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The dig on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd June 2024 was based upon previous excavations and a GPR survey carried out in March of this year.

Day 1 – 21st June, 2024

Trench A

A new wall was discovered approximately 0.1m below the surface.

This wall appeared 10.87m from the right-hand wall (furthest from the river). All the finds were non-datable – broken pot, glass, rusted iron. A similar trench was excavated closer to the house (within the enclosed area) and it looked like the wall had continued into that area.

The above trench was continued in a S-E direction – looking for the intersection with the SW-NE wall.

This “new” wall did not bond into the horizontal wall and ended 3.45m from the garden wall.

Another trench was created on the other side of the garden wall and the wall appeared to continue into the garden area.

Trench B

This trench was opened up based on GPR readings that indicated a lack of reflection at .5m.

Turf removed revealing a dark layer of soil with gravel, slate, bricks and other debris, including some metal and pottery. 

This gave way to a level of sand that revealed no further finds or human activity, so the trench was filled in.

Could the change in electrical conductivity be due to the proximity to the Wyre?

Day 2 – 22nd June, 2024

The weather continues to be hot. A day for plenty of liquids and sun block.

Image courtesy of Juliette Gregson. Most of the activity is within the garden wall.

Chris, Jenny and Diane (our host) examining some of the finds coming out of the trenches.

A video of the dig and the surrounding area is available on Youtube – https://youtu.be/GDHYEz_XIWc?si=bPYI6Z8v1MvQ8-ww – again courtesy of Juliette Gregson.

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