Book 5 - 1809

7th April 1809. The following persons were sworn into the office of special constables for the Borough of Preston before John Grimshaw Esquire one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the said Borough.

Thomas Adcroft, King Street, Bookkeeper

Joseph Stocks of Preston, joiner

William Davies of Syke Hill, warper

4th July, 1809. The following persons were sworn into the office of special constables for the Borough of Preston before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor of Preston.

Thomas Knowles, Thomas Parkinson, James Clark, William Rishton and John Swarbrick.


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The mayors court or Court of Election holden at the Town Hall within and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof the sixth day of October in the forty ninth year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and nine.

Before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor.


Elected by the Mayor - Mr Hugh Waterworth

Elected by the Aldermen present - Mr Richard Palmer

Jury returned by the Elizors

Mr Robert Friend Mr Thomas Bray
Mr John Troughton Mr Lawrence Valentine
Mr John Whitehead Mr John Paley
Mr Hugh Dewhurst Mr Jackson Walton
Mr Robert Gornall Mr Thomas Gregson
Mr Richard Thompson Mr Richard Riley
Mr John Bostock Mr Thomas Woodcock
Mr John Bullen Mr John Fallowfield jnr.
Mr John Walton Mr Thomas Dewhurst
Mr John Taylor Mr Thomas Tomlinson
Mr Timothy Wren Mr John Bairstow
Mr John McCaudlish Mr John Eastwood


Who elect for Mayor for the year ensuing - Daniel Lyon, Esquire.

For the towns bailiff - Mr Arthur Milsom

For the towns serjeant - Mr Joseph Pratt

And then the court was adjourned to Thursday the 12th day of October instant at ten oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.


12th October. The court being called pursuant to adjournment.

Daniel Lyon Esquire, the new elected Mayor took the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and the oath of his office of Mayor, the oath of Justice of Peace for the said Borough and the oath of Coroner of the said Borough and then chose his bailiff, Mr William Brade and for his serjeant Mr John Clowes.

Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, the late mayor took the oath of office of justice of peace for the said Borough before Daniel Lyon Esquire, the new Mayor.

Mr Arthur Milsom? was sworn into the office of town bailiff and Mr William Brade into the office of Mayors bailiff.

Mr Joseph Pratt was sworn into the the office of town sergeant and John Clowes was sworn into the office of Mayors serjeant.


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet with view of free pledges is holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough and the Liberties thereof on Friday the twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine.

Before Daniel Lyon Esquire, Mayor.

27th October 1809. The Court assembled and was afterwards adjourned to Friday the 24th day of November next at 10 oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.

24th November 1809. The Court being called pursuant to adjournment,

Mr John Baron, Mr John Cross, Mr Joseph Robinson, Mr David Ainsworth, Mr John Daniel Lyon, Mr Henry Dawson, Mr Robert Park, Mr Thomas Pollard and Mr Thomas Addison who were summoned to attend as jurors were severally fined in 6/8 for no attendance and then the court was adjourned to Friday the 15th Day of December next at eleven oclock in the forenoon.

15th December 1809. The court being called pursuant to adjournment the following gentlemen were sworn as jurors.

Mr Robert Friend Mr John Hilton
Mr James Irving Mr Jonathan Lodge
Mr John Gornall Mr Anthony Teebay
Mr William Wilcock Mr Thomas Woodcock
Mr James Mounsey Mr Thomas Scott
Mr John Taylor Mr Edward Brandreth
Mr George Sims Mr Richard Boys
Mr Edward Clough Mr Thomas Tomlinson
Mr Thomas Threlfall  


Who say and present as follows

We present Mr William Brade of the Borough aforesaid Liquor merchant for placing a middingstead near his dwellinghouse in Leeming Street in the said Borough and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he remove the same middingstead and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mr David Ainsworth of the Borough aforesaid Cotton Spinner for placing a middingstead in the public footway called the Ginnell near to his dwellinghouse in Church Street in Preston and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice therof he remove the said middingstead and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mrs Catherine Mayor of the Borough aforesaid widow for not repairing the foot way in the Back Lane in front of Henry Simpsons School her property and unless or before the first day of February next after notice thereof she effectually repair such foot way we amerce her in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mr George Blecock of the Borough aforesaid malster for placing a large stone opposite the garden of Mr William Green in Leeming Street and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he remove or cause to be removed the said stone we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mr John Williams of the Borough aforesaid Innkeeper for placing a middingstead in the public foot way called the Ginnell near his dwellinghouse in the said Borough and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he remove the said middingstead and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mr John Fallowfied of the Borough aforesaid Druggist for placing a middingstead in Lord Street in front of his premises where situate and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he remove the said middingstead and desist from placing any there in future we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present the Right Honorable the Earl of Derby and Mr Richard Harris his agent in Preston for leaving open without any wall, fence or inclosure a middingstead at the top of Graystocks Yard near the Church and unless on or day of January next after notice thereof erect a wall or other inclosure so as to prevent the said middingstead from being a nuisance to the public passing the same we amerce him in the sum of 40s for the said offence.

