April 1670
The 24
William Sudell | John Kellet grocer |
Lucas Hodgkinson | George Addison |
Lawrence Wall | John Kellet sen |
Thomas Rishton | Thomas Arkwright |
Thomas Walmsley | Ralph ffarnorth |
Richard Hynd | Jacob Archer |
Richard Hodgkinson | Simon Hynd |
William Lemon | John Shawe |
William Wearden | Thomas Whalley |
Jacob Ashton | John Sumpner grocer |
Roger Rivington | Thomas Winckley |
Thomas Hodgkinson | Lawrence Bostocke |
John Kellet grocer | Chrofer Santer |
Roger Rivington | Thomas Gregson |
John Cottam | John Hodgkinson currier |
Richard Taylor | John Smith |
Robert Loxam | Henry Houghton |
William Wearden jun | Abell Mosse |
John Hodgkinson butcher | Thomas Cumbrall |
Edward Oram |
1. These psons following liveing wthin ye view of ffranc pleg who made default in not appearing therefore to pay ye sume of iijs. iiijd apiece.
James Ashton - 1s 0d | Richard Baley jun - 0s 6d |
Lawr Wilson - 0s 6d | John Thorpe - 0s 6d |
Willm Woodward - 0s 6d | Tho: Sumpner Tannr - 0s 6d |
John Chorley jun - 0s 6d | John Crooke - 0s 6d |
John Marsh jun - 1s 0d | ffranciscus? Woodhouse - 1s 0d |
Nichus? Anderton - 0s 9d | John Poole - 0s 9d |
Edw: Craven - 1s 0d | Henr Bretherton - 0s 6d |
Tho. Walmsley Butchr - 0s 6d | Tho. Graistocke - 0s 6d |
John Gurnall - 0s 6d | John Richardson - 0s 6d |
Thomas Tomlinson - 0s 6d | James Dolphin - 0s 4d |
Edward Taylor - 0s 9d | John Mosse - 0s 6d |
Henr Kilshawe - 1s 0d | Edw: Dawson - 0s 6d |
Willm Thorpe - 0s 6d | John Riding - 0s 6d |
Richd Molloy? sen - 0s 9d | John Bragger - 0s 2d |
Willm Cuerden - 0s 2d | Richd Taylor jun - 1s 6d |
2. John Mosse, contrary to ye statute agt regrators, upon ye xvth of Aprill last did buy of A stranger a loade of cockles, and did sell and offer ye same to bee sold ye same day in or [our] open markett; therefore to pay ye sume of iijs. iiijd., wch wee conceive to bee ye vallue of ye goods, and also that hee bee further punished according to ye statute in yt case made and provyded.
3. These psons following vizt Edward ffleetwood Esqre, Richard Hodgkinson, Robte Hodgkinson, Will, Graistocke and Thomas Shepheard that if they do not scowre theire ditches and open theire plats abutting upon either side of Lancr lane before ye first of June next to bee amerced in xxs. apiece.
4. Widd Higham that if she not take care to thatch and repaire that pt of her houseing adioyning to Edward ffrance house (so yt ye house of ye said Edward ffrance may receive no further prjudice thereby at or before ye first day of June next to be amerced in the sume of xxs.
5. The prsent Balives that if they do not open the old Gripps and cause new gripps to bee made where need requires upon the Marsh before the first day of June next to pay ye sume of xxs.
6. Robte Ingham for abuseing Thomas Dolphin and Willm Wiggans in the execucon of theire office to bee amerced in ye sume of iijs. iiijd.
7. The Balives in that they have not repaired and amended ye Syke troughs upon Avenham according to ye xiijth prsentmt of ye last inquest of office and therefore to pay vjs. viijd according to ye said prsentmt, And also wee find and prsent the said Balives that if they cause not ye said Syke troughs to bee amended according as is appoynted in ye said xiijth prsentmt of ye last inquest at or before ye first of June next to pay ye further sume of xiijs. iiijd.
8. Ye said Balives in that they have not repaired the Syke troughs upon ye Spittle Mosse and opened the Gripps according as is set downe in the xxxjth presentmt of ye last inquest to pay ye sume of vjs. viijd. according to ye said prsentmt, And also wee find and prsent ye said Balives that if they do not amend ye said Syke troughs according as is appoynted in the said xxxjth presentmt of ye last inquest at or before ye first day of June next tp pay ye furtht sume of xiijs. iijd.
9. The prsent Balives yt if they do not before ye first of June next cause sufficient yate and stile to bee made and set upp at Cordker hole to pay the sume of xxs.
10. The said Balives that if they do not at or before the first of June next cause Minspitt well, Goosewell, ffishergate well, Market Street well and the 2 wells in the ffryergate well clensed and dressed to prsent ye infection of ye water by reason of ye heat of ye Sumer shall bee amerced to pay xls.
11. That if Willm Curtis and John Clifton do not at or before ye first of June next, face theire hedges and brest upp theire copps upon ye side of theire gardens and Tannehouse yard at ye side of the Corkerhole wch is a spoyling to ye way to ye sume of vjs. viijd. apiece.
