October 1669
Elected for viewers of fflesh & ffish | Thomas Walmsley butcher & Roger Santer |
Elected for Alefounders | Wm Wiggins & Tho. Dolphin |
Elected for pinders & herdsmen | Tho. ffisher sen & John Coulburne |
Elected for affeerers | Tho. Walmsley Alderman, Tho. Arkwright, John Kellet sen & Seth Tasker |
Elected Treasurer for the poor | Ralph ffarnworth & Chrofer Nowell |
Scavingers | Thomas Leigh & Robert Clarkson |
Beadle | Tho. Berkinsall |
House lookers for Churchgate | Hen. Wilding & John Hodgkinson |
ditto for ffishergate & Market Street | Richard Clarkson & Tho. Gregson |
ditto for ffriergate | Nicholas Walson & Tho. Cumbrall |
Great Court Leet held on October 14th, 1669, before Henry Blundell (Mayor), Robert Gremsworth and Thomas Myers (Bailiffs), and Edward Rigby (Steward of the Court).
Thomas Whalley | Thomas Pedder |
John Sumpner | John Sudell |
William Holder | William Greehalgh |
Thomas Loxam | John Greenhalgh |
John Bankes | Richard Ords |
Thomas Noblet | John Copeland |
William Gradwell | Thomas Thornborrow |
Richard Thorpe sen |
Presentments : —
1. These psons following for not appearing at this Leet Cort being duely sumoned thereunto and therefore doe Amerce each of them iii iijs iiijd apiece.
Symon Hind - 1s 6d | Willm ffisher - 0s 6d | Roger Myers - 0s 6d |
Willm Woodward - 0s 6d | Willm Curtis sen - 1s 6d | John Hind gen - 0s 6d |
John Marsh gen - 1s 6d | Thomas Hatch - 0s 6d | Willm Marsden - 0s 6d |
John Tyson - 1s 6d | James Dawson - 0s 6d | Lawrence Poole - 0s 6d |
John Poole - 0s 6d | Thomas Tomlinson - 1s 6d | Willm Tomlinson - 0s 6d |
James Dolphin - 0s 2d | Edward Taylor - 0s 9d | John Dolphin - 0s 6d |
Willm Bannester - 1s 0d | Richard Livesay - 0s 6d | John Hodgkinson Currier - 0s 6d |
John Bragger - 0s 4d |
2. These psons to bee Inmates and yt every pson so harbouring them to pay as followeth Mrs Hodgkinson for harbouring John Hankinson to pay xxs.
Thomas Myers for harbouring Robte Hall to pay xxs.
Mr Willm Sudell for harbouring Willm Hoole to pay xxs.
Lawrence Bostocke for harbouring James Tomlinsons wife to pay xxs.
John Clifton for harbouring Thomas Smith to pay xxs.
Ellen Curtis for harbouring Robert Core to pay xxs.
Mr Willm Lemon for harbouring Willm Dry to pay xxs.
Willm Audland for harbouring Thomas Parker to pay xxs.
Ellen Curtis for harbouring Thomas Cooke to pay xxs.
Mr Robte Hesketh for harbouring Gyles Leech to pay xxs.
Widdow Gradwell for harbouring John Tree to pay xxs.
John Chorley for harbouring Roger Singleton to pay xxs.
Willm Withington for harbouring Robte Almond to pay xxs.
Mr Robte Hesketh for harbouring Thomas Silcocke to pay xxs.
Widdow Preesall for harbouring Robte Carr to pay xxs.
Richard Clarkson for harbouring Henry Millr to pay xxs.
Stephen Pearson for harboured to Thurstan Darwen to pay xxs.
John Gurney for harbouring ffrancis Yeates to pay xxs.
3. Ye sevrall psons hereundr named have not taken ye oath of A Burges and therefore wee do desire Mr Maior to send for them and to tnder unto them ye said oath and upon the refusall of any such pson wee amerce them sevrally to pay 3s 4d apiece.
