October 1665
Elected for viewers of fflesh & ffish | Hugo Blackledge & John Bray |
Elected for Alefounders | Wm Wiggins & Tho. Dolphin |
Elected for pinders & herdsmen | John Gurnall & John Cowburne |
Elected for affeerers | Richard Sumpner grocer, John Kellet grocer, John Addison & John Willacy |
Elected Treasurer for the poor | Thomas Werden sen & William Lemon sen |
Scavingers | John Gurnall & Richard Osbaldeston |
Beadle | John Salter sen |
House lookers for Churchgate | William Houlder & John Cadman |
ditto for ffishergate & Market Street | Hugh Sharrock & James Cowper |
ditto for ffriergate | Himmer & Abell Mosse |
Thomas Birches | John Dawson |
George Addison | Edmund Oram |
Richard Burton | Thomas Leigh |
Hugh Copeland | Thomas Gregson |
Thomas Myers | Thomas Goodshawe |
William Lorrimer | John Tysinge |
Edward Gradwell | Henry Gregson |
Robert Tomlinson | Thomas Thornbarrowe |
John Sudell |
1. According to ye 14th prsentmt of the Last Jury Leet, Lawrence Coper for that he did breake the pavemt & made Alteracons in the townes Streete before his dwelling house and whereas time being allotted and limited by the said prsentmt there the said Lawrence should before the first day of July last alter and make the said pavemt or Cawsey Equall and even wth his neoghbouring Cawsey upon paine of xxs he haveing not pformed the said prsentmt but hitherto continueing in the willfull neglect of the same, therefore to pay his fyne of xxs already fforfeited wch is by ordr of affearinge and that the said Cawsey by him be amended and made even wth the rest unto it adioyning that there may be noe harme or pruidice done before the seacond day of ffebruary next or other wayes the like penalty of xxs to be imposed upon him.
2. If upon p(e)rusall of the prsentmts of the last Inquest of office we find that John Jameson by the twenty ffifth of the same therestands prsented of an Incroachmt as in the same is Evident wch should have beene brought against John Willary for before the Comencemt thereof wee doe certainly knowe that the ramp was and still is in the possession of the said John Willary and the incroachmt therein menconed remaineth standing according therefore to the affearing thereof wee desire the same may be rented as also those sevrall Incroachmts in the 50th prsentmt of the said Inquisition there affeared to be rented but as yet are not wch are as ffolloweth. Mr Willm Shawe for his seller Staires and railes at his new house in the ffishergate not rented. Mr Richard King for his seller stayress and railes not rented. Richard Livesay for two stoopes & a paire of Staires not rented. Mr Luke Hodgkinson for 3 paire of Railes not rented. Mathew Read for a bulke at his smithy not rented. Richard Tysing for apaire of Sellr Staires not rented. Willm Martinson for apaire of Rayles not rented. John Chorley for 2 paire of Railes not rented. All wch have beene ye neglect of formr Maiors but wee hope the prsent Maior togeather wth the rest of his brethren will take care Herein Speedyly to redress these things for we doe conceive that the long sufferance ___ thereof it tends to the disadvantage of this Incorporacon.
3. Thomas Shepheard for takeing away and rescueing from ye pinders two horse of his owne and certaine Cattell belonging to other psons wth goods were taken by the pindrs on the Marsh greasing (grazing) at an unlawfull time and they Omdeavouring to bring them to the pinfould the said Shepheard did rescue them as afforesaid and therefore to pay xs.
