was charged with a bastard child & Hy Varley the Overseer p[ai]d me, as Overseer of ffishwick £5, to indemnify the Town – he apply'd in the name Widow Dewhurst, the mo[th]er. Hy. Varley I paid the £5. D[ewhurst] ran away for the child and his mo[th]er desired me to pay it. I did pay it but not as Overseer. I knew nothin of the Election. I had no view in it. Thos. Graystock – I conversed with him at the Boars head in Friergate on his coming, he say'd on talking of the Election he was obliged to come for the side that wo[ul]d clear him of the Bastard & wo[ul]d go away the week afterwards – I was courting him to be of our side. Evan Heath before sayd he expected him as a journeyman for they wo[ul]d clear him of the Bastard. Dewhurst sayd if I wo[ul]d clear him of the Bast[ar]d or find money to pay off what had been advanced by the other party, he wo[ul]d vote for Burgoyne. Thos. Turner – the first time I saw him was at the Boars head – he sayd he wou'd gladly have been o th' o[th]er side – but he must vote for those who cleared him of the b[a]st[ar]d child. Admitted.




Daniel Craik


I live here – I last lived at Scarbro' for the Season for 14 weeks, I follow'd the Business of a Barber But not of 7 years. I came the 17 of October last. I am an officer in the Lincolnshire Militia. I carry on no business. I have an Estate in Lincolnshire, but no House there nor any Home but in Preston. Admitted.





Thos Cooke the younger


Mr Myers – he lives with me as a Stocking Weaver and is engaged absolutely to work with me for three years – He engaged the 10: of Dec: last. There is a mem[oran]dum of the Agreem[en]t sign'd, but I have sent it into the country among my other papers which I did for fear of the mob, as they threatened to plunder my House. I never kept a Stocking weaver before as I had wanted on for some time. And Cooke was born in the Town & served his App: here.Thos. Cooke – I am hired for 3 years to Mr. Myres. Mr Myers – I wo[ul]d have hired him whether he had been a ffreeman or not. Admitted.





32nd Tally










Wm Hardman





Wm Lorimer





Wm Cross





John Watson





Thomas Turner


I am an officer in the 47: Regim[en]t, have recruiting orders which are with the Serjt at Kirkham, Blackburn & Halifax. My men were here, and March'd out before the Election – have been here from 21st No: till the latter End of Dec: when I left this place. My wife is in Ireland. I have been in the Army 26 years, lived in Preston before I went into the Army. I took a House in Leigh and had it some time about 4 years Ago. My ffather & mo[th]er are alive & live in Leigh; they are at present in Present, but they reside in Leigh. Mr Kenyon – Soldiers have no particular privilege by the constitution of the Borough, nor by Act of Parl[iament], because it only extends to Soldiers quarter'd. At the time of Election – Mr Wilson to the same effect. Mr Davenport his orders are to recruit pursuant to Instructions of the 21: of Oct: 67. so that he aught to have gone where his Duty required him – by the Constitution he ought to have been an Inhit: and I dont see how his being a soldier can alter the case, and as his Instr[uction]s are general to recruit in any part of the Kingdom, he might as well have gone to another place as stay'd at Preston – had a Cust: House or Excise Officer been sent down to have waited the arrival of a ship or anything of that sort he c[oul]d not have been in a better situation – sorry his vote must be rejected, but it must be rejected and cannot be received. Mr Lee – I have a pleasure in defending it as a Military character, the legislature has entitled them to ffavours more than the body at large – The Question is whether Capt Turner has a right to vote as an Inhitant of Preston bona fide – He is here in the way of his Duty – and is confined in his Duty – can't go where he pleases. A town where there's an Election the fittest place for a recruiting party – say'd E cont. that it has been determined in the case of the Soldier that the Point is Settled - but that case may be determined elsewhere. And this if determ[ine]d upon the same ffoot[in]g also – the man who had the ffurlough very diff[eren]t his Resid: being to determine at a limited time – his wife being in Ireland does not make his Habitation there. The Law says all Soldiers having any thing to do with the Election may stay – if not, they are to go. He is no part of his ffather's ffamily – You can't suppose him to continue here by the Kings command mala fideto to serve an election p[ur]pose. He is here upon the King's Duty, his Resid: is not fraudulent, consequently he has a right of voting as an Inhabitant.

Mr Lockhart – Mr Lee has spoke ably – speaks in Favor of the Military Body, won't eng: whether the Court was Right as to the Soldier – he will enquire via Superior Court and there claim his right. His coming recruiting very Diff[eren]t from coming with a ffurlough – the latter being a limited Resid: the o[the]r by choice. Capt. Turner not resid: in Ireland, tho' his wife and the Reg. Are there, comes under the Express Com[man]d of the Crown, and will stay as long as he is permitted, as long as he lives if he can. Mr Lee – A person upon a ffurlogh can't compell a Billet, one upon a recruiting party may, and that is a legal Habitation. Mr Buckle ffoster – says he remembers Capt. Rawstern was here upon a recruiting party, in 1741, and wo[ul]d have voted he believed at the contested Election – on Favour of the Corp: - does not know whether he tendered his vote or not. Mr Serjt. Asp.- An Inhitant for Diff[eren]t purposes – L[or]d Cokes for Taxing to the Highways in Respect of an Est. laying in a Township – in this it must mean as to such who are liable to pay to and to bear all offices. He, as a recruiting Officer, is in an ambulatory state may be this Day at Preston, Tomorrow at Kirkham, etc. Thinks the true Ground is that of his ffather's Habitation – if his ffather had resided here he sho[ul]d have thought it a reason for what had been urged, and that was stated to be the ffact; but that it had appeared very Differ[en]t in Evid: for it appear'd that this ffather's Resid: was at Leigh – His wife is in Ireland at the Barracks – I sho[uld]d think that his Habitation is there also, as I take it he is not an Inhit: within the meaning of the Constitution of this Borough tho' I wish to pay every complim[en]t in my power to the Army. Rejected. Wd have voted for H & B.


Alexr Rigby


Mr Davison – Mr Rigby is a Capt. In the Army, dont know in what Regiment – he resides here with his Parents. A.R. - the voter – my Regimt is in Scotland – I am absent from it upon leave – I have been with my ffather here ever since August – can't tell when I shall join the Regimt, there is no certain time. I had heard there must be a Contest, but I sho[ul]d have come if there had been no election; And I don't know when I shall return – was here when I lived upon half pay. I have frequently come here upon Leave – and my ffather's was always the place of my Residence. Allowed.





Chris Threlfall


Rd. Gibson – I know him, he is an Inhit. In P[reston]

Christ[ophe]r Threlfall – the voter. I take a Room of Mr Gibson at a public House – but I have a wife and ffamily in Woodplumpton and carry on the Business of Tanner there. Rejected. Wd have voted for H & B.


Thos Walmsley


I am a ffreeman & Inhitant there, And I will tell no more.

Mr Cowpe – I know Thos. Walmsley & he lives at Elston. He has a House and a Good Est[ate] there; He has lived there ever since I knew him. It is the place of abode of his ffamily. Rejected. Wd have voted for H & B.


Henry Gildert


Mr Winstanley – I know him he formerly lived in Walton, he now lives in Preston, is employed by me to take care of my Warehouses and Cord Chambers in P[reston]. I sent him to Ireland. He has been in my service from Oct: last and I mean to keep him and employ him constantly. X He lived in Walton before, had a House there – is there still- Mr Astley has bo[ugh]t it. He has taken a House in Preston, where his wife and children are. Mr Moon I know Gidert, he lives in Walton where he has always lived. I believe he lives in it now. I know nothing to the contrary – I have seen him and his family about the House, and the Door open and the children there within a week or ffortn[igh]t. I heard he was sent to Ireland – but I never heard he was hired to Winstanley. I am sure he has lived in Walton with his ffamily within this month. I have seen his ffamily there and he has taken a Boarder at Walton, one Shute, who now lives in the House, he sent last night to my house for Ale. Rd. Helliwell – I have seen him at Walton within 3 weeks, & Bacon to sell as usual. & his children there – and he resides there. I have seen them constantly there. I have seen him salting pork there which he bought in Ireland within a month. He removed it lately in the fflood. He is a knowing Hand and deals in Pork – The Pork is his and no more Mr Winstanley's than the wife and children. Rejected.

Wd. have voted for H & B.


Ambrose Thompson


I came of oth' Fyld country to Preston – I am a ffreeman and live here and I'll say no more. Rd. Gibson He lives in Preston at the White Horse, has lived there 2 or 3 m[onth]s is a Blacksmith, does not know any work he has done. Wm Miller – I know him he lived at Hamilton (Hambleton). I saw his wife and child there and he has a House there, I saw 'em abt 5 week since. His goods are in the House, I sam them there – and in the Smithy. The same he had there he has only been 2 or 3 nights in a week in Preston. I have seen him both come in and go out. He has an Ap: in the Smithy, but I have not seen him this 12 months. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


Joseph Woods


I am an Inhit. I have a Room at the White Horse. I have clarked in the church sometimes – when I am not here I clark at Poulton – I am the clerk there. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


James Standen


I am here often. I am steward to Mr Hesketh & have a House in Poulton. I lodge at Mr Hesketh's. Rejected.

Wd. have voted for H & B.


Robt Fishwick


I am an Inhitant. Mr Edmonson – he takes a Room of me, he is a Draper, his Goods are at Poulton. I don't intend to stay. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Roger Kitching


Thos. Bates – I know him, he lives in Preston, he has taken a Lodging. He has parted with his Goods at Plumpton. He came to Preston having an Infirmity in his Legs. He boards at £12 p. Annum. X He has no house out of Preston in his poss: - he has been here a qu[art]er of a y[ea]r. John Summer I know him he lived in Plumpton, he left it and has quitted his House, - for his Disorder – he intends to stay here – I bought his firing- I live in Preston. X I came here before him. I bo[ugh]t his firing to distribute among Sir Geo: Warren's poor Ten[en]ts. My mother lives there now. I don't know when I shall go to her. Mr Pritchard He has Ulcers in his Legs – and I believe he came here to get Doctor to attend 'em. Thos. Jackson I live near Plumpton. I have known him 20 years, he has lived there th' greater part of his Time. He has a Tenem[en]t there. I heard his Goods were removed last night after Dark. George Nicholson I have known him at Plumpton, but I think he has sold his Tenem[en]t. Allowed.





