February 1669
Inquisition taken on the 8th of February, 1669, before the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Steward last named.
Thomas Arkwright gen | Henry Hall |
Jacob Archer? | Edward Charnock |
Ralph Kellet | Edward Craven |
Arthur Bostocke | John Singleton |
Chrofer Nowell | Ellis? Wakefield |
Henry Hodgkinson | John Ratclifee |
Seth Tasker | George Simpson |
Henry Wilding | John Ryding |
Edward Gradwell | Thomas Walmsley butcher |
Jacob Sharples |
Presentments : —
1. Ye sevrall psons following shall remove theire middings behind ye Churchgate barrs before ye xvth of May next upon paine of vjs. viijd apiece.
John Burton, Lawr Bostocke, Richard Myers, Nicholas Cunliffe, Dorothy Twistleton.
2. Ye supvisors of ye highway that they repaire sevrall breaches in ye Causey betwixt Dorothy Twistletons and ye Almshouses at or before ye 24th of June upon paine of xxs.
3. Richard and Henry Myers yt they shall remove and take away ye Earth wch is fallen downe into ye lane leading to Ribbleton lane to ye great annoyance of ye highway at or before ye first day of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
4. Lawr Bostocke to scowre ye end of his ditch and open his platt at the Lady Hey on ye North side of Ribbleton Lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
5. Mr George Pigot to scowre his ditch nere unto ye Lady Hay at ye north side of Ribbleton lane at or before ye xvth day of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
6. Ye supvisors of the highway amend or repaire ye platt in Ribbleton Lane, over against ye Lady hey, and repaire the sevrall breaches in the Cawsey wthin ye said Lane, and open or make a wyde gripp at ye higher end of ye said Cawsey seaven or eight roods in Length, at or before ye xxiiijth of June next, upon paine of xxs.
7. Edward Rigby Esqre and Mrs Langton to scowre theire ditches at theire field sides in Ribbleton Lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
8. Willm Sudell shall remove his midding lying in ye highway nere unto ye Cuckstoole pit at or before ye xth of May next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
9. Ye supvisors of ye highway to repaire ye Lane Leading to Swilbrooke and to wind and stake on both sides to keepe ye earth from slyding into ye highway at or before ye 24th of June next upon paine of xxs.
10. Mr Willm Walmesley yt hee repaire ye ffootway nere ye Swilbrooke Leading to Ribble bridge in sevrall places where is need full at or before ye 24th of June next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
11. John Trees for an Incroachmt at ye East end of his house by ye Syke hill being two yeards in Length and three quarters in breadth and that ye same may bee rented at ye discrecon of ye Maior & Councell.
12. Chrofer Santer & Roger Sudell yt theire ditches and make theire ffences at ye bottom of theire Crofts by ye sykes at or before ye first of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
13. Ye now Balives yt they repaire and amend ye Syke troughs on Avenham and Lay Lead in places where is wanting and upon ye watercourse yt cometh to them yt ye same may run in its usuall Corse at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
14. Thomas Whalley and Robte Loxam yt they remove a yate at ye South side of ye Sykes into it's usuall place and set stoopes of ye Largues? that hath beene formrly and make ye way passable yt Mr Rishton may have sufficient way and passage wth his cart and draught into his grounds lying neare unto ye said Sykes at or before ye xth day of May next upon paine of xxs.
15. Richard Thorpe senr that hee scowre his ditch at his close on the south side of ye broadgate Lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
16. Mr James Ashton yt hee scowre his ditch at the north and west side of ye north meadowe Lane at and before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
17. Richd Thorpe th'eldr for an incroachmt upon ye townes land in ye possion of Seth Tasker twelve yeards in Length and one yeard wyde and yt he turne ye watr corse into its usuall Corse at or before ye xvth of May next or to forfeite and pay ye sume of xxs.