4. The psons hereundr named who contrary to theire oathe as Burgesses being sumoned by the Serjeant not having or haveing any Lycence from Mr Maior did absent themselves from theire duty to this Leete wthout any Lawfull cause wee therefore amerce that and every of them in theire sevrall ffynes as followeth
Tho: Walmesley 3s 4d, James Ashton 3s 4d, Geo: Woods 0s 6d, Willm Walmsley 0s 6d, Richard Baley sen Taylor 0s 6d, John Salter 0s 6d, Law: Wilson 0s 6d, Geo: Hindley 0s 6d, Willm Ryding 1s 0d, Tho: Sumpnr tannr 0s 4d, Roger Sudell 3s 4d, Symon Hynd 3s 4d, John Hind 2s 0d, Henry Chorley 2s 0d, Willm Balckburne 0s 6d., Tho: Salisbury 0s 4d, James Cowper 1s 0d, Hugh Rymmer 1s 0d, Robte Walker 0s 6d, Tho: Walmesley butcher 2s 0d, Hen: Balshawe 1s 0d, Owen Morgan 0s 4d, John Dolphin 0s 4d, James Pembrton jun 0s 4d, Ja: Werden Carter 2s 0d, Ja: Woods 1s 0d, Roger Mosse 0s 4d, Edw: Dawson 0s 4d, Jo: Thorpe Millr 0s 4d, Willm Houlder 0s 4d, Richard Marsden 0s 4d, Robte Clarkson 0s 4d, Richard Baliffe sen 0s 4d, Richard Abram 0s 2d, Willm Abram 0s 2d, Robte Greynsworth? gent? 3s 4dm John Harrison 0s 4d, James Taylor 0s 4d, Willm Kewerden? 0s 4d, Martin Mayberry 0s 4d, Henry Brewer 1s 0d, Geo: Pemberton 0s 6d.
5. That the Assize of bread and beare is not observed and kept wthin this towne as it ought although corne be at easy rates yet nothing is done in reliefe thereof according to the Statute in that case made and provided, wee therien desire Mr Maior to take this prsentmt in to his Speciall considracon.
6. That the Supervisors of the highway shall cause the ffurther end of broad gate lane where the water stoppeth to be taken upp soe lowe that it may have free passage in to the River and that they likewise cause all those broaken needfull places wch the said water hath made by reason of the Stoppage thereof to be well winded and Staked and also at ye bridge at broadgate and the further side stone belonging to ye said bridge to be layd upp into its right place and the nearer end of the same bridge to be layd upp wth gravell before the 25th of March next upon paine of xs.
7. That Nicholas Watson hath incroached upon the townes waste at his new house in the ffryergate wth a paire of Celler Staires therefore be rented at the discression of Mr Maior and the Councell.
8. That the pavemts in the Streetes wthin this towne are in many places broaken out notwithstandinge sevrall prsentmts made vizt; one of the Jury of the Last Leete ye 10th prsentmt yt ye then balives should then have repaired the same or otherwayes to pay theire ffyne of 20s according to the Ordr of the affearing of the said prsentmt the same being hitherto omitted, we therefore ffind and prsent that the prsent Balives shall take course the many breakes thereof well and sufficiently repaired before the first of March next upon paine of xxs.
9. That there ought to be a pillory and tumbrell wthin this towne, and, there being neither, wee prsent therefore the prsent Balives doe cause both errected and set upp over the watring poole at the east end of this towne, or in some other convenient place, before ye xth of March next, otherways the fine of xxs. to be imposed upon them if in case they doe neglect ye doeing thereof.
10. Yt ye butts upon Spittle mosse are in great decay to ye hindrance of archery and yt yt balives of this towne shall forthwith cause the same repaired and keepe them in good repaire & shall set railes about them from Cattell rubbing upon them and pulling them downe.
11. Yt the Exe(cute)rs of Mr Edmund Wearden shall scowre ye ditch alonge the highway at ye side of Lancr meadowe wch troubleth the high way soe yt people affoote cannot passe dry shold before the first of January next upon paine of 3s 4d.
12. That there are many formr prsentmts brought by manyJuryes heretofore concerning a peticon wall in the pinfould wch as wee conceived of reason ought to bee according to ancient custom to sep(er)ate the sheepe from other Cattell, wee therefore prsent that the Balives of this towne doe before ye first of May next there cause to be erected a peticon wall of breeke to prvent ye Endangring of mens goods or ther wayes if they shall refuse soe to doe to fforfeite and pay xls.
13. Whereas sevall Informacons have come before us by psone good Rancke and quality and wee are informed also of our owne knowledge and know it to be true that sevrall abuses have beene countted by reason of Swine pulling mens Sacks in peeces on the Market day and for the prvencon thereof wee doe give in verdict that all ownrs of swine shall keepe them up on the market dayes upon paine of every one soe offending to fforfeite for every offence xijd. and wee desire Mr Maior to appoynt a man on purpose to take notice of such offences and offendrs.