Richard Hodgkinson





Henry Sill


Obj: to as a pauper. Hy. Varley – abt last Cand[lema]s but one he was bad and had Town's pay - & in the Spring he had Cloaths bo[ugh]t which I paid for. He eats mostly at L[or]d Strange's. Jas. Barton – I know him. I have employed him to go about my Lord's Cocks. I think him capable of getting his Livelyhood. Mich[ae]l Emmett – I saved his life – last Winter but one, I was told he was starving and expiring, and I made a collection for him of 10s which he rec[eive]d – and abt this time 12 months I bought him 2 shirts – which I gave him. Mr Myers – when I was Mayor last year, I ordered him relief within the year – within a year from this time. Hy. Brewer – He and his Brother came & desired to lodge in my Kiln – a malster – I have given him many a shilling & made a collection for him – Mr Myres gave me 5s for him. I have often relieved him with Meat & Drink. Mich[ae]l Emmett – I took a Bed for him we carry'd him thither & he stayed there a month 6 weeks – since Col. B[urgoyne] declared himself candidate he and his Brother have been boarded at Ibbet's. Hy. Brewer – He was taken out of the Kiln abt a week after Sir Peter's Election – then carried to Ibbot's, was there above a ffortn[igh]t – I paid for House Room all the while he was there – Carr[ie]d him victuals in the latter p[ar]t of the time – paid for the whole as Overseer. He went from there to Bramwell's. Rd Bramwell – I made him a pair of Breeches after he came from Ibbot's – near a Fortn[igh]t – within a 12 m[onth]s from this time. Allowed.





John Bradley





Henry Stanley


Mr Sallom – he has lived in Preston for some time. He was born in this Town, as a Mariner. Mr Ashton He came to my House abt 6 or 7 weeks ago and sayd he was come to Preston to vote at the Election to Oblige Lord Strange. Mr Sallom – he takes a room of me and has resided here ever since he came. Mr Atherton – I saw his mother at Liverpool yesterday morning, she sayd she expected him home in two or three Days – Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


Thos Foster





Adjourned to Monday morning at 7.

Mon, 28: Mar: 1768










Thomas Buckley Esq





John Aspinall Esq





Nich Starkie Gent





Duncan Robinson





John Catterall





Thos Hankinson





James Smith


Leo: Falshaw – I have known him 7 or 8 years, he last came to Town since Xmas. He was Serv[an]t to Mr Gibson formerly. He now lives in Preston. Geo: Loxham – He has been an Inhitant since January. He is now Serv[an]t to Gibson. He only changed places with Mr Parker's Servant till the Election be over. He told me so at Warrington & that he was to return to Gibson then. X He has a House in Town , but does not reside in it. Mr Parker cert[ify]s he came to him the b: of Jan: and is hired for a year. Mr Fargy - to the same Effect with Loxham. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Edward Bramwell


Ra: Walkden – I know him he is an Inhit: always was Serv[an]t 2 years ago to Nic: Starkie. Cant tell where he lived since up and down the Town, does not know of his living with Mr Parker of Browsholme. His wife and family have been here above four years and he has been an Inhit all that time, he has sev[era]l Businesses. Gets his living by Riding Horses. Admitted.




Henry Walmsley jun


Obj: to having rec[eive]d Rushton's Charity – but denied & the Co[ur]t had before agreed that sho[ul]d be not Disqual: some on each side having rec[eived]d it & been indiscriminately admitted.




J.A. & B

Henry Fellows





Frank Battersby






34th Tally










Geo: Crooke





Thos Crooke


Geo: Crooke. He is my son he always lived with me since he was born.





James Parr





Bradshaw Hodgkinson





William Hodgkinson





Roger Roscow





John Hodgkinson son of James


A Soldier produces a paper call'd his discharge – Obj: it sho[ul]d be proved. Betty Gradwell – says she heard him lately declare he came by ffurlough. Ja. Gornall and Mich[ae]l Emmett – say the same and the former says – He told me he still rece[ive]d his pay and that he must not have his discharge till he had voted – that he had 19s. 6d due which he was to receive and afterwards had rece[ieve]d from Mr Seshaw - Mich[ae]l Emmett – says he told me L[or]d Strange was to procure his Disch: John Leech – says he showed him his Furlough & sayd he wou'd vote for those who co[ul]d get him his Disch: and that his ffamily expressed great joy at the Hopes of his getting it. He has a wife and Child in ye Town and had so long before. Admitted.





Edward Bamber


Rich[ar]d Addison – I know him. He lives in P[reston] has a wife and sev[era]l children, lived bef: in Walton, is a Labourer – never knew but he was diligent. X came ab[ou]t 1st of January, heard his House in Walton is let. Lutwych sayd so. He had a House in Walton when he came. Lutwych was told he was gone to Preston & an[othe]r man removed into his Cottage in Walton. Robt Abbott – he lives in some rooms of mine. I let 'em for 30s till May Day. They were used to live in this Town. Ye same Rooms were let before.

Withdrawn by consent & to stand over.


John Williams





James Hodgkinson






Robt Singleton






35th Tally










Roger Hesketh Esq


John Rimmer – His Serv[an]t. He has a House at P[reston] & another at Tuckwith. He has resided in Preston last q[uarter] Ms but is sometimes at P[reston[ & sometimes at Tuckwith; He married a Lady in Preston & has had his House here ever since; he went to Tuckwith just afterw[ar]ds but has lived here generally since. Mr Lee agreed him to be a good Inhit. Admitted.




John Rimmer





Alexr Nowell Esq


I have been an Inhit. Since August. I have always had a house here these three years & reside here in the Winter. I have only resided constant since Xmas last. I have taken ano[the]r House to enter to at May Day and intend residing here every Winter & sho[ul]d have come if there had been no Election. Admitted.




James Byrom





John Ripley


Withdrawn for the same reason as Edwd. Bamber.




James Etherington





John Leech





William Townsend





William Shepherd





Henry Derbyshire





Thos Radcliffe






36th Tally










William Gregson





William Lowe





John Hodgkinson






Henry Moreton





Thomas Salter





Jonathan Johnson





John Lowe Sen





Thomas Lorimer





Richard Walton





Thomas Wilson jun





37th Tally










James Jameson





Thomas Cooke son of John





James Harrison





John Ainsworth





John Hodgkinson






Thos Hodgkinson





John Ellott





Henry Walmsley





Thomas Varley





William Roscow


Richd Sharrock – He lives here and so does his wife and children. He came a little before M[ichae]lm[a]s. He came from Harwood, is a Weaver. Trade was so bad he cou'd not get work. He asked me to take a House here for him. He says he cou'd get better wages here. He is a ffidler. I don't understand Weav[in]g. He says many workmen had been turn'd off. He works for a man in Gregson Lane. There are hundreds have been turned off last year. I removed his Goods and he taken his House another year here. I saw him take it and give sixpence in earnest of W. Cowburne, he paid 24s for the time he had been in it, and is to pay 50s. or thereabouts for the year to Mr. Cowburne. His goods are brought, except what he sold – he has none left I believe. James Cowburne He has taken a House for a 12 months from May Day, he took it this morning of Mr Cross. Mr Cross – James Heald has agreed to pay the rent but he did not come to take it. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


Thomas Hodgkinson






38th Tally










Paul Hodgkinson





Richard Leach


I live in Preston, my mo[th]er lives here. I went to London, lived at several places there. 5 m[onth]s with Col: B[urgoyne], w[oul]d not have come down if I had got a place in London. I was here before the canvas. John Leach – his Bro[th]er, I have 20 times heard him say he wo[ul]d go back as soon as the Election was over, and wished it was over. Cowell – I saw him in London 4 m[onth]s ago. Duncan Robinson – I know nothing of it, I saw him in the street. Rejected.

Would have voted for H & B.


Henry Brewer


Obj: he has laid a wager of 5 G[uinea]s Col: B[urgoyne] will be Elected. The Agreement produced. Read Henry Brewer – I promised my vote ye first canvas. I don't know what I signed. If I had not voted thus, I should have been a damn'd ffool, & sayd something further which I cou'd not hear, so as to understand. Allowed.





John Maire


Lord Strange – I hired him in ye Hunting season but his Inhitancy did not begin with me, he lived in Preston before. Admitted.





Thomas Williams





Thomas Smith





Thomas Threlfall





Henry Hardman





Henry Loxham





Henry Taylor





Richard Woods





39th Tally










Thomas Aldred





Henry Jervas





Henry ffisher





Edwd Pedder jun





Tho: Cowburne





Tho: Cowell





Thomas Sill





James Cheetham





Henry Cardwell





James Jackson






40th Tally










Henry Barnes jun





Thurston Shorrock





John Sharples


Henry Varley – I relieved him in August & September last. Rejected.

Would have voted for H & B.





Joseph Barnes


I have a Room here this 3 years and an half and have paid rent for it. My ffamily has been here all the while. Jno Kaye – his wife has lived here ever since her marr[iage] He went away, I know not where. And return'd and is yet Ten[an]t of the Room. He lived in Preston above a year ago. He was Absent about a year. His ffamily has lived in a Room in my House; she never paid me for her Board. She bro[ugh]t what she had. She had sometimes a plate with me. I have not kept her all the while; but I have kept her; she lives with me in the same Room; I pay the Rent. Calland – he intended to set up Business, took a house, had not ffortune; went away. ffa[th]er joined ith' lease – co[ul]d not pay his credit. Wife resided ith' House till May last; then the ffa[th]er let it. Wm Simpson – He sayd he had a place in London and wo[ul]d return as soon as the Election was over. Rejected.

Would have voted for H & B.


