Book 5 - 1810
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The Court Baron commonly called the Inquest of Office holden in the Town Hall in and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof on Monday the fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.
Before Daniel Lyon Esquire, Mayor.
The jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.
Mr John Fallowfield | Mr John Robinson |
Mr Thomas Brandreth | Mr Thomas Baines |
Mr William Critchley | Mr John Bostock |
Mr John Greenwood | Mr Thomas Scott |
Mr Richard Thompson | Mr Edward Clough |
Mr William Tuson | Mr Michael Whitehead |
The jurors made no presentments
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The Mayors Court or Court of Election holden in the Town Hall in and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof the fifth day of October in the fifty first year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.
Before Daniel Lyon Esquire, Mayor.
Elected by the Mayor - Mr John Green
Elected by the Aldermen present - Mr Richard Palmer
Jury returned by the elizors
Mr John Taylor | Mr Thomas Tomlinson |
Mr Hugh Dewhurst | Mr Endund Lodge |
Mr Henry Fisher | Mr John Gornall |
Mr Robert Gornall | Mr James Thompson |
Mr John Startifant | Mr Lawrence Valentine |
Mr William Leighton | Mr Thomas Bray |
Mr Robert Friend | Mr Edward Clough |
Mr Thomas Dewhurst | Mr Thomas Moore, surgeon |
Mr John Bostock | Mr Thomas Moore, wine merchant |
Mr Richard Thompson | Mr Thomas Woodcock |
Mr John Bullen | Mr William Clayton |
Mr Thomas Gregson | Mr Cottam Lyon |
Who elect for Mayor for the year ensuing - George Blelock Esquire
For the Towns Bailiff - Mr Joseph Robinson
For the Towns Serjeant - Mr John Clowes
and then the Court was adjourned to Friday the 12th Day of October instant at eleven oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.
12th October 1810. The Court being called pursuant adjournment George Blelock Esquire the new elected Mayor took the oath appointed in stead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy the oath of Justice of Peace for the said Borough and the oath of Coroner of the said Borough and then chose for his Bailiff Mr John Paley and for his Serjeant Mr Joseph Pratt.
Daniel Lyon Esquire the late mayor took the oath of the Office of Justice of Peace for the said Borough before George Blelock Esquire the new mayor.
Mr Joseph Robinson was sworn into the office of Towns Bailiff, John Clowes was sworn into the office of Towns Serjeant and Joseph Pratt was sworn into the office of Mayors Serjeant.
27th October 1810 Mr John Paley appeared before the Mayor and took the oath of Office of Mayors Bailiff.
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The Court Leet with view of free pledges holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof on Monday the twenty ninth Day of October in the 52st year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.
Before George Blelock Esquire, mayor.
The Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as the Mayor Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough
Mr John Taylor | Mr John Smith |
Mr William Taylor | Mr Richard Thompson |
Mr Thomas Baines | Mr Thomas Blinkhorn |
Mr John Baron | Mr Thomas Tomlinson |
Mr Thomas Houghton | Mr John Woods |
Mr William Farrer | Mr Anthony Lund |
Mr John Robinson | Mr Henry Paul Fleetwood |
Mr Robert Friend | Mr James Mc Neall |
Adjournment to Wednesday the twenty eight Day of November next at ten oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.
28th November 1810 The Court met pursuant to adjournment and the Jurors above mentioned returned the following presentment
We present The Right Honorable the Earl of Derby and Mr Richard Baines his agent in Preston for not putting in repair the side or curb stones opposite to his Lordships House in Church Street and unless within one month after Notice hereof they put the said side of curbstones into proper repair and condition we amerce them in the sum of 20s for the said offence.
We present Mr John Greenwood Executor of the late Mr James Haworth for placing a post about the middle of Mount Street in Preston and unless within ten days after notice hereof he remove the same post we amerce him in the sum of ten shillings for the said offence.
We present Mrs Betty otherwise Elizabeth Wilding for not putting into good repair order and condition the ffoot causeway in front of the house occupied by Charles Slater in Mount Street and unless within one month after notice hereof she cause such foot way to be put into good repair order and condition we amerce her in the sum of twenty shillings for the said offence.
