Arkwright, Wm, has been in Town a Night or two at a time about once in 3 weeks or a Month ever since August last.

Arkwright, Richd, Barber has been in Town pretty constantly since 5th January 1768 followed Clockwork. [Comment: Query if free]

Atherton, Richd, Esq. came to Town about 6 weeks ago and stayd pretty contantly.


Baldwin, Hugh, Gent. took a room in Town 4 January 1768 has been 3 times in Town since and stayd 2 or 3 nights at a time did not bring his wife and family.

Barker, John, from Liverpoole, has been in Preston about 9 months with wife and children and Exercised his calling.

Mr? Boltons, resided 2, 3 or 4 nights not more from the first.

Byrom ,John, came to Town about 12th February, is a Singleman has followed no imployment in Town.

Brewer Richd came to Town about beginning of January is a single man follows no Imployment in Town.


Clarkson, Michael of Newton , Yorkshire, Cloger, came to Town 5th January 1768 has a wife and family in Town, follows no business in Town.

Clarkson, Thomas of Read, came to Town beginning of January last and stays 2 or 3 nights per week without his family, follows no business in Town.

Clarkson, Leonard of Whalley, the like.

Clarkson, Robert of Bashall Eaves, the like

Clayton, John of Walton Weaver, 5th January 1768 came to Town, is a singleman, has stayd 3 nights per week.

Clayton, John the younger the like.

Conwells and Coopers all Papists.

Conwell, Thomas was relieved by the Overseer of Walton in the Month of ______ last past.

Cross, Wm the younger of Barton, Tanner, married came to Town 5th January 1768 comes himself 3 nights per week in Town, follows no business.

Cross, Henry the elder of Barton, Tanner, married, the like.

Cross, Henry son of Wm, the like.

Charnock, John Singleman, came to Town 5 January 1768, gave his Votes to Colonels interest afterwards turned on account of some threats from Mr Shuttleworths steward.

Charnock, Benjamin of Barton, came 5 January 1768, is a singleman and has been in Town constantly.

Cowell, Wm from Wigan, has a wife and children, never came to Preston but a few days since.

Cowell, Robt from Liverpool, has a wife and family, has been about a week in Preston now works with his Mother.

Cowell, James, only came from London about 10th March and set to work at Tulketh, a joiner, but no wife.

Conwell, James, came 10th March.

Charnock, Robert came to Town beginning of January is a singleman follows no imployment.

Clarkson, Thos, of Bolton, came to Town beginning of February. Married man, his wife and family not here nor followed any imployment in Town.

Clarkson, Robert of Bolton, Butcher, came to Town beginning of February, has a wife and family.

Crane, James from Liverpool, came to Town in December last and is imployed by Mr Davis.

Cuerden, Mathew, came to Town with his wife and family does no work.


Darlington, John, Blacksmith, has been in Town about a Month, is believed has received a sum of money or a Quantity of Iron.

Dewhurst, Thos, carrier, has a wife and family at Blackrod.


Fielden, Henry, was here in January last but not since.

Fothergill, Richd has been about 5 months, servant to Robt Parker, esq.

Farrer, Wm, Clerk Curate of Whalley, took a room in Town the beginning of January last has not been in Town since.

Fieldens Messers, resided 2 or 3 nights at most its sayd 2 of the Fieldens will not give any vote.

Fishwick, John, Sadler, from Walton, has been in Town about a Month and Married since ____


Greenall, Thos, Mr, resided only one night from the first.

Greenall, James, Mr resided only 2 or 3 nights.

Gradwell, Thos of Bolton, joiner, and his wife came to Town beginning of February has followed no Imploy in Town.

Green, James, from Liverpool, Sailor, with his wife came to Town about a month ago has followed no Imployment in Town.

Gwillym, Robt Esq., has been twice at Mr Rawstornes with his family.


Helme, Wm came to Town 5th January 1768, stayd about a Week then returned to Manchester, stayd about a Month and then came to Town again and has stayd almost constantly. Followed no business.