Richard Newsham





Tho: Walmsley





William Lowe


Geo: Walton – I have long know him; he is an Inh: he takes a House of mo[the]r at £14 p. Annum. From May last. He was never out o' Town but when he went to see his ffa[th]er & mo[th]er; nothing happen'd to him. He took it May last. He p[ai]d at Cand[lema]s last y[ea]r whole rent. It was according to Bargain. He has no House elsewhere, keeps a shop. He may have let it, but not Earnest was given.G. W. I was sworn a House Looker at the Leet; Oswald Lancaster – I heard he had given over Bus: I have taken his Shop – he wo[ul]d not follow it any longer. I went to his ffather's at Caxtley Moor. He had no House but that which I have taken. He told me so. When I took it he gave me the Key. W: Lowe - My mo[th]er lives in Eccleston I work'd with her. I had no shop before. She keeps a shop in Eccleston. I came to P[reston] because I was free to set up a Trade. My mo[th]er had no Occasion for me any longer. My mo[th]er comes once a Week to Preston. Oswald Lancaster – He has no other House is Preston nor elsewhere but with his ffather at Catley Moor. He sayd he intended to go into the Army, and he got a promise of a place. He sayd he was obliged to go home every night to his ffa[th]ers to lye, for that he had never had never had either Bed or Grate in the House in P[reston]. Derbyshire – says he went every n[igh]t to lay with his ffa[th]er at Catley Moor & never layd in the House or Shop at Preston – gave over Bus: before Xmas, never lodged here – had no lodg[in]g place, stay'd sometime at an Alehouse, but mostly went home, called his ffa[th]ers his home. Eliz: Dewhurst – he left his shop abt a ffortn[igh]t before Xmas – I never saw him of a month after – the shop has been shut up ever since, never opened – I have seen it every Day, every Hour – He went home to his ffather's to lye, but when he was Drunk, he lay at th' Holy Lamb, a public House. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Oliver Shaw


Serjt Fish – I know him he lives with me in P[reston]. He came 20: of Nov: last, he was before a Boarder with Redfearn in Walton – Redfern failed, he then came to me. His bro[th]er pays for his Lodgings & board & he supports him. Mr Moon – I think he may support himself. He worked for me & may earn[in]g a 10s. p. week. When Redfern came from Walton to Preston he came to Settle here. I look'd upon him as bad. Shaw came with him as part of his ffamily. Mary Low – I was his neighbour in Walton; he came here in the latter end of Nov: with Redfern. Henry Sarjent – don't appear. Allowed.





Thomas Hatton





Joseph Gornall





Thomas Marsden





James Kitching





Geo: Loftus


Wm Shawe now appeared indisposed, and poll'd for H & B but to be entered the first of their next Tally.





41st Tally










Thos Grimshaw Gent





Thos Dewhurst


Henry Brewer – He lives in P[reston] but before lived at Blackrod. His wife kept a shop there abt 6 weeks since; she lives in P. now, so does he and keeps a public House here. He was formerly a Manch[est]er Carrier. His wife was with him here before, but frighted away by the Mob, to her fa[th]ers from his House in Preston. Thos. Dewhurst. I entred to this House last May – have lived here 8 or 9 m[onth]s produced 2 licences for keeping a public House, I was carr[ie]r, had a ffarm at Blackrod, for the convenience of my Horses, but I have let the greatest part of it. And want to let th' rem[aind]er. John Jolly – He keeps a shop in Blackroyd. I bought a Manchet there last night (Dewhurst says he has lived here 9 years will beat May Day:) Things are carr[ie]d on at Blackrod as they used to be I believe. ( Dewh: I have taken another House for a year from May Day next.) Allowed.




John Ashcroft





John Talbot





Henry Lever


Henry Varley – About a year and an half or two ago he was ill and was relieved – was in the Work House till abt Mich[aelma]s last. He was ill in th' work house – but when he got well he went out. Serjt. Dawson – I hired him the 21st of Sept: last, & he entred then for a year & longer as we cou'd agree. I sho[ul]d have hired him ffreeman or no ffreeman at the wages I give him – I give him 1s. a week & find meat, drink, washing and Lodging – I had had my horses impounded & p[ai]d ½ G[uine]a for them & I hired him because he wou'd be stirring in the morning & prevent it. Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


James Bullen


Mich[ae]l Emmett – He lives in Preston was born here & has lived 28 years here – his wife lives with him & his ffamily. Jno Gornall – He was here before the Canvas, in June last. J. B. I have been here will be a year th' 5: of next month. Mr Lee. I think him a good vote. Admitted.




James Thompson





John Salter





George Byrom





Mr Edw: Wall


I am an Attorney in Preston – have Country House at Garstang for the same of my health. I have kept Serv[an]ts here for 15 or 16 years. My letters from that time have been directed for me at P[reston] as well as Garstang. I have a House here which is too large for me, part of where of I let to my mo[th]er. Mr Shaw - He only comes to P[reston] on the Market Days and goes Back on the Sunday morning. Mr Wall. I have had my House 5 or 6 y[ea]rs. Mr Lee sayd - I think him a very good vote. Admitted.





42nd Tally










Mr Wm Shaw





John Levague





Thomas Baron





Thomas Bullen





Richard Addison





Hugh Smith





Evan Graystock





Robt Wilson





Henry Bickerstaff (for Nic: Winckley)





William Barton





43rd Tally










Joseph Bray





Thomas Wrensall





John Dickonson





James Young


Lawson - I know him he lives with his ffather – he has been here since 20: of January – he was before a Sailor and came from Liverpoole. I have seen him wait at the Table at his Uncle's who keeps a public house. When he's not at sea he lives with his ffather here. The ship he last went in has been Disch[arge]d. Js. Young – The ship came in Sept: but was not discha[rge]d till Jan: - I used to live in Liverpoole before, when I was not at Sea I was Ap[prentice] but am out, was used to live at L[iverpool] because was App: then, now I live and intend to live with my uncle. Mr Loxham – I apply'd to him to vote for Col: Burgoyne & he sayd I must apply to his ma[st]er for he was Ap: - his time is not exp[ire]d - his resid: is a Liverpoole, when not at sea. Mr Backhouse was his ma[st]er and boarded him out and told me his time was not out. I have heard he has been Disch[arge]d – It was in Jan: I apply'd to Backhouse & I underst[an]d he had some months to serve from what he sayd to me. Thos. Dewhurst – About a month or 6 week ago he told me he had four m[onth]s of his Apprent: to serve. Mr Davison – In Jan[uar]y he say'd he had bo objection to coming to Vote for B[urgoyne] if Backhouse his master wo[ul]d give him leave; he gave him leave and he came accordingly. Inde[ntu]re produced with a Disch: upon it, torn by the Dirs of Mr Davenport, by the voter in Co[ur]t. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


John Craig


Mr Smalley – He is an Inhit: he has lived here ever since last May. He keeps a country House at Walton. He has lived in the same way 2 or 3 years ago. He came to P[reston] to live before he purchased ye Est[ate] at Walton. I am sure he came here before the canvas – and has been here and and at home ever since. He took the Lodgings in May and came to 'em before the canvas. He took 'em for a year at first. Admitted.




John Gornall





John Riley





Samuel Buxton





John Hartley





John Ditchfield





John Primmatt






44th Tally










Richard Whitehead Esq





Jonathan Cowburne





James Levague





Thomas Sumner


Thos. Hatton – I know Tho: Sumner, he is an Inhit:he and his wife and children & his Tools of a Shoemaker are all in my House – he has two Rooms, taken till he can find a House to fit him. He has a House & Goods in Whittle & they remain there as usual. He took them at Xmas. Fairbrother I live in Whittle. He lived there since last May Day. I heard him say he would take nothing but himself to Preston. They are the Goods he bro[ugh]t with him from Walton, part[icu]larly his stool, for he had no other. He sayd as soon as the Election was over he wo[ul]d return to Whittle. Rejected.


William Pollard


Miss Nowell – I have known him many ears. He lives with me, to took a Room in May and has come very week since. He took it for a year. He is sometimes 2 or 3 D[ay]s in a week here. He has a wife and ffamily at Layland. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Francis Dickinson


Henry Briggs – I know him, he lives in Preston. On prod[ucing] the Regt of his Bapt: he appears to be the Bastard of Fran[ci]s Dickinson. In the Guild Book he is entred as the son of Fran[ci]s Dickinson, therefore Obj: that he's not ye same person. Henry Briggs – His ffather D[ickinson] acknowledges him as his son. He works with me as a Blacksmith – he has lived with me since 4: of Jan: is hired for a y[ea]r. I exp[ec]t his stay[in]g 3 or 4 y[ea]rs. He was bro[ugh]t up as a Whitesmith, came fro' Walton – Is to have £5 1s year – did not know him a ffreeman. Geo: Byrom. I know his ffa[th]er. He was reputed the natural son of ffr[anci]s D[ickinson]. Alice Preston – I know him he lived in Walton with his ffather and mo[th]er till January. I saw him working with his ffather at Walton, not 9 weeks ago – he was beat and turned out of the Smithy, not six weeks ago, and his ffa[th]er took him in again afterwards. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Walmsley


Blindstone – I bel[ieve] he is an Inhit: of Preston. I don't know his employ. Kitchingman – I bel: he is an Inhit: at this time, he is Ag[en]t to Cartwright & Marsden, is hired to them. Mr Marsden hired him. He before lived at Brindle. He lives at th' Bulls head, has taken a Room there. He comes often to may house. He came here in Jan: & is Marsdens hired Serv[an]t & Agent at the Allom Works. Mr Walmsley the ffa[th]er – He is hired to Marsden for a year – I have seen him 6 days a week. I live in Preston & have lived here longer than you (Davenport). John Walmsley – I bro[ugh]t my Cloths when I came in January. John Cheetham – I know him he has been no more than 2 Days a Week at P[reston] til within 3 weeks. He has come from ye Works on Frid: night – I heard him say so within a month last. Marsden lodges with me. He had then been 4 or 5 D[ay]s a week at the Works. Aaron Toughton – I am the Cooper for Kitchingman as Agent to Marsden. He attends his Warehouse here, I know no Warehouse but one. I have seen K. do the Bus: at the Warehouse here within five weeks last as usual. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Rhodes


Sharpe – I know him – I let Lodgings to him. He is one of my heares at Longridge, when he is at Home. He has been with me since Ja: last, but I question whether he has any Home in Preston or not. I don't know the place he lives in, but I think in Thornley. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Joseph Valentine


Wm Grundy – I know him he is an Inh: & has his wife and ffam[ily] with him, has bro[ugh]t ffurn[iture], taken a House for a year, came Wedn: before New Y[ea]rs Day – his ffam[ily] came with him, his wife has laid in since. Has stay'd all th' week generally in comparison, but when he has gone to see Relations. Benj: Latus – He is my Serv[an]t for a year from New Years Day last at £12 p. year. I am a detail workman. Mary Holden – He lives at Tockholes when he is a Home – He has a House, furnish'd & a ffarm there. I saw him working at it the last week but one. He was Hedging. Has made his ffence and has it ready to go to. He told me so. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H &B.


