Book 5 - 1805

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Baron, commonly called the Inquest of Office, is holden in the Town Hall in the said Borough on Monday the twenty fifth day of February in the forty fifth year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five.

Jury to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, bailiff and burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr John Grimshaw Mr Thomas Parkinson
Mr John Bairstow Mr John Pilkington
Mr Henry Norris Mr Richard Thompson
Mr Joseph Robinson Mr John Bullen
Mr John Cunliffe Mr Edward Bullen
Mr John Greenwood Mr John Salter
Mr James Rainford Mr Thomas Ellis
Mr Charles Ambler Mr Robert Friend

The jury returned no presentments


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster.

The mayors court or Court of Election holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough the fourth day of October in the forty fifth year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our 1805.

Before George Blelock Esquire, Mayor.


Elected by the mayor - Mr John Green

Elected by the aldermen present - Mr John Startifant

Jury returned by the Elizors

Mr James Heald Mr Richard Thompson
Mr Thomas Sunnell Mr Robert Friend
Mr John Calvert Mr Thomas Addison
Mr Hugh Dewhurst Mr William Talbot
Mr Thomas Ogle Mr Jackson Walton
Mr John Green jun Mr John Palmer
Mr Thomas Dewhurst Mr Henry Fisher
Mr William Bowran Mr Samuel Crane
Mr John Salter Mr Richard Riley
Mr John Bullen Mr William Brakell
Mr Edward Bullen Mr Robert Salter
Mr John Bostock Mr John Troughton

who elect for Mayor for the year ensuing Edward Robert Travers, Esquire.

For the towns bailiff - Mr James Pedder

For the towns serjeant - Mr James Townsend

And the court adjourned until the 12th October instant at ten oclock in the forenoon.


12th October 1805

The court being called persuant to the adjournment Edward Robert Travers, Esquire the new elected mayor took the oath appointed instead of the oath of allegiance and supremacy, the oath of office of mayor, the oath of Justice of the Peace for the Borough and the oath of coroner for the Borough, and htne chose for his bailiff Mr John Daniel Lyon, and for his serjeant John Clowes.

And the persons hereunder named took their several oaths of office bfore the new mayor.

George Blelock Esquire the late mayor to oath of Justice of Peace for the borough.

Mr James Pedder and Mr John Daniel Lyon took the oath of bailiffs.

James Townsend the oath of towns serjeant and John Clowes the oath of mayors serjeant.

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet or view of free Pledges holden in the Town Hall within the said Borough on Wednesday the thirtieth of October one thousand eight hundred and five before Edward Robert Travers Esquire, Mayor.

Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr John Startifant Mr Robert Holmes
Mr Arthur Milsom Mr John Gradwell
Mr John Baron Mr Foster Whitehead
Mr James Mounsey Mr Lawrence Valentine
Mr John Green the younger Mr Thomas Dewhurst
Mr John Grimshaw jun. Mr Robert Friend
Mr Richard Walmsley Mr William Bowran
Mr Thomas Tomlinson Mr Jonathan Lodge
Mr John Cross Draper Mr John Scott
Mr Samuel Crane Mr John Walton


The jury returned no presentments.

Officers appointed to the court Leet held 30th October 1805

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - John Clowes and James Townsend

Ale Founders - same

Affeeres - Mr Alderman Grimshaw & Mr Alderman Lyon

Treasurers for poor apprentices - Mr Green & Mr Troughton

House lookers for Church Gate and Market Place - John Wilcock & James Haworth

House lookers for Fishergate -

House lookers for Friergate -


Beadle - James Thompson

Searchers and Sealers of Leather - James Townsend snr & James Townsend jun

Constables - James Townsend, John Clowes, Jame Thompson, William Halstead, Thomas Dickinson, Thomas Houghton, Thomas Baines, Robert Salter, William Leighton, John Paley, James Ogilvie, John Wignall, Henry Wearden, Ratcliffe Wrigley, John Rigley, Ralph Dewhurst, William Walmsley, John Hird, William Covey, James Spencer, John Whitehead, Timothy Wren and John Scott.
