October 1699

Great Court Leet held on October 20th, 1699, before Roger Sudell (Mayor) and John Warren (Recorder).


Viewers of Flesh & Fish James Hodgkinson butvher & Robert Dent
Alefounders John Birchall sen & Nathan Bullen
Pinders John Gurnall & Henry Barnes
Affeerers & Assessors John Chorley gen, Evan Huson, Henry Taylor & John Helme ye elder
Clensing ye streets William Lytham
Treasurer for the poor John Loxam & Thomas Higham
Houselookers for Churchgate John Vershagen? & Chrofer Jackson
Houselookers for ffishergate & Market Street Henry Shepherd & John Hardman
Houselookers for fryergate John Hatch & Nathan Barker
Beadle William Hoole


The 24

George Addison Lawrence Piccopp
William Lemon John Roberts
Thomas Winckley John Lamplugh
Nicholas Walmsley Geoffrey Rishton
Josiah Gregson John Burton
John Atherton Thomas Bostock
John Chorley John Harrison
Lawrence Bostock Thomas Gradwell
Chrofer Nowell Thomas Werden
Ralph Rishton John Loxam
Evan Huson Thomas Higham
John Ratcliffe Nicholas Walmsley jun



John Lamplugh John Merry
John Burton Richard Bray
Thomas Werden Jacob Kitchin
William Carter Ralph Comander
Richard fforshaw Christopher Pearson
Peter ffinch Richard Horrocks
Jacob Drinkwater Richard Mawdesley


1. Mr Jeoffrey Rishton for not repaireing his Cawsey after the side of his Barne in Saint Johns Weend being formerly prsented by the Jury Leet, And doe And doe Amerce him in Six shillings eight pence if not sufficiently Amended before the second day of ffebruary next ensueing.

2. Mr John Chorley doe cause his wood lying in the street att the side of the House where Janet Walmesley now liveth and other places, before the second of ffebruary next Otherwise wee Amerce him to pay three shillings four pence.

3. Alice Garlicke widdow for keeping a Mastiffe Dog and suffring him to goe out unmuzled and doe Amerce her therefore in three shillings and four pence.

4. Thomas Richardson, Henry Kilshaw, Henry Wilson and James Hodgkinson for not repaireing the hedges and fences of the severall gardens adjoineing to the garden of Mr Robert Ravald, And doe amerce the said severall psons in three shillings a peece.

5. Thomas Watson for not laying and keeping a sufficient & fast cover over the Seller staires not far from the Butter crosse where Ralph Werden now lives being very dangerous for people to fall into, And wee doe Amerce the said Thomas Watson for the said Offence in Six shillings eight pence.

6. The Supravisors of the Highwayes in this Town for not repaireing the Rampier and other parts of the Highwayes neare the ffryergate Moor yate, and att the side of the Brook And doe Amerce them in Ten shillings if the same bee not sufficiently Amended before the tenth day of ffebruary next.

7. The said Supravisors of the Highwayes, Not only for not makeing a good ffoot Cawsey, or not causeing a good Rampier to bee lay'd or gravelled sufficiently for a ffootway, in the ffryer weend or Lane betwixt the Dyehouse and the Alley lane, But alsoe for not repaireing the New Cawsey behind the Pinfould and leading to the Spitle Mosse (for wch the former Supravisors were prsented, but not estreated till Mr Mayor and the Aldermen and Councell were Consulted. And wee haveing acquainted them therein Doe thereupon Amerce the said Supravisors in the summe of Thirty shillings if not amended as above on or before the tenth day of ffebruary next.

8. The said Supravisors of the Highwayes that they cause the Rampier on the side of the Marsh lane to bee sufficiently Repaired before the tenth day of ffebruary next ensueing and doe amerce them in Six shillings and eight pence if not done within the time prfixed the same haveing been formerly prsented.

