May 1702
Mayor: Josias Gregson
The 24
George Addison | John Lamplugh |
William Lemon | Thomas Gradwell |
Thomas Winckley | Thomas Werden |
Roger Sudell jun | John Loxam |
John Atherton | Thomas Higham |
John Chorley | Nicholas Walmsley jun |
Geoffrey Rishton | Henry Taylor |
Ralph Rishton | Samuel Bolton |
John Harrison | George Lamplugh |
Evan Huson | William Gradwell |
John Ratcliffe | Thomas Martin |
Lawrence Piccop | Robert Ravald |
Samuel Bolton | Richard Burton |
Thomas Martin | Robert Ashburner |
William Prescott | Edward Bostock |
John Cumberall | Robert ffogg |
Chrofer Pearson | Henry Sowerbutts |
John Rhodes | John Merry |
William Shaw joyner | Richard Bray |
William Bradley |
1. The persons following for laying their Middings at ffryer Gate End and on Spitle Moss and find them for the Same in the Sume of Six shillings Eight pence a peice. vizt.
John Jameson, Alice Graystock, John Helme, Hugh Swansey, Mr Evan Wall, Wm Tomlinson, John Hatch, James Holt, John Hardman, Mr Martin, Mr Tho: Gradwell, Richd Cross, Richd Cowband.
2. John Bayley for laying a miding before his door and fine him a Noble.
3. The psons following for laying their Middings and Rubbish in the Back Weend and St Johns Weend.
Mr John Green, Wm Tomlinson, James Kitchin, John Townend, Mr Parkinson, Mr Edmd Trafford, Mr Thornton, Tho Ryding, Hugh Walker, Mr Atherton, Widow Walmsley, James Garstang, Mr Geffrey Rishton, Thomas Greenough
and fine them for such offence of Six shillings Eight pence a peice.
4. Sir Christopher Greenfeild Knt, James Drinkwater and William Lytham for laying their Severall Middings at the Moor Yate in the Moor Lane and on the Moor and doe amerce them in Six shillings Eight pence a peice.
5. The psons following for laying their Middings at Cocker Hole, Syke Hill and ffisher Gate Townend and fine them in a noble a peice. vizt. Henry Hodgkinson Esqre, Thomas Gregson, Agnes Clayton, Mr Raph Tyldesley, Mr Winckley, Mr Edmd Trafford, Mr Stanley & John Cook.
6. Widow Yates for a house of Office, Middin and Railes in Salter Lane and also Peter Harrison and Willm Gregson for laying Rubbish in St Johns Lane and fine them in Six shillings Eight pence a peice.
7. The psons following for laying their Middings at the Church Gate Town end below the Barrs vizt. John Greenough, Wm Entwistle, Henry Merry, John Sclater, John Sudell & William Litham and fine them for the same in a Noble a peice.
8. The psons following for laying their Middings in New hall and Ribleton Lanes and amerce them in a Noble a peice for the same. vizt. Mr Henry Hodgkinson, Mr Lemon, Mr Peploe, Mr Whitehead, Mr Parkinson, Mr Curtis, Henry Heaton.
9. The psons following vizt. Wm Litham, Widow Bostock, John Merry, Thomas Bostock, James Garstang, Widow Crabtree, John Walsh, William Coope and Mr Langton for not scouring their Ditches in Ribleton Lane and amerce them in Six shillings Eight pence a peice for the same.
10. The Supvisors of the High ways for not seting Stoops to prserve the Cawseys in Ribleton Lane and fine them in a Mark.
11. John Jackson for not Scouring his Ditch and opening his water course through his meadow in Ribleton Lane and Mr Langton for not opening his ditch by his Yate to let the water of and Mr Stanley for not opening his water course in the Same Lane and amerce them in a Noble a peice.
12. The persons following and fine them in a Noble a peice for not Scouring their Ditches in Eager Gate Lane vizt.
Nich. Starkie Esqre, Alexr Johnson Esqre, Mr Tho: Clayton, Mr Stanley Ribelton, Henry heaton, John Merry, Robert Warbrick, Wm Lytham, Richard Mawdesley, John Green.
13. The psons following for not scouring their Ditches in Newhall Lane. vizt.
Anne Walmsley, Henry Hodgkinson Esqre, Nic: Starkie Esqre, John Jackson, Widow Crabtree, Thomas ffoster Esqre & John Merry and doe amerce them in Six shillings Eight pence a peice.
14. Richard Mawdesley for not opening his plat in Eagergate Lane and John Walsh for not opening his watercourse and scouring his Ditch in New hall Lane and fine them in a Noble a peice.
15. The psons following for not Scouring their Ditches near the broad Meadow and in South Meadow Lane and fine them in Six shillings Eight pence a peice. vizt.
Mr Winckley, Mr Lemon, Tho: Woodburn, Mr Hayhurst, John Harrison, Nic: Walmsley, John Thorp.
16. James Garstang for not Scouring his ditch by Lancr Meadow Lane and Wm Hodgkinson for not Scouring his Ditch in North Meadow Land and amerce them in a Noble a peice.
17. The Supvisors of the high ways for not repairing the Cawsey adjoyning to Mr Addisons Barne and fine them in a Mark.
18. John Harrison de Lea for not removing Currend trees that stops the water course by Richard Pedders barne insoemuch That it Sinks into his barne and is a great annoyance to him and doe amerce the said John Harrison on Six shillings Eight pence.
