Book 5 - 1807

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Baron commonly called the Inquest of Office holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough on Monday the eighth day of February in the forty seventh year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Jurors to require as well for our Sovereign Lord the King and the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr John Startifant Mr Thomas Tomlinson
Mr William Throp Mr Joseph Robinson
Mr William Smith Mr James Dixon
Mr John Salter Mr John Taylor
Mr John Bullen Mr Richard Thompson
Mr Pilkington Mr Robert Park


(Mr Robert Salter added later)

The jury returned no presentments


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The mayors Court or Court of Election is holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough the ninth day of October in the forty seventh year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Before John Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor.


Elected by the Mayor - Mr Hugh Waterworth Elected by the Aldermen present - Mr Richard Palmer

Jury returned by the Elizors

Mr William Leighton Mr John Mc Candlish
Mr John Startifant Mr William Talbott
Mr Robert Friend Mr William Halstead
Mr Richard Thompson Mr ? Paul Lyon
Mr John Bostock Mr William Clayton
Mr John Bullen Mr Robert Foster
Mr William Cook Mr Thomas Bray
Mr William Wilson Mr Lawrence Valentine
Mr Jackson Walton Mr John Fallowfield jun.
Mr John Taylor Mr John Bairstow
Mr James Pedder Anthony Davies


Who elect for mayor for the year ensuing - Richard Newsham Esquire.

For the towns bailiff - Mr Thomas Tomlinson

For the towns serjeant - Mr James Townsend

and then the court adjourned 'til the 12th October instant at 10 oclock in the forenoon.


12th October 1807

The court being called pursuant to the adjournment, Richard Newsham Esquire, the new elected mayor took the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, the oath of his office of mayor, the oath of Justice of the Peace for the Borough and the oath of coroner for the Borough and then chose for his bailiff Mr James Dixon (Thomas Tomlinson was crossed out) and for his serjeant - John Clowes - and the persons hereunder named took their several oaths of office before the new mayor.

John Grimshaw Esquire the late Mayor the oath of Justice of the Peace for the Borough.

The oath of bailiffs - Mr Thomas Tomlinson and Mr James Dixon.

James Townsend the oath of towns serjeant and John Clowes the oath of Mayors serjeant.


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet or view of free pledges holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough on Friday the 30th day of October in the year of our Lord 1807.

Before Richard Newsham Esquire, Mayor.

The jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr James Heald Mr John Trelfall
Mr William Petty Mr John Gornall
Mr John Fallowfield Mr George Cooper
Mr William Addison Mr James Irving
Mr Richard Boys Mr James Cheetham
Mr Lawrence Fearenside Mr Hugh Becconsall
Mr Thomas Bassett? Mr Richard Arrowsmith
Mr Thomas Petty  


Jury returned no presentments

Officers appointed at a Court Leet held 30th October 1807.

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - John Clowes, James Townsend, Robert Salter & Thomas Baines

Ale Founders - John Clowes & James Townsend

Affeerers - John Grimshaw and Edward Robert Travers Esquire

Treasurers for poor apprentices - John Green & Thomas Norcross

House lookers for Churchgate and Market Place, Friergate and Fishergate - William Barnes & James Howard

Pinders - Thomas Baines & Robert Salter

Bedale - Thomas Townsend

Searchers and Sealers of leather - James Townsend the elder & James Townsend the younger

Constables - John Clowes, James Townsend, John Hird, Thomas Townsend, William Halsttead, John Eastwood, Charles Franks, Thomas Baines, William Walmsley, Ratcliffe Wrigley, John ???, James Townsend the younger, Thomas Houghton, Jonathan Atkinson, Thomas Fountain, Thomas Atherton, James Ogilvie, Roger Hinde, Joseph Kerby, Thomas Carter, Thomas Dickinson, Joshua Gilbody, James Miller, Ferdinando Kitchin, Richard Bankes, James Hunter, John Wareing, William Shakeshaft, Robert Hilton, Philip Wright, Edward Smith, Benjamin Walker, James Bleasdale, William Smith, John Smith, Martin Noble, Isaac Lancaster, John Heatley, Ralph Smith, Dyonisius Haworth, John Walker, Thomas Knowles, Andrew Ferguson, Jeremiah Thompson, Robert Salter, Christopher Wilcock, John Booth, Thomas Ellis, Thomas Smith, John Parker


For Water Street - Mr Thomas Dean

Church Street, Lord Street and St Johns Lane and to sweep the causeway under the church wall - George Sudell

The Market Place to the Brown Channel - Robert Salter

From Brown Channel to Lamb and Packet - Thomas Alston

The Cheapside and Fishergate to the Theatre Tavern - John Green and Robert Salter

11 March 1808 - John Threlfall was appointed Searcher and Sealer of Leather in the ??? of James Townsend deceased who was sworn into office.