14. George Duddall and James Hatch they being fforreynrs for Layinge of middings upon the townes Marsh and mosse whereas there have beene many prsentmts brought against the ffree Inhabitant Burgesses of this Burrowe upon the like occaions wch sends to a very Badd Example that they should come wthin the libties and buy upp worthing to carry into another towne and take upon them ye said priviledge wthout the consent or Allowance of Mr Maior and therefore to pay for theire contempt iijs. iiijd. apeice. And that ye said midding by them be removed and taken away soe that there be noe further pruidice nor harme done to ye comons before the jst of March next upon paine of tenn shillings and after the removall thereof to forbear the Laying of any more there.
15. By the Guild booke that the sevrall psons heafter named are ffree Burgesses and have not as yet taken the Oath of A Burges according to the ordrs of this towne and that every one makeing default after notice shall forfeit vjs. viijd.
George Abbot, James Ascher, Nicholas Andrton, George Aynsorth, Thomas Bannester, Willm Bannester, Roger Bannestr, Chrofer Bostocke, Edmund Bostocke, Willm Blackburne butcher, Henry Balshawe, Thomas Branwell, Nathan Bullen, Tho Bullen, Nathan Barker, John Corke, James Cooper, John Crooke, Willm Curtis jun, Willm Coates, Thomas Campbell, John Chorley jun, Willm Doulphin, John Dawson, Henry Dawson, Richard Eastham, Henry Gradwell, Richard Graistocke, Edward? Gleast?, Henry Hodgkinson, Thomas Hatch, John Hiton, Thomas Hodgson?, James Hemle, Edw: Helme, Ralph Kellett, Richard Kewerden Doctr, John Kay hosier, Henry Kay taylor, Willm Lemon jun, Willm Martin jun, George Mitton, Lawrence Mitton, Tho: Mitton, Seth Morte gen, Henry Millr, Henry Patton, Geo Pembleton, Jo: Poole, James Poole, ffranck Rivington, Mathew Read, Evan Rogerson, Willm Richardson, Thomas Richardson, Allexr Rigby Esq, Tho: Sudell, John Sudell, John Shawe, Thomas Styth?, James Sumpner, John Sumpner glacir, Allexr Standish, Richard Taylor drap, Richard Taylor wright, Willm Tomlinson, Robte Turnr, John Choalson?, Peter Wall, John Wearden gent, Thomas Wearden dray, Lawr Wilson, Nicholas Walmesley sen, Thos: Walmesley de Holehouse, Roger Welshman, John Welshman.
16. Yt ye highway from Churchgate barrs leadinge to the town end is much in decay in very many places soe that passengers cannot wth safety come into our towne wthout danger of the Losse of theire goods aand that the same ought speedily to be repaired by those who are concerned to doe the same.
17. The Cart way Leadinge downe towards the marsh, from the house of Correction, is very ruinous and impassable, soe that neither cart nor loaded horses (as complaint hath beene made unto us) in that place cannot passe, but are in danger of being overthrowne, wch cause if it should happen might be prjudiciall to this towne And that the Supvisors cause the same to be sufficiently raised with gravell from the water before the feast of Easter next, or upon default we Amerce them in the sevrall sumes of xxs. a piece.
18. The styles belonging to ye Clarke yard are out of repaire, to the spoyling of neighbours gardens, and as wee conceive ought to be repaired by the Churchwardens of this towne, and that the said Churchwardens doe putt them into sufficient repaire before the 20th of December next, in paine of xs.
19. Ann Hughson, John Holme the younger, Henry Bretherton, Thomas Cumbrall, and Thomas Haydocke constantly make middensteads at theire doores in the streete belowe the ffryergate Barrs, to the great Annoyance of their neighbors and shame to yt govrmnt of this Burrowe, whereas they have convenient places on the backsides of theire houses for the same purpose, And therefore the said Middings by them bee removed before the 2nd of ffebruary next, in paine of every one soe neglecting the sume of vjs. viijd.
20. There is the like undecencie used with middings lying wthin the ffishergate barrs continued from yeare to yeare, and therefore all owners of the said Middings shall cause them to be removed wthin tenn days after notice shall be given them by an officer unto his or theire grounds or some other convenient place, that soe the highway may not be annoyed or hindered as fformrly, upon paine of neglect of every one soe offending vis. viijd., and for every month after they remaine unremoved vis. viijd. a piece more.
