October 1702


Viewers of flesh & fish Milo Low & William Charnock
Alefounders Nathan Bullen & William Cowling
Pinders Henry Barnes & John Whalley
Affeerers & assessors Josias Gregson gen, John Ratcliffe, John Harrison & Samuel Bolton
Treasurers for the poor Wm Gradwell & Robt Ravald
Houselookers - Churchgate Wm Shaw & Jon. Towning
ditto - ffishergate & Market place John Woods & Henry Kilshaw
ditto - ffryergate John Kay & Wm Gregson taylor
Scavenger Wm Lytham
Beadle William Hoole


Mayor: Geoffrey Rishton

The 24

George Addison John Harrison
William Lemon Thomas Gradwell
Thomas Winckley Thomas Worden
Roger Sudell Nicholas Walmsley jun
Joseph Gregson John Loxam
John Atherton Thomas Higham
John Chorley Henry Taylor
Ralph Rishton Samuel Bolton
Evan Huson George Lamplugh
John Ratcliffe William Gradwell
Lawrence Piccop Thomas Martin
John Lamplugh Robert Ravald



Lawrence Piccop Jacob Garstang
Thomas Higham Thomas Gregson
Lucas Hodgkinson sen Thomas Leach
William Taylor Richard Jackson
Robert Higginson William Gunnerall?
Richard Myers John Parr
John Shackleton Richard Green
Jacob Werden  


1. Henry Graystock for turning the water of the Brown Channell out of its course and wee doe amerce him in the Sume of ten shillings if the same be not mended before Shrove tide next.

2. The Supvisors of the Highways of this Town for not repaireing the Cawsey that leads from the Mill yate at the ffryer Gate Town end to the pinfold and wee fine them in Six Shillings Eight pence if not repaired within a fortnight.

3. Mr Bushell for leting the Syke at the Bottam of Minspit Weend wear down the Stile that leads to Avenham and wee amerce him in the Sume of Six shillings Eight pence if the same be not amended within a Fortnight.

4. All such persons within this Town as Suffer their Swine to go loose in the Streets, Market place, Church Yards or Common feilds and for every such pson or psons as shall not hereafter keep them in their own liberties, wee fine them in three shillings & four pence for every such offence made.

5. All such persons in this Town as set their Carts or any other matteriall thing that may be of dangerous consequences in the night time in the Comon Streets to people that pass and repass And wee for every such offence in the Sume of three shillings & four pence.

6. All persons that water their horses or any other Catle in the Buckets belonging to any of the wells in this Town and wee amerce every such offender in the sume of ten Groates.

A groat was worth four pennies.

7. The Supvisors of the High ways in this Town for not repairing the pavement behind the Churchgate Barrs that leads to the Town end and wee fine them in the sume of six shillings eight pence if the same be not repaired within tree weeks.

8. The psons following for not amending their pavements in the Back weend or St Johns Lane. vizt. Sir Christopher Greenfeild Kt, Mr Wall, Mr Langton & Wm Dawson and wee fine them in three shillings and four pence a peice if the same be not repaired within a fortnight.

9. The persons following as Inmates. vizt.

Eliz: the wife of Robt Noblet, Wm Carter Roper, Jon Walton living at Leech house at Moor side, Robt Hollinghurst Tanner, John Evering living at Jennet Brethertons, Ann Whalley living at Widow Graystocks, Mary Miller living at Banister barne.

10. Thomas Haslingdon for not Scouring his ditch at ffishergate Town end that lyes along the high road near the Wind Mill hill to the great damage of the Cawsey and likewise in prjudice to a Ditch belonging to Alderman Addison and wee doe amerce him in the Sume of three Shillings and four pence if the Same be not mended before Shrovetide next.

11. Mr Wm Patten for stopping the Current of the watr that runs of the backside of Willm Tomlinsons house in Ginbo Entry (where Serjt Cort now lives) to the great nusance of the sd Wm Tomlinsons house, Stable and backside and wee fine him in the Sume of Six shillings Eight pence if the Same be not Mended before Shrovetide next.

12. Henry Turnley for laying his Bricks, Rubbish Coles etc in the water course that runs through his house of Office and turns the said water agt Alderman Lemons house side wch rotts the wall and breaks through it to the great damage of his house and wee fine him in the Sume of thirteen shillings and four pence if the Same be not mended before Shrovetyde next.

13. Henry Graystock for leting his Swine Coat wall ly down between Ann Threlfall and him to the great damage of her the said Ann Threlfall and we fine him in a Noble of the Same be not mended before Shrove tide next.

14. These persons following for Inmates. vizt. Robt Heys and his wife lodging at Katherine Mittons, a Gentlewoman living at Mrs Keys, James Astley lodging at Tho: Rymers, Mathew Shakeshaft and Ellis Danbe.

15. These persons following for harbouring wandering psons, Sturdy Beggars & vagrants and wee fine them in Six Shillings Eight pence a peece. vizt.

Evan Graystocks wife, Widow Comander, Ann Graystock widow & Wm Graystock

Affeared by us

Jas Gregson, John Harrison, Sam Bolton.