William Sill


Wm Barton – He is my Serv[an]t for a y[ea]r as journeyman Iron monger & Bookkeeper at £30 from 31: Dec: last – is to live with me – is 3 Days a Week with me, sometimes less, may have been a whole week tog[eth]er, may be many a one. He returns when he has served my time. I wo[ul]d have taken him whether he had been a ffreeman or not. Edward Atherton – He lives with Earle yet. I saw him there the 3 or 4 of ffeb: last in the Shop. Sill – I am his Bro: he lives with Earle – I saw him there lately. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Evan Heath






John Wakefield






Richard Clayton






John Hall






Geo: Merry






Henry Kay






Richard Maire






Adj: to 7 in the morning

Tuesday, Mar: 29th, 1768

45th Tally










Edmd Townley


I have no other place of Resid: than in P[reston] when I am at Royle. I am only a visitor.




Peter Hopwood





Wm Crooke





John Moore





Wm Simpson


John Moore – He has worked with me here ever since last September – a Brushmaker. He served his time here which exp[ire]d last September, had stay'd 9 years with me, and never was away but a week to see his Relations at Chipping.




John Moon





Michl Emmett





Wm Jarvis





Wm Waterworth





Richd Wilson






46th Tally










Simon Bullen






John Cooke






Mr Robt Oliver





John Charnock





James Meadows





Thomas Beckett





Nathaniel Barker


Not a ffreeman, a currier at Poulton, and therefore withdrawn by order of Mr. Lee.


Townley Rigby Esq





John Charnock


Edmd Parkinson – I know John Charnock; have known him since Xmas – he is an Inh: here, has taken Rooms, his wife is not here. The last I know of him he kept an Inn in Manch[est]er, his wife is there yet. Jo: Tisdale – I know him he kept a pub: house in Manchester; he left it because of his wife's bad Health, and parted with his House and ffurniture. Has let the House to a man 3 m[onth]s off. She was to have come with him but was too ill to be removed. Benj: Johnson – I know him he is a Publican in Manch[est]er, keeps the Gray Horse – his wife carries on Bus:as usual. I live next Door and go there every Day. She is in Bad Health, but she can and does serve her customers as usual and minds he Bus: I have seen him at Manch[est]er in his own House sev[era]l times for 3 or 4 Days at a time since he came to live at Preston, and he follow'd his Bus: as usual. Rejected.

Wo[ul]d have voted for H & B.


Thomas Rutter


James Edmondson – He serves me in a pub: house as an Ostler and is hired with me for a year, has no ffamily, is Diligent, I knew him to be a ffreeman, came abt 4 m[onth]s ago – it was 4 m[onth]s ago last Saturday, came from Longton. I give him £10 a year. J: Radcliffe – I know him he lives with his ffather at Longton. He sayd he wou'd not be of Age at the Election but was ordered to keep his Beard on and it wo[ul]d do. This was a little before Xmas & passed between my ffa[th]er in Law and him. Robt. Wigney – I have known him above 20 years, dare say, he is of Age – he has a younger Bro[th]er within a piece of a year of Age & they are not Twins. Admitted.

De bene esse – and the Reg[ist]er to determine whether he is of Age; or some other Evid: so yt any Witnesses may be produced.

Wm Wigney – I know him – I believe him to be 2 or 3 & 20 years old. He lived with his ffath[er] within five weeks at Longton. I saw him working there with his Father as usual. I have seen him oftner than once working with his ffa[th]er at Longton as usual. And I have seen him 4 or 5 times at his ffa[th]ers House within these 5 weeks. Rejected.

Then Mr Andrews & o[th]ers app[eare]d - ?? the latter part of this Book fo: 4.


Wm Shaw jun





Wm Stewart





Adj: to Tomorrow Morn: at 7:

Wed: Mar: 30: 1768

47th Tally










John Radcliffe





Geo: Ainsworth





Thomas Pedder





Chas Gornall





John Grimshaw





Richard Kaye


Geo: Hoskinson – I keep a public House. He came to me at Xmas last and has had a Room with me ever since. Peter Hoskinson – He works for me, I am a shoemaker. Rejected.

Would have voted for L & S.


William Briggs





Henry Varley





John Salter





John Myers





Richard Toatle


Mich[ae]l Emmett – He is my Serv[an]t in Husb[an]dry. I give him in £20 a p year & he is to find himself. I have seen him before the 1st of this month but he only came to me the 8 or 9 of this Month. He lodges with one Lawson who keeps a Pub: House. He came in the place of One Sclater who left me and taken a ffarm Sclater, lodged out with his Uncle in the same manner. Voter - I lived in Essex in the Husbandary way. I carried own abt 2 m[onth]s ago. I was out sometime before I heard of the place. I am engaged to Emmett for 12 m[onth]s and mean to stay. I lived with my father near Chorley till within 4 years last. I knew of no contested Elect: till after I came. I have work'd as a Printer. I came with no view to the Election. My master at Westham in Essex was a Printer as well as a ffarmer and he used occasionally to put me to print[in]g. Rejected.

Wd. have voted for L & S.


James Carr






48th Tally










John Levague jun





Geoffrey Hornby





Joseph Myer





Thomas Addison





James Hodgkinson


John Crooke – He is a Shoemaker. Served his Ap: here. He came from London abt 16 Days ago. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Maken





Henry Barnes sen





Wm Thornton


Name crossed out with the comment (no ffreeman)


Peter Hodgkinson






James Hodgkinson


John Hodgkinson – He is my Bro[th]er. Has not resided but at Preston. He works with me as a journeyman shoemaker. He came ab[ou]t 3 or 4 days ago. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Shaw Esq


Then proceeded to th' non freemen. & ye o[th]er Book herewith served/sewed fo: 21: beg[ining] with Wm Thornton





Richard Brining


John Spencer – He has worked with me abt 6 weeks. I don't pay him by the year. He came from Marton, and is at Liberty to go Back for ought I know. Wm Brindle – He comes from near Marton. He was there last Sunday at his ffa[th]ers where he used to live, his ffa[th]er sayd so. I have not seen him there this half year. Hy Derbyshire – I engd for him at his ffather's on Sunday last & I was told he was gone to th' meeting – that he had come Home on Sat: night. Jas. Cheetham – I have seen him & his ffather lately in Preston – he lived with his ffa[th]er before near Marton. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


William Brining


Chr Burkinton – I believe he is an Inhit, he is at one Spencer's. I have employ'd him & his 2 bro[th]ers. I supposed he lived in Westby Ldp. I don't know when he came; I believe in Xmas. Jas Cheetham – I know him and his ffa[th]er & Bro[th]ers. They all lived tog[eth]er in ffeb: at Westby. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edw: Brining


John Spencer – He came from Birks. I believe he has a wife and children there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B. Then proceeded to non freemen beg: with Jas Wilding V. fo:22. in the latter part of this Book.


John Ravald


Wm Shaw – he lives with me came in ye Beg: of ffeb: with no view to the Election. I wrote to him to come. I knew of the Elect: has Publd and Adv: showing his intention to Settle. J. R. I did not come with an Intention to Settle, but I mean to Stay. I am with my Bro[th]er in Law Mr Shawe. Allowed.





Thomas Woodcock


Jno Naylor – He has taken a Lodging for a year. His wife is here with him. He has let his Tenem[en]t he left before has and sold his Goods. He came in Dec: or January from Walton where he had lived many years. He lived in P[reston] many years ago. He is now an Inhit: in P[reston]. I don't know but he may have a House & goods in Walton – only what I have heard. Alice Preston – I know him his House and his Dau[ghter]s are in Walton furnish'd as usual. Rejected.

Would have voted for H & B.


Evan Bradshaw


John Fisher – I have known him since Jan: he came here then from Kirkham. He has a House there now, but he came to lodge with me in Preston. His wife came abt a ffortn[igh]t ago. He has been here 3 D[ay]s a week, the part at Kirkham at his House. Rejected.

Wd have voted for H & B.


John Marsden


Rt. Abbot – He lives with me as my Serv[an]t in my Shop, has done ever since beg: of January. I have hired him at £20 p. Annum. He does my Bus:

Jno Thornton – I know Mr Marsden, he lives in Lanc[ast]er, he has a journeyman or two there. I saw them last week, he is a naylor. His Bus: is carr[ie]d on there as usual. I know him he has lived at L[ancster] 6 or 7 years, his Bus: carr[ie]d on there as usual. And he has a House there. Abbot is a grocer. Rejected. Margin note – but who for?


James Culshaw


Miss Prescot – He lodges at my House, has lodged there since the 8 of January. He came from Prescot. I know he has apply'd several times to take a House. I have recommended some to him, fit for him but he has not taken any. Mr John Wilkinson – I know he apply'd to take a House. I went with him to look at a House 2 m[onth]s ago, he sayd it too little for his ffamily. Mr Dannow – L[or]d Derby's Stew[ar]d proves he has quitted Ld Derby's service & sayd, He told him several years ago he wo[ul]d come and live at P[reston]. Thos Adlington – I know he lived at Prescot & had a House there. Allowed.





49th Tally










Wm Banks


Obj: to for non resid: Rejected.

Wd have voted for L & S.