18. Mr Willm Holdr yt he paire ye brest undr his hedge all along ye Crooked acre at or before ye 15th of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
19. John Woods for laying his miding in ye broadgate lane to ye great anoyance of ye highway there and to ye Evill example of others for wch offence wee amerce him to pay ye sume of vis. viijd. and yt ye said John Woods shall remove ye said midding at or before ye xth day of Aprill next upon paine of ye ffurther sume of xiijs. iiijd.
20. Richd Thorpe for stopping ye watercourse at ye Bancke head and yt hee shall turne and suffer ye water to go in it's usuall Corse at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iij. iiijd.
21. Mr George Addison yt hee take upp earth and ye hedge wch is fallen downe into ye broadgate lane and to scowre his ditch there at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
22. Mrs Hodgkinson yt she remove her midding lying at ye side of ye Broadgate Lane at or before ye first of May upon paine of vjs. viijd.
23. John Chorley ye younger and Mr Evan Wall and Mrs Blackhurst that they and every of them remove theire middings from behind ye ffishergate barrs at or before ye xth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
24. These psons following that they remove theire middings forth of ye street wthin the ffishergate barrs at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
Willm Charnocke, John Marsh, Robte Hesketh, Robte Shakeshaft, Ralph Eaves.
25. These sevrall psons following that they remove and take away theire middings from behind ye ffryergate Barrs at or before ye first of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
Willm Charnocke, John Chorley jun, Evan Hughson, James Helme, John Holme jun, John Holme sen, Henry Bretherton
26. John Barker for suffring his dying stuffe or Liquors wch comes from his leads or ffatts to run into ye ffryer lane, to the great annoyance of ye highway, and ye same, Runing into ye springs or wells there, is supposed to bee very dangerous for Cattle yt usually drinke at ye said springs of [owing to] Gaules, copprous [copperas], verdigrease, and sevrall other Compounds yt are in ye said dying stuffe or Liquor, and yt hee shall cause ye same to bee carryed or Conveyed some other way yt it may bee noe more annoyance to ye said way or springs, at or before ye first day of may next upon paine of xxs.
27. John Woods yt hee shall draw a gripp all along through ye midst of ye Suckling Sikes at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
28. Ye now Balives shall repaire ye three calls at ye Rivr of Ribble and wind and stake where need shall require there before ye 24th of June next upon paine of xxs.
29. George Bennet, millr, for suffring ye watr to breake out of ye milne damme to ye annoyance of ye marsh, shall sufficiently repaire ye said damme, and keepe ye watr in its right Corse, And hee shall lay a sufficient platt ovr ye water course wch Cometh forth of ye Tulketh grounds to Preston Brook at or before ye first of may next, upon paine of xs.
30. Thomas Shepheard for an incroachmt at ye end of his house and garden 30 yeards long & a quartr broad and yt he hath set quickwood at ye ditch side intending as wee conceive to incroach further upon ye townes wast and unles(s) hee rectify ye said Incroachmt before ye xvth of May or give full satisfaccon to ye Maior & Councell yt he ought not soe to doe to forfeite and pay ye sume of xxs.
31. Ye now Balives Repaire the syke troughs upon spittle mosse wch Leade where it is wanting and open the gripps for ye springs to run into ye said syke troughs at or before ye first of may next, upon paine of vjs. viijd.
32. Ye supvisrs of ye highways to repaire ye highway on spittle mosse to ye wash way leading downe to ye marsh, and to raise ye same way with Earth over agt Mrs. Laws house, ye same being worne and beaten soe lowe yt ye springs break forth and draweth ye water from ye sykes, and yt ye same bee so repaired and sufficiently amended at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.
33. That Mrs. Lawe or Henry Boulton her tennt [tenant] cause a sufficient ffoot bridge wth a Raile to bee sett over the Brooke near the dawe Banck, And also set one othr Bridge with a raile as aforesd neare, adjoining to ye ox hey belonging to Mr. Preston, yt ye people yt comes Laden with sevrall Comodytyes to sell in this market may have easy and ready passage ovr ye same bridges, at or before ye xvth of Aprill next, upon paine of xs.
