February 1674
Mayor: James Ashton
Thomas Arkwright | Henry Gradwell |
John Sumpner | Robert Ryley |
Henry Hodgkinson | John Radcliffe |
Nicholas Walmsley | John Bostock |
John Willasie | Roger Santer |
William Holder | Jacob Dawson |
John Singleton | John Woods? |
Seth Tasker | William Crosse |
Edward? Rigby Appothecary | Ralph? Corke? |
??? | Christopher Slater |
Thomas Gradwell | John Blackburne |
Henry Hall |
1. The supvisors that they repaire & wind & stake for ye prservacon of ye ffootway betwixt Evan Hodgkinsons house all along to ye house called Blacoe? house nere unto ye Almshouses at or before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of xls.
2. These psons hereafter next named that they remove their middings nere unto ye Almshouse at or before ye xvth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
Edward Rigby Esqre, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr Henr Blackhurst, Dorothy Twistleton.
3. Edward Rigby Esqre to remove his midding lying before ye Lady Hey Yate before ye xvth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
4. James Corkett shall scoure his ditch upon ye South side of Ribbleton lane before ye xvth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
5. That ye Supvisors shall set stoopes at ye side of ye Causey in Ribleton lane to prserve ye same Causey yt Carts may not go over it to ye annoyance thereof before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of iijl. vjs. viijd.
6. Mrs Rishton shall scoure her ditch upon ye same side in Ribleton lane before ye xvth of April next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
7. Mrs Jane Langton do scoure her ditch at her field side upon ye North side of Ribleton lane before ye xvth of Aprill next, And also to lay a platt at her Yate there before ye sd time upon paine xs.
8. Ye supvisors to raise aplatt in ye same lane before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xxs.
9. Mr Willm Shaw yt hee scoure his ditch along his field side upon ye North side of Ribleton lane before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
10. Ye supvisors yt they remove aplatt nere unto ye Coockstool pitt and Lay ye same neare unto ye Causey and lay gravelll at ye ??? of ye now flagged Causey before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of iijl. vjs. viijd.
11. Mr Thomas Hodgkinson to scoure his ditch in ye South side of ye new hall laine before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
12. Ye supervisors that they repaire ye lane at Corker hole all along from ye flagged Causey to ye schole house before the xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xls.
13. Mr Thomas Patten to remove his midding lying at ye side of Corker hole before ye xvth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
14. Mr Chrofer Greenfield that he remove his midding nere Corker hole before ye xvth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
15. Ye supervisors that they well and sufficiently Lay ye platt at ye schole house before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xs.
16 That by ye xxxvth prsentmt of ye Last Inquest and by ye nineteenth prsentmt of ye Last Leete, Mrs Mary Sudell was prsented for ye stopping of ye highway upon Chetham Backside to ye prjudice of his maties subjects at that she hath thereby forfeited ye severall fynes of five shillings aweeke since ye tenth of Aprill last past, And wee desire yt ye said ffynes may be Levyed according to ye affearing thereof, And for that ye said Mary hath since Incroached apt of ye said way by setting Quickwood and laid and taken ye sd pt of ye way to her garden and hath laid a bridge upon ye Townes Land into ye Sykes, wee therefore ordr that ye said Incroachmt be rectifyed and ye Bridge removed to ye place where ye highway hath heretofore beene at of before ye xvth day of Aprill next upon paine of xl.
17. Ye Balives that they repaire ye Bridge at ye Broadgate or cause Robte Wilson ye mason according to ye Articles of Agreement by him made to repaire ye same and yt ye said Balives do wind and stake ye ditch at ye nearer side of ye said Bridge at or before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of xls.
18. Mrs Mabell Hodgkinson yt she shall scoure her ditch from Ribleton lane towards ye Moore brooke at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
19. Mrs Elizabeth Atherton that she shall scoure her ditch Leading to ye said Brooke at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
20. Henry Myers and John Baley for not filling upp their pitts on ye Peele More, wee therefore ordr yt ye sd ptyes shall fill upp all such pitts where they have heretofore made or gotten bricke before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of xls. apiece.
21. Mr Willm Shaw that hee shall repaire his barne standing by ye moreside being upon ye townes Land at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xls.
22. Mr Werden to repaire his barne being likewise upon ye townes Land at or before ye 24th of June upon paine of xls.
23. Whereas by ye one and twentieth prsentmt of ye last Inquest and upon prusall of sevrall prsentmts of former Inquests, Thomas Patton gen was prsented to Erect and build ye house at ye more side being upon ye townes Land sometime heretofore in ye possion of one Willm Baley decd, it being fallen downe and hath thereby forfeited sevrall sumes of money as by ye prusall of ye said prsentmts and ye affearing thereof my plainly appeare, wee therefore desire that all such fines and amercemts heretofore due or forfeited concerning ye same may bee Levyed according to ye affearing thereof, And wee do also prsent yt ye said Thomas Patton do well and sufficiently erect and build ye sd house at or before ye xxiiijth day of August or otherwise wee do amerce him in ye further sume of xl.
24. Richard Thorpe shall scoure his ditch nere ye East meadow lane at ye side of his close called ye garlands and at ye bottom to ye waterside at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
25. Ye wife of Robte Shakeshaft to scoure her ditch at her field side there at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
26. Mr John Langton that he paire his Copps at open his watercourse at ye Southside of ye Hepgreave at or before ye 15th of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
27. These psons hereafter named that they shall remove their middings Lying wthout ye ffishergate barrs before ye ffirst of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece. Mr Geo: Addison, James Corkett, Mr Richard Hynd, Mr Henr Blackhust, Henry Wilding, Lawr Tomlinson.
28. Mr Poole to remove his middings lying wthin ye sd Barrs at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
29. Mr John Langton for Incroaching upon ye backside of ye house of Mr Ralph Sharrocke lately in possion of widdow Pressall and also for Incroaching upon ye backside of ye house of Sarah Kendall and wee do ordr yt yr said John Langton do rectify and remove ye same Incroachmts before ye first of May next upon paine of xls.
30. Robte Loxam to scoure his ditch downe to Huson sikes at or before ye 15th of Aprill next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.
31. The supvisors fo ye highway to repaire ye ffryer lane being in very much decay before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of xxs.
32. Ye sevrall psons hereafter named to Lopp their hedges hanging over ye said lane that they may not bee an annoyance to ye highway there before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
John Hatch, Evan Huson, John Radcliffe, Thomas Gregson, Mr Roger Ashton, James Helme, John Bayley.
33. Ye now Balives that they repaire ye Calls at ye River of Rible wch are in Ruine and decay and to Add to some of ye Cales where is wanting to prvent ye water from breaking betwixt ye Marsh and ye Calls before ye xxiiijth of June upon paine of xls.
34. Henry Crooke for Laying his Timber in St Johns lane, And yt hee shall remove ye same before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
35. These psons following that they remove their middings out of St. Johns weend and ye weend or lane yt Leadeth towards ye end of ye fryergate at or before ye ffirst of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
Baliffe Haydock, Ralph Woodhouse, John Townend, James Dawson, Jennet Addison, Corfer Hynd, Chrofer Walmsley, John Chorley jun, Goe: Clitherow, Oliver Hatch, John Eccles, John Thorpe, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr Maior, Mr Tho: Hodgkinson, Mr Willm Sudell, Grace Jolly, Richard Thorpe.
36. Nicholas Watson yt hee shall sett two sufficient styles over ye Titmouse croft before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of xs.
Affeared by us
Tho: Hodgkinson, Richard Taylor, Cho Loxam, Nicholas Walmsley