May 1704

Mayor: William Lemon

The 24

George Addison John Harrison
Thomas Winckley Tho: Gradwell
Roger Sudell Tho: Werden
Josias Gregson John Loxam
John Atherton Tho: Higham
John Chorley Nicholas Walmsley jun
Geoffrey Rishton Henry Taylor
Ralph Rishton Samuel Bolton
Evan Hewson George Lamplugh
John Radcliffe William Gradwell
Lawrence Piccop Thomas Martin
John Lamplugh Robert Ravald



Thomas Werden Robert Ashburner
Thomas Clayton John Helme jun
William Hewson Jacob Roydes
Thomas Myers John Slater
William Markland Thomas Letmore
John Hardman Hugo Walker
Jonathan Audland John Cowell
Ralph Woodhouse  


1. The Supvisors of the highway for not repaireing Ribleton Lane, Newhall Lane, ffisher Gate Lane, Fryer Weend and the Lane leading from the house of Coreccon to the Marsh being very often heretofore prsented and nothing done. Wee do amerce them in the Sume of five pounds.

2. William Walmsley for keeping his Geese on the Marsh and do amerce him in ten shillings.

3. Wm Walmsley for not repairing Toolketh Lane and do amerce him in the Sume of Six shillings Eight pence.

4. The Supvisors of the highways for not laying a bridge over Graystock brook in Graystock Lane & do amerce them in 3s. 4d.

5. The Bayliffes for not repaireing the Syke Troughs on Spittle Moss and amerce them in the Sume of Six shillings Eight pence.

6. Wm Lemon Gent Mayor for not laying a Rale at his Sellar in the Cheapside & do amerce him in the Sume of 3s. 4d.

7. Henry Graystock for turning his horse on Preston Marsh and for inclosing and pastureing Lancaster Lane wth Sheep and other Goods & do amerce him in twenty shillings.

8. Ellen Greenough Widow for laying a Miding at Titmouse Barne near Parson Peploes being a great Annoyance to him and a Stoppage of the way to Avenham & do amerce her in three shillings and four pence.

9. George Eastham for turning his Catle on Preston Moor & in the high wayes and Lanes in Preston not being a ffree man and do amerce him in Six shillings Eight pence.

10. That the Sign post and horse stone at the house of Wm Tomlinson near the ffryer Gate Barrs are taken away & removed and likewise an Incroachmt at the house formerly one? Tysons in the Fryer Gate now rebuilt by John Birchall is likewise removed therefore wee conceive (if Mr Mayor & Councel think fit) they ought to be struck out of the Bayliffes Accounts.

11. William Gregson Taylor for conveying a runing/winning? stoop of the Moore & converting it to his own use and making a Yate Stoop of it and do amerce him in the sume of 6s. 8d.

12. The psons following for not appearing at the last Cort Leet & do amerce them in three shillings four pence a peice.

Mr Josias Gregson, Mr Ralph Rishton, Mr Geo: Lamplugh, Mr Sam: Bolton, Henry Bullen, John Hodgkinson Currier, Henry Merry, Lawrence Sheppard, John Sudell, Richd Smith, John Marsden, Thomas Bramwell, Tho: Evans, Joseph Curtis, John Gant, Geo: Threlfall, Wm Hoghton, James Miller, Chrofer Blackledge, James Lorrimer, Raph Hollingshead, Thomas Bancks, Geo: Birchall, Henry Rowbotham, Tho: Hodgkinson, Wm Hodgkinson, David Browne, Wm Parr, Mr Langton, Robert Dent, Thomas Pedder, John Orme, James Green, Geo: Sclater, Mr Evan Wall, Henry Dawson, Alexr Gibson, Henry Barnes junr, Richard Whittle, John Hodgkinson, Wm Sclater, Johes Cumerall, Mr Wm Wall, Ambrose Christopherson, Robert ffogg, Tho: Seed Sclater, Thomas Whalley, Robt Boys,John Winder, John Clarkson, Robert Almond, Edwd Burton, Richd Livesay.

13. Richard Cross for leting his Geese trespass on the Marsh and do amerce him in three shillings & four pence.

14. Mr James Clifton for leting his Swine trespass on the Marsh & do amerce him in three shillings & four pence.

15. Mr Benjamin Whitehead & Wm Lytham for laying their Middings in the Lane leading to Ribleton & do amerce them in the sume of Six shillings Eight pence a peice.

16. Mr James Cooper for leting his Rubish ly in the Street before his house in the Cheapside & do amerce him in Six shillings Eight pence.

Affered by us

Jeofrey Rishton, Thomas Gradwell, Hen: Taylor, Geo: Lamplugh.