The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Mayors Court or Court of Election holden in the Town Hall in and for the said Borough the ninth day of October in the forty first year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one.

Before William Prichard Esquire, Mayor

Elizors elected by the Mayor - Mr John Green

Elizors elected by the Aldermen present - Mr Hugh Waterworth

Jury returned by the Elizors

Mr Hugh Dewhurst Mr Edward Bullen
Mr John Calvert Mr John Salter
Mr Joseph Whitehead Mr James Salter
Mr John Whitehead Mr Robert Foster
Mr Henry Fisher Mr Robert Gornall
Mr William Brakell Mr John Smith
Mr Richard Thompson Mr William Bowran
Mr William Cooke Mr William Talbot
Mr John Troughton Mr Thomas Woodcock
Mr George Bolton Mr John Williams
Mr John Bostock Mr Samuel Crane
Mr John Bullen Mr John Eastwood


Who elect the Mayor for the year ensuing - Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire

For the Town Bailiff - Mr Thomas Wilson Banker

For the Towns Serjeant - Mr James Eccleston

Then the court was adjourned to Monday the 12th Instant at ten oclock in the Forenoon.


12th October 1801

The court being called pursuant to the adjournment Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire the new elected Mayor took the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the oath of his Office of Mayor, the oath of Justice of the Peace for the said Borough, and the oath of Coroner for the said Borough and then chose for his Bailiff Mr Thomas Norcross and for his Sergeant John Foster who took the oaths of office the same day. William Pritchard Esquire the late Mayor took the oath of Justice of the Peace for the Borough before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire the new Mayor.

N.B. James Eccleston died since he was elected.


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet or view of Free Pledges is holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough on Friday the thirtieth day of October one thousand eight hundred and one. Before Nicholas Grimshaw Esquire, Mayor.

Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough

Mr Thomas Lill Mr James Mayor
Mr William Addison Mr Nathan Myers
Mr William Bowran Mr A Millsom
Mr G Beeston Mr Henry Norris
Mr Christopher Charnley Mr John Pilkington
Mr Samuel Crane Mr John Taylor Junr.
Mr James Cheetham Mr Lawce Teebay
Mr Wm Covey Mr Wm Leighton
Mr James Heald Mr Wm Thomlinson

The jury returned no presentments.


Officers apointed as a Court Lett 30th October 1801

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - James Townsend and John Clowes

Ale Founders - Richard Dickinson and Thomas Townsend

Affeerers - Mr Aldn Grimshaw and Mr Aldn Travers

Treasurers for Poor Apprentices – Mr John Green & Mr H Waterworth

Houselookers for Churchgate – John Barnes & William Barnes

Houselookers for Fishergate and Market Place – John Wilcock & James Haworth

Houselookers for Friergate – James Haworth & John Wilcock

Pinders – John Dickinson & James Atkinson

Beadle – Richard Dickinson

Searchers and sealers of Leather – James Townsend the Elder and James Townsend the younger

Constables – James Townsend, Richard Dickinson, William Halstead, Thomas Townsend, Henry Aspinall, John Scott, Thomas Baines, Robert Salter, James Haworth, Edward Williamson, Thomas Dickinson, John Clowes and James Macneall.


From Church Street Bars to the minsprit wiend the Back wiend and Saint Johns Lane – at six pounds - John Sudell.

The market place Fishergate and Cheapside and old Shambles - Thomas Baines and Robert Salter overseers of Preston at six pounds.

The Friergate from the Bars to Dr. Waltons and the Anchor Wiend - at one pound one shilling - Richard Dickinson.