April 1669

Great Court Leet, held on April 19th, 1669, before Thomas Rishton (Mayor), Thomas Winckley and Lawrence Bostock(Bailiffs), and Edward Rigby (Steward of the Court).


William Place John Kay taylor Edward Wearden
Roger Myers Nicholas ??? Henry Kilshawe
William Dolphin John Singleton William Bannester gunsmith
James Pemberton John Harrison George Hindle
John Royle Christopher Kilshawe James Chambers
John Cumbrall Roger Santer John Dolphin

Presentments: —

1. These psons following for not appearing at the Leete Cort being duely sumoned thereunto and therefore doe Amerce each of them to pay vjs. viijd. apiece.

John Preston gen, Richard Sumpner gen, Mr John Hind, Mr Symon Hind, Mr Robte Hesketh, John Willary, Chrofer Santer, Thomas Myers

2. These psons following for not appearing at this Leet Cort being likewise duely sumoned thereunto and therefore wee Amerce Each of them to pay 3s iiijd.

Willm Place, Roger Myers, Willm Dolphin, James Pemberton, George Hindle, James Chambers, Roger Santer, John Kay Taylor, Nicholas Audland, John Singleton, John Royle, John Cumbrall, John Dolphin, Edmund Wearden, Henry Kilshawe, Willm Bannester Gunsmith, John Harrison, Chrofer Kilshawe.

3. These psons following for departing ye Cort wthout Lycence and therefore doe Amerce Each of them to pay iijs. iiijd apiece.

Ralph Kellet, Thomas Thornburrowe, Henry Brewer

4. Richard Brookfield, of ye Meales, for forestalling our Markett by buying upp salmon fish upon Wednesday, ye 21st of Aprill last, and on Wednesday, ye 25th of May last.

5. Ellis Makeinge for exercising ye trade of A gardiner wthin this towne, not being a ffreeman. to pay 40s., and for every month hereafter that hee shall followe ye same xxs.

6. These psons following to bee Inmates and yt Every pson soe harbouring them to pay as followeth

Jennet Loxam widd for harbouring John hrelfall therefor to pay xxs.

Widdow Wright for harbouring John ffletcher to pay xxs.

7. Thomas ____ being a ffreeman of this Incorporacon yt hee doth contrary to sevrall Guild ordrs brews and retale ale and beare and yt hee doth also keepe avery unlawfull house by harbouring mens servts to Tipple and drink at unlawfull times of ye night and therefore wee doe Amerce him to pay xls.

8. Ye sevrall psons hereundr named have not taken ye oath of A Burgesse, and therefore wee doe desire Mr. Maior to send for them, and to tendr unto them ye said Oath, and upon ye refusall of any such pson wee Amerce them sevrally to pay iijs. iiijd.

James Mosse, Nicholas Anderton, George Mitton, Henry Jeaton, John Greenhalgh, Willm Greenhalgh, William Helme, John Chorley Butcher, Jonathan Audland, Willm Arkwright, John Baley son of Wm, Willm Bayley son of Wm, Richard Baley, John Bostocke, John Bragger, Willm Birches, Nathan Bullen, Henry Branwell joynr, Robte Blackledge, Willm Charnocke jun, John Crooke, John Dawson, Henry Dawson, Henry Gradwell, Richard Graistocke, Thomas Hatch, Michaeil Higham, Henry Myers, Richard Myers, Roger Mosse Taylor, Mr John Preston, Mr Willm Patten, Mr John Marsh jun, Richard Orde, ffranciscus Rivington, John Sudell, Roger Santer, George Simpson, Willm Tomlinson, Mr Peter Wall, Edmund Wearden, Samuell Wilson, Lawr. Bullen, James Poole, John Poole, John Wright, John Richardson als Stringer, Richard Stringer Scholemastr, John Copeland, Thomas Tomlinson.

9. By the 34th prsentmt of ye Jury of Inquest taken ye 2nd day of March, 15th year of Charles II, As also by ye 89th prsentmt of the Jury of this Leet Cort taken xxvij th day April in the 17th years of Charles II 1666 yt Mr Willm Shawe was to remove an house of office wch he hath Erected undr ye Easing dropp of Ralph Sharrock before ye 24th of June they next following upon paine of xls and dus upon ye ffurther paine of x amonth for every month ye ye said house of office shall not thereafter bee removed, wch wee find and psent yt it is not yet done but doth still continue to ye great annoyance of ye said Ralph Sharrocke and therefore find and prsent yt ye Amercemts neglect by ye said Willm Shawe and yt hee pay them accordingly and also wee Amerce him to pay ye sume of ___ amonth soe long as it shall hereafter continue unremoved.

10. Mr Thomas Patton for laying coates to ye Wall of Henry Whalley to his great prjudice and annoyance and yt Mr Patton shall remove them before ye 15th of August next having notice by ye serjeant or els to pay vjs. viijd. for Every month yt they soe Continue.

