February 1676


William Werden Henry Hall
Lawrence Bostocke Thomas Graddell
Roger Haydock Edward Craven sen
Nicholas Walmsley jun Jacob Dawson
William Arkwright John Woods
Henry Gradwell William Walmsley barber?
William Tomlinson Jacob Kitchin
Henry Wilding John Greenwood
Richard Jenkinson  


1. These psons followings that they remove their middings lying beyond ye churchgate barrs and those wch lye neare ye Almshouse before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

John Ryley, Laur Bostocke, John Bayley, Edward Cort, Thomas Southworth, Nicholas Cunliffe, Willm Place, Henry Myers, Henry Heaton, Thomas Slater, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr Serjt Rigby

2. Ncholas Cunliffe that hee take downe his swine cote annoying Henry Myers by running into his Milkhouse before ye first of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

3. Ye supvisors yt they repaires ye Rampier and Causey nere ye churchgate Almshouse leading to Riblebridge lane before ye first day of June next upon paine of xxs.

4. Edward Osbaldeston yt hee hath made an Incroachmt at his house nere ye Almshouse and hath set quickwood. And yt hee shall put downe and lay open ye same as formrly it hath beene before ye first of March next upon paine of xs.

5. Edward Rigby serjt at Lawe, Mrs Jane Langton and Mr Willm Shawe yt they lay their platts in Ribleton lane yt ye water may not run into ye lane before ye first day of May next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

6. These psons hereunder named that they cut their hedges and scour their ditches at their fields Lying at ye southside of Ribleton lane before ye first day of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

Willm Audland, Widdow Rishton, Mr George Pigot, Mrs Langton.

7. Mrs Jane Langton to Cut her hedge and scoure her ditch at her fields on ye north side of Ribleton lane before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

8. Ye supervisors of ye high ways wthin this towne yt they repaire Ribleton lane and ye Causey there and scoure ye ditch all along ye North side of ye Causey above Dakerlane and before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xxs.

9. Mrs Rishton to scoure her ditch at ye end of Dakergate Lane unto ye Newhall lane and also at her close nere Newhall before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

10. Ye supvisors of ye highways wthin this towne to Lay a platt upon ye North side of Graystocke heyes in ye New hall lane as also to repaire ye way leading from Graystocke house towards ffishergate and mend ye Causey over agt Graystocke house before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xxs.

11. Elizabeth Clifton to scoure her ditch and open her platt at Hesketh field Leading down to Swillbrooke before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

12. Ye supvisors of ye highways to raise ye ground and pave a Causey eight yeards in Length at ye end of ye fflaggs next swilbrooks and to Lay aplatt yt Carts may passe over as formrly over agt Ellis Makin house end before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xs.

13. Ye now Baliffs yt they well and sufficiently repaire and clense ye well at ye Scholehouse before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

14. Ellis Makin yt hee remove his midding and take downe his swine coate built upon ye townswast and also well and sufficiently repaire his houses standing upon ye Syke hill and to open all ye springs Leading to ye Syketroughs as also to wind and stake at ye end of ye Sykes to mantaine and keepe upp ye Rampier there before ye first day of May next upon paine of xls.

15. Ralph Booth yt hee hath incroached at ye end of his croft Lying to ye Syles. And yt he shall take away ye said Incroachmt to ye Quickwood, Rouse and scoure his ditch there before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xs.

16. Mr John Marsh yt he scoure his ditch over against minspitt well before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

17. Richard Thorpe to Cut his hedge and paire his copp from ye northwest cornr of Seth Taskers Croft to ye Ash tree over against ye Middle thereof and also to cut his hedge at ffishergate lane syde before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

18. Ye now Baliffs that they repaire ye Bridge at Broadgate and being very much in decay before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xxs.

19. Mr John Hynd that he scoure his ditch at ye end of his field adjoyning to ffishergate lane and also all his ditch along ye west side of ye said ffields downe to ye Greene Croft before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

20. These severall psons ffollowing that they remove their middings lying behind ye ffishergate Barrs before ye xthh day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Chrofer Newall, George Addison gen, Mrs Blackhurst, Thomas Whalley, Mrs Loxam.