19. Hugh Gurnall for not Scouring his ditch adjoyning to Roper Hey, Wm Lytham for not mending his plat and Scouring his Ditch in Salter Lane and Madam Blundell for not scouring her Ditch in the Same Lane and amerce them in a Noble a peice.
20. Evan Graystocks widow for harbouring vagabonds and idle loose and disorderly persons and for each misdemeanor doe amerce her in the Sume of xxs.
21. The Bayliffes for not repairing the Cawles at the Marsh and doe fine them in the Sume of ten pounds.
22. Wm Walmsley for not seting a Stile between his Garden & Bogmore holes and fine him in ten groates.
23. Luke Hodgkinson house Looker for not making his returne to us and fine him in a Mark.
24. The severall persons following as Inmates vizt.
Mr Roger Massy, Mr Wm Hayhurst, Mr Thornton, Mr Wm Parkinson, Richd Ireland, Mr Wm Rylands, Tho. Sudell, John Shackleton, Wm Jackson Taylor, Richd Livesay, Michael Postlethwaite, Wm Beesley, Tho: Sherington, Thomas Gregson, Tho: Sharples Miller, Henry Wilson, Geo: Eastham, Edwd Gregson, Robt. Sergeiant, Wm Cross, Geo: Wilkinson, Robt. Noblets wife, Samuel Ratcliffe, Andrew ffishwick, Henry Eatough, Henry Greenalls, Robt. Boys, Patrick Huggarty, Tho: Talbot, John Smith Miller, Tho: Becket, Lawrence Taylor, Wm Garstang showmaker, Richd Noblet, Dorothy Addison widow, Henry Cowburne, Richs Horrocks, Mrs Worthington, ffrancis Bain, John Jackson, John Singleton, Robert Wain, John Newton and his wife, Thomas Sudell and his wife, Wm Hatch and his wife, Andrew Bradley and his wife, Wm gregson his wife and two sons, Henry Barton his wife and child in Henry Graystocks house, John Eccleston his wife and child at John Bayleys, Rober Read his wife and child, Widow Eccleston and her daughter at John Shakeshafts, Widow Wareing and her son at Richard Pedders and wee doe fine them in the severall sumes of twenty shillings a peice.
25. Stephen Pearson for taking Bribes to let persons Catle wch are not free goe upon the Marsh and for this offence doe amerce him in a Noble.
26. Henry Rowbotham for badging without a Licence and amerce him in thirteen shillings four pence.
27. Captain Parker, Henry Turnley, John Sanderson and Thomas Pedder for not repairing their Garden ffences wch is a great prjudice and annoyance to Chrofer Pearson by their Goods trespassing upon him be reason thereof and doe fine them in a Noble a peice.
28. Thomas Stringer, William Wasle and Evan Hodgkinson for being drunk in the Streets and breaking the Sabboth and for this offence doe amerce them in six shillings Eight pence a peice.
29. John Woods for not repairing his barne at Church Gate Town end and George Threlfall for not opening his watercourse in his Garden near Titmouse Barne and Wm Prescot for not opening his Ditch in the Lane behind Sherburnes and fine them in vjs. viijd. a peice.
30. Joseph Penington Barber for carrying his Bason and Apron publickly in the Streets on the Sabboth day and using his trade in that day and amerce him in five shillings.
31. Mr Winckley for leting a tree ly at Church Gate Town end and fine him in Six shillings Eight pence and wee likewise prsent John Thorp for not scouring his ditch in South Meadow Lane and fine him in the same.
32. Mr James Cooper for not removing his Rubbish lying in Cheapside and amerce him in three shillings & four pence.
33. The persons following for not Seting Railes at their Sellars and fine them in three shillings four pence a peice. vizt.
John Greenough, Mr Whitehead, Mr Seed, Mr Langton, Henry White, Wm Prescot, John Gaunt, Mr Wm Wall, Mrs Martin.
34. Geo: Sclater and Luke Hodgkinson for not amending their Celler windows and Jennet Cottam for not Seting a Stoop at her Celler and amerce them in three shillings & four pence a peice.
35. Thomas Charnley for opening a Shop and Selling fflax and Iron in Preston and fine him in five pounds.
36. John Clayton and Henry Leach for laying Sand and Rubbish in the Back weend over agt Thomas Walmsleys Kill by meanes whereof the watercourse being stopped Sinks into the Kill to his great prjudice and annoyance and therefore wee fine them in forty shillings a peece.
37. The Severall Shopkeepers and Tradesmen following having each of them one or more Apprentices who have served them above a Month yet they have taken noe care to enter and enroll them according to an ordr of the last Guild Merchant. Therefore wee amerce them severally in halfe a Crown. vizt.
Hugh Walker, Francis Higham, Mr Harrison, Geo: Burchall, Geo: Lamplugh, Wm Shaw, Mr Wm Gradwell, John Shorrock, Tho: Bostock, Tho: Heardsley, Tho: Higham, Richd Gradwell, Tho: Bradley, Richd Graystock, Mr Whittaker, Nicholas Pashley, Mr Robert Ravald, Mr John Orme, Wm Charnock, Evan Hodgkinson, Mr White, John Radcliffe, Mr Tho: Gradwell.