
Houselookers would keep a lookout for anyone in their area who wasn't an "inhabitant" ie not free. This would be particularly important if the person followed a trade or were employed to the detriment of freemen of the town.

The October Court Leet for 1684 gives the following persons appointed as houselookers for the following year.

Churchgate Randle Cooke & Richard Danser?
ffishergate & Market Street William Wilson & George Ratcliff
ffryergate John Cottam & John Helme


If this is compared with the "Kuerden/KingStrip" map for Preston we have the following:-

Randle Cooke living at 81 Churchgate St.
Richard Dander living at 96 Churchgate St.
Geo Ratcliff living at 4a Mince Pitt Wind
Wm Wilson living at 43 Fishergate St.
Jno Cottham living at 109 ffryergate St.
Jno Helm living at 53 ffryergate St.

So 5 out of the 6 houselookers live in the streets they are monitoring - which would make sense. The other, George Ratcliff, lived in an adjacent street.

Anyone failing in their duty as houselooker could be fined. David Poole was elected houselooker for ffishergate & Market Street in October 1675 but, by the following April there is a presentment stating that he "neglects & refuses to do his duty". He was fined vli.