May 1707
Mayor: John Chorley
The 24
George Addison | Thomas Gradwell |
William Lemon | Thomas Werden |
Thomas Winckley | John Loxam |
Roger Sudell | Thomas Higham |
Josias Gregson | Nicholas Walmsley |
John Atherton | Henry Taylor |
Geoffrey Atherton | Samuel Bolton |
Evan Huson | George Lamplugh |
John Ratcliffe | William Gradwell |
John Lamplugh | Thomas Martin |
John Harrison | Robert Ravald |
Evan Wall | Thomas Whalley |
Thomas Higham | Francis Higham |
John Birchall | Jacob Pert |
Henry Crook | Henry Rowbotham |
John Jackson | Thomas Bullen skinner |
John Campbell | Edward Hale |
George Wilkinson | Henry Merry |
John Jameson | William Cummerall skinner |
Henry Coulborn | John Haddock |
Thomas Letmore |
1. Mr Alderman Addison, Mr James Clifton and Wm Chesterfield for Stopping the foot Way betwixt the dye house Lane & the Lane leading to the Marsh Mill and not seting Stiles at their Severall Closes by them occupied for the passage of foot passenger to the said Marsh Mill And in case the sd Way be not opened & the Stiles Set & repaired in a Weeks time We do amerced them in Six Shillings & Eight pence a peice.
2. Mr James Clifton not only for erecting & building a dead wall yt stops up the ancient Boundarys of this Town but also obstructs & blocks up the Way leading to the house in the sd Mr Cliftons possion wch he holds under the demise of Mr James Werden. In case the Same be not removed in a fortnights time We do amerce him in twenty shillings.
3. William Chesterfield Tenant to Richard Cowband for ploughing up the Bridle & Cart Way in the Closes holden by the sd Cowband by Lease undr the Town leading to a Close of Mr Alderman Sudells called Rivington field And do amerce the said Chesterfield three shillings and four pence.
4. George Drinkwater, John Nock, Randle Sherlicarr, Wm Hatch and John Ratcliffe for not opening the Sough and Scouring ye water course running from Thomas Woodburnes Cisternes wherein he wets his barley downe through Severall houses & Lands in their occupacon to the sd John Radcliffes Sough on the back side of Widow Cottams So yt it dammes & Stops So yt it falls into the sd Thomas Woodburnes Cisterns to his great damage & to the Nusance of the neighbourhood And in case the same be not opened & scoured on or before this day tree weeks We do amerce them in 6s. 8d. a peice.
5. Richd Bray for keeping a large vitious mastiffe dog unmusled being mischevous to the Neighbourhood & do amerce him in ten shillings.
6. Richd Cowband for leting his Rubbish ly in the Street called the ffryer Gate to the obstruccon of the Watercourse & prjudice to the Street And do amerce him in 6s. 8d.
7. James Hodgkinson for suffering his Midding to ly in the ffishergate to the prjudice of the Street if not removed in a fortnights time do amerce him in 6s. 8d.
8. John Cook for laying his Wood in the Street & not removing his Rubbish lying before his house in the ffishergate if not removed in a fortnight do amerce him in 6s. 8d.
9. Mr William Wall for not appearing & doing his Suite & Service at this Cort Leet (haveing due notice given him of this Cort) and do amerce him in 3s. 4d.
10. That the Lanes leading to Broad Gate called the ffisher Gate Lane, Ribleton Lane, The Cawsey leading to Rible bridge and the other highways within this Town & Burrough are very much decayed & out of repaire For the Speedy amending and reparacon whereof. We do hereby amerce the Inhabitants of the Said Town in the Sume of ten pounds.
11. Mr Blundell, Mrs Mary Martin and George Dicconson for not having Railes at their Cellar Staires if not done in three weeks time do amerce them in 2s a peice.
12. Robert Boys for laying his Rubbish agt the Church Wall to the hinderance of the passage and prjudice of the Street and being requested to remove it has refused so to do. We do therefore amerce him in Six shillings Eight pence.
14. Richard Bray, Hugh Walker, George Threlfall, Thomas Leach, Thomas Yates Gardiners for following & exercising their Trades & selling & vending fruite, Rootes & other Gardening stuffe on Sundays in breach of the Sabboth and to the evill example of others Wch we recommend to Mr Mayor to suppress & remedy for the future And do amerce the said offenders in six shillings Eight pence a peice.
15. The psons following being come into Town to inhabit not being free of this Corporation & may become chargeable to the Town. Therefore recommend it to Mr Mayor to remove them. vizt.
Gilbert Bradley, Wm Jackson Taylor, Edwd Bond, Tho: Crooke, James Sanderson, Thomas Aspinall, John Moore, John Caton, Thomas Wareing, Nicholas Sharp Taylor, George Dicconson, Widow Coates, Robt Seed Slater & his family, Elis Bradley, Mathew Shakeshaft, Henry Grundy, Widow Wareing daughter, Jo: Eccleston married Jo: Bayleys, Richd ffowler, Richd. Woodhouse, Wm Sherd & his family, Robt Sitgreaves. 16. The psons following for not appearing at this Cort Leet of wch they had Sufficient notice (as we are informed) & do amerce them in twelve pence a peice. vizt. John Ratcliffe, Tho: Martin, Robt. Ravald, Henry Hall, John Royle, Wm Cross senr, Tho: Bramwell, Jo: Bayley Blacksmith, Tho: Astley senr, Tho: Evans, Thomas Myers, Peter Taylor, Geo: Threlfall, Richd Shakeshaft, John Parr, Richd Whitehead gen, John Greenhalgh Farrier, James Lorrimer, John Ryding Webster, Tho: Leach, Ra: Hodgkinson, Henry Welshman, Robt Ashburne, John Sharples, Tho: Woodburn, Wm Helme, Edmd Ryley, Henry Cross, Richd Birches, Henry Parr, John Clayton, John Poole, Jo: Harrison Sadletreemaker, Richd Gradwell wheelwright, Robt Read, John Blackburn, Abraham Roydes, Hugh Barker, Henry Leach, Wm Southcote, Tho: Bullen shoemaker, Hugh Swansey, Ja: Greenough Smith, Tho: Birhces, Wm Townend, Wm Birchall, Nat Knor, Robt Welshman, John Woodhouse, Richd Shuttleworth, Robt Boys, Ben Clarkson, Richd Moss, Richd ffell, Henry Audland, John Sudell, James Bayley.
- A sadletreemaker made the wooden frame around which the leather saddle was formed.
22nd Sept 1707 affeared by us
Tho: Winckley, Rob: Ravald, Wm Prescott.