9. The severall Shopkeepers and Tradesmen within this Town hereafter named each of them haveing taken one or more Apprentice who have served them above one month, and yet have not entred and Inrolled them according to the Order Therefore wee Amerce them severally ffive shillings a peece for every Apprentice that ??? of them has and doth not Inroll forthwith upon notice hereof from either of the Sarjeants. (vizt)

Number of Apprentices in brackets Mr Jeoffrey Rishton (1), John Dewhurst (1), Mr Thomas Martin, Mr James Whalley (1), John Bostock (has none), Hugh Walker (2), Henry Bullen (1), Richard Graddell (1), John Jameson (1), Timothy Aitough (2), Mr Thomas Gradwell (1), John Verschregan (1), Benjamin Clarkson (2), ffrancis Higham (none), Thomas Bradley (1), Henry Parr (1), John Roades (1), Willm Shaw Joiner (1), Chrofer Moone (1), John Greenhalgh (1), William Crosse (1), Mr Harrison Appoth (1), Rich Graystock Butcher (1), James Taylor (1).

10. Mr William Tomlinson (now Tenant att the Old Anker) that hee Cause the deep and dangerous Middingsteed att the bottom of St Johns weend to bee filled up with Earth even with that weend (being formerly prsented) And wee do Amerce himin fforty shillings if the same bee not done on or before the tenth day of ffebrary next.

11. Thomas Bancks, John Cooke, John Hardman, Richard Stanley, Esq., and Henry Darbyshire, not only for laying their middings within the Barr in the ffishergate, But also for not removeing the same upon warneing given by the Bellman, And wee doe Amerce them in six shillings eight pence a peece if the same bee not Removed before the second day of ffebruary next.

12. John Clayton in six shillings and eight pence for setting his Carts in the publicke streets of this Town.

13. William Tomlinson, Richard Cowband, James Renying and Mathew Read for not cleanseing their Cawseys and not carrying away their dung persuent to Mr Mayors order by the Bellman. And doe Amerce them in six shillings eight pence a peece if they doe not severally remove the same before the second day of ffebruary next.

14. William Cowpe and Edward ffarnworth for not scoureing their ditches in Dagergate Lane, And (they haveing been formerly prsented) wee doe Amerce them in six shillings eight pence a peece.

15. Wee ffine and prsent the psons hereafter named. vizt.

Seth Jolly, Wm Beesley, Widdow Lever, Henry Birchall, Willm Gregson, Alderman Lemon, Widdow Walmsley, edward Bond, Widdow Whitle, Hugh Walker, Thomas Gradwell, Mr Wm. Parkinson, John Verscingan, Henry Yates, James Garstang, Thomas Rideing, Mr Wm Patten, Alice Garlick widd, Thomas Riley, Mr John Chorley, Henry Shepherd, Mrs Dorothy Wall, Mr John Thornton, Mathew Read, John Woods senr, David Brown.

for not repaireing and paveing their Cawseys att the side of their barnes and stables in St. Johns Weend and for layeing their Middings there and continueing them to the Common Nusance and Annoyance of prsons liveing, and passing and repassing in that Street or Weend, And wee doe amerce them severally in six shillings and eight pence a peece if their said Middings bee not Removed and their Cawseys amended on or before the tenth day of ffebruary next.

16. Henry Turnley doe Repair his ffence and make a wall or Pale betwixt his Backside house in the ffryergate and Robert Rimmers Backside or garden before the tenth day of ffebruary next (this haveing been formerly prsented) Otherwise wee Amerce him in ten shillings.

17. The psons following for not haveing Rales before their Respective Seller Staires and doe amerce them in six shillings eight pence a piece if not done before the tenth day of ffebruary next. (vizt)

Mr Alderman Winckley, John Greenhalgh Smith, Mr Alderman Lemon, Mr Harrison Apothercary, Thomas Santer, Thomas Whalley, Mr Parkinson, Thomasin Martin widd, Mrs Dorothy Wall, Mr Evan Huson, Mr Henry White, Mr Richard Langton, Thomas Riley, Mr Alderman Walmsley, Mr John Radcliff, Mr Alderman Addison.

18. John Cowborne for not repaireing his garden hedge betwixt his and John Birchalls garden, and doe amerce him in six shillings eight pence if the same bee not done or or before the tenth day of ffebruary next.

19. John Woos ye younger for letting his midding lye soe long it is a great annoyance to Mr Alderman Athertons house and Tenante. And wee doe Amerce him the said John Woods in six shillings and eight pence if the same bee not removed before the tenth day of ffebruary next.

20. Richard Bray, one of our fellow Jurors, and Amerce him in three shillings and four pence for not meeteing upon summons and not attending with us to deliver up this our verdict.