Mr Jackson of Bartle, Singleman, a husbandman came to Town 1st January 1768, stays in Town 4 nights per week follows no imploy.

Jackson, Thos, of Cottam, married man came to Town 5th January 1768, stays himself 2 or 3 nights per week, follows no imploy in Town.

Jenkinson, Mr Attorney, from Liverpool, has been but very little nor never with wife of child, about 4 times only a night or 2 at a time himself.

Johnson, Wm, from Lancaster, came to Town in August last with his wife, follows no imployment.


Livesey, Robt, was here in January last but not since.

Livesey, Richd, was here about a month ago and not since.

Letherbarrow, from London came in January as Joiner.

Livesay, Mr, resided one or 2 nights at most.


Myers, Walter, came to Town about 3 months ago, has wife and family and is imployed by Mr Davis.


Pedder, Philip, came to Preston 27th February.

Pedder, Jas, Revd, has been in Town 3 or 4 weeks.


Rishton, George, of Manchester, Silk weaver, was here in the beginning of January but not since.

Rollinson, Wm, from Lancaster, Malt maker, came to Town about 2 months ago, is Imployed by Henry Brewer.


Simpson, John of Chipping, came to Town about the latter end of January 1768 and stays about 3 nights per week, is a married man, follows no imploy in Town.

Scott, John of Clithero, came to Town 5 January 1768 with his wife follows no business.

Santer, Roger of Barton, comes very seldom to Town.

Starkie, Thos, was here in the beginning of January and about 3 weeks ago but not since.

Starkie, Wm, Doctor, the like.

Smirk, Wm, came here 1st January, has been in Town pretty contrantly, followed no imploy.

Smirk, Steward, has been in Town about one week in a month for about 8 months last past.

Salter, James, Hatter, came 5th January1768, stayd about a week and then returned to Manchester. Stayd about 6 weeks and then returned to Preston and stayd about 2 weeks. Follows no imploy in Town.

Salter, John, came 5th January1768, stayd a few days, has not been here since.

Sharrock, George, from Liverpool, Tallow Chandler, a wife and children here, came in February, has been 3 times but never stayd above a Night or 2, and never worked at his trade in Preston.

Shepherd, Lawrence, son of Law: from Liverpool under age.

Sudell, John Mr, resided perhaps not more than one night from first.

Sudell, James Mr, never been at Preston not I believe intends going.

Slater, Richd, from Manchester, came to Town beginning of January last, is a married amn, has no family in Town and follows no imploy.


Thornely, David, from Liverpool, his wife is a milliner, she never was at Preston but one night in her road from Manchester, no children came 1st February, never stayd above a night or two.

Toogood Wm, a horse rider from Liverpool, has been in Preston about 8 weeks and his daughter about a fortnight.

Tootal, George, has been 3 or 4 times in Town his self but never his family.

Taylor, John, from Liverpool, Marriner, is a married man, brought neither wife not family, follows no imploy.

Townsend, John, Printer, from Liverpool, with his wife & family came to Town about 6 weeks ago, follows no Imploy in Town.


Woods, George, of Broughton, brought his wife and family to Town the latter end of January last and has stayd constantly.

Whittle, Wm of Woodplumpton, came to Town 20 January last and is married, stays himself in Town 3 nights per week follows no imploy.

Whittle, Edwd, the like.

Whalley, _____, from Liverpool, a joiner, has been here about 8 weeks, his wife about a fortnight, not exercised his trade.

Wilson, ____, gamekeeper to Sir Frank Standish, has a wife and several children, have been in Town.

Walker, John, from Kendall, came to Town about a Month ago, is a single man, a stone mason, follows no Imploy in Town.

Wall, Edward, attorney at Law, has an office in Town and no housekeeper but at Garstang.

Walker, Richd, from Liverpool, Joiner, came to Town about 3 weeks ago, is a married man, has no family in Town, follows no Imploy.

Walshman, Robt, came to Town 6 March, is a Barber, follows no imploy in Town.