We present Robert Bolton of the Borough aforesaid Carter for placing divers Waggons Carts and Carriages near the North End of Mount Street in Preston and permitting them to remain there an unreasonable Time and unless within Ten Days after notice hereof he remove such Waggons Carts and Carriages and desist from placing any of them there in future we amerce him in the sum of Ten Shillings for the said offence.
We present Lady Gerrard of the Borough aforesaid for not making a proper Foot Causeway in front of the Dwellinghouse occupied by her in Fishergate Preston and unless within two months after notice hereof she cause such Foot causeway to be made we amerce her in the sum of Ten Pounds for the said offence.
We present the proprietors of the Waterworks or Mrs Tipping for not putting in repair the Lower End of Minsprit Wiend in Preston (the proprietors of the Waterworks having caused the same to be out of repair and unless within one month after notice hereof they or she cause the same to be put into ______ we amerce them or her in the Sum of forty Shillings for the said offence.
We present the same for not cleansing the Reservoir of Water belonging to the Proprietors of the Waterworks at Preston by reason whereof the Water therein contained is become very foul ans nauseous and injurious to the Health of his majestys Subjects and unless within four months after notice thereof they or she cause the said Reservoir to be effectually cleansed we amerce them or her in the sum of Ten pounds for the said Offence.
We present Mr John Salter of the Borough aforesaid Hair Dresser for permitting and suffering the Water and Wash from the Dwellinghouse lately erected by him to run into the foot way leading to Avenham, and unless within one month after notice hereof he alter the course of the said Water and Wash or prevent the same from being an annoyance and Inconvenience to the public we amerce him in the sum of six shillings and eight pence for the said offence.
We present Mr James Birkett of the Borough aforesaid Manufacturer for leaving uncovered or unprotected by any rails two openings into a Vault or Cellar opposite the Warehouse of Mr Hargreaves in the Back Lane in Preston _ and unless within one month after notice hereof he cover the same or place Rails therein so as to not be inconvenient or dangerous to passengers we amerce him in the Sum of thirty Shillings for the said offence.
We present Mr John Pemberton of the Borough aforesaid Builder for digging the Foundations for Buildings in Vauxhall Road in Preston which now contains a large quantity of Water and leaving such Foundations open without any Fence, railing or other safeguard against accidents, and unless within one month after notice hereof he let off the said water and place Fence, railing or other safeguard around the said Foundations to prevent accidents we amerce him in the sum on five pounds for the said offence.
We present Henry Kitchen of the Borough aforesaid for placing a Dam across the Common Sewer behind the house of Richard Leach in Preston which obstructs the course of the Water from the Brown Channel to the great nuisance and annoyance of his Majestys subjects and unless within Ten Days after notice thereof he remove the said Dam and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of five pounds for the said offense.
We present the proprietors of the Lancaster Canal and Mr James Fergus their agent for not causing to be repaired the North End of Lune Street in Preston the want of which repair is a great nuisance and annoyance to his Majestys subjects and unless within one month after notice hereof he cause the several persons liable to repair the said street to put the same in repair we amerce him in the sum of thirty shillings for the said offence.
We present the same for placing or permitting or suffering to be placed several Dams across the Common Sewer which runs through the orchard behind the house of Richard Leach in Preston which obstruct the course of water from the Brown Channel to the great nuisance and annoyance of his Majestys subjects and unless within ten days after notice hereof he remove the said Dams and obstructions and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of five pounds for the said offence.
We present Mr James Fergus of the Borough aforesaid for causing to be placed a a post which projects across the Foot Causeway in Lune Street and unless within one month after notice hereof he remove the said Post we amerce him in the Sum of Ten Shillings for the said offence.
We present Mrs Bryers of the Borough aforesaid for not keeping in proper repair the Cellar lids in front of her Dwellinghouse situate in Fishergate in the said Borough and unless within seven days after notice hereof she put the same into proper repair and condition we amerce her in the sum of twenty shillings for the said offence.
We present Mrs Wren? Corry and Woodcock of the Borough aforesaid Timber Merchants for placing a large stone opposite to the house of Mr Taylor in Mount Street and unless within ten days after notice hereof they remove the said stone we amerce them in the sum of ten shillings for the said offence.
