April 1665
The 24
William Sudell | Thomas Bickerstaffe |
Thomas Sumpner | Richard Bostock sen |
Seth Blackhurst | William Martin |
Jacob Hodgkinson | Jacob Ashton |
William Bannester | Thomas Birches |
Thomas Martin | John Chorley |
Lawrence Wall | Roger Rivington |
Thomas Rishton | Richard Hodgkinson |
William Lemon | Jacob Abott |
Thomas Wearden | Thomas Hodgkinson |
William Wearden | John Kellet |
Thomas Walmsley | George Addison |
Robert Loxam | John Willacy |
Thomas Loxam | Elis Wakefield |
William Woodward | John Radcliffe |
William Audland | Nicholas Watson |
Chrofer Santer | Richard Thorpe |
Thomas Burton | William Blacowe |
John Barker | Thomas Kindsley |
Richard Clarkson |
1. That Artillery is not used wthin this towne according to Statute in that case made and pvided wch wee desire Mr Maior into consideracon and cause pformed.
2. That the Assize of bread & ale is not observed & kept wthin this towne accordinge to the Statute made and pvided. And wee desire Mr Maior to take this into his Speciall care and Consideracon.
3. That the highway wthin the towne from the Churchgate barrs to the townes end and is much in decay and ruin not onely the Cawsey but that wch was fformrly the wash way and that the [undecipherable] the same ought to be repaired by ye Corporacon of Preston.
4. The late balives Mr George Addison and Mr Lawrence ffarrington ffor that they did not repaire Davell bridge according to the 20th prsentmt of the last Leete beinge to fforfeit thereby vjs. viijd. we therefore amerce them in vjs. viijd.
5. That Davell Bridge and Caules of the marsh are in great decay and that the prsent Balives shall see the same repaired before ye 15th of August next upon paine of 20s.
6. Theise psons hereafter named doe retaile Ale & beare in theire houses not being ffree Burgesses of this towne contrary to sevrall Guild Ordrs and not beinge lycensed thereunto wee therefore ffyne them as followeth
Thomas Bickhurstaff - £1-0-0
John Baron who married Mrs Astley £1 - 0 - 0
James Johnson als Wasle £1-0-0
John Powell £1-0-0
Roger Haworth £1-0-0
7. All the psons wthin this Burrowe who keepe Ale to sell are unlycensed and doe sell the same wthout lycence as appeares to us by the 40th prsentmt of the last Jury of the Leete but one, therefore we leave the same to Mr Maior.
8. That the Supvisors of the high way doe cause the high wayes in broad gate lane, Ribbleton lane, the lane leadinge to Swillbrooke and the Longe Cawsey on Preston moore wch are much out of Repaire to be repaired and amended before the 24th of June upon paine of xs.
9. Mr Thomas Cowpe that he shall scowre his ditch allonge the highway at the side of Lancr meadowe wch anoyeth the high way before the 24th of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
10. That the pavemt in the Streets wthin this towne are much broken out and out of Repairs and that the now balives shall cause the same repaired before the ffifteenth of August next upon paine of xxs.
11. The 26th prsentmt of the Jury of this Cort Leete the 17th of Aprill, 15 year of Charles and also the 40th prsentmt made by the Jury of this Cort Leete the 23rd October 1663 and also the 28th prsentmt of the Jury Leete the 15th Aprill 1664 to be very reasonable and tending to unity Concord and satisfaction of the Burgesses And nothing as yet (as we conceive) being done in any of the said prsentmts whereby to give Satisfaccon to the said Burgessses therefore wee also ffyne and prsent Mr Willm Bannester late Maior of this towne the Aldrmen and Comon Councell according to the afforesaid prsentmts inregard they have not as yet accompted to the Burgesses of this towne for the pfitts of the last guild Marchant here houlden being six hundred pounds and uppwards. And that they shall at or before the next Cort of Elleccon of Officers give unto the said Burgesses then prsent apticular accompt on writeing how and in what mannr they have & disbursed and disposed of the said £600 and to and for what uses, that soe the said Burgesses may be Satisfyed howe they have discharged theire trust on the Burgesses behalves.