William Rawlinson


John Taylor – He is an Inhit: in Preston. W.R. I am hired with Henry Brewer for the Malting season at 9s. p. week, have no ffam[ily] or Engagem[en]t elsewhere. I bef[ore] lived at Liverpoole but diff[ere]d with my master & did not come on Acc[oun]t of the Elect[ion], my wife was here bef[ore] me. Crooks & Dover were my masters at L. I don't know who is gone to them in my room, there did a man go. I don't know I shall go back. I am likely to continue. I mean to stay for 4, 5 or 6 years. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Alex: Radcliffe


I have a house a Wigan. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


William Wickstead


I came from London abt a ffortn[igh]t ago. I have no Employ there to call me back. Its my intentions to continue here at my Aunt's House, where I sho[ul]d have lodged, was so inj[ure]d by the Mob that I lodge at Mr Grimshaws. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


John Astley


Mr Rushton – I know him; He has lived here near 2 years. He came from Lancaster Gaol abt a year and a half ago. He has a wife and child at Kirkham; lodges with his Brother. His wife has a power by the marriage writings to dispose of the ffurniture. She is in an[oth]er House of her own. She wont let him stay all night – I saw her turn him out one night. I am sure he has lived here two years. She has a House of her own – The Int[erest] of £600 & a Tenem[en]t of £30 a year to live on. J. A. - I parted with my wife 2 years ago – she lives at Kirkham & I at Preston. Allowed.




Philip Pedder


I have lived here with Mr Edw: Pedder a month or more. I was cooper in a Brewery in London but I have left it and am come to live here constantly & intend to Settle here for life. I have left nothing behind me. I am hired to Mr Pedder for a year. I came here last Sat: was a month. I don't know who Peacock my late master has got in my Room. I sho[ul]d have come whe[the]r there had been an Election or no. Hy Barnes junr – He sayd I have a G[uine]a a week in London & have hired a man to supply my place for 18s. A week. - Thos. Osbaldeston – Hy Barnes – the like. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.



Oswald Lancaster


I have lived here mostly for 3 weeks – not so much with my mo[the]r in Eccleshall – I went to my House but three score of a mob follw'd me & sayd if I went there they wo[ul]d murder me. My wife has been 3 weeks. I durest not live in my House. I came to keep a shop & to assist my mother in hers. I have taken a House & had bro[ugh]t all my goods, but the mob threatned to murder me. I took it of the old Ten[en]t till May, and I applyd to take it for the next year. John Owram – He applied to me to take a House, bid me £14: 14s at it but I wo[ul]d not take less than 15. Voter – My mother lives in Eccleston, but no furniture there is her own. She was my ffa[th]ers Ex[ecu]tor. Js. Hatch - he lived in Eccleston with his wife a year – he was the Housekeeper – the goods not his, don't know when he came to Preston. He bo[ugh]t some Hay – I had a part of it & he carted his home to Eccleston. O.L. - My mo[th]er kept me a Horse & a cow & I lived in Eccleston in a House she had taken when it was tho[ugh]t she was to leave her farm at Bradley, but not leaving the ffarm the House must have stood empty. She des[ire]d me to stay & assist her, the ffurniture is hes & so was the Hay, I bo[ugh]t it for her. Geo: Tomlinson – I saw him in his House last Sunday but one at Eccleston, but I don't know whe[the]r he keeps it on or not. I have bro[ugh]t him ffurniture to Preston. Geo: Nicholson - He apply'd to me to take a stable for a year & sayd he had apply'd to take or had taken a House for that time in Preston. Allowed.




John Ripley


I have lived here since Xmas mostly. I have had my ffam[ily] here abt 5 weeks – came from Burton. I have a House & goods here but have nothing at Burton. My ffamily had ye smallpox & the ffever so that when I went to Burton I went to see 'em. I am a House breaker removed hither thinking it better for Bus: I have taken a House here for a year fro' May Day & have not House at Burton or elsewhere. My ffam[il]y stay'd till lately, because I co[ul]d not remove them on Acc[oun]t of their Illness but I gave it up at M[ichae]lm[a]s. I have no ffurniture there all is removed to Preston. Mr Tomlinson – He lived at Burton a year or two. I don't know that his goods are in the House, but I have heard of no sale of 'em – nobody lives in it. J. R. I have taken the House of Rd Whittaker till May Day, he was the old Tenant. I have taken it for the next year of the owner – I have also taken potato ground for the next year. I took the House within a week last. Rejected.

Wo'd have voted for L & S.


John Dawson


John Calvert – He lives in P[reston] with his Bro[th]er. J. D. - I was last employ'd for Stacey at Liverpoole near 3 years ago – have had no employ since. My wife Died 32 m[onth]s since & I have bur[ied] my child since I came here. I bro[ugh]t my child here 2 years ago & all my relations & friends live here. I taught a School at Liverpoole to teach navig[ation] & intend to do the like here. X I had a House at L[iverpool] but sold it 2 years ago & the ffurniture. My Returns are not yet come from Jamaica. I can teach Navig[ation] without Instrum[en]ts. I came to pick up a wife. I deny I ever sayd I came on purpose to vote at the Elect[ion]. Margt Pearson – I heard him say he wo[ul]d take the oaths if they were 190 cables long. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.



Geo: Gregson





Mr Edw: Pedder





Mr Turner Standish


Rejected. Would have voted for L&S.




Peter Clarkson


I live here. I came from Manch[est]er before Mart[in]m[a]s last. Ann Slater – I let him a House for a year in P[reston] bef[ore] Martms. I lived in it before. I had quitted it bef[ore] he came. I had lived in it 9 years but was not able to keep it longer. He took it for the Rem[ainde]r of this year & for all the next. I took it at Cand[lema]s & then let it to him for this year. The Landlord told me I might keep it as long as I pleased. My ffa[th]er took ye House for me & pays ye Rent for me. Clarkson has also taken Land. Rt Clarkson – He has taken ground of me at £8 10s a year, he entred at Cand[lema]s & is to have it a year; he has planted the ground or the greatest part of it. X I was in poss[essio]n of it to before, under Lease, 2 years to come. He apply'd at Xmas to take it & did take it. Has a wife and ffamily are here with him. Mr Atkinson – I apply'd to him last Mich[aelma]s for his Vote for Burgoyne. He sayd he had been apply'd to by L[or]d Strange but that he had got nothing to Drink, so had a good mind to turn. Allowed.

Charged by one Atkinson to have been relieved in Ellall. He sayd he never had been relieved either there or any where else, for he had lived in Kellett & belonged to Kellett, but that he had not lived in Ellall or near 8 years.




Henry Kaye



Wou'd have voted for L & S.


James Cooper


I live with Peter Haworth in Preston – have lived with him a week – lived with John Awlam for 6 weeks. Rejected

Wou'd have voted for L & S.




Joseph Broome


I took lodgings in Preston the 4: of January last and I intend to use them occasionally. Rejected.


Thomas Walker


I have lived in Preston 3 m[onth]s – I came from Bilsbury & my wife & fam[ily] with me. I have taken a House; took it soon after the last Summer Fair – sho[ul]d not have come if I co[ul]d have got work elsewhere – the House was empty when I took it & my own House was before taken by ano[th]er person – I was only to pay Rent when I entred. I was born and bro[ugh]t up here. Wm Atkinson – He lived in a house of mine at Bilsbury for a year ending at May Day. I let it at Michaelmas for ano[th[er year from May Day. About 5 or 6 weeks since he sayd he wo[ul]d stay ano[th]er year in ye House for he had no notice to quit it. John Sclater – I saw him in P[reston] when the mobs were on ffoot & he say'd they were bad times & if they did not mend he wo[ul]d leave it. He wish'd he had never come. Disallowed.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.



William Scott


I am a Writing master and live in P[reston] & intend to live here as long as I live. I came from Bolton near Bowland. I put out cotton to spin. I have put out near 2 packs. My wages come to about £3 & it will induce me to stay. My wife and fam[ily] came with me. The House I left I took from week to week & gave it up to my Landlord when I came. I have all my effects here and no other place of Habitation. I intend to take my house for ano[th]er year & if the Landlord wont let it, I'll stay ag[ains]t Law. I came 2 or 3 years ago to have taken House but co[ul]d not. Jas. Jackson – He has taken a House of me fr[o]m Xmas till May Day & he apply'd to have taken it for ano[ther] year but I had no power to let it. Admitted.




Chris: Ashcroft


I was serv[an]t to Mr Legh. I came to live in P[reston] at Xmas last to learn to write – I have not lived with Mr Legh since Mich[aelma]s. I lodge at Thos. Bolton's have taken my Room for a year. I learn to write with Mr Scott & pay him 6d a week. Sam[ue]l Manley – He told me he came & stay'd 2 or 3 n[igh]ts a week – but he has washing & lodging with his mo[th]er at Tarleton. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Edmd Howarth


I came from Rochdale. Parish 12 weeks ago, have lived here so long, am hired to Mr(s) Latus for a year. I lodge with Mr Pedder. She is a Grocer & sells Brandy & Rum. Mr Dickinson told me She wanted one, He had been Serv[an]t but says he wo[ul]d not stay there. He never Asked me if I was a ffreeman. I have Lib[er]ty to play when I have done my Work. I have never been at Rochdale since I came, but I have been at Edge in Rossendale to see my acquitee. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Thomas Salter


I have lived here a Quarter of a year. I lived at Bury before but was turned out by Parson Stanley. I am a journeyman Barber – wo[ul]d have taken a Shop but co[ul]d not meet with one; have apply'd to several to take one. My ffather is a Barber here. I had my House at Bury from Quarter to Quarter. I neither intend to go Back nor co[ul]d for I have no House. Jose: Siddall – He lives in Bury. He says if L[or]d Strange wo[ul]d make him his gamekeeper he w[oul]d vote for him. Mr Loxham – He sayd he was come to Vote for L[or]d S[trange] & that he had been getting votes for him – this at L[or]d Stranges House. Susan Townsend – He and his Bro[ther] took my room in Friergate from week to week – his wife told me so. I let the House (it is mine) till May Day to his sister. X (I don't lodge in the House she speaks of – I live in the Room above it.) Miles Oaker – abt 6 weeks ago he told me he & his Bro[the]r, one living at Bury, the o[th]er at Chowbent went weekly to follow their Business. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


John Scott


I come fro' Clitherow, but not abt the Election. I came at Summer ffair. I have been here 3 months constant. I was Serv[an]t where I came from by the Day. We diff[ere]d abt Wages, he wo[ul]d needs wrong me of some. I follow'd his Galloways at Kettlewell. I work Detail Work for Mrs & o[ther]s. Tho: Taylor – He was Serv[an]t to Mr Ra: Nowell – he Asked me to carry him some Beef to Kettlewell & say'd he wo[ul]d go after. He also say'd I must carry him 2 swine cheeks – he then say'd four. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Henry Wilson



Wou'd have voted for L & S.