12. These psons following vizt. Henry Graystocke, George Bennett, Tho Shepheard, Mr John Preston and Mrs Mitton for keeping Geese upon ye Marsh and Spittle Mosse contrary to an ordr of the last Guild and therefore to pay iijs. iiijd.
13. Mr Willm Wall, Chrofer Bannester Esqre and Mr John Sumpner have sevrall houses of office and Swine coates in St Johns Weend to ye great dishonner of this Corporacon and that the same are great nuzances: therefore wee find and presnt that if they the said Mr Wall, Mr Bannester and Mr Sumpner doe not at or before ye first of June next alter ye said houses of office and swine coates upon them selves to bee amerced in xls apiece for every month soe long as they shall remain unaltered.
14. That theses psons following who have lived sevrall yeares in this towne and are neither ffree nor stallenged therefore leaves them to ye ordring of Mr Maior & his Councell.
Robte Hall, Thomas Smith, Ux Chrofer Hindle, John ffletcher, Henr Haworth, John Harrison, James Audland, James Riddihalgh, James Whiteside, Ux ??? Tomlinson, Steaven Pearson, Widd Campbell, John Threlfall, Robte Rawnson?, Hugh ffarrington, Thomas Cosney, John Powell, Willm Drye, ffrancis Yate, John Clayton, Henr Shakeshaft, John Hindley, James Whittle, Willm Arkwright, John Whitehead.
15. Grace Sudell, Willm Helme, Henry Unsworth, Thomas Porter, Thomas Mitton and John Townend in that they have not kept ye assize of bread and Ale therefore to pay ye sume of xijd. apiece and to bee further punished as ye Law requires.
16. These psons following have not taken ye oath of A Burgesse; if any of them refuse to take ye oath when called to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.
John Chorley sen, Robte Ryley, Henr Dawson, Henr Myers, John Sudell, Thomas Tomlinson, Evan Wilson, Tho: Wilson, Radus? Eaves, John Corke, Tho: Graistocke, ffrancis Woodhouse, James Taylor, James Cowell, Nicholas Andrton, Johnathan Audland, John Baley, John Bragger, Robte Blackledge, John Dawson, Michaell Higham, Mr Willm Patton, Roger Santer, Mr Peter Wall, James Poole, John Richardson,John Chorley jun, Richard Ryley, Henr Barnes, Rich: Myers, Richard Thorpe ?jun, Tho: Thornbourne, Nathan Barker, Symon Bullen, Roger Bannester, Nicholas Walmsley, Rich: Graistocke, Rich Toogood, Richard Taylor, John Taylor, Henry Heaton, Willm Baley, Rich Baley, Willm Birches, Willm Charnocke jun, Thomas Hatch, Roger Mosse Taylor, John Marsh gen, Geo: Simpson, Samuel Wilson, John Poole, Rich Richardson,Willm Blackledge, John Copeland, Henr Gradwell, Ric Orde, Thomas Thorpe, Evan Wearden, Nathan Bullen, John Ryding, Willm Bannester, Willm Arkwright, Lawr Graistocke, Willm Toogood, Willm Dolphon, James Mosse, Willm Holme, Edmund Walmsley, John Bostocke, Henry Bramwell jun, John Crooke, Mr John Preston, ffrancis Rivington, Willm Tomlinson, Lawr Bullen, John Wright, Thomas Tomlinson.
17. That if Mr John Preston do not make and set upp a good and substanciall yate at ye Corner of the milne field leading to spittle mosse at or before ye first of June next shall bee amerced in ye sume of xxs.
18. There are sevrall prsentmts agt Mr Willm Shawe for yt he hath not removed his house of office wch he hath erected undr ye Eaves dropp of Ralph Sharrocke and are espeically expressed in ye 9th prsentmt of one Leet houlden 29th of Aprill in the reign of Charles II, 1669, Therefore wee do amerce ye said Mr Shawe for his neglect in removing ye same in ye sume of xs. and to bee amerced in the sume of xs. amonth till ye same bee removed.
19. Willm Wearden jun in that he made a Tusle wth Willm Woodward ye xxxth of Aprill & did draw blood upon ye body of ye said Willm Woodward therefore to be amerced in ye sume of vs.
20. Willm in that hee did breake into a Close called ye Bull field in the possession of ye said Willm Woodward and stopped ye said Woodwards plow therefore to bee amerced in ye sume of xs.
21. Thurstand Dawson in that hee hath suffred a forreigner to worke and sell for himslefe in ye smithy of him ye said Thurstan contrary to ye 5th Article of ye oath of a ffree Burgesse and written in ye Guild boke and therefore to be punished according to lawe by Mr Maior and his Councell.
22. Alexr. Swansea for rescousing and takeing sevrall fflocks of geese from John Coulburne as he was bringing them to bee impounded and in the execucon of his office; therefore to pay xs.
23. Thomas Shepheard in that he hath not removed his encroachmt according to ye xxxth prsentmt of ye last Inquest therefore to pay xxs. according to ye said prsentmt. And wee further prsent yt if ye said Thomas Shepheard remove not his said encroachmt at or before ye first of October next to pay ye sume of xls.
Affeared by us
Tho: Walmesley, Ja: Kellett, Thomas Arkwright, Seth Tasker.