12. Edward Robinson Esq, Mr Robte Hesketh, Martin Maybury yt they contrary to Sevrall prsentmts to laydinge or middings in the Streets called the ffishergate to the bad example of othrs therefore for the time past to pay 3s. 4d. a peece and not to lay any more theire upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.
13. Edward Robinson Esq for that he Contrary to ye 15th prsentmt of the last inquest of Office hath not nor doth not take up his garden Copp or hedge side wch is sliden downe into the highway leadinge ton minspitt well and thereby hath fforfeited 3s 4d as by the prsentmt afforesaid May appeare, wee doe therefore prsent that the said Mrs Robinson shall at or before the 24th day of June repaire annd cause the same repaired & soe to keepe the same upon paine of vjs. viijd.
14. Lawrence Cowp hath broken the pavemt in the townes Streetes before his towne dwellinge house wthout consent or allowance of Mr Maior and therefore to pay for that contempt 3s 4d and that the said Lawrence Cowp shall make the said Causey or pavemt equall and even wth his neighboring Causeyes soe that there may be noe alteracons or pruidice in the townes streetes before the 1st of July next upon payne of 20s.
15. Ellizabeth Woodhouse widd hath broken the pavemt in ye Streete and make a Sawe pit to the great priudice of the town and a bad Example of others, and wch is indeed contrary to the Guild order in that case made, and therefore to pay six shillings eightpence for her contempt, and to ffill upp the same sawe pitt and pave the same again before the 24th of June, 1665, upon paine of vjs. viijd.
16. Henry Blackburne and James Maior that they contrary to the ordrs of this towne have bough(t) Calves forth of the appoynted markett and for the time past wee fine them accordinge to the last guild ordr for that purpose in the sume of 40s apeece.
17. John Battley, Margret Copeland, Hugh Copeland, Thomas Cumbrall & John Cumbrall for that they suffer theire lyme pitts & water holes on ye marsh side to lye uncovrd & for the time past they and every one of them shall pay iijs. iiijd. apeece and to make lidds or Cauls for the same before the 24th of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apeece.
18. That wee are informed and of our owne knowledge knowe to be true that sevrall pruidices harmed hath beene Comitted & donne by a Dogg of Mr Joseph Boultons & wch as wee are informed is amost unsufferable dogg to bee kept wthin this Burrough wthout a chaine or mussle wch the said Mr Boulton hath denyed to doe unless Mr Maior wold fyne him and the Sergeant beinge sent unto him to Comand him to keepe his dogg to be mussled or kept upp he replyed in Scornfull and abusive language, vizt, he wold keepe his dogg unmussled in dispite of Mr Maior and Jury and if the towne wold have him mussled they should fynde him a Mussle for his Dogg or els he wold not and therefore for his Contmept and abuse unto the towne and officers to fforfeite the sume of 40s.
19. Isaack Slaisbury, Willm Darwen & Martin Maybury for that they Suffer theire Children and servants to Riddle and throwe Asshes into the Streetes to the great pruidice of theire neighbors and the bad example of others therefore to pay iijs. iiijd. a peece.
20. Martin Maybury & Richard Osbaldeston as Comon hedgebreakers and as to the Law Guilty of Severe punishmt we desire Mr Maior will bee the psons punished accordinge to this our psentmt & the merritts of the ffacts according to his discrecon & we ffurther ffyne them in vjs. viijd. apeece.
21. Henry Graistoacke for that he contrary to Sevrall ordrs of the leets Guild doth turne or put to the marsh or Comons belonginge to this towne sevrall Cattle to the bad Example of others who are fforraignrs (he not Inhiting within this towne) therefore to fforfeite and pay ffor the time past 20s.
22. Henry Graistocke upon the 34th prsentmt yt he hath not made his Copp Levell nor removed his Earth or middinge before the 15th May last upon the penalty of tenn shillings And therefore wee say he shall pay the same ffyne of tenn shillings for the time paste and shall also remove his Copp and lay Levell his Incroachmt togeather wth a Swine coate wch wee ffinde upon our owne vewe erected and built upon the said Marsh or Comons of this towne on or before ye 24th of June next upon payne of 40s.