John ffarrer



Wou'd have voted for L & S.


Thomas Ashcroft


I have lived here 18 weeks. I came out of Elsone. My wife and 2 of the Child[r]en has been here 14 weeks ye rest stay'd till within a ffortn[igh]t tending my Goods. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for L & S.


John Greenall


I came from Royle. I have lived here since 2 of January. I have no House or Effect but what are in my House in Friergate. I have a wife, a Serv[an]t & an App[rentice]. I am a Gardener. I have follow[e]d my Bus[iness] & sho[ul]d have come if there had been no Elect[ion]. I left my master last May & came to Preston the same month but stayd at Burnley till Jan:. I garden'd at Burnley but it wo[ul]d not answer to me. I am here hired with Jo: Bray for a year. I never heard who was in the place before. I had lived with 11 years before, ending 10 years since. I am actually his hired Serv[an]t till the 2nd of ffeb[ruary] next. Jo: Bray – He was my App[rentice] & is hired with me for a year. I had a man in his place before wch dies. I actually pay him 9s. A week & he is bound to stay with me till Cand[lema]s next, the year end. The former man was engaged for Life, but paid weeky. I have occasion for three or 4 Serv[an]ts. He has never worked out but by my order. Geo: Osbaldestone – lived with Mr Townley of Royle. Admitted.




Thomas Haworth


I live with Buxton a publican in this Town as an Ostler & am hired with him for a year. I have lived here 3 m[onth]s & was never at Edge End, where I before lived since I came. I have been a Boarder for several years & an Ostler for a week at a time at the new Church in Rossendale. I came the 8: of Jan: have £8 a year, meat, drink, washing & lodging. My master has stabling for above 20 horses & he has had above that number at once since I came. My master has Waggons come to his House. Js. Levague – A waggon comes there once a week but I seldom see Travellers. I have seen a man gather Dung which was sayd to be an Assistant. Mr Buxton – He is my Ostler. I had one before, which now assists the carriers as a Porter. I did not know that he was a ffreeman, nor do I know it yet. I have Room for 2 or 3 & 20 Horses. He is hired with me for a year. Admitted.




James Bramwell





Wm Leak





Geo: Haworth


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


John Haworth


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Jas Haworth


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Geo: Haworth jun


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Wm Cowell


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


James Cowell


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Robt Ripley


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Wm Ripley


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Thomas Walmsley


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Geo: Toothill


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Peter Fell


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Rd Clarkson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Ja Clarkson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Tho Fletcher


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Edw: Cuerdale


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Hy Cross


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Jas Haworth


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Hy Jenkinson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Rd Haworth


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Thos Jackson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


John Haslingden


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Rt Horribin


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Henry Case


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Chris: Case


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Rd Hornby


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Wm Sclater


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Rt Sclater


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Thos Ryding


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Jas Smith


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Wm Bradley


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Hy Fisher


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Edw: Loxham


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


John Brining


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Thos: Hankinson


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Hy Woods


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Wm Shawe


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


William Slater


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent




rejected by consent


Wm Bramwell


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Thos Greenall


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Geo: Boardman


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Roger Cliffe


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


John Simpson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Leon: Clarkson


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Geo: Webster


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Tho: Adlington


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


John Sumner


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Hy Barry


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Thomas Sharrock


Wou'd have voted for L& S. - rejected by consent


Edw: Leatherbarrow


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Joseph Sclater


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Jno Leatherbarrow


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Jno Leatherbarrow senr


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Edw: Worthington


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


John Ainsworth


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Richd Shawe


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Wm Gradwell


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


John Bell


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent


Roger Cliffe


Wou'd have voted for H & B. - rejected by consent



50th Tally










William Lucas Esq


I have been an Inhit: here 10 years. I let my House last May, but on the Death of Mr Gooday my Dep[u]ty I wrote to Cross my Dep[u]ty to take his House, he took it & I live & shall live in it. I had no view to the Election. Admitted.





Adjourn'd to 7 in the morning

Thursd: Mar: 31st, 1768










Nich: Walmsley





Peter Bradburn


I have been a Gardener here between 13 & 14 weeks. I was gardener to Sir Hy Hoghton – but I live with Mr Shaw & my wife is his Housekeeper. I lived in P[reston] before, but not within 30 years last. Rd Halliwell – he lives in Walton – I saw him digg[in]g in his Garden the last Saturday but one & his goods remain in the House there as before. Tho: Pickering – He has sold his goods to me as long as I please & I have poss[ession]. Halliwell again – His Dau[ghte]r has the Key, I saw her go into the House on Mond[ay]. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Gradwell


Nichs. Walmsley – He is my Serv[an]t. I hired him for a year abt a ffortn[igh]t or 3 weeks ago. He lives with me, cant tell where he came from. He was recommended by 2 or 3, but I won't name 'em. Tho: Hatton – I have seen him in the Town these 2 months – he lodges at Thompson's, took Lodgings there. Chas. Clayton – I came from Manch[est]er with him the last New Years Day. Justice Bailey bro[ugh]t us both in to vote for B[urgoyne] & we have had 7s. p. week. He has been at Home to fetch his wife. He has a child & his Looms are at Home. He told me he wished the Election was over that he m[igh]t go home for he wanted to be at Home. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Alexander Rigby


Wm Wilkinson – I know him he lives with Wm Rigby as a Labourer & is hired for a year, is a Single Man and has no effects elsewhere. I have known him from th' 24: of January. I put it down by order of W. Rigby. I always do. He takes great Delight in his Garden & field – abt 2 acres, he has many more Labourers – he & his Lab[our]ers all lye at Capt: Rigby's. He came from Church Towne. Capt: sent to him & he came from Church Town. Capt: Rigby – He is my Serv[an]t is hired for a year. I wanted him & wanted ano[ther]. He is a Relation of mine – I sent to him in Aug[ust] – I know him to be a ffreeman – he lodged with his mo[th]er at Church Town. I give him £7 a year & he finds his own Cloths. Robert Hornby – I know him he lives at Church Town, he did do before he came here. Sometimes he worked Detail Work& sometimes he Spun. I saw him there with his mo[th]er & sister as usual, not a month since. He has come once a week or ffortn[igh]t ever since he came to P[reston] & stay'd 2 or 3 nights at a time. X I have seen him there since ofner than once twice or three times. He has served me as a Thatcher there within 6 weeks or there abouts. It is since he came to Preston. He was with me two Days. I know of no Habitation he has but at Church Town. He say'd he was to be used at Preston as other people were. Rejected.

W[ou]d have voted for H & B.


John Nowell


I have a House here & have my own ffurniture in a Room there for my own use. Part of that ffurn[iture] has been here a year. I must occasionally come & live here. I live at Layland some times. I do nothing in the milinery Bus[iness]. My Ap[prentice] lives at Layland. Hy. Critchley – His abode is mostly at Layland. He keeps a Wool and draper's shop there, he has come once a week or so, as most of his neighbours have done. Wm Critchley – I know him very well, he lives at Layland. I am ye same sort of Inhit: we have come & gone occasionally tog[eth]er. I look'd upon it we came to vote. His sisters make out their Bills of Parcels in their own names. Mr Cross says he has seen made out Nowells generally. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Clarkson


I live in Preston. I came from Ellall Hall the 4: of Jan: I was a Husb[andma]n there when I pleased – to my mo[th]er. I never was hired for a year. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Slater


Peter Melin – I know him, he is an Inhit here, he came at Xmas, is a gard[ne]r. Works with me at Lord Strange's Garden. He is single & intends staying here. He came from Lancaster, server his App[renticeship] there with Sturzaker. He works at o[th]er places as well as with me. I don't know where he lives. Tho: Sclater – I lodge at Collins's public house here. John Scott – I know him he lives at Lancaster. I saw him ordering his Garden & selling Goods in the Market there within 3 weeks last. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Miller


I came from Liverpoole th' 8 of Jan: last. I live here, my wife is with me. I have only been there once since. Harcliffe carry on my Bus[iness]there till my wife gets back. I have given it up to Mrs Hartcliffe. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Miles Alker


I have lived here since Jan: 1st. Have taken Lodgings here. I live at Chorley it's my graidly Home. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.





Henry Charnock


Won't appear.

Name crossed out.


