February 1701
Geoffrey (Galfridus) Rishton | Astell Hodges |
Nicholas Walmsley junr | Thomas Sharples |
Robert Ravald | Nicolas Pashley |
William Prescott | Richard Pedder |
Adam Cooper | Thomas Bradley |
John Orme | Thomas Barker |
John Dewhurst | Henry Bullen |
Robert Ryley | Thomas Woodburn |
Edward Bradley |
1. The psons following for not removing their Middins from the respective places where they ly at Fryar Gate End & Fryer Lane & Spittle Mosse, wch if not done at or before the tenth of May next wee fine them in the sume of Six shillings Eight pence a peice.
John Jameson, Alice Graystock, John Helme, James Rhodes, John Barker, Mr Tho. Gradwell, Mr Gradwell, John Hatch, James Holt, Richard Cross, Isaac Cross, John Hardman, Mr Martin, John Bayley, Nicholas Walmsley junr, Hugh Swanley, Mr Walls, William Hatch, Hugh Gurnall, John Jameson, George Graystock & Richard Bray.
2. Thomas Haslingden, Mr John Green, William Tomlinson, Henry Graddell, James Kitchin, James Drinkwater, John Woods senr and John Townend for not removing their Severall Middins out of the Back weend.
3. These persons for not removing their respective Middins out of St Johns Backweend. vizt.
Henry Sowerbutts, John Woods Senr, Mr Parkinson, Mr Thornton, Mr Edmd Trafford, Tho: Greenough, Tho: Ryley, James Garstang, Mr Geoff: Rishton, Thomas Ryding, Hugh Walker, Mr Atherton, Seth Jolly, William Lytham, William Beesley, John Vorstragen & Widow Walmsley.
4. Richd Cross and Robt Pilkington for not removing their Middins in the Lane leading to Tulketh Hall.
5. William Arkwright for a Midding at Moor yate & James Drinkwater for another in the Moor lane.
6. Chrofer Jackson for the like Midding on Swillbrook Hill, Thomas Astley for laying one before his door.
7. Thomas Gregson, Mr Whittiker and Agnes Clayton for laying their Middings on the Syke Hill.
8. Mr Tyldesley, Mr Winckley, Henry Turner, James Lorrimer, Edwd Bradley, William Hodgkinson and Richd Melling for their Middings lying in the ffisher gate Lane and Mr Stanley, John Cook for their Middings lying within Fishergate Barrs.
9. Mr Lemon for a heap of Rubbish and Peter Harrison for a Midding lying in St Johns Lane.
10. Widow Yates for a house of Office Rayles and Midding in Salter Lane.
11. The psons following for seting their Middings ly before their houses vizt.
Edwd. Bramwell, John Greenhalgh, Henry Burchall, Wm Entwistle, John Merry, Henry Merry, Evan Hodgkinson, John Slater & Henry Heaton.
12. William Lytham for a Midding at Church Gate Town end and Mr Whitehead, Henry Merry, Mathew Read, Lawrence Bostock and Mr Parkinson for their Middings lying in Ribleton Lane.
13. Henry Heaton, Mr Curtis, John Merry, William Lytham for their respective Middings in New Hall Lane.
The Severall persons following for not Scouring their Ditches, mending their platts, seting rayles to the Sellars, letting wind falls and whins lye in the Lanes and Streets and not opening their watercourses wch if not done and removed on or before the tenth of Aprill next Wee fine them in the Sume of Six Shillings Eight pence a peice.
Ribleton Lane
14. Widow Bostock and Henry Merry for not Scouring their Ditches and the prsent Supvisors for not seting Stoops to prserve the Cawseys.
15. John Jackson for not Scouring his Ditch and opening the Watercourse through his Meadow And Thomas Bostock, James Garstang, Henry Turnley, Widow Crabtree for not Scouring their Ditches and Mr Langton for not opening his Ditch by his yate to let the Water of.
16. John Walsh, William Coope and Mr Langton for not opening their Ditches and Mr Stanley for not opening his water course.
Eager Gate Lane
17. Mr Clayton, Mr Stanley and Mr Hodgkinson for not Scouring their Ditches and Mr Stanley for not opening his Water course through his Meadow.