11. Ye occupyers fo Edward Graddells house for yt formrly they have laid theire dung close to ye wall of Ralph Sharrocke and yt they forbeare to doe ye like for ye future upon penalty of 5s for Every offence.

12. These psons following for yt they suffer there geese to pasture upon ye Spittle mosse and marsh contrary to sevrall Guild Ordrs therefore doe Amerce each of them to pay iijs. iiijd for Every offence.

Widdow Walmesley of Holehouse, Henry Graystocke, Thomas Graistocke ye younger, Jane Mitton widd, Thomas Shephard, Timothy Woodward.

13. These psons following for keeping unlawfull doggs and suffring them to goe unmusselled to ye great terror off passengers in ye streets and therefore doe Ordr yt they shall upon notice given them by ye sergt keepe upp theire doggs or els Mussell them upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Thomas Salisbury, Willm Morgan, John Singleton, Danyell Chaddocke, Mr Seth Blackhurst, Mrs Elizabeth Hodgkinson wid., Jmes Whiteside at ye Peele moore.

14. John Singleton for suffring his dogg, being unmusselled, to byte Elizabeth, ye wife of Thomas Walmsley, Butcher, and Jane Walmsley, to pay 13s. 4d., and if hee suffer him to goe unmusselled any longer to pay vis. viijd. p weeke.

15. Nicholas Watson for laying his sawdust and Rubbage in ye highway in ye backweend leading to friergate end and aslo for laying his timber and Carts in ye street, both wch wee find to bee to ye great Annoyance of passengrs and stopping of ye highway and other psons in Loading theire Corne and yt hee doe remove both ye said Wood and rubbage before ye xvth of August next or els to pay ye sume of xxs apiece for Each offence.

16. Willm Holdr for an Incroachmt made upon ye Kings highway in ye sandy lane wch leadeth to ye more haveing fenced apiece of ground forth of ye highway afforesd and yt hee shall againe lay ye same open for passage as it hath formrly beene ye last of this instant July or els to pay ye sume of xls.

17. These psons following to bee Inmates and every pson for harbouring them to pay as followeth

John Copeland for harbouring Anne Cowell? therefore to pay xxs.

Henry Graddell for harbouring John Clayton therefore to pay xxs.

Robte Shakeshaft for harbouring James Smith and therefore to pay xxs.

Mary Higham widdow for harbouring John Lettonby? therefore to pay xxs.

18. Mathre Reade for an incroachmt wth his bulke into ye street and refeare the renting of it to Mr Maior and his Councell.

19. James Archer for an Incroachmt into ye streete one yards in breadth & 4 yeards in Length from ye house wherein hee now due dwelleth to bee rented at ye discrecon of Mr Maior and Councell.

20. Henry and Richard Myers for graveing sods upon ye friergate moore Contray to ye guild Ordrs and therefore to Amerce them to pay xls.

21. Ye Balives yt they repaire ye Brige at Broadgate end before ye 15th of August next or els to pay vjs. viijd.

22. Ye Balives [to] repaire and clense A well comonly called Lady well before ye xvth of August next, or els to pay vjs. viijd.

23. Parnell ye wife of Thomas Cooke for her Comon Riddling of Asse[Ash] in ye street to ye great annoyance of her neighbours and therefore doe Amerce her in iijs. iiijd. Wee prsent for ye like offence widdow Longton, Anne Brookes spinster & Roger Myers therefore doe Amerce each of them to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.

24. Parnell ye wife of Thomas Cooke for turning downe wash sudds into ye backside of ye house of Joane Hindley widd and not suffring ye water to have its right watercourse being to goe through ye house of Evan Hodgkinson dors & therefore doe Amerce her iijs. iiijd. And for Every time soe offending hereafter to pay.

25. Willm Haydocke, Henry Graystocke and Thomas Graistocke sen yt they cut theire hedges betwixt yr march and ye spittle mosse in ye watry Lane before ye xvth of August next or els to pay vjs. viijd. apiece.

26. Hugh ???, John Crichley and Willm Crichley for yt theire ffishnetts are of a Lesser masse then ye statute doth appoynt and therefore to pay such ffynes as ye statute in yt case doth set forth.

27. Margret ye wife of Thomas Dolphin for an affray and assault upon ye body of Margrett ye wife of Willm Scarrbrough therefore to pay iijs. iiijd.

28. Thomas Beckonsall & Alice his wife for affray an assault made upon ye body of John Richardson als Stringer and also yt hee ye said Thomas Becconsall did bragg and boast yt lyen 5 nights wth Mary ye wife of John Richardson and therefore did amerce him to pay 3s 4d.

29. John Stringer als Stringer for a tussle and an affray made upon Thomas Becconsall and his wife and therefore to pay 3s 4d.

30. John Preston, gen., for 2 sevrall tussells and an affray made upon ye body of Willm Wearden, postmaster, to pay vjs. viijd., and we find that Wm. Wearden did in his owne defence then also Tussle wth ye said Mr. John Preston.