21. Ye psons abovesaide nor any of them, nor any of the Inhitants wthin this towne, shall lay or make any more middings or Dunghills wthin ye towne streets, but on the backside of theire houses or barnes, in paine of every one of them offendinge contrary to this prsent to fforfeit and pay for every offence vis. viijd. The execucon of these wee hope Mr. Maior will take care to be pformed.
22. The occupiers of Toogood shall keepe open the brooke wch runneth into ye Marsh Milne damme, and stake and wind broaken places, to keepe it in it's right Course that it overflowe not the Marsh nor annoy not the highway as it hath done, upon paine to fforfeit xxs.
23. The now balives of this towne shall set stoopes and raile all along ye Cawsey in broadgate Lane for ye prservacon of the same yt horses may be kept from treading out the same, this to be done before the 25th of March in paine of 6s. 8d.
24. That all occupyers of Land in the moore lane shall copp and cut theire hedges that Carte and Carriages may ffreely passe on both sides, the lane having notice given by the heardsmen before the first of January next els to pay 3s 4d a piece ye halfe to ye pindrs the other halfe to ye towne.
25. That the supvisors of the highway shall repaire the Cawsey and Cart way that is in decay in Ribbleton lane and set Stoopes in places convenient before ye 25th of March next upon paine of xs.
26. These psons who are inmates hereafter named were brought unto us by the house lookers of the Churchgate and are harboured by the psons hereafter ffollowinge.
Thomas Roberts als Potts now married to Lowry? Merry
An old wooman and a child who was formly setled in Walton and harbored by one Thomas Wilkinson millr And the said Thomas Wilkinson his wife and child harbored by Agnes Myers
Willm Wasle and his wife Henry Wasle and children and Edward Shakeshaft his wife and children harbored by Mr Richard Hodgkinson at Syke hill.
Richard Thornoby shoomake and his wife harbord by widdow Sumpner at Sike hill
Widd Gradwell at Syke hill harboured her daughter and child
There is one Roseman Salter wth child and the Supposed father as is said is one George Hardman now servt wth Ellizabeth Harrison widd
James Wasle and his wife harboured by widdowe Jolly
27. Hugh Shorrock and James Cowp being houselookers appointed for fishergate and market streete that they have neglected to make there prsentmts to this Jury Leete according to there office therefore to be fined for theire neglect at ye discrecon of Mr Mayor.
28. Robte Baley of ye mooreside for that he contrary to ye 25th ordr of Mr Prestons Guild hath entertained and received into his house a man and his wife who are fforeigner wthin time may become burdensome to this towne if not timely removed wee therefore thinke fitt that the maior of this incorporacon for the time being doe forthwth grant a warrant against the said Robte Baley for theire speedy removeall that soe they may not claim a quiet and interrupted settlemt by ye space of 40 dayes and hereby become setled by Lawe in the towne and ye towne be bound to maintaine them wee leave ye said ordr wth Mr Maior yt hee may take care to put ye same in operacon for wee are informed that the said Baley did entertain aman in this sort before for the space of 40 dayes and upward wthout any Legall disturbance and since he become from thence into ye towne and is resident here amougst us.
29. Yt by lookinge backe unto ye former prsentmts of formr Juries that Edward Taylor stands prsented by the 23rd prsentmt of the Jury Leete of this Burrough sworne ye 30th of March 1657 for an Incroachmt at his shopp in the ffriergate wthis in length 3 yards and a halfe and one halfe yeards in bredth. And whereas John Kay by the 17th prsentmt of the inquest of office sworne the 9th of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord 1659 stands also prsented of another Incroachmt wthins upon the townes waste being 5 yeards in breadth and 3 yeards in Length both wth said Incroachmt as wee doe conceive have hither unto beene unrented not wthstanding the Maior of the towne for three times being should have imposed rents upon the same but nothing is prescribed in the margent(margin) Now upon ffurther p(er)usall made by this Jury of all the subsequent prsentmts to them wee can by noe Jury find after the same prsented ordr against wch make us more confident to beleeve. Yt ye same are unrented and therefore it followes that this Burrough by neglect thereof is much dampnified hereupon wee desire ye prsent Maior and his brethren will take care for renting the same.
