February 1719

Mayor: George Lamplugh


John Thornton Henry Fisher
Tho. Garlick Geo. Clark
John Waller Richard Greene
William Hobson Tho. Astley
Robert Ashburner William Craig
John Clayton Robert Walshmans
Charles Gibson Peter Smith
John Nock David Browne
Edward Farnworth John Myers jun
John Cumbrall Richard Sharples
Richard White Tho. Townsend
Henry Swansey Henry Broughton
William Bray Hugo Barker


My numbering

1. Mr William Patteson for not setting a Rail to his Cellar Stairs adjoining to the Street & if not done in a Months time do amerce him in vjs. viijd.

2. Timothy Etough, Henry Viccars and Jno Hardman for laying Rubbish before their house in Churchgate and if not imediatly removed do amerce 'em in xs. severally.

3. The Bayliffes of this Corporacon for not repairing the Cuckstole and if not done in a Months time do amerce 'em in vjs. viijd.

4. Stephen Ellott and James Atkinson for not filling up their Clay pitts on Peel Moore to the great prjudice of the Comon & if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally xxs.

5. The Surveyors of the highways for not repairing the Rampart from Churchgate Almshouse to Ribbleton Brow and if not done on or before the 24th of June next Amerce 'em in xxvjs. viijd.

6. James Bostock, Geo: Rishton, Richd Mosse and Jno Birchall for not opening their Ditches in Ribbleton Lane whereby the highway is annoyed & prjudiced & if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

7. Mr Richd Langton & Mr Richd Myers the Post Master for not opening their Ditches and Platts in the sd lane to the damage of the highway & if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally in xs.

Richard Myers will went to probate in 1727.

8. Tho: Woan for not opening his ditch in New hall lane to the damage of the highway & if not done in a Months time do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

9. Richard Gradewell for laying a Midding at Nearer Pinfold & Richd Whittle for Middings before his house & Wm Shaigh for laying a Midding before his Door All which are Annoyance to the Highway & if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

10. Henry Fisher, Robt Ducketh, Wm Hardman, Thomas Kellet & John Cumbrall for Laying their Wood & tymber in the Highway at the bottom of Fryergate to the Annoyance of the Street & if not removed in a Months time do amerce 'em in xs. severally.

11. Geo: Osbaldeston, Richd Taylor, Widow Serjeant, John Jameson & Robert Gurnall for laying Middings in the bottom of Fryergate to the Annoyance of ye publick street & if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severall in iijs. iiijd.

12. Mr Cumbrall one of this Inquest for laying Muck, Rubbish & Wood before his new houses below Fryergate Barrs to the annoyance of the highway & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in xiijs. iiijd.

13. Cha: Holecroft and Tho: Dicconson for laying Wood & Rubbish in the Street & if not imediatly removed do amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

14. Maddm Winckley, ____ Hewson, Tho: Sill, Mr Jefferey Roby, Hen: Cowburn, Mr Wm Baldwin, Wm Winnard, James Keightley, Hen: Fisher & John Threlfall for not setting Railes to their Cellar Staires adjoining to the Street to the dangr of his Majties Leige people & do Amerce 'em severally in xxs.

15. Richard Sudell, Mr Ric: Atkinson & Thomas Sudell for laying tymber in Cockerhole to the Annoyance of the way & if not removed in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

16. The Bayliffes of this Corporacon for not repairing the Cawsway from the Parsons house to the bottom of Stony gate & if not done betwixt & Midsumer next do amerce 'em in two pounds xiijs. iiijd.

17. Jno Winckley Esq., Mr Wm Parkinson & Mr Harrison of Lea for not repairing the foot way leading to the Boat house adjoining to their respective Lands & if not done before Midsummer next do Amerce 'em severally in xls.

18. Geo: Birchall & David Brown for laying Middings in Fishergate Lane to the Annoyance & prjudice of the Highway & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally in xiijs. iiijd.

19. Anne Stringr Widdow, Robt Helme, Mr Tho: Addison, Mr John Nock for not opening their Ditches in ffishergate Lane to the damage of the highway & if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in xxs.

20. Mr Tho: Addison, John Hardman, David Brown, John Winckley Esq., John Cooke, Mr Alderman Lemon, Geo: Birchall & Jno Chambers for laying their Middings & tymber in ffishergate & the Lane near the Barrs & if not removed on or before 20th May next Do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

21. The Supervisors of the Highway for not repairing the Road over Spittle Moss and if not done betwixt and Midsumer next do Amerce 'em in xxs.

22. Mr Tho: Rishton for laying a Midding on Spittle Moss & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in iijs. iiijd.

23. Thomas Turner, James Harrison, Hen: Leach, Robt Duckworth, Mr Kitchen, Jno Townend, Francis Carey & Mr Alderman Graddwell for laying Wood & Middings in ffryergate & if not removed in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

24. Nic: Kellet, Geo: Clark, Wm Rawstorne Esq., Mr Wm Wallm Thomas Greenhalgh, Mr Tho: Garlick, Hen: Shappard, Jno Rygeing & John Sumner for laying their Middings in the back Weend to the Annoyance of the Street if not removed in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

25. Tho: Riley for laying Wood in the back Weend to the Annoyance of the Street & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

26. Dan: Muggalt for laying his Wood & Ship tymber on the Marsh without Mr Mayors licence to the great damage & prjudice of the Comon & do amerce him in xli. xiijs. iiijd.

27. Richard Poole and Wm Poole for not opening their Ditches & Richard Walton for not opening his Platt in Salter lane Whereby the Water Stagnates to the great prjudice of the said lane and if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

28. Tho: Riley for laying Wood in the highway near tythe Barn & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in iijs. iiijd.

29. Hugh Clitherall for laying a Midding in the back Weend & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in iijs. iiijd.

30. Tho: Woan for not laying a Platt in the footway over Swillbrook and do Order him to fix a Rail to it for the safety of passing over & if not done on or before ye 1st of May next do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

31. John Colly for fixing a Post in the highway before his house in the back Weend to the dangr of his Majties people & if not removed in a Months time do Amerce him in xiijs. iiijd.

32. Hen: Heys and John Newsham for not Scouring their Ditches in the lane leading from Broadgate to Long Cliffe & if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

26th Sept 1720 Affeared by us.

Ric: Casson, Wm Coope, Evan Trigg, George Pearson.