31. John Preston, gen, for threatning John Gurnall pinder and for keeping a Calfe upon ye ____ Contrary to ye Guild Ordrs and therefore to pay iijs. iiijd.

32. Ye Balives yt they repaire and Amend ye way at ye west more yate and set upp ye Bridge wch is fallen before ye 15th of August next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

33. Roger Bannester for a Tussle and an affray made upon ye body of Mr Richard Taylor, And therefore doe Amerce him to pay iijs. iiijd.

34. Henry Coare? for assault and affray made and for drawing blood upon ye Henry Dawson and therefore doe Amerce him to pay vis. viijd.

35. Henry Dawson for an assault and affray made and for drawing blood upon ye body of John Ellwood and therefore to pay vjs. viijd.

36. Ye supvisors yt they repaire and amend ye platt in Ribbleton lane before ye 15th of August next upon paine of 3s 4d.

37. Dorothy ye wife of Evan Wilson for A Comon Scold and doe desire Mr Maior will take care yt shee bee punished according to desa__

38. Oliver Hatch and Elizabeth Harrison, widd [widow], doe not observe the weight of bread, being breadbakers, and therefore desire Mr. Maior to bee Carefull to Rectifye ye same.

39. These psons following to bee Inmates and Every pson for harbouring them to pay as ffolloweth.

Mr Thomas Patton for harbouring John Brewer therefore to pay xxs.

Mr Willm Lemon younger for harbouring Wm Clayton therefore to pay xxs.

Mr John Preston for harbouring Thomas Potts & a child yt hee nurses to pay xxs.

Widdow Lorrimr for harbouring awoman & a child to pay xxs.

Mr Roger Sudell for harbouring John Eccles to pay xxs.

Mrs Taylor ye Eldr for harbouring Thomas Cooke to pay xxs.

Willm Withington for habouring Robte ____ to pay xxs.

George Hindle for harboring Willm Hoole & his mother to pay xxs.

John Gregson for harbouring Mrs Elizabeth Jennings to pay xxs.

Mrs Jane Law for harbouring John Whitehead to pay xxs.

Widdow Graddell for harbouring John Trees to pay xxs.

Mr Richard Hodgkinson for harbouring Richard Thornton to pay xxs.

Robte Hesketh for harbouring Thomas Silcocke & therefore to pay xxs.

Mr Thomas Bannester for harbouring Wm Mancknailes? to pay xxs.

Widdow Shephard for harbouring Elizabeth Whitough? to pay xxs.

40. Henry Blundell gent yt hee Cutt his hedges in Salter lane before ye last of July to pay vjs. viijd.

41. These psons following yt they forthwth upon notice given by ye Serjts cut theire hedges in ??? lane? otherwise to pay vjs. viijd. apiece.

Issabell Copeland, Margaret Walmesley, Mary Higham, Jane Birches (all described as widdows).

42. Ye supvisors of ye highways yt leadeth betwixt ye Churchgate barrs & ye Amshouse for yt they have not repaired ye same and yt they shall repaire ye same before ye 15th day of August next in paine of 40s.

43. Yt ye Rayles of Chrofer Santer being 4 yeards in Length halfe ayeard in breadth at his new house in ye ffryergate bee rented by Mr Maior and Councell.

44. Yt ye Balives doe make ye like railes & ffence for prservacon of minspitt weend as is allready made at Goosewell and yt they doe repaire ye Syke trough of Avenham and raise ye fflaggs before them to Stand upon and also repaire ye bridge over ye water course belowe ye sike troughs and keepe ye springs belonging to ye same in theire owne Corse before ye last of July upon paine of vjs. viiijd.

45. Thomas Holme, of Euxton, being a forraigner and noe ffreeman of this Incorporacon, taketh upon him to trade of A sadler and expose to sale wthin this Corporacon upon ye market day, sadles and sadler ware, not haveinge beene bound apprentice to ye trade of A sadler, and hath exposed ye same to sale wthin this Corporacon for ye space of one month last past, therefore doe Amerce him in xs.

46. Thomas Cooper, of Leyland, hee being a forreigner and noe ffreeman of this Corporacon, exposeth sythes and other hardware to sale, being not of his own makeinge, and therefore doe Amerce him for ye time past in 40s., and for every weeke yt hee shall continue hereafter to doe ye like to pay 5s.

47. Ye Balives that they doe sufficiently repaire ye Townes hall being in decay in Sevrall places both _____ fflags and doores? before ye last of July or pay ye sume of xls.

48. Yt Edward Rigby Esqre hath laid ye ffoundacon of ye building of his house in Churchgate according to ye formr and old foundacon & not otherwise.

49. Thomas Thorpe and John Thorpe for an Assault & affray and drawing blood each upon other and therefore to pay each of them vjs. viijd. apiece.

Affeared by us the fourth day of Augst 1669

John Sumpner, Ja. Archer, John Chorley