James Mosse, Nicholas Andrton, George Mitton, Henry Heaton, Willm Holme, Jonathan Audland, Willm Arkwright, John Baley, Willm Baley, Richard Baley, John Bostocke, John Bragger, Willm Birches, Nathan Bullen, Henry Bramwell, Robte Blackledge, Willm Charnock jun, John Crooke, John Dawson, Richard Graystocke, Thomas Hatch, Michaell Higham, Roger Mosse Taylor, Mr John Preston, Mr Willm Patton, Mr John Marsh, ffrancis Rivington, Roger Santer, George Simpson, Willm Tomlinson, Mr Peter Wall, Edmund Wearden, Samuel Wilson, Lawrence Bullen, James Poole, John Poole, John Wright, John Richardson als Stringer, Richard Stringer, Thomas Tomlinson, Nathan Barker.
4. Nicholas Watson for laying his timber and Carts in the streete wch wee find to bee great annoyance to passengers and stopping ye highway, And other psons for loading of Corne and yt hee remove his timber and Carts before the 20th day of ffeb next or els to pay ye sume of xxs.
5. These psons undrwritten yt they do set theire Carts in ye streets to ye great annoyance of all passengrs and yt they do remove ye said Carts at or before ye 20th day of ffebbr next upon paine of xxs apiece.
John Helme jun, Willm Charnock, Thomas Leigh, Henry Bretherton, Tho: Walmesley Butchr, Henr Heaton.
6. Mathew Porter not being a freeman of this Incorporacon doth contrary to sevall ordrs Brew and retaile Ale and beare, and doth also keepe a very unlawfull house of Carding and tipling at unlawfull times of ye night, and therefore wee do amerce him to pay xxs.
7. John Bray for keeping an unlawfull Dogg and suffring him to go unmussled to ye great Terror of all passengers and yt ye said Dogg hath bitten sevrall people and therefore wee doe Amerce him to pay xxs.
8. John Bray for Erecting of a Copp or wall before his house dore to ye great Annoyance of all passengrs that goes or comes yt way therefore wee doe amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.
9. John Townend for yt hee doth undrmine ye quickwood on ye ffence of Mr Willm Wall to great prjudice of ye said Mr Wall therefore wee fo amerce him to pay vs if ye said John Townend do not repaire it before ye 25th of March next.
10. Mr Willm Wall for yt hee doth keepe 4 houses of offices in St Johns weend upon to ye publique viewe and to ye great annoyance of All passengers and therefore wee do amerce him to pay iiijl.
11. Mrs Elizabeth Hodgkinson for laying of worthing in ffishergate lane to ye great annoyance of ye highway therefore wee amerce her to pay vjs. viijd., if she do not get it away before ye xxth of March next.
12. Elizabeth Woodhouse for striking and abuseing Thomas Beckonsall, Beadle of this Incorporacon for executing of his office Comanded by Mr. Maior, therefore wee amerce her to pay vjs. viijd.
13. Thomas Osbaldeston ye sonn of Ellen Osbaldeston yt hee did breake and Carry away hedging of Richard Thorpe sen therefore wee desire Mr Maior to send for him and punish according to his discrecon.
14. John Woods yt hee layes his worthing at ye side of his stable wch stopps ye water for runing its usuall way wch is agreat annoyance to St Johns weend and therefore wee amerce him to pay vjs. viijd if he doe not remove it before ye 20th day of febbr next and to lay no more there.
15. James Whiteside doth lay his worthing adjoyning to ye mill hill in Churchgate towne end to ye great annoyance of ye highway, therefore wee amrce him to pay vjs. viijd. if he do not remove it before ye 25th day of ffebr next.
16. Ralph Eaves for an assault affray and drawing blood upon ye body of John Blackborne therefore wee amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.
17. Ye prsent Balives of this towne for yt they do not pave St Johns weend where need required therefore wee amerce them to pay xxs if they do not pave it before ye first of May next.
18. Ye Balives sufficiently repaire the townes hall, being in decay in sevrall places, before ye first of may next, upon paine of £10.
19. Ye Balives remove ye Tumbrall to some Convenient place before ye first of may next upon paine of xxs.
20. Mr George Addison for yt hee makes ahighway through ameadow of Mr Holden called ye Sykes therefore wee Amerce him to pay vjs. viijd if ye said Mr Addison use ye way aforesaid.
21. Thomas Shephard for pulling ye Call downe at ye water side and carrying some away with him to his fathrs house, to pay xxs.
Affeered by us
Tho, Walmesley, Jo: Kellett ,Thomas Arkwright, Seth Tasker