1st March 1756

Mayor: Richard Shepherd


John Wilkinson Robert Gornall jun
James Cowburne Richard Simpson
___ Aspinall Wm. Woodcock
William Gornall Ralph Woods
Alexander Jolley James Jackson
Robert Farrer Thos. Parr
William Briggs John Bond?
Robert Wilson Henry Dickinson
Lawrence Walshman Wm Whitehouse
John Harrison Peter Hosker?
John Smalley Stewart Talbot
Robert Hall Henry Barnes jun
John Watson Geo. Timm?
James Astley Thos. Brookfield
John Moon James Bramwell
Jeff. Sudell John Primat
Geo. Houghton Henry Parr
Ralph Latus  


1. The Supervisors of the Highways of this Borough for not repairing the Wall, adjoining to the Comon Shore in the Cocker hole, the Brick and Rubbish thereof is fallen into and obstructs the watercourse their And we do Order the Supervisors to repair the same on or before the 24th June next notice to be given to them in the mean time or We amerce them in 39s. 4d.

2. The same for not repairing the Kings Highway in Preston aforesaid from a certain place there called Churchgate Almshouses to a certain other place there called Arthur Shepherd's House in Ribbleton Lane By means whereof the Liege Subjects of our Lord the King cannot without great danger of the Persons & Goods pass and repass there with their Horses, Carts & Carriages And if the said Road be not repaired on or before the 24th June next We amerce them in 39s. 11d.

3. The same for not repairing several Breakes in the ffoot causway in Ribbleton Lane and if not repaired in the same time We amerce them in 39s. 11d.

4. Ralph Smith for not repairing the Rampart and ffootroad from Cuckstool Pit over and across the Moor to Sherburn's And if the sd Road be not repaired on or before the 24th June next having notice of this presentmt We amerce him in 39s. 11d.

5. The Bailiffes of this Borough for not repairing the Sykes near the School house for want of wch repairs the Dirt and Muck after a fflush of Rain drains thro' and spoils the Water in the said Well and we do order the same to be repaired on or before the 24th June next or We amerce them in 39s. 11d.

6. Mrs Margaret Parker for not scouring her Watercourse at the bottom of her Garden at lower end off Gant's Yard by means whereof the ffoot road there is frequently overflowed and thereby made Inpassable and also for not Raising repairing and amending the ffoot platt at the bottom of the sd yard And if she do no scour the said Watercourse & raise and repair the said Platt in a Month after notice We amerce her in 39s. 11d.

7. Mr Bold for not repairing the Cart Platt in the Road leading from the Sykehill to the back part of the Black Bull Inn which said Plat is very ruinous and put of repair and part thereof lying next to and adjoining to the Sykes there is fallen into the watercourse there and obstructs and hinders the passage of the water by means whereof the Road there is frequently overflowed and thereby made dangerous to all his Majesty's Subjects passing and repassing there And if the same be not sufficiently repaired and amended in a Month after notice We amerce him in 39s. 11d.

8. Issabel Hudson for not opening & scouring the watercourse of her ffield adjoining to the ffishergate Lane from the Lane leading to the Long Cliffes? to the South Meadow Lane for want of wch the said Watercourse is in most places absolutely Stopt & choaked up and the Water thereby thrown into the Kings Highway there to the great detriment and hurt thereof And if not well and sufficiently opened and scoured in a ffortnight after notice We Amerce her in 39s.11d.

9. Mr Batty, Mr Nicholas Ealmsley, Mr Luke Astley, Mr Worthington & the Rev. Mr Cowper for severally laying their Muck Middings in the ffishergate Lane betwixt the Barrs & the Almshouses there by means whereof the King's Highway there is very much Straitned & Obstructed And if they do not severally remove their said respective Middings in a Month after Notice We amerce them in 39s. 11d.

10. The Supvisors of the Highways for not repairing the Kings Highway called ffishergate Lane from the ffishergate Barr to the little Bridge at the bottom of the sd Lane which in a great many places is very deep, founderous and very much out of repair and order And wee order them to repair the same on or before the ?th Augt next or we Amerce them in 39s. 11d.

11. The like Presentment on the Lane from the Pinfold to Horrebins Smithy and give the Supervisors the like times to repair the same under the like penalty.

12. William Morriley?, James Edmondson, John Smith, _____ Grundy the Carrier for severally laying their Muck Middings in the Backweend And if they do not amerce the same in a ffortnight after notice we amerce them in 39s. 11d. each.

13. Mr Richard Butler for laying Clay & Rubbish in the ffishergate Lane opposite his ffield there & if he do not remove the Same in a ffortnight after notice We amerce him in 39s. 11d.

14. We also present him for an Incroachmt in the Street in the ffishergate at his new House there in possession of Miss Martin's by bringing out his Steps there leading to the ffront Door too far into the Street and order him to ??? the Steps in a Line with the Rails And if not done in a ffortnight after Notice we Amerce him in 39s. 11d.