34. Mrs King that she scowre her ditch at her field side in Saltr lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
35. That ye Supvisors shall repaire ye Causey at ye side of Mr Preston new breeke wall at ye Towne end at or before ye xxiijth of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
36. Mr Thomas Bannester yt he scowre his watercourse at his field in Salter Lane yt ye watr may runn undrneath the platt there in it's usuall Corse at or before ye xvth day of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
37. Rogr Baley yt hee scowre his ditch neare unto ye Almshouses at or before ye xvth day of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
38. Ye now Balives that they repaire ye East moore yate at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
39. The occupyers of George Hodgkinsons estate, Roger Charnock, ye occupyers of Mr. Luke Hodgkinsons estate, and ye rest of the Inhabitants repaire the Causey way ovr ye peele moore and ye ffoot bridges over ye valley Leading to ye furthr moore at or before ye xxiiijth of June next, upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.
40. Mrs Wearden and Mr Shawe that they repaire theire barnes standing at ye mooreside being in very great decay at or before ye xxiiijth of June upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.
41. Mr Thomas Patton yt hee shall repaire ye house at ye moore side formrly in the possession of Willm Baley being very much in decay at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.
42. Henry Myers, John Harrison and all other psons yt have made any Breeke upon ye Moores or Comons yt they cause ye Rubbage to bee put into ye where they gott or made the said Breeke at or before ye xvth of May upon paine of vjs. viijd.
43. These sevrall psons following to remove theire middings out of St Johns weend before ye xxth of May next upon paine of iijs iiijd apeece.
Alexr Jolly, Richd Thorpe sen, Mr Wm Sudell, Mr James Ashton, Robte Clarkson, Mrs Eliz: Jenkinson, Richd Thorpe jun, John Thorpe, Chrofer Walmsley, Henry Kilshawe, John Dawson, Mrs Bannester, Mr Joh Preston, Jennet Thorpe wid, Wm Holdr, Mr Tho: Patten, Mr John Wall, Mr Wm Wall, Elliz Wakefield, John Sumpner, Nicholas Walmsley, Rich Sumpner, John Woods.
44. By ye informacons of sevrall old men wthin this towne there is a Comon ffoot path and highway Leading to this townes market through a little Close or pcell of Land called ye Titmouse Croft, lying betweene a certain close of Land called the Tentr hey and another close called ye greene crofts, wch said ffootpath and highway is stopped with a strong hedge, made by Willm Hold[e]r or by his appoyntmt, to ye great piudice of ye Inhitants of this towne, and people yt usually come to ye markett, by reason of ye Leane [lane] being not passable for people on foot in ye winter season; Therefore ye said Willm Hold[e]r shall set styles as hertofore, yt there may bee a free way and passage through ye said Croft, at or before ye 29th day of Septembr next, upon paine of 40s.
45. James Helme yt he set a yate and stoopes at ye side of ye Sandy lane at ye end of a little lane leading to sevrall mens Lands called ye Crownes? to stopp cattle and swine from trespassing in ye said Lands by runing upp ye said lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
46. John Woods shall scowre his ditch between Blackbourne Croft and ffrance? Croft also at ye furthr end of ye Alley lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill upon paine of iijs. iiijd.
47. Mr Richd Taylor shall set a yate & stoopes at ye East side of ye Sandy Lane to keepe Cattle & swine from runing into A Bylane? there at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
48. Yt ye house of office builded by Mr Willm Shawe is a new house and disturbance unto Ralph Sharrocke and Edward Graddell neighbors abutting upon both sides thereof and yt ye said Mr Shawe shall remove ye same before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xs.
Affered by us
Tho: Walmsley, Jo: Kellett, Thomas Arkwright, Seth: Tasker