Book 5 - 1812

Friday the third Day of January 1812 at eleven oclock in the Forenoon, the court met pursuant to adjournment and the Jury returned the following presentments.

Robert Bolton for placing divers Carts and Waggons near the North End of Mount Street to the great danger of his Majestys Subjects unless the same be removed in one week after Notice we amerce the said Robert Bolton in the Sum of ten shillings for each Cart and Waggon.

The Surveyors of the Highways within the said Borough for not repairing the public Highway called the Fylde Road and unless the same be put into complete repair within two months after notice we amerce the said Surveyors in the Sum of twenty shillings.

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Baron commonly called the Inquest of Office holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof on Monday the tenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

The Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor,Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr John Taylor Mr John Maitland
Mr Richard Thompson Mr William Tuson
Mr John Lill Mr William Ashcroft
Mr Thomas Barnett Mr Thos Bray
Mr John Greenwood Mr James McNeall
Mr Lawrence Valentine Mr John Eccleston
Mr Thomas Blinkhorn Mr James Walker
Mr Richard Arrowsmith Mr John Marsden


The Jurors returned no presentments.

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Mayors Court or Court of Elector holden at the Town Hall within the said Borough and the Liberties thereof the ninth Day of October in the fifty second year of the Reign of King George the third and in the tear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

Before Edward Travers Esq., Mayor.


Elected by the Mayor - Mr Hugh Waterworth

Elected by the Aldermen present Mr Richard Palmer

The Jury returned by the Elizors.

Mr John Taylor Mr Thomas Tomlinson
Mr John Throughton Mr Thomas Woodcock
Mr Robert Gornall Mr John Bullen
Mr Hugh Dewhurst Mr John Robinson
Mr William Leighton Mr James Thompson
Mr Robert Friend Mr Lawrence Valentine
Mr John Gornall Mr William Wilson
Mr Richard Thompson Mr John Bairstow
Mr John Bostock Mr Cottam Lyon
Mr James Cheetham Mr Edward Clough
Mr Thomas Gregson Mr Joseph Robinson
Mr John Addison jun Mr Timothy Wren


who elect for Mayor for the year ensuing Nicholas Grimshaw Esq., for the Towns Bailiff Mr Charles Buck, for the Town Serjeant Mr John Clowes.

And the Court adjourned to Monday the twelth day of October 1812 at five oclock in the Afternoon at the Town Hall in Preston.

12th October 1812

The Court being met pursuant to Adjournment, Nicholas Grimshaw Esq., the new elected Mayor took the oath appointed instead of the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, the Oath of Justice of Peace of the said Borough and the oath of Coroner of the Borough and then chose for his Bailiff Mr Thomas Petty and for his Serjeant Mr Joseph Pratt, Edward Robert Travers Esq., the late.

Mayor took the oath of Office of Justice of Peace for the said Borough before Nicholas Grimshaw Esq., the new Mayor. Mr Charles Buck was sworn into the Office of Towns Bailiff; and Mr Thomas Petty was sworn into the Office of Mayors Bailiff, John Clewes was sworn into the Office of Towns Serjeant and Joseph Pratt was sworn into the Office of Mayors Serjeant.

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet with view of Free Pledges holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof on Tuesday the twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

Before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor.

And then the Court was adjourned to Wednesday, 23rd day of December next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

Wednesday the 23rd day of December 1812 the Court met pusuant to Adjournment and the following Officers were appointed.

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - Matthew Fisher and John Oldham

Ale Founders - John Clowes and Joseph Pratt

Affeerers - Mr Alderman Grimshaw and Mr Alderman Travers

Treasurers for Poor Apprentices - Mr Waterworth and Mr John Green

House Looker - James Howard

Pinder - John Nuttall

Beadle - Thomas Townsend

Constables: John Clowes, John Eastwood, Joseph Pratt, John Hird, George Lomax, Thomas Gregson, John Walker, Thomas Bradburne, John Richardson, John Brown, John Guest, Peter Leather, John Rigby, Peter Howson, Edmund Baines, Thomas Townsend, Joseph Goodier, James Clarke, John Wise, John Talbot, John Yates, Thomas Blinkhorn, Thomas Walton, John Booth, William Brade, Cottam Lyon, William Ellerthorpe, James Ogilvie and Richard Banks.


From Mr Westmores to Crown Channel - Thomas Ascroft

Church Street from Town Hall to Churchgate Bars, Lord Street and Church Wiend - George Sudell

Market Place - Mr Thomas Blinkhorn and Mr Cottam Lyon as Overseers of the Poor.

And then the Court was adjourned to Thursday the 31st day of December Instant at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

31st December 1812. The Court met pursuant to adjournment and the following Jurymen attended and were sworn into office.

Mr Charles Ambler Mr John Caton
Mr John Greenwood Mr John Abraham
Mr Thomas Blinkhorn Mr Thomas Green
Mr Lawrence Valentine Mr Lawrence Fearnside
Mr John Gornall Mr John Baron
Mr Richard Arrowsmith Mr William Tuson
Mr Robert Westmore jun Mr Thomas Charnley


And then the Court was adjourned to Tuesday the 19th day of January next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.