30. By the 6th prsentmt of the last Jury of Leete there are sevrall psons therein mentioned who doe retails Ale and beare in theire houses not being free Burgesses of this towne wch is repugnant unto sevrall Guild Ordrs and for theire offences therein theris sevrall fynes imposed on them wch as wee conceive ought not to bee but that they should rather be obstructed and supprest from ye ffuture psevrance therein on regard it is soe hutfull and priiudicall to the ffree Burgesses of this towne whose livelyhood and mantenance wholly depends upon the same And for as much as wee doe conceive it very pruidiciall the ye psons afforesaid should take the benefit the same callinge from ye ffree Burgesses of this towne and beare noe pte of ye Burden of Assessmt? imposed on this towne wee doe therefore thinke fir yt Mr Maior and his brethren (the Comon councell of this Burrowe) call the said psons before them and preed? and take such Course in the busnies as in theire discrecons shall seeme moote according to ye power of ye Charter and grants made to the corporacon.
31. That there are many complaints made by the Inhabitants of ye lower end of ffriargate for yt theire neighbrs above them doe comonly sweep myre from before theire dores and houses allonge unto ye channell and there leave it on heapes wth an intent to remove the same away from before theire houses at the next great ffall of Rainewater for whereby the Streete in the ??? thereof is often over flowne soe that it is not passable wch is contrary to an order made at ye last Guild holden for this Burrowe. The Effort of the words are these That it shall not be Lawefill after ye publicacon of ye said Guild for any pson or psons of the townes to shovell or putt or cause to be shovelled or putt in any dirt or dungheapes into any channell at any great ffall of Raine water wth an intent to convey the same away from beofre theire houses or shopps whereas since ye time of ye order making it hath never beene observed for it is a frequent thing wch many wthin a shoure of raine for to draw into ye streets wth colerakes? and to Exercise themselves wth ye putting of Myer into ye Channell to removed away as afforesaid, wee therefore give in verdict yt all and every pson and psons whoever shall offendin ye like hereafter shall for every such offence forfeite and pay 3s 4d according to ye said ordr and to be forthwth Levied upon ye offenders goods the said offence being duely p(ro)ved by miens of any officers of this towne or ye testimony of two or more sufficient witnesses.
32. Lawrence Coop for impounding mens goods forth of ye ffield upon ye moore on, hereby he suffreth his fence to lye continually as wee doe certainly knowe to ye great losse and Damange of the Inhabitants of this towne in regard they cannot turne theire cattle to ye said Moore as the priviledge is but ye said Lawrence hath them prsently in ye pinfould and there they remaine except ye owners of ye said goods doe consent to give every unreasonable and exortive rate wch is extinct from a good conscience wee therefore say that ye said Lawr. shall make these a good Sufficient fence before ye 10th of January next upon paine of 40s and keepe the same from time to time afterwards Lawfull that soe ye bond of amity may be continued betwixt him and his neighbors and that ye ffree inhitant burgesses of this Incorporacon may turne theire goods unto ye ffree Comon of pasture wthout ye least disturbance.
33. That Robte Hall and Richard Taylor are comon and ordnary hedgebreakers and therefore to be made publique examples to ye terrifying of all others as Mr Maior in his discrecon shall thinke fitt.
34. Yt Lawrence Tomlinson elder hath suffred his ffence to lye downe at ye lower end of Welshman Brow adioyning to a field called Davell meadowe not withstanding he haveing often times beene intreated to doe ye same wch is now in possession of Thomas Burches to the great losse and dammage of ye said Thomas Burches ye said close being now sowed wth wheate And of our owne knowledge wee conceive him to be much dampnifyed by sevrall mens goods both horses and sheepe treading and spoyling ye said wheat therefore yt ye said Lawrence Tomlinson shall make his fence sufficient and scowre his watercourse at ye further end of ye said Welsman Brow wch foes the right way to ye marsh at or before ye 1st of January upon paine of 13s. 4d.
35. Yt ye March milne damme doth burst and breake out at ye west corner thereof to ye overflowing and drowning of ye said March and that if speedy Course therein be not taken the marsh thereby will be much inured for the prvencon thereof we prsent yt ye occupyers of Toogood shall rectify and amend the same sufficiently at or before ye Elleaventh of January next upon paine of xxs.
