April 1676
The 24
John Kellett | Thomas Whalley |
William Sudell | John Sumpner |
Lucas Hodgkinson | Thomas Winckley |
Lawrence Wall | Lawrence Bostocke |
Thomas Hodgkinson | Arthur Bostocke |
George Addison | Chrofer Nowell |
Jacob Ashton | Richard Taylor |
William Lemon jun | Thomas Bannester |
William Lemon sen | John Chorley sen |
William Werden sen | William Werden jun |
Roger Rivington | John Hynd |
John Kellett jun | Joseph Gregson |
Thomas Arkwright |
Chrofer Nowell | Thomas Woodward |
William Werden jun | John Barker |
Jacob Burton | Richard Livesay |
John Hodgkinson butcher | Phillip Burton |
Henry Wilding | Jacob Moss |
Thomas Winstanley | Nicholas Cunliffe |
Hugo Sharrocke sen | Robert Whittingham |
William Tomlinson currier | Jonathan Audland |
William Gregson |
1. Ye lane called Ribbleton-lane, ye lane leading downe to Broadgate, ye lane Leading to Rible Bridge, ye lane Leading to ye Marsh, ye more lane, ye Long causey upon ye more leading to ye horsebridge, and ye Lane Leading to ye nearer end of ye Marsh called ffryer weend, are all out of repaire, and ought to bee repaired by this towne of Preston. And wee do judge and verily beleeve yt tenn pounds may bee a Competent sume to put ye same in good repaire.
2. Ye sevrall psons hereafter following for not appearing at this Leet Cort to pay ye sumes charged upon their names
John Chorley sen - 3s 4d. | Johes Hynd - 3s. 4d. |
Robtus Sympson - 0s 6d. | Willus Curtis - 1s 0d. |
Robtus Almond - 0s 6d. | Thomas Sumpner - 0s 6d. |
Tho: Hatch - 1s 0d. | Tho: Bickerstaffe - 0s 6d. |
Willm Cureden - 0s 6d. | Lawr Poole - 0s 6d. |
John Preston gen - 3s 4d. | Ricus Wood - 1s 0d |
Johes Taylor - 0s 6d. | Hen: Bramwell jun - 0s 6d. |
John Shepard - 1s 6d. | Edwus Leach - 0s 6d. |
John Whalley - 0s 6d | John Bancks - 0s 6d. |
Will Graystocke - 0s 6d. | Henr Kilshawe sen - 0s 6d. |
Willus Darwen jun - 1s 0d. | Will Dolphin - 0s 6d. |
Jo: Greenough 0s 6d. | Adam Elston - 1s 0d. |
Johes Crooke - 0s 6d. | Willius Jolly - 0s 6d. |
Roger Bannester - 0s 6d. | Joh: Hodgkinson Currier - 0s 6d. |
Ricus Kay - 0s 6d. | Johes Myers - 0s 6d. |
3. Yt ye draw wells in ye ffishergate and ffryergate are out of repaire and all ye rest of ye wells in ye towne wants clensing, And yt ye Baliffs do repaire and cause ye same to bee clensed before ye xvth of August upon paine of xxs.
4. Edward Osbaldeston hath made an Incroachmt on a garden at ye backside of his house at ye Mill hill at ye end of ye church gate wch wee referr to Mr Maior and Councell to consider and ordr therein as they thinke fitt.
5. Grace Walmsley wid doth frequently let her geese and swine goe upon ye March contrary to ye Guild ordrs of this towne and yt shee ought to pay vjs. viijd. for her offence.
6. Ye housing upon ye Syke hill belonging to ye towne in ye pos of Thomas Sumpner & Ralph Eaves are far our of repaire and ready to fall if speedy care bee not taken for ye repaire of ye same, wee desire yt Mr Maior and ye Councell may take some Course to see ye same repaired yt ye towne bee not dampnifyed.
7. James Hall setteth aswine through and ffeedeth his swine in ye backside where he now liveth nere ye church to ye great annoyance of ye neighbours adioyning to him and yt hee remove ye same before ye xvth of August next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
8. Ralph Woodhouse doth a newsance wth his midding in his backside to Willm Werden jun and yt hee remove ye same before ye first day of Sept upon paine of xxs.
9. Ralph Woodhouse doth lay a midding to widdow Loxams hedge in St Johns weend to ye newsance of Willm Gregson ye prsnet tennt and other his Maties subjects and yt he remove ye same before ye first day of Sept next upon paine of vjs. viijd. and forbeare to Lay any more there from and after yt day upon paine of xijs aweeke for every weeke it Lyes there.
10. Richard Ashton Esqre keepeth unlawfull netts and causeth ffish to bee taken wth ye same in ye river of Rible wthin ye view of this Cort therefore to pay xxs.
11. Mr Thomas Eaves, Willm Crichlowe? and Richard Kellett do ffish wth unlawfull netts in ye river of Rible wthin ye view of this Cort therefore to pay xxs apiece.
12. Mary Higham widdowe suffers ye house belonging to this towne nere ye pinfould now in her possession to go downe for want of repaire therefore ye shee repaire ye same before ye xth day of Sept next upon paine of xls.
13. Mr Thomas Hadison and Thomas Werden made an affray & therefore to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.
14. Roger Santer made an affray and bloodwype on ye body of Willm Dolphin therefore to pay vjs. viijd.
15. Willm Dolphin for an affray wth Roger Santer therefore to pay iijs. iiijd.
16. Roger Bannester for an affray and bloodwipe upon ye body of Willm Tomlinson therefor to pay vjs. viijd.
17. Willm Tomlinson for an affray and bloodwipe upon ye body of Roger Banester therefor to pay vjs. viijd.
18. John Bayley Bricklayer doth sell and dispose of breeks into other townes forth of this corporacon wthout ye consent of Maior and Councell contrary to ye guild Ordrs therefore Leave him to bee punished and ffyned at ye discrecon of ye Maior.
19. Henry Graystocke for suffring his geese to go on ye Marsh contrary to ye Guild ordrs of this towne therefore to pay vjs. viijd.
20. David Poole being elected and chosen houselooker by ye Maior and Councell, according to ye custome of this towne, for yt he neglects and refuses to execute his office, therefore to pay vli.
21. Mr Peter Wall being elected and chosen as houselooker by ye Maior and Councell according to ye custome of this towne for yt hee refuses to execute his office therefore to pay vl.
22. Mrs Wareing is harboured by Willm Werden ye younger yt she bee removed out of ye towne or give security to save ye towne indempnified before ye xxixth day of Sept next upon paine vl.
23. Gameliell? Lloyd? doth a newsance to his neighbours by casting his dung and Stincking stuffe into ye street and refusing to carry it out of ye street therefore do ffyen him in iijs. iiijd.
Affeared by us.
James Ashton, Daniel Chaddocke, Thomas Whalley, John Chorley.