Hugh Alker of Samlesbury


I live in Preston. I have a Lodging here and have had since Jan: last. I came from Samlesbury. I foll[owe]d Husb[andr]y there. My uncle died, left me a ffortune & I left off Bus[iness. He has left me a £100 a year. I am in poss[ession]of it. Have rece[ieve]d rents. I was at Samlesbury last Sunday & sev[era]l time lately at other Towns. Sev[era]l nights away at Diff[eren]t times. I came with an Intent to reside. I take a Room of Emmison above stairs. I'll live there till I can suit myself better. It's a public House. I never lived here before. John Cooke – I know him, he lived in Samlesbury with his ffa[th]er. I am th' Overseer there & he constantly attends th' meeting there every 1st Thursday in the month. He sayd he co[ul]d not go with o[th]er Voters who were there for he had Bus: to do at his ffa[th]ers – getting some quick wood to inclose some Ground. I must go Home to my ffather's abt it, or it will be too late. This a ffortn[igh]t or 2 weeks since, on Tuesday. I never heard he lived any where else but with his ffather in Samlesbury. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Hugh Alker of Brindle


I lodge in Preston but don't intend to stat. I came abt Xmas. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Farrer


I live here. Mr Addison – I know him he has taken a House till May Day & enq[uire]d for one for a further term. Voter – It is truly my Intention to continue here for th' better Instruction of my Godch[ildre]n. I came here th' 4: of Jan: my wife & grandchildren came with me. My house at Wigan is empty – my Goods are in it. Hy. Bickerstaff – he apply'd to me last July to take a House here for him. He has lately apply'd to me to take a House of me but I wo[ul]d not let it to him lest the Court sho[ul]d think is a Fraud. Mrs Finch – He has only lived in Wigan 7 m[onth]s & has left his House furnished there I believe. There are many good schools there. It is not usual to take Houses there for 7 months. Farrer say he took ye House in Wigan for 3 years to be lease at the end of any one year. That he entred in June – and apply'd to take a House here in July a month after.Mr Wilden – About 3 weeks ago, He sayd I live now at Wigan, but as soon as my Est[ate] at Longton is out of Lease, I intend to go & end my Days there. Mr Davis – I heard him say he intended to go & end his D[ay]s at Longton. Farrer – says his Est[ate] at Longton will be out of Lease at May Day come 12 m[onth]s. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Walmsley


I am an Inh[i]t here. John Hall – He has lived here since th' 2: of January, he takes lodgings of me & deals in Coals. He comes just as he did before, neither more or less, he always carr[ie]d on bus[iness] here. He came from Brindle, lived with his Bro[th]er here – he has lived forty years in Brindle, he now lodges with me here. I keep a public house. I have six lodgers and eight Rooms. He has before been a week at a time at my House. Voter – I came with an intent to try it for a year. Thos. Walmsley – He is my Bro[the]er, he lives at Brindle – I have lately within a Fortn[igh]t seen him go to plow & looking after Cattle there, as usual not every Day but very often. More than either three or 4 times. He came Home to Brindle often. If I had been Asked where he lived, I sho[ul]d have say'd in Brindle. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Wright


I have lived here since th' 8: of Jan: I came from Hesketh Bank – I can reside here as long as I please And will go. Rejected by Consent.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Henry Charnock


I have lived here 3 or 4 m[onth]s, taken a Room, have my Wife ffam[ily] and effects here & none elsewhere. I intend to continue and sell Bread, Flour, etc. I came from Barton. I had lived there a year or two as a Detail Workman – but failed in the trade, & co[ul]d not pay my rent. John Charnock – He has lived at Barton for sometime past – work'd detail work. He has not settled there lately, but has often worked there 2 or 3 D[ay]s lately as usual. I know nothing of his Habitation. Jo: Arrowsmith – He was a detail main in Barton, has a House there, is assessed to the Window Tax for it for this year. I saw him abt a month ago ditching for his ffa[th]ers there, I asked him if he co[ul]d be from Preston and he say'd yes, two Days in a Week staying in Preston wo[ul]d do – that he generally went oth' Saturday & came again on th' Monday. John Penson has seen him working in Barton very lately as usual. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Hugh Becconsall


Robt. Becconsall – I am his ffather. I live here. He has work'd with me as a Wheelright from bef[ore] the canvas. He has a House a mile out o' Town where his wife lived lately for her health. He has always lived with me, constantly if he pleases, he is my Serv[an]t. Thos. Mayre – He has lived here most of a Qu[art]er of a year, he lived at his ffa[th]ers Est[ate] in Ashton. His Father always lived & work'd as a Wheelwright here & he work'd with him. He married near two years ago, his wife lived with him here. Tho: Shakeshaft – He lived at his ffather's Estate in Ashton. I saw him at work there within 3 weeks, his wife is there at his House and a maid Serv[an]t. I saw him there. He lived there within 3 weeks a month. I have seen him several times there lately and his wife and ffamily were there lately. He told me before May last that he and his ffamily were going to reside there. Mat. Bickerstaff – I have often seen him at work here since Christmas. He had a House here abt. a year ago. I have seen him go into it. Hy. Derbyshire – A year ago he had a House in Preston, but he went to live at his ffather's Est[ate] in Ashton near a year ago and removed his ffamily and Effects there – he went thither to live the last Spring. - Rd Eades – I have seen him at Work in Preston sev[era]l times since Xmas. Law: Salter – He has a House in Ashton & has his Goods there, his Wife there and his Cattle & has Ground there in his own poss[ession]. I have seen him there abt his Bus[iness] within 3 weeks last. Jas. Cheetham – I saw him in his Garden at Ashton twice the last Week, but one; & his wife, serv[an]t and cattle are there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Mr Buck


I am Vicar of Kirkham & have a Wife and ffamily there, but I lodge here and have Lodgings for a Year. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Hugh Hornby


The like. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


William Hardman


I have a House & ffamily in fulwood – but I came and took Lodgings here in January last, but I can't say I sho[ul]d have come so soon but on Acc[oun]t of the Election tho' I had determined to come & reside here. I am to enter to my House here at May Day, which is now in the poss[ession] of a Tenant. Allowed.


William Fell


I am an Inhit here. I came in December. I took Lodgings and have furnished 'em & constantly been here since. I lodge with Will: Pollard, have a Room of him, he keeps a public House, don't know how many Lodgers there are there. I'll tell you no more where I come from. Peter Fell – He is my Bro[th]er, he lives at Aspull and has a ffarm there & desired I wo[ul]d tell his ffam[ily] to get th' Top of a Stubble ffield plowed for that he co[ul]d not be at Home till after this week. This was on Sunday last. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richard Eaves


I live here; came from Dalton, but last from Penwortham. I am hired with Thomas Topping who keeps a public House here. I came 15 weeks since – can't tell how often I have laid at Penwortham since – I come here mostly every Day. My master here allows me to go out every Day to Work. Wm Charnley – He has been here some time – he may go back again for ought I know. Wm Woods – I don't know him. Eaves the Voter – My year was not expd when I came from Penwortham. Thos Topping – he is my Serv[an]t, hired for a year, I hired him with[ou]t any View to the Election. He works constantly but when he goes out. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Rutter


I am a ffarmer in Longton. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edmund Eccles


Lives in Auston - the like.


Roger Ryding


I came to Town in Xmas, lived here ever since. I take Lodgings and pay 5s. a week for them and my Board. I came from Haighton lived with my ffa[th]er till Xmas. We then disagreed. I don't know when I go back to my ffa[th]ers; I may stay. I lodge at Tho: Hatton's, there's ano[th]er besides me. I am a Husb[an]dm[a]n, work with Wm Stuart, am a Singleman. I was never seperate from my father's ffamily before. Rich: Fell – He say'd they (his ffa[th]er and he) were going back to their Home as soon as the Election was over. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edw: Fishwick


I live here. I had my Educat[io]n here. I have the same Lodgings I had when I was here before. I am an Upholsterer, have been at London since my Ap[prenticeship] in Liverpoole – was advised to set up here & I intend to continue here. I have apply'd to take a Shop. I came in the latter End of January. I was a year in London with Mr. Cobb by the week. I had no goods to bring with me, but my Cloaths. I have been fixing ffurniture since I came, but I won't tell for who. I have done Bus[iness] for Dr Crooke with whom I lodge. Thos. Waring – I worked with him in London. I left him there, he came soon after in January & on my seeing him he say'd he was come here to Vote – not to settl, for that he did not know whether he sho[ul]d fix in Liverpoole, or elsewhere. Dr Crooke - I advised him before he went to London to settle here, and since he came, I have heard him say he had been looking out for a shop. Voter – I shall stay here if it answers my Expectations. I told Waring I co[ul]d not tell where I sho[ul]d settle. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B. Mr Lockhart – I'll venter to tell you (Voter) your Vote shall be put upon ye same ffooting with Warings.


Thomas Woodcock


I am an Inhit, came from Liverpoole, abt a ffortn[igh]t ago, but I first came seven weeks ago & then went back and stay'd till a ffortn[igh]t ago. I have a ffamily at Liverpool. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Parker


I am an Inhit. I have an Est[ate] in Walton and a Serv[an]t or Serv[an]ts there. I lodge here and pay by the week. I came in December. I won't say I mean to live here, but to come to my Lodgings occasionally for the year, but at the year end I'll give 'em up. I sho[ul]d not have taken them but for the Election. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Thompson


I am an Inhit, I came from Eccleston soon after Christmas & my wife came abt 5 weeks ago. She wo[ul]d have come sooner but for her Bro[th]ers Illness. I sold my Goods to come here to be an Inhit. I am come a Voting you see. I did not come with that intent. I have a Lodging. I pay 20s a year for it, at Mrs Simpson's in this Town. She keeps a Dyer's Shop. I don't know who lives in my House. Harry Procter – I believe. He came into our Town by certificate. I have my House in Ecclestone yet I acknowledge. (This he sayd and wit: being called to prove it.) Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Anderton


I came here at Xmas from Woodplumpton. I have lodged here ever since. Wm Whittle – He has a House and ffam[ily] in Woodplumpton & I saw him at Home there the last Sunday but one And I have seen him there since & he lives there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edward Bussell


I have a House and ffarm at Copple & don't intend to stay any long Trial here. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Woods


I am an Inhit & have lived here ever since New Year's Day. I have a House & ffarm at Broughton & I live there. Rejected. Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richard Boys


I am an Inhit. Came from Broughton at New Year's Day, have a ffarm & house there & I intend going to it & not to stay. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Woodcock


I am an Inh[it] here, came 23: of December last from Walton, lived there with my Fa[th]er who occupied some Land there. I have Lodgings here, but I shall return to Walton, I intend to stay here. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


George Boys


I am an Inhit. I have lived here since May, at times, I took a House and Lodging here then. I am married and my wife has been here some times. I mean to have Lodgings here constantly. I now lodge with L[or]d Strange's Groom. I keep a House at Ingahead {Ingol}; my wife and children are sometimes here & sometimes there. I have a Bed & some Goods at my Lodgings. I took the lodgings because I used to stay late in Town, & sometimes lay in the whins upon the Moors. I have been more in than out of Preston lately. Jas. Eccleston – I know him. I ask'd him last ffriday where Geo: Boys lived, he sayd I am George Boys and he further say'd I have been at Preston and my son with me loading Oats for L[or]d Strange, and we are now come home with the cart. He has lived near Catley Moor ever since I have known him. I have often seen him there and thereabouts. He last ffriday sayd – This is my House & I lived here. I have not met him there since Xmas. I has only been that Road three times since Christmas. The Voter – I am a carpenter. I knew of the Election as well as my L[or]ds Groom. Mr Stephens – I let him the Lodgings – he took 'em in May. I won't tell you how many Rooms I have in my House. My wife and I have never laid in his Lodging Room since I let it. Reuben Cooke - I know th' Voter, he lives at Ingahead – I saw his ffamily there the last week but one & his Goods are there as usual. He comes here as other Witnesses & Voters do. I believe he lives on his own Est[ate]. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Henry Sarjent


I came in Xmas, have a ffarm & house in Woodplumpton & am going back to them. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Bussell


I live at Coppel. I came here th' 2nd of January & hired a man to officiate for me there as Parish Clerk. The Overseer of Whittle paid part of my Rent the last year and now pays it. John Lowe – I have seen him at Whittle within a Month last & he lives there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Henry Miller


I am an Inhit. I came here on Xmas Day from Longridge. I have taken Lodgings. I never took Lodgings here bef[ore]. I have a House & Land where I came from & part of my ffam[ily]. I live there. I intend to go Back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Ralph Miller


I have a wife and ffamily in Whittingham & I intend to go to them. I live there. Rejected.

