February 1729


John Ravald ___ Walmesley sadler
John Ashton Geo. Taylor
Thomas Lucas Richard Birtinshall
Charles Thornton Thomas Parr
William Shackleton Richard Shaw
Nic. Walmesley Henry Parr
William Prichard George Pearson
Henry Orme Thomas Place
Tho. Singleton John Hodgkinson
Richard Peddar William Waller
Peter Peddar William Cowell
Richard Prescott Joseph Bray
Ben. Whitehead Richard Bradley
John Preston Robert Gurnall
Peter Hopwood Alex. Jolly
John Eccleston Hen. Smith


My numbering

1. The Comon footway leading down Cocker hole to be much out of repair and Order and that the Inhabitants of the Town of Preston ought to repair & amend the same And We Order the Supvisors of the highways within Preston aforesd to repair and amend the Same Sufficiently before ye tenth of May next or we Amerce 'em in xxs.

2. Mr _____ Smith the Writing Master for Suffering his Boghouse to lye Open & Uncovered at his house in Cockerhole Which is Offensive and a Comon Nusance And do Order him to cover the same on or before the 25th day of April next or we Amerce him in xxs.

3. Nicolas Startkie Esq. and John Carter for laying or Causing Middings to be laid in the lane leading from Cockerhole to the School to the Annoyance of the way there & if not removed on or before the 25th of April next we Amerce 'em in xs. Each.

4. John Beesley for neglecting to open a Watercourse thro' the Orchard near the Vicaridge Whereby the Comon foot Way there is annoyed & if not done on or before 25th of April next do Amerce him in xs.

5. The Bayliffes of this Corporacon to repair the Yate & Rails at ye End of Avenham Walk within the time aforesd or We Amerce 'em in xxs.

6. Robert Helme for neglecting to open and Scour the Ditch Adjoining his field in Fishergate lane Whereby the highway there is Annoyed & prjudiced and if not done in the time aforesd do Amerce him in xs.

7. Geo: Birchall, David Brown, John Newsham, Mr Thomas Addison, Joseph Platt, John Hardman, Wm Lorrimer and John Pemberton for laying Middings or Dunghills in ffishergate lane to the great Annoyance of the highway and a Comon Nusance & if not removed before the 25th day of April next We Amerce 'em Each in xxs.

8. Lancellot Butler and John Cook for laying Rubbish before their houses in Fishergate Street to the great Annoyance of the highway and if not removed before the 25th day of April next do Amerce Each in xs.

9. Thomas Richardson for suffering his Cellar Stairs to lye open and Uncovered in Fishergate Street to the great peril and danger of his Majties Liege ??? and if not covered or railed before the 25th day of April next do Amerce him in xs.

10. George Threlfall, Edwd Riddihalgh, Joseph Gurnall, Wm Towning, Richd Taylor, Geo: Osbaldeston, David Fisher, Byron Starkey Esq., Tho: Johnson, John Greenalgh, Tho: Sudell, Ralph Crompton, John Albin, Peter Taylor, Widw Pilkington, Mr Alderman Garlick, Edwd Bramwell glover, John Sumpner, Tho: Burton, Wm Lytham and Robt Hall for laying Dunghills in the Streets and highways of this Town and if not removed in twenty days time do Amerce them Each in xs.

11. The Occupants of the grounds on Each side Acre Gate Lane for neglecting to open and Scour their Ditches whereby the Way there is very much annoyed and if not done on or before the 25th of April next We amerce 'em in xs. Each.

12. David Brown & Edwd Wilkinson for setting their Carts in the Streets and highways within this Town and for continueing the same there to the Annoyance thereof and do Amerce 'em Each in xs.

13. Richd Sympson, Thomas Riley, Thomas Kellet, James Keighley and Wm Baines for laying wood and Tymber in the Streets and highways of this Town and for continuing the same there to the great Annoyance thereof and if not removed in xx days We amerce 'em each in five shillings.

14. Mr John Nock for suffering his Cellar Staires to lye open and Uncovered to the great peril and danger of his Majties Liege people passing and repassing thro' the Streets of Preston And do order him to Rail or cover the same on or before the first day of May next or Amerce him in xxxs.

15. Roger Charnock for not opening the Watercourse in the way leading to Holmes Slack Whereby the way there is Annoyed and if not done on or before ye 25th day of April next We Amerce him in xs.

16. James Harrison, Roger Walshman, John Newsham, Wm Walsh, Thomas Lowe and Mr Will Hardman for laying Dunghills and Tymber in the Streets and highways of this Town to the great Annoyance thereof and for continueing the same there and do Amerce 'em in xs. Each.

17. Thomas Arkwright and Thomas Tompson for setting up and makeing Use of a bog house or house of Office near the highway in Preston the same being Offensive and a Comon Nusance and do Amerce 'em in xxs. Each.

18. The Cawsey leading from the higher End of St John's Weend into the Whittakers to be much out of repair and Ordr and that the Corporacon of Preston ought to repair and Amend the same. We do therefore Order the prsent Bayliffes to repair the same on or before the first of May next of We Amerce 'em in xls.