October 1696

Great Court Leet held on October 22nd, 1696, before John Atherton (Mayor) and John Warren (Recorder).


Viewers of Flesh & Fish Hugh Tootill & Henry Parr
Alefounders John Birchall & Nathan Bullen
Pinders John Gurnall & Henry Barnes
Affeerers & Assessors Nicholas Walmsley sen, Thomas Gradwell, John Loxam & Thomas Hugell
Clensing ye streets William Markland
Treasurer for the poor Law. Bostcoke sen & James Sudell
Houselookers for Churchgate Henry Chorley & Richard Mawdsley
Houselookers for ffishergate & Market Street Chrofer Pearson & William Welshman
Houselookers for fryergate John Walton & John Helme jun
Beadle William Hoole



John Atherton William Markland
John Radcliffe Richard Crosse tanner
John Lamplugh Thomas Bostock butcher
Jacob Cooper John Dawson
John Whittaker Peter ffinch
Jacob Smith Richard Graystock butcher
Thomas Addison skinner George Sharrock
George Drinkwater ffitzwilliam Southcoate
Thomas Myers  


My numbering

1. Thomas Martin gen & Wm Walmsley yeoman both of this Town have formerly been presented and amerced in Ten shillings a peece to make a place & set a sufficient wood bridge over the watercourse called Bugmore holes oppisite the Marsh well and had reasonable tyme for the doeing thereof which they have totally neglected. It is therefore ordered that they or the one of them place and sett a sufficient bridge over the said watercourse betwixt this and the first of March next upon penalty and forfeiture of Twenty shillings a peece if they make default.

2. Thomas Watson for letting Rubbish lye in the street before his new building in the Cheapside to the hinderance and danger of psons rideing or passing that way in the night and doe Amerce him in Twenty shillings if hee does not Remove and carry away or cause to be removed and carryd away the dame before the said first of March.

3. The Bayliffes of this Corporacon that they set railes about the two Draw wells in the ffryergate within this Town of a Convenient heighth and distance soe as to prevent both horses from watering there and people from falling therein by night and Amerce them in five pounds if they doe not the same before the said first of March.

4. ffrancis Higham of this Town for stopping the watercourse leading from the Backside of Richard Gradwells to the Brown Channell by layeing his Dung hill or middingstead at the Mouth of the Sough and filling up the Ditch or Grip where the said watercourse ought to run to the great Damage and annoyance of the said Richard Gradwell. It is therefore Orderd that the said ffrancis Higham doe remove or cause to bee removed the said Dunghill and open the said Ditch betwixt this and the Tenth of ffebruary next and suffer the said water to run in its former & right course on penalty and forfeiture of Twenty shillings.

5. John Woods the younger of this Town hath been formerly prsented formerly prsented for suffering his middingstead to lye soe low and deep that stincking water stands therein & drenches and runs through the wall and soe into the backside of Mr George Cockshutt to his hurt and annoyance and had reasonable time allowed for the removeall thereof which hee hath neglected. It is therefore ordered that the said John Woods doe remove the same soe as to prvent the said Nusance before the Twenty second of ffebruary next on penalty & forfeiture of Ten shillings.

6. The aforesaid Wm Walmsley that hee make a place and sett a sufficient Bridge or plat over the Brook comonly called Graystock brook neare unto the Orchard belonging to the Hole house being a Comon foot way between Preston & Ashton on or before the fifteenth of ffebruary next on penalty & forfeiture of six shillings & eight pence if hee make default.

7. Mrs Margt. Wall widd for letting Rubbish lye in the street before the house of Henry Miller the younger in the ffishergate and order her the sd Mrs Wall to remove or cause to be removed the said rubbish on or before the said ffifteenth day of ffebruary on paine & forfeiture of six shillings and eight pence.

8. Thomas Watson for laying Rubbish in the Back weend to the wall of the Kilne belonging to Thomas Walmsley of Poulton now in the possession of James Drinkwater to the Hurt and Damage of the said wall and order him the said Thomas Watson to remove the said Rubbish from the said Wall before the said ffiftheenth of ffebruary on penalty of forfeiture of six shillings and eight pence.

9. Mr John ffrancks, John Woods senr, Widd: Hugell, Wm Bradley, Widdow Townend and Lawrence Shepheard junr for not scouring their ditches, lopping their hedges belonging to their severall Closes within the North meadow Lane and doe order them severally to lop their sd hedges, scoure their ditches, open their watercourses & lay the plats on or before the Twenty second day of ffebruary next on penalty and forfeiture of six shillings and eight pence a peece.

10. Edward Craven and Richard Pedder for not scouring their severall Closes in Lancaster Lane and order them severally to lop their said hedges & scoure their ditches betwixt and the said Twenty second day of ffebruary next on forfeiture of six shillings & eight pence a peece.