36. That John Woods did strike at Richard Gary and upon ye said Richard Draw blood and upon ye same Thomas Peeder coming onto him and asking him why he wold doe soe to a Stranger his reply was that hee wold serve him also in the like mannr thereupon wth a rule that ye said Woods had in his hand he strike likewise at ye said Thomas Pedder and upon his head draw blood these offences being done in the ffaire time in October last wch being to the breach of his Ma(jes)ties peace for the wch offences he is to pay foure pounds.
37. That Hugh Copeland did not appeare wth the rest of this Jury but did absent himselfe from us wthout Libtie and leave from ye foreman wch is contrary to his oath therefore for his neglect therein wee doe amerce him in 3s. 4d.
38. John Townend did strike at Richard Blest and upon ye said Richard did drawe blood therefore for his offence wee amerce him to pay 5s.
39. Mr James Hodgkinson, Mr Willm Lemon and the Exec(u)trs of Mr Willm Hodgkinson tha they shall open and scowre theire ditches on both sides of ye new hall lane wch troubleth and annoyeth the said lane before the 25th of March next upon paine to fforfeite xxs a piece and that the supvisors take care to repaire and amend the same lane sufficiently whereby it may become passable before ye first of June next upon the paine and penalty of the like sume of xxs.
40. That these psons hereafter followinge to be inmates & unecessary psons to live wthin this towne and were brought unto us by the house lookers of the ffriergate vizt. John Powell, Henry Haworth, Henry Shakeshaft, Jeoffrey Heysham, John Cutler for harbouring a wooman, Richard Turner for harbouring Mr Hodges and his family.
41. Whereas divers prsentments have beene hertofore brought against Mr. Willm Bannester for that he hath not accompted togeather with the comon coucell of this towne for the pffitts [profits] of this last Guild merchant, therefore wee prsent Mr. Willm Bannester aforesaid and the councell of this towne according to ye afforesaid prsentmts in regard as yet they have not as yet accompted to the ffree Burgesses of this corporacon according to ye afforesaid prsentmts in regard as yet they have 600L. and upwards remaining in theire hands, And that they shall before the next Cort of Elleccon [Court of Election] of officers make a pticuler accompte in writeing how and in what manner the same hath beene disposed for the satisfaccon of all, wch as wee thinke is most reasonable.
42. Thomas Doulphin is necessitated for want of a house haveing none but from yeare to yeare wch is at uncertainties he prayes therefore that ye Maior and his brethren ye Councell of this Burrowe would be pleased for to admitt him tennt to this towne and appoynt him out some pcell of ground in hereon he may Erect and build a house as they shall thinke fitt and convenient at ye most easiest charge wee therefore apprehend these his request reasonable and ought to be done he being aman to to his power as ready to observe all comands & come from the Maior and councell as his fellowe inhabitant wch have receaved like favour and Libtie not repyening? thereat but rejoyceinge one hopeing and praying he may enioy ye same priviledges. These his desires being debated before the Maior & Councell of this towne upon ye 4th of this instant December it was then resolved wth consent by the said Maior and ye greater pte of the Councel that Maior wth five or six Jurers to attend him should find out some necessary places for the same purpose in pursuite wherefo upon the 7th day of this instant Decembr Mr Maior, Mr Thomas Sumpner wth six of this Jury went upon ye effect of the desire afforesaid and wee doe conceive the most fitt place will be upon ye north side of the pinfould to begin tow yeards from ye East corner and to goe directly opposite from there 5 yeards in breadth and to keepe the same distance from ye said north wall untill it come over against ye west cornr of the same side obstructive it will bee to noe pticuler way and being a very voyde? place wee thinke it will bee good and advantageous to this towne and ought to be done when the convenientest time may appeare to ye said John Dolphin wth the privity and acquaintance of Mr Maior and his Councell.
43. That as hereas the ffoot path leading betwixt the broad meadowe and he landinge of boate on this side the River of Rible is not passable and out of repaire and that the owners of the lands thereunto adioyninge may take care that ye same be rectifyed and amended before the 25th of March upon paine of every one soe neglecting to pay the sume of vjs. viijd. apiece.
44. That Mr Willm Clifton did make an assault upon ye body of James Markland & upon ye said James draw blood therefore for his offence wee amerce in ye sume of 5s.
Rich: Sumpner, John Kellett, John Wilasey.