May 1728


Hen. Fisher Andrew Martin
Peter Hopwood Henry Watson
John Daniel Robert Lytham
John Eccleston John Lowe
Lancellot Butler Edward Melling
Jacob Laithwaite John Foster
Tho. Sudell Richard Watson
Arthur Shepherd William Shakeshaft
Henry Crook  
Adam Vause?  


My numbering

1. Robt Bonney, Mrs Coope, Robt Gurnall, Esther Townend, Wm Charnock, Mr John Hopkin, Maddam Farrington, Wm Place, John Thornton Esq., Mr John Richardson and Mr Jefferay Roby for not setting Rails to the Cellar Stairs in their several possions adjoining the Street and do Amerce 'em in xs. Each.

2. Mr James Phipp the Scavenger for neglect of duty in not carrying away ye Dung and Rubbish out of the Streets of this Town after the same has been swept & Cowled together And do Amerce him in forty shillings.

3. The Bayliffes for neglecting to repair the Cawseys in several parts of the Town - vizt at the North end of the Town Hall & in ye Market place over agt John Myers the Barber Shop We also ordr them to repair the pump near the Toll barrs in Churchgate.

4. Geo: Taylor, Thomas Toulman, Tho: Sill, Thomas Vicars, Hen: Hodgkinson, Joseph Bramwell, John Dicconson, John Watson & James Bostock for not attending to serve on this prsent Inquest have[ing] due notice & Sumons for that purpose & do amerce 'em in vs. Each.

5. The supvisors of the highway for taking up the Platt Stones at ye bottom of the new way by the Spring head & leaving the Watercourse there open and unrepaired & thereby very much prjudiced the highway & do amerce them in five pounds.

6. Thomas Richardson for neglecting to open & scour the Watercourse adjoining the Lands in his possion at the side of Broadgate lane whereby the highway there is annoyed & prjudiced and do Amerce him in xs. if not done in ten days.

7. John Winckley Esq., for not lopping & cutting his trees & hedge hanging over and annoying the highway at the side of the Close of ground in his possion below fishergate Barrs & if not done in ten days do Amerce him in xls.

Added note "Memdm ye Jury neglected bringing in these prsentmts 'til the 12th of Octobr 1728."