11. Upon Informacon given by the House lookers Wee prsent these severall psons being not free of this Corporacon. vizt.

John Jackson, Edmund Bond, Willm Hoghton, Sevell Ratcliffe, George Eastham, Robert Boyes, Henry Balshaw, Richard Livesey, Willm Beesley, Willm Noblett, Richard Horrocks, Richard Clarkson, John Smith, Michael Postlewaite, John Hackin, John Walton, Thomas Gregson, Jon. Greenhalgh farrier, Joseph Rigby, John Shakeshaft, John Shaw, Willm Strickland, Robert Sidbreaves, Thomas Walmsley, Edwd. Gregson, Alexr Gibson, Jon. Millington, wm Gregson, Richard Hudson, Henry Darbyshire, James Grundy, John Anderton, Ralph Newsham, George Barton, Henry Grundy, Richard Gradwell, Williamson Swan, Willm Arkwright, Daniel Porter, James Holt, Lawrence Taylor, Thomas Goodshaw, Thomas Sharples, Henry Whitehead, Henry Ashurst, Henry Hoghton, John Bamber & Thomas ffoster.

12. These severall psons followeing James Green, Ralph Commander, Mathew Read, John Cowborne, Wm Markland and Thomas Goodshaw for setting their Carts in the street to the great danger of the Inhitants of this Town and other psons passing the streets by night And doe amerce them severally in six shillings and eight pence a peece.

13. The severall Shopkeepers and tradesmen wthin this Town hereafter named haveing each of them taken one or more Apprentices haveing served them a month or more and yet have not entred and inrolled them according to an order of the last Guild Merchnt. Therefore wee Amerce them severally in Twenty shillins apeece if the said psons doe not procure the said Apprentices entred and Inrolled before the Twenty second day of ffebruary next they haveing notice in the meane time of this prsentmt.

All 1 apprentice apart from those shown

Richard Pedder, Thomas Pedder, John ffisher, Mr Tho: Martin, Thomas Jackson, Nicholas Pasley(2), Timothy Aytough, Tho: Gradwell, Jonathan Audland, Edmund Kelsall, John dawson, John Merry(2), Richard Kendall, Thomas Rimmer, Henry Blackhurst(2), Wm Mawdsley, Thomas Harrison(2), John Gregson(2), John Hodgkinson, John Wilding(2), Willm Copeland, John Mosse butchr, Willm Wilkins, James Hodgkinson(2), John Birchall, Benjamin Clarkson, Evan Eastham, John Bostocke, George Birchall, John Walton Carpentr, Thomas Willasy.

14. The Bayliffes of this Corporacon that they well and sufficiently repaire the Rampire leading from the Midspitt weend to the Syke Hill betwixt and the Twenty second day of ffebruary next on penalty & forfeiture of Twenty shillings.

15. The Supvisors of the Highwayes doe well and sufficiently repaire or cause to be repaired ye ffryer lane, the Highway betwixt ffryergate Barrs and Spittle mosse and likewise the Causey betwixt ffishergate barrs and spring head betwixt and the twenty fifth day of March next on penalty and forfeiture of ffive pounds.

16. John Cowborne, Wm Walmsley & Hugh Gurnall for letting their middings lye in the street in the ffryergate to the great Annoyance of the neighbourhood and doe Amerce them severally in Six shillings and eight pence a peece.

17. Richard Bray for laying his midding on a certaine place in the Highway below ffryergate barrs commonly called Sawpitt Hill being a Nusance to the said Highway and doe therefore amerce him in Six shillings and eight pence.

18. These severall psons following and every of them doe make and repaire or cause to bee well and sufficiently made and repaired their several and respective parts and shares (in manner hereafter pticularly menconed) of the Causey or pavemt before their sevrall and respective Lands, house and Outhouses in St. Johns weend a yard and an halfe from their easing drop betwixt and the Twenty fifth day of March next on penalty of Thirteene shillings and four pence a peece if they make Default vizt.

Widdow Townend Tent to James Dixon of Warton to make a new Causey Eighteene yards in length and a yard and a halfe broad, Cornelius Langtons part four yards in length, Henry Shephard (tent to Sr Chrofer Greenfield) his part 6 yards in length, Mr John Thorntons parte five yards in length, Mathew Reads part Thirteen yards in length, Mrs Walls part five yards in length, Edmund Walmsley (tent to Sr Chrofer Greenfield) his parte Tenn yards in length, Mr Thomas Werdens parte five yards in length, John Mosse (tent to the said Sr Chrofer) his part five yards in length, these severall Causeys before menconed are wholly to bee made new. Mr Jeoffrey Rishton and Mr Geo: Lamplugh tents to Mr Prescott to add half a yard to the breadth of their Causey for twelve yards in length, Mr Wm. Holder to Repaire Twenty yards in length, Widd Garlick part ten yards, John Dawsons part three yards, Widd: Rideings part three yds, Mrs Brennands pte three yds, Mr Hen: Hodgkinsons parte five yds, Mr Luke Hodgkinsons pte before ye Barn now in possion of Mr Roby twenty yds in length And order the sevrall psons before menconed to remove & carry away their middings in the sd Weend betwixt this and the said Twenty fifth of March on penalty Six shillings Eight pence a peece.

19. Edward Walker for letting his fence lye downe and not scouring his ditch betwixt nearer Whittacres and Salter Lane and ordr him to make the same and scour the same and scour the said ditch betwixt and Twenty second of ffebruary next upon penalty of six shillings and eight pence.

Affeared by Tho: Graddwell, John Loxham, Thomas Hugall.