23. Thomas Hodson taylor ffor a Tussle and bloodwipe upon the body of John Sumpner Shoomaker & Jane his mther therefore to pay 5s.
24. James Cowp for a tussle & bloodwipe upon the body of John Walshman therefore to pay 5s.
25. John Welshman for a Tussle and bloodwipe upon the body of James Cowp therefore to pay 5s.
26. The Sevrall psons undr written for that they did not appeare beinge Sumoned and Called to give theire Attendence at the last Cort Leete and therefore each of them to pay the sevrall ffynes as ffolloweth
Mr Willm Lemon 6s 8d
Richard Bayley jun 1s 0d
Mr Thomas Patten 3s 4d
Lawrence Wilson 1s 0d
James Gregson 1s 0d
Symon Hinde 3s 4d
John Hinde 3s 4d
Thomas Birchall 1s 0d
Thomas Nickson 1s 0d
Ralph Kilshawe 1s 0d
John Short 1s 0d
James Hilton 1s 0d
Thomas Walmesley jun 3s 4d
James Markland 1s 0d
John Whalley 1s 0d
Willm Charnocke 1s 0d
John Dolphin 1s 0d
Willm Wearden jun 3s 4d
John Townend 1s 0d
Mr Richar Sumpnr 3s 4d
Mr John Sumpnr his sonne 3s 4d
Edward Dawson 1s 0d
George Birchall 1s 0d
Richard Hynde gent 3s 4d
Robte Greynsworth? 3s 4d
James Taylor 1s 0d
27. These psons ffollowinge to be Inmates & to be harbored by the psons hefeafter ffollowinge & that the same psons shall be removed wthin tenn dayes after botice given by the Sergeant or to fforffeite for every monthe neglet 6s. viijd.
Gyles Leeth his wife and children harbored by Mr Henry Chorley
Thomas Bickerstaff who married Ann Dixon
John Sowerbutts his wife and Children by Mr Hesketh
John Baron & his wife whoe was fformrly Mrs Astley
Richard Blest Smith harbored by Mr Thomas Werden
Thomas Potts harbored by widdow Merry
One old wooman & a child harbored by Thomas Wilkington millr And the said Thomas Wilkinson his wife and children harbred by Agnes Myers
Henry Shakeshaft & his wife harbored by Wm Lorrmr
Willm Wassle and his family & Henry Wassle & two Children harbored by Mr Richard Hodgkinson
Richard Thornley his wife and children by the same
Widdow Gradwell at Syke hill harbord her daughter & one childe
Edward Shakeshaft his wife & children harbord by Mr Richard Hodgkinson
James Johnson als Wasle harbored by Elliz: Jolly widd
John Eccles and his wife harboured by Sergeant Burton
Edmund Wattson & his brother harbored by Richard Thorpe
The wife of John Bamber & child & mother harbored by Mr Lawrence Wall
John Shakeshaft and his wife harbored by widdo? Wallmesley
Margret Stones harbored by John Bray
Lawrence Michaell wife & children harbored by Hugh Copeland
John Haworth & wife & child harbored by John Willasy
Roger Haworth wife and chidlren harbored by John Chrichley
Henry Hodgkinson journeyman & his wife and Children by Mr Maior
Henry Haworth wife and children by Edward Charnock
Jeoffrey Hoysam wife and Cild by John Sumpnr Glaysier
28. Theise psons ffolwinge that they keepe great and unruly doggs wch breeds amongst neighbors much mischeefe, wee therefore prsent the said psons ffollowinge for every neglect in not musslinge theire said Doggs or bitches after notice for every default 5s.
Mrs Turner
Lawrence ffarrington
Joseph Boulton
Thomas Hatch
Willm Curtis
Lawrence Bostocke
Robte Hesketh
John Addison
Mr Luke Hodgkinson maior
Margret Mitton
Thomas Walmesley butcher
Mr Richard Sumpnr
Thomas Scoales
Willm Graistocke
Thomas Cumbrall
John Singleton
Thomas Orde
Mrs Rigby
Ann Hughton
Robte Loxam
28. The balives of this towne shall repaire the three yates that is to say the 2 more yates and the yate at Corkerhole before the 24th of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
Affeared by us
Lawrence Wall Tho: Hodgkinson