Book 5 - 1808
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The Court Baron commonly called the Inquest of Office holden in the Town Hall in and for the said Borough on Monday the twenty ninth day of February in the year of Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.
Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of the said Borough.
Mr Robert Friend | Mr Isaac Lancaster |
Mr John Fallowfield | Mr Arthur Milsom |
Mr Richard Boys | Mr James Cheetham |
Mr Thomas Baines | Mr Joseph Hudson |
Mr James Irving | Mr John Bullen |
Mr James Rainford | Mr James Taylor |
Mr Lawrence Valentine |
The Jury returned no presentments.
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The mayors court or Court of Election holden at the Town Hall within and for the same Borough the seventh day of October in the forty eighth year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord 1808.
Before Richard Newsham Esquire, Mayor.
Elected by the Mayor - Mr Hugh Waterwoth
Elected by the alderman present - Mr Richard Palmer
Jury returned by elizors
Mr Robert Friend | Mr William Talbot |
Mr John Startifant | Mr William Halstead |
Mr Richard Thompson | Mr William Clayton |
Mr John Bostock | Mr Thomas Bray |
Mr John Bullen | Mr Lawrence Valentine |
Mr William Cook | Mr John Bairstow |
Mr William Wilson | Mr Edward Martin |
Mr John Walton | Mr Edmund Lodge |
Mr John Taylor | Mr John Paley |
Mr Robert Newsham | Mr Thomas Dewhurst |
Mr John Mc Candlish | Mr Hugh Dewhurst |
Mr James Pedder | Mr Robert Gornall |
who elect for Mayor for the year ensuing - Nicholas Grimshaw, Esquire.
For the towns bailiff - Mr Thomas Moore, Surgeon
For the towns serjeant - Mr John Clowes
And then the court was adjourned to Wednesday the 12th day of October instant at ten oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.
12th October 1808
The court being called pursuant to the adjournment, Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, the new elected mayor took the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy and the oath of his office of Mayor, the oath of justice of peace for the said Borough and the oath of coroner for the said Borough and then chose for his bailiff - Mr Jonathan Lodge who took the oath of office the same way.
Mr Thomas Moore was sworn into the office of towns bailiff and Mr John Clowes into the office of towns serjeant.
10th November 1808, Joseph Pratt was appointed the mayors serjeant and sworn into office the same day.
The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster
The Court Leet or view of free Pledges holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough on Monday the twenty seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.
Before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor.
The Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.
Mr Robert Friend | Mr John Taylor |
Mr Thomas Miller | Mr Edward Jolly |
Mr John Fallowfield | Mr John Walton snr. |
Mr Richard Riley | Mr John Hardy |
Mr Anthony Teebay | Mr John Hilton |
Mr Thomas Addison | Mr Thomas Petty |
Mr Henry Paul Fleetwood | Mr William Smith |
Mr James Fothergill | Mr James Mounsey |
who say and present as follows
We present _____ Hodgson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights defficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Palmer of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Heys of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Gregson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Smith of the borough aforesaid chandler for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Townson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Marsden of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Clayton Aspden of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Yates of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession five weights deficient in weight. Forfeited and fined 6s 8d which he paid.
We present John Holding of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Lowe of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Joanna Holding of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Robert Higham of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Walmsley of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Hamilton of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Spencer of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John May of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Jepson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Struthers of the borough aforesaid bread baker for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Charnley of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Shakeshaft of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Newsham of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Walker of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Robert Nunn of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Gore of the borough aforesaid bread baker for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William Huggen of the borough aforesaid bread baker for having in his possession seven weights deficient in weight. Forfeited and fined 6s 8d which he paid.
We present William Brakell of the borough aforesaid brazier for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Peter Gornall of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited and fined 6s 8d which he paid.
We present James Clayton of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Mrs Hodgkinson of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present James Hodgkinson of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Thomas Hubbersty of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Peter Hodgkinson of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Robert Unsworth of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession four weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William Holmes of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William Bennett of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Thomas Hammond of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Mrs Bleasdale of the borough aforesaid chandler for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present James Leach of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Hawson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Seed of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William White of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present _____ Duckworth of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Mrs Jackson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Arnott of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession five weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Betty Redhead of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Edward Seed of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Barton of the borough aforesaid bread baker and flour dealer for having in his possession seven weights deficient in weight. Forfeited and fined 6s 8d which he paid.