We present George Blelock Esquire mayor of the said borough for placing a step at the entrance of a dwellinghouse in Mount Street in Preston in the occupation of George Atkinson in such a situation as to be attended with great danger of his majestys subjects, and unless within one month after notice hereof he remove or alter such step so as to be less inconvenient to the public we amerce him in the sum of ten shillings for the said offence.
We present Mr John Green Howard of the Corporation of Preston for not putting into proper repair order and condition the mouth of the common sewer opposite the shop of John Walmsley wheelwright situate in Fishergate in Preston and unless within one month after notice hereof he put the said into proper repair we amerce him in the sum of twenty shillings for the said offence.
We present the same for placing or causing to be placed on the south side of the Rail Road in Fishergate Lane a great number of stones and stone posts and unless within ten days after notice hereof he remove the said stones and posts we amerce him in the sum of twenty shillings for the said offence.
We present the same for not painting the posts opposite the Free School within the said Borough with white paint the want of which posts being so painted is attende with great [danger] of his majestys subjects and unless within ten days after notice hereof he cause the said posts to be painted white as aforesaid we amerce him in the sum of ten shillings for the said offence.
We present the Surveyors of the highways of the said Borough for placing or allowing to be placed a post in the foot way to Mrs Bairstows House in Fishergate, Preston and unless within ten days after notice hereof they may remove the said posts we amerce them in the sum of ten shillings for the said offence.
We present the same for not making a footcauseway below the Green Bank in Preston from the termination of the present foot causeway and to extend beyond the steam engine mill in Watery Lane the want of which causeway is attended with great inconvenience to his majestys subjects and unless within one month after notice hereof they make such foot causeway we amerce them in the sum of four pound for the said offence.
We present the same for not removing divers heaps of earth ashes and rubbish laying in the public highway called the Filde Road within the said Borough which are a great nuisance and annoyance to and attended with great danger of his majestys subjects and unless within one month after notice hereof they remove such earth ashes and rubbish we amerce them in the sum of two pounds for the said offence.
We present the same for not removing a quantity of earth or rubbish in the highway opposite to the factory in the occupation of Mr Edward Clayton in Friergate and for not widening the same and also for not building a wall so as to prevent the soil and sand from the adjoining field sinking into the said highway, and unless within six months after notice hereof they remove such earth and rubbish widen such highway and build such wall we amerce them in the sum of four pounds for the said offence.
We present the same for not removing many heaps of mud, ashes and rubbish in the front of Stanley Street in Preston, also for not removing some posts on the north side of the House of Correction wall which mud, ashes, rubbish and posts are a nuisance and annoyance and may occasion danger to his majestys subjects and unless within ten days after notice hereof they remove such mud ashes rubbish and posts we amerce them in the sum of two pounds for the said offence.
Officers appointed at a Court Lett holden at the Town Hall in the said Borough on the twenty ninth day of October 1810.
Viewers of Fish and Flesh - Mr Thomas Woodcock and Mr Joseph Pratt.
Ale Founders - Joseph Prat and John Hird
Affeerers - Mr Aldn Grimshaw and Mr Richd Newsham
Treasurers for poor Apprentices - Mr John Green and Mr Waterworth
House Lookers - James Howard
Pinder - John Nuttall
Beadle - Thomas Townsend
John Clewes, Joseph Pratt, John Eastwood, John Hird, Thomas Townsend, Thomas Houghton, Thomas Werden, John Brown, Thomas Blinkhorn, Cottam Lyon, James Macneall, Thomas Atherton, Richard Bibby, James Parker, Thomas Parkinson, John Smith, John Parker, James Smith, John Capstick, Richard Metcalf, Richard Banks, Joseph Goodear, Thomas Walton, Peter Rawson, Anthony Lund, William Shakeshaft, John Wise, Martin Noble, John Wrigley, Henry Bowerbank, John Haines, Michael Harrison, Henry Wearden, Dyonicious Haworth, Edmund Barnes, John Richardson, Robert Farnworth, Thomas Knowles.