21. Ye supvisors that they repaire ye Causey all along where is wanting from ffishergate barrs so farr as ye same have beene formrly paved before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

22. Joseph Bolton to set a style lay a ffootbridge and make a ramper sufficient for ffootfokes to passe and also to scoure his gutters to draw ye water from ye way at his ffield Leading from ye walkes upon Avenham towards ye boat before ye ffirst of May next upon paine of xs.

23. Henry Bretherton yt he scoure his ditches on both sides of Mr Ashtons meadow at broadgate end before first day of Aprill next upon paine xxs.

24. Mr Chrofer Greenefield that he set a style at ye end of his croft leading into ye lane at ye bottom of Hugh Shorrocke garden before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

25. Hugh Sharrocke shall repaire ye lane at ye bottom of his garden and to set a style at ye end thereof leading into Roper field before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

26. Henry Myers, John Baley and all other psons yt have made Bricke upon ye Comons yt they shall fill upp their pitts wth Rubbage when they have digged and gotten such Bricke before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of xxs. apiece.

27. Whereas by ye xxth prsentmt of ye last inquest and upon prusall of sevrall prsentmts of fformr Inquests, Thomas Patton gen was prsented to Erect and build ye house at ye moreside wch hee hath suffred to fall downe being ye townes Land sometime heretofore in ye possession of one Willm Bayley decd and hath thereby forfeited severall sumes of money as by ye prusall of ye sd sevrall prsentmts and ye said Thomas Patton do and shall well and sufficiently erect and build ye said house before ye ffifteenth day of August next upon paine of xxl.

28. Mr Thomas Hodgkinson and Mr Willm Shawe are ye occupyers of Mr Richard Sumpners Lands that they repaire their platts and scoure their ditches in ye lane Leading to ye Rowmoores before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

29. These psons following yt they remove their middings Lying wthout ye North Barrs before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece. Evan Hughson, Johes Hellme, Willius Werden jun, Mr Willm Haydocke, Thomas Cumbrall.

30. Evan Hughson shall remove and take away his Rubbage from before his now barne in ye ffryer weend before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

31. James Cottam hath lately erected a house of office at ye end of his house in ye ffryer ween wch doth much annoy ye highway and ye people yt passe thereby and yt hee make up ye same before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xs.

32. John Woods to remove his midding Lying at ye side of ye ffryers before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

33. John Bayley hath made a Lyme Kilne at ye side of ye ffootway on Walshman Brow wch all psons yt passe that way in ye night time are in danger of falling into and yt hee take downe ye same and fill upp ye said hole yt ye same may bee made even before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

34. Ye supvisors of ye highways wthin this towne that they repaire ye Ramper at Davell bridge and lay gravell in sevrall needfull places in ye ffryer lane before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xxs.

35. Ye now Baliffs that they do well and sufficiently repaire ye Caules at ye marsh in severall places where are wanting for ye prservacon of ye said Marsh before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xls.

36. Ye supvisors of ye highways that they do well and sufficiently repaire ye Browe at Spittle Mosse before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of xxs.

37. Ye now Baliffs that they upon ye watering places upon Spittle Mosse and clense ye springs runing into ye Syke troughs there before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of xxs.

38. Ralph Woodhouse, Henry Bretherton and Chrofer Santer yt they remove their middings betwixt Spittle Mosse & Richard Taylors before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

39. Robt Mair & Richard Goodshawe and John Helme yt they scoure their ditches at ye bottom of Goldsmiths bancke before ye ffirst of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

40. John Radcliffe and Willm Seddon that they set styles at both side of ye Bryry hey and draw ye Gutter on Hanging browe and Lay a raile at ye bridge at ye bottom of ye sd browe before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

41. Ye now Baliffs that they repaire ye North more yate and wind and stake at ye same place in sevrall places wanting to keepe ye water in its usuall Corse as also lay ye Little ffoot bridge and repaire ye rampier there before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

42. These psons ffollowing to scoure their ditches all along both side of Slater lane before ye ffirst of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

Mr Thomas Martin, Grace Harryson, Alan Prickett Esqre, Mr Tho Winckley, Oliver Hatch, Thomas fforrest, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr Luke Hodgkinson,

John Chorley jun who is also to lay a platt at ye entring to his ffield.