Not ask'd who he wo[ul]d vote for.


George Lonsdale


I came from Trinkle? With an Intend to give a Vote And I intend to go Back again. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Tho: Gregson


I am a chairman at Liverpool and I intend to go back and be a chairman there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edw: Rhodes


I am a shopkeeper at Mitton. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for B[urgoyne] a plumper.


Rd Rutter


I have a House at Hutton. I live there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thos Sumner


I have a House at Longton where I live and mean to go to it. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richd Whittle


I live at Longton & intend going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Jos Wildring


I have a Home, a Wife and ffamily at Longton & I intend to go back to them. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


William Birchall


I live in Inskip, have a House there and I am going Back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Thomas Charnley


I live at Farington, my House and ffamily are there. And I am going Back to them what sigs making words. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


William Maudesley


I live at Hutton and am going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Geo: Cross


I came from Barton. Mr Cross – I know he is only an Occasional Resid[en]t – 2 or 3 D[ay]s a Week. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Fr[anci]s Sargent


I live at Woodplumpton have a ffamily there am going thither.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Hall


John Cardwell – He is a Seafaring man, he lives in Preston has bee a pilot lately – he has a share of a fflat and brings Coals to P[reston] in it. He lived in Wharton Brows before he came here but has no Habitat[io]n there now, he gave it up two or 3 y[ea]rs since, the ffurn[iture] there was sold by Auction by Hy. Cardwell. I have known him 7 years. He has of late years been patroling abt. Voter - I have been here three months with my ffamily excessively – waiting for th' Election. I live in Tithe Barn Street in a House I have taken for a year. I took it in July last. I have a Wife & 6 child[re]n here. I sho[ul]d have gone to Oxford but my ffriends wo[ul]d not let me. Rd Hall – I am his Bro[th]er, he used to live in Wharton Brow till within 3 m[onth]s last. The Overseer took the House there for him abt 3 y[ea]rs ago & he has ever since lived in it till within 3 m[onth]s – (The Voter says he took it not as Overseer but as a ffriend to his wife & the Wit[nes]s agrees to it.) Fletcher the Overseer of Brin[in]g took the House for him and has paid for it ever since. I can't say pos: that he was the Overseer then, but I think so, he Acted as Overseer, and was apply'd to as such. I can't tell whether he took it as Overseer or not when he first came to Preston he came to Chris: Salisbury's since Xmas. Nichs Walmsley - He has sailed on Board my Vessels. John Cross – he apply'd to me for the House in July last to take it for a year, but we only agreed for it since Christmas. He is to pay is to pay 35s for it & he & his ffam[ily] are in it. I live with them and have a Room, but Rd Rogers & his wife & child live with us in the same room. I don't know who recommended him to me, Chris: Salisbury, I believe. I don't believe he has ever been in his owen Country since he came here. Wm Brindle – He came out of our Town of Wharton since Christ[ma]s, He & his ffam[il]y were relieved by th' Overseer of Brining the last Spring – the Child[re]n used to call at my House as they went for Relief. It is above 12 month since they were relieved. Allowed.





Isaac Turner


I live at Kensall\Kersall Hall and am going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Eaves


I live at Hardhorn with Newton & am going Back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Eaves


I live with my ffather at Hardhorn with Newton & shall go back thither in a Day or two. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Rd Eaves


I live at Dalton and am going back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Solomon Gardner


I live at Poulton and am going back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Shuttleworth Darlington


Tho: Clark – He works with me he is a chairmaker. I am a clogger he took a Room of me the 28: of Dec: He came from Blackburn and has gone over to see a ffriend there, but he has in gen[era]l been with me. He intends to stay as long as he can get work but he has not taken his Lodgings for any certain time, He came here to seek work, and pays 6s 6d a week for his Room and Board. Voter – won't tell what he has got by his Work – since he came – I'll say no more. John Whalley – I know him he lives in Blackburn next Door but one to me, he follows Chairmaking Bus[iness] at Blackburn. I saw him bottoming Chairs there abt 3 weeks ago he and his ffather only came 3 or 4 Days a Week to Preston. I have seen him at work a Dozen times at Blackburn since he came to Preston. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richd Threlfall


I come here some times – my Home is Churchtown. I am going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Nich: Whalmsley


I live at Liverpoole, have a ffam[ily] there & am going to them. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm THrelfall


I live at Woodplumpton & am going to my Fam[ily]. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Js Thompson


I came from Liverpoole, have lived here three months but am going Home to Liverpoole. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Js Threlfall


I live at Penwortham when I am at Home & am going back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richard Sharrock


I came fro' Rufford, I live there & am going back thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Halewood sen


The like. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Halewood jun


The like. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Cross


I live at Barton, have a ffam[ily] there & will go back to them. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Edward Burchall


I live at Thrales & I mean to go back as soon as the Election is over. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richard Summer


Hool is my Habitation. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Turner


I live at Thelwell in Cheshire. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Richard Turner


My Home is at Leigh & I am going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


John Turner


I come from Wooston & I am going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Isaac Turner


I am living at Warrington & going thither. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Joseph Charnock


I live at Preston at present. I intend to go Home to Barton where my Home is. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


James Clarkson


I lived at College Hall near Norwich, am an Officer in the Excise & am come here to see my ffriends. This is my present place of Resid[ence]. My Walk: is near Norwich, I am absent upon Leave. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


William Thornton


Does not appear to be a ffreeman in the Guild Book, but is entred in the Stamp Book, and appears by the Original Book of Entries to be only a foreign Burgess. Agreed to enter into Evidence touching his Residence, lest he sho[ul]d hereafter appear to be a ffreeman.


Thomas Mayor


He has resided with me & had Lodges with me these ten weeks – he has taken the Room till May Day. Roger Ryding – I know him he, his mother and sister live together in Cross Stone. I saw him there about a month since. He sayd he was coming to Poll & wo[ul]d give a Plumper to Col: Burgoyne. He say'd last Saturday he was weary of Staying here at Preston. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Wm Threlfall


I am an Inhit here; have been here ever since 1st of January. I have a ffortune which keeps me. I live at Mr Sallom's here, my ffa[th]er lives at Broughton, and I shall not stay here but go Home to him. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Henry Thornton


Bro[th]er to Wm above named and only a Foreign Burg[es]s. I intend to stay here till May Day & then to go to London to see a Friend. Rog[e]r Ryding – He lived at Crosstone & has a ffam[ily] there. I saw them abt a Week since. He sayd he intended to give a Plumper to B[urgoyne] but was weary of staying at Preston. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B. Margin note: the word “see” is underlined and a comment “quite blind” appears in the margin.


Wm Johnson


I don't intend to reside at Preston, but to go where I came from. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Hy Walmsley


I live at Wheelton, my wife is there & I intend to go to her. Rejected.

Not asked who wd have voted for.


Thomas Walmsley


I live with my ffa[th]er at Brindle & intend to go back. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


Roger Walmsley


I live in Hoghton and have a ffam[ily] there. Rejected.

Wou'd have voted for H & B.


William Martin


Mrs Counsall – He boards with me. He came in Jan: last, has a fortune of his own. He has taken lodgings of me for a year. The Voter – I boarded at Hutton, came here in the middle of Jan: to table here. I had no reason for coming. It was my mind. I had never tabled with Mrs Counsall till January - I believe. Mr Rawstern's Steward ask'd me to come, And I came because he ask'd me. I came to vote and vote I will. Mrs Counsall – He says he does not know but he will stay here. He bro[ugh]t no Goods with him. Tho: Loxham - I know him, he lived at Hugh Simmond's in Hutton & had goods there some years ago. Tho: Kay – I know him, he lives in Hutton and has a good estate – he came to table with a woman next Door to Peter Rawstern. He kept House at Hutton formerly, but lately boarded with Hugh Simmonds. His abiding was there unless he was fetch'd hither. The Voter – I intend to go first to one place & then to another. Admitted.





Adjourn'd to 7 in the morning

Friday, April 1st, 1768

N.B. Lord Strange declared this morning on the Treaty for Shortning the Poll, that he wished an Agreement for that purpose had been made three or four Days or a Week before, as he always thought the out Votes good for nothing and so he had told the Candidates several times. He further sayd he thought the only Question to he tried was whether the Inhits, not Freemen, are good Votes or not.










Lord Strange





Lawrence Rawstrone Esq






Roger Charnock





James Crooke






George Slater






Peter Hodgkinson






Samuel Hodgkinson






Gilbert Jameson






Ralph Woods






William Woods






Thomas Newsholme






Richard Burton






John Burton






William Cross







William Young







The to Inhits not free - beg[inning] Tho: Horridge


John Dickinson





Joseph Bray





Thomas Walshman





Thomas Jackson





Alexander Casson





Richard Atherton





Bartholomew Davis





William Riddihough





James Cowburn





Edw: Bolton





John Derbyshire





Ralph Watson





John Nabb





Will: Green





Thomas Astley





Richard Astley





Richard Ashton





William Pritchard





Robert Moss Esq





Robert Farrer