We present William Wilding of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Widow Dewhurst of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Samuel Smith of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Towers of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present George Whiteside of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Ainsworth of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Swarbrick of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession six weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Richard Brunt of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Peggy Woodroof of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Ellen Blackburn of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession three weights and a pair of weighing scales deficient in weight. Weights forfeited and scales rectified.
We present William Davies of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Gardner of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Chew of the borough aforesaid butcher for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Singleton of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Fletcher of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Roger Ward of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Wright of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Henry Wilkinson of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Richard Banks of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Ann Moore of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Catherine Battye of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession seven weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Walmsley of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William Greeen of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Ellen Brookes of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in her possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Thomas Wyke of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present John Harrison of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Ralph Alderson of the borough aforesaid leather seller for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present James Arkwright of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Henry Parker of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present William Westby of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Edward Toy? of the borough aforesaid grocer for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Misses Wilcocksons of the borough aforesaid confectioners for having in their possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Mr Todhunter of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession one weight deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Samuel Crane of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession two weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
We present Mrs Cook of the borough aforesaid shopkeeper for having in his possession three weights deficient in weight. Forfeited.
All which before mentioned weights have been seized by the jurors aforesaid.
And the jurors aforesaid on their oaths aforesaid do further present and say as follows that is to say -
That the post on the foot path before the house occupied by Mr Septimus Gorst in Fishergate is a very great annoyance and ought to be removed (the same being totally useless) and unless the same is removed within one month from the sixth day of December instant we do fine the Corporation of Preston in the sum of 20s.
And we do further present that the post (to which the pipe for the conveyance of water from the Water Works is affixed) near the Shuffle and Broom in Fishergate ought either be removed to the wall of the house adjoining or the post ought to be considerably higher and painted white paint and a lamp affixed at the top of the same and unless one or other of the said alterations be made within one month from the sixth day of December instant the jurors aforesaid do fine the tenant of the said Waterworks in the sum of 20s.
- Margin "The post raised higher and painted"
And we further present that the tunnel across the street opposite Walmsleys the Wheelwrights shop in Fishergate ought to be widened to admit a larger flow of water thro the same and ought to be grated over at each side of the street and unless the same is done within three months from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the Corporation of Preston in the sum of forty shillings.
And we do further present that the post in the centre of the foot path in Fishergate Lane opposite Mr Woodcocks house (and put up by him) ought to be removed and unless the same is done within a fortnight from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the said Mr Woodcock in the sum of 20s.
- Margin "Post removed"
And we do further present that the public foot way leading to Saint Georges Chapel from Fishergate called Ropers Croft ought to be sufficiently and effectively repaired and unless the same is done within three months from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce Mr Jospeh Seaton Aspden occupier of the adjoining fixed??? (on one whom the burthen of repairing the same lies) in the sum of 40s.
- Margin "Repaired."
And we do further present that the Chapel Street leading out of Fishergate to the Chapel is in bad repair, and unless the same is repaired by the owners or tenants of the property adjoining thereto? (on whom the burthen of repairing the same lies) the jurors aforesaid do amerce the owners or tenants thereof in the sum of 20s.
And we do further present that part of Friergate opposite Richard Leach's is in very bad repair, and unless the same is sufficiently and effectively repaired within four months from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the Corporation of Preston in the sum of ten pounds.
- Margin "Repaired"
And we further present that the foot way in front of the said Richard Leach's new building in Friergate aforesaid is very much broke up and out of repair in consequence of the new building being lately erected by the said Richard Leach and unless the same is effectively repaired by the said Richard Leach within one month from the sixth December instant we do amerce him in the sum of twenty pounds.
- Margin "Repaired"
And we do further present that the tunnel thro which the Brown Channel flows should be made wider and the North side thereof should be grated over and unless the same be done by the first day of May next we do amerce the Corporation of Preston in the sum of 40s.
And we do further present that the cellar lids belonging to the house occupied by Sally Symonds in the Friergate wants repair and unless the same are repaired within one month from the date hereof (6th December) we do amerce the said Sally Symonds the occupier thereof in the sum of 6s 8p.