43. These psons following to remove their middings lying in ye backweend leading downe to ye ffryergate behynd ye ffryergate barrs before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

John Chorley jun, John Gurnall, Willm Charnocke, John Singleton, Mrs Sallome, Henry Gradwell.

44. These psons ffollowing that they remove their midding lying in St Johns weend before ye xth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Henry Heaton, Richard Thorpe, Widdow Jolly, Mr Willm Sudell, Mr ffarrers, Willm Lemon Maior, Willm Gregson, John Salter, Henry Hodgkinson, Chrofer Walmsley, Edward Dawson, Mr Holder, Mr Nicholas Wall, Thomas fforrest, Mr Poole, Willm Tomlinson, Dr Worthington, Roger Haydocke, Richard Woods, Nichus Walmsley sen, John Woods, ffrancis Woodhouse, Mr Tho: Martin, Willm Gregson Sadler.

45. John Chorley jun doth suffer his steepwater to run downe from his backside into ye highway behind ye ffriergate barrs to ye great prjudice and annoyance both of ye way & ye psons and neighbour hood thereaboutes therefore wee ordr ye said John Chorley shall rectify ye same and turne ye water some otherway before ye ffirst of May next upon paine of xxs.

46. Roger Mosse shall set two sufficient styles at ye Little croft called Titmouse croft Leading into ye greene crofts before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

47. Grace Walmsley that she scoure her ditch at ye east side of ye Lane all along from Shepard House unto Blackbourne barne and pair a Copp there before ye xth of May next upon paine of xxs.

48. Mr Edmund Werden yt hee hath stopped a watercorse at ye Marsh wch for many yeares past hath beene suffred to run through ye Sykes at ye March to ye prjudice of ye highway and danger of such psons who come or go yt way. And yt ye said Mr Werden rectify ye same and suffer ye water to run in its formr usuall and right corse before ye xth of May next upon paine of xls.

49. It was ordered in and by ye last Ordr of ye last Guild Merchant holden for this Burrough yt no pson or psons Inhiting wthin this towne should after ye publicacon of ye said Guild carry any Dunghills into ye streets and suffer them there to Lye above ye space of three days upon paine to Loose and forfeit to ye use and benefitt of this Incorporacon ye sume of vjs. viijd. apiece and for every weeke yt ye pson so offending as aforesd should suffer ye same to Lye bee or remaine in ye said streets to fforfeit and loose to ye use aforesd ye like sume of vjs. viijd ye same being pved as in and by ye said order is set downe and expressed As also no pson or psons inhabiting wthin this towne as aforesd should lay or cause to be layd any Timber or great stones or water or dresse any strawe by ye church wall or any other place wthin ye sd streetes upon paine of every one so offending therin to forfeit and Loose ye use of this Incorporation vjs. viijd. and for every weeke yt any ownr or ownrs of such Timber, stones or straw should suffer ye same to bee lye or remaine as aforesd after notice given for removeall should forfeit ye sd sume of vjs. viijd. apiece as in & by ye said order is expressed. Therefore wee do fynd and psent ye sevrall psons hereafter named that they have sffred their Dung, Timber or stone to Lye in ye streetes above the aforemenconed time and therefore are to pay ye aforesaid sume of vjs. viijd. apiece And for every weeke they shall suffer ye same to lye and and remaine after notice given them to forfeit and pay every one vjs. viijd. aweeke.

Willm Lemon Major, Sr John Mollinex Barrt, Seth Tasker, Willm Walsh, Thomas Bickerstaffe, Thomas Parr, John Hatch, Widdow Loxam.

Affeared by us ye 19th of Sept 77

Ja Kellett, William Wearden, Hugh Shorrock