18. Mr Starkie, Mr Johnson, Mr Patten, Henry Heaton, William Lytham, John Merry, Richard Mawdesley, Robert Warbreck and John Green for not Scouring their Ditches and Richard Mawdesley for not opening his plat.
Newhall Lane
19. Ann Walmsley, Widow Crabtree, Mr Henry Hodgkinson, John Merry and Mr Starkie for not Scouring their Ditches and Mr Bayliffe Curtis for not Scouring his Ditch and opening his Watercourse.
20. Sir Cha. Hoghton for leting Wood lye in the Lane. And Mr ffoster, Widow Crabtree and John Jackson for not Scouring their Ditches.
21. The prsent Supvisors of the High Ways for not opening the Watercourse in Swillbrook Lane.
22. Robt Boys and Robert Warbrick for not opening their Ditches and Chrofer Jackson for not seting a Raile at Swillbrooke bridge & Mr Ralph Rishton, Richard Jackson & Chrofer Jackson for not opening their Ditches at Swill brook hill.
23. Mr Winckley for not seting a style at the Sykes, wee likewise prsent him, Thomas Woodburne and John Harrison for not opening their Ditches near the broad Meadow.
South Meadow Lane
24. Mr John Loxam, Mr Lemon & James Green for not opening their Ditches & Nich. Walmsley junr & Henry Graystock for not Scouring their Ditches.
25. The Bayliffes for not mending the Bridge at Broadgate End.
Fisher Gate Lane
26. Wm Markland for not Scouring his Ditch and Richard Myers and John Bayley for not filling up their Brick pitts and the Bayliffs for not repairing the Cuckstoole.
27. The prsent Supvisors of the High ways for not repairing the high way betwixt the Free Schoole and Avenham Yate.
28. Mr Ralph Rishton, Edwd Bradley and John Cook for not Scouring their Ditches by the water side and James Garstang for not Scouring his Ditch by Lancr Meadow.
North Meadow Lane
29. Mr Francks, Henry Clayton and Mr Atherton for not Scouring their Ditches and likewise Mr Francks and John Woods for not opening their watercourses.
30. The Supvisors of the High ways for not amending the Cawsey near Mr Addisons barne.
31. Mr Winckley and Doctor Greenough for not seting Railes at their Sellar Staires, Mr James Clifton for laying wood and brick by his house and Captain Banester for not opening the watercourse leading to the Mill.
32. James Garstang for not opening his Watercourse between Breary Heigh and Banck.
33. John Harrison for not removing the Curran trees on the backside of Richard Peddars Barne whereby the Water course is Stopt soe yt it sinks into his barne and is a great inconvenience to him.
34. John Hatch and Henry Crook for not removing their Wood lying in the Back weend and Mr Atherton for laying wood ther.
35. The Supvisors of the high ways for not amending the Cawsey on the Moor.
36. Hugh Gurnall for not Scouring his Ditch adjoyning to Ropers Hey and William Lytham for not amending his plat and scouring his Ditch in Salter Lane.
37. Madam Blundell, John Walker, William Helme and Hugh Walker for not Scouring their Ditches in Salter Lane and Timothy Etough for laying whins at his door.
38. The persons following for not seting Railes at their Sellars. vizt.
Tho. Santer, Robt. Welshman, Mr Whittiker, Evan Huson, Mr White, Widow Martin, Mr Parkinson, Wm Slater, Willm Abbot, Wm Gregson & Tho. Anderton.
39. Evan Graystocks wife for harbouring vagabonds, loose & disorderly psons and fine her in Six Shillings Eight pence for the Same.
40. The Bayliffes for not repairing the Cawles on ye Marsh and Thomas Gregson for not Scouring his Ditch & making his fence Sufficient between Berry field and Bull field.
41. George Threlfall for not repairing his fence betwixt his Garden and Richard Jacksons Backside.
42. James Roydes and William Lytham for leting their Middings lye upon the Moor and doe ordr them severally to remove the same on or before [missing text] next on paine of [missing text]
43. Henry Hodgkinson Esqre and Adam Cooper for leting their Middings ly in Cockerhole and fine them in [missing text] a peice if the same be not removed on or before [missing text] next.
44. Mr Alderman Chorley for leting a Midding ly at his barne at Syke Hill and fine him in [missing text] if the same be not done on or before [missing text] next.