We present Mr John Pemberton of the Borough aforesaid Joiner for placing a middingstead at the back of a house in Grimshaw Street, Preston alongside the public footway and for not walling or railing the same to prevent such a midding being a nuisance and unless on or before the first day of February next after notice thereof he place a wall or fence or remove the said middingstead we amerce him in the sum of 13s 4d for the said offence.

We present Mr Thomas Sudell of the Borough aforesaid Gent for not turning the watercourse which runs down the public road called the Ginnell into the Common sewer and unless or before the first day of February next after notice thereof he turn the said watercourse into the Common sewer we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present the surveyors of the highways of the said Borough for not rejoining the foot path from the bottom of Fishergate Brow to the March End by raising the same and for permitting divers posts to remain upon the middle and other parts of such footway (except on the sides thereof to the Lane) and unless or before the first day of May next after notice thereof they raise and repair the said footpath and remove the said posts so presented we amerce them in the sum of £5 for the said offence.

We present the surveyors of the highways of the said Borough for not repairing the highway within the said Borough begging at the bottom of Friergate where the late Toll Bars stood to that part of the highway near spittalls Moss which has lately been repaired and unless on or before the first day of April next after notice hereof they effectually repair the said highway we amerce them in the sum of £5 for the said offence.

We present Messers Leece of the Borough aforesaid Coachmakers for placing divers large quantities of timber in the public road near the Free School in Preston and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof they remove the same and desist from placing any timber there in future we amerce them in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present the Corporation of the said Borough and Mr John Green their steward for not repairing the grating over the channel at the bottom of Friergate and at the end of Walker Street and for not covering the channel and unless on or before the first day of February next after notice thereof they repair the same and cover the said channel we amerce them in the sum of 30s for the said offence.

We present the same for not covering the channel opposite Walmsleys shop in the Fishergate, Preston and unless and before the first day of February next after notice thereof they recover the said channel we amerce them in the sum of 13s 4p for the said offence.

We present the same for not repairing the flags in Front of the shop of Mr Harrison near the Mitre in Fishergate and for not widening and deepening the same so as to admit the water to pass through the same and unless on or before the first day of January next after thereof they repair and widen the same we amerce them in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present the same for not repairing the road at the bottom of the Stoney gate and turning the watercourse and for not removing the posts or stoops there placed and unless on or before the first day of March next after notice thereof they repair the same and turn the watercourse and remove the said stoops or posts we amerce them in the sum of 40s for the said offence.

We present the same for not repairing the public street at the top of Clark Yard leading from the Church Wiend to Everton Gardens in Preston and unless on or before the first day of February after notice thereof they repair the same we amerce them in the sum of 20s for the said offenc.

We present Mr Edward Blackledge of the said Boro: manufacturer for not grating or covering a cellar on the foot way belonging to his property behind the church and also for not paving the footpath adjoining to his premises in the Stoney Gate in Preston and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he place a grating or covering upon the said cellar and pave the said foot path in a good and effectual manner we amerce him in the sum of 13s 4p for the said offence.

We present Messers Swainson and Co of the said Borough, manufacturers for not repairing that part of the foot way in Leeming Street next adjoining the factory in their occupation and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof they effectively repair the same we amerce them in the sum of 13s 4p for the said offence.

We present Mr Edward Blackledge of the said Borough manufacturers for placing stoops or posts opposite his property in Stoney Gate and unless on or before the first day of January next after notice thereof he remove the said posts or stoops we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.

We present Mr William Throp of the said Borough manufacturer for not turning the watercourse which runs down the public road called the Ginnell into the common sewer and unless on or before 1st day of February next after notice thereof he turn the said watercourse into the common sewer we amerce him in the sum of 20s for the said offence.


Officers appointed at a Court Leet held 27th October 1809

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - Mr Thomas Woodcock & Mr Joseph Pratt

Ale Founders - Mr Joseph Pratt & Mr John Hird

Afferers - Mr Alderman Grimshaw & Mr Alderman Travers

Treasurers for the poor apprentices - Mr John Green and Mr Hugh Waterworth

House Lookers - Mr James Howard

Pinders - John Nuttall

Beadle - Thomas Townsend

Constables - John Clowes, Joseph Pratt, John Eastwood, John Hird, Thomas Townsend, Thomas Dickinson, Thomas Houghton, James Parker, John Brown, Thomas Blinkhorn, Thomas Worden.