And we do further present that the foot way in the Back Lane near to the house occupied by James Gould is in bad repair and unless the same is repaired in fourteen days from the sixth December instant we do amerce the Surveyor of the Highways in the sum of 6s 8d.
And we further present that the street called the Anchor Wiend is also in bad repair, and unless the said street called the Anchor Wiend be repaired within four months from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the Corporation of Preston in the sum of 40s.
- Margin "Repaired"
And we further present that the cellar belonging to the house occupied by John Richardson in the Back Lane and the cellar occupied by John McKand in Elbow Street and the cellars occupied by Joseph Dewhurst and Widow Simpson and by (gap) Cunliffe and by Jonathan Woolfendale in the same street and the cellar belonging to Cuthbert Meadows in the same street respectively want railing round them and unless the same are done within three months from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the said person in the sum of 10s each.
And we further present that the cellar lids belonging to the house occupied by Thomas Wyke in Friergate and the cellar lids belonging to the house occupied by Miss Stockdale in the Market Place and the cellar lids belonging to the house occupied by Mr Robert Roper in Lord Street are in want of repair and unless the same are repaired within three months from the sixth day in December instant we do amerce the said persons in the sum of ten shillings each.
And we recommend that the cellar lids belonging to the house occupied by Mr Walker in Lord Street which project out nearly to the full extent fo the foot way be removed backwards considerably to leave the passage open and that this recommendation be made known to Mr Pedder.
And we further present that the cellar belonging to the house occupied by Mr William Kirkby in Lord Street ought to be railed off or have lids to cover the same and unless one or other is done within one month from the sixth day of December instant we do amerce the said William Kirkby in the sum of 20s.
And we do present that the rubbish thrown on the road behind the gardens of Mrs Parr and others at the end of Everton Gardens is a very great annoyance and ought to be removed by Mr Samuel Blackhurst and unless the same be removed by him within six weeks from the said sixth day of December instant we do amerce him in the sum of 40s.
And we do present that the cellar windows belonging to the house and premises occupied by Johnson Ho and Jeoffrey Cragg near Everton Gardens ought to be grated over or covered in by shutters or lids and unless the same are done within one month from the said sixth day of December instant we do amerce them in the sum of 20s each.
The followings being supposed out of the jurisdiction of the Court Leet they have not a power to present them but recommend the following suggestions to the attention of the mayor and Corporation.
It is recommended to carry the Brown Channel down Lune Street to fall into the common sewer there. Mr Richard Leach and Mr Heatley will pay twenty five pounds towards that alteration.
Union Street belonging to Mr Harrison to be paved. Also Canal Street and Walker Street belonging to the respective owners of the adjoining houses. Channel at the end of Walker Street to be grated over - very dangerous.
A lodge of water at the bottom of Friergate adjoining property to the late Mr Atherton - very dangerous - water can't get off owing to the tunnel being choaked at the end near the road. Wants a grate at that end.
The road from the Bars at the bottom of Friergate to Mr Horrock's factory always very bad for want of paving and scouring. Might be much widened. The foot path along that road very narrow and bad. A wall alongside the field next to the foot path is strongly recommended.
Ropers Croft recommended to be paved or repaired with lime stone and the ditch tunnelled over. Fresh posts to be put at the top.
Officers appointed at a Court Leet held 17th October 1808
Views of Fish and Flesh - John Clowes and Joseph Pratt
Ale founders - John Clowes and John Hird
Affeerers - John Grimshaw and George Blelock Esquires
Treasurers for poor apprentices - Mr John Green and Mr Hugh Waterworth
House lookers for Church Gate and Market Place - James Howard
House lookers for Fishergate
House lookers for Friergate
Pinders - Thomas Blinkhorn and Cottam Lyon
Beadle - Thomas Townsend
Constables - John Clowes, John Hird, Joseph Pratt and Thomas Townsend
John Sudell - Church Street
The overseers of the poor of Preston - Market Place
Richard Sutton for part of Friergate
Richard Sutton for Fishergate
Thomas Alston for part of Friergate
and then the court was adjourned to Tuesday the sixth December next at ten oclock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in Preston.
On the said sixth day of December the Court met and the jury returned the presentments before mentioned.