April 1664
Great Court Leet held on the 15th of April, 1664, before the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Steward.
The 24
William Sudell | Lawrence Wall |
Thomas Sumpner | Thomas Werden |
Seth Blackhurst | Thomas Rishton |
Jacob Hodgkinson | Silvester Ingham |
Lucas Hodgkinson | William Werden sen |
William Bannester | John Chorley |
Thomas Martin | George Woodhouse |
Thomas Bickerstafffe | Jacob Ashton |
Richard Bostocke | ??? Rivington |
William Martin | Thomas Dewhurst |
Thomas Walmsley | Thomas Birches |
William Lemon | Richard Hodgkinson |
The Jury
Roger Rivington | Jacob Sharples |
Richard Burton | Jacob Werden |
Chrofer Nowell | William ??? |
Thomas Myers | John Salter cooper |
William Audland | ??? Eaves |
John Clifton | Isaac Salisbury |
Timothy Woodward | Oliver Hatch |
Jacob Helme |
1. That the prsent balives Mr George Addison & Mr Lawrence ffarington have not repaired the new Key accordinge to the seacond prsentmt of the last Jury Leete therefore that the sume of six shillinge eight pence be paide by them accordinge to ye said prsentmt and that they repaire the said new Key before the 29th day of September next upon paine of 6s viijd. more.
2. The said Baliffes for that they have not set stoopes and railes at Davill Bridge on the march accordinge to ye 20th prsentmt of the last Jury Leete and therefore to pay what the afferers have amerced them being the some of vjs. viijd. and that they set stoopes and railes at ye said bridge upon paine of xxs before the 29th of September next.
3. That ye pinfould is out of repaire having its pticons within breaken downe soe that mens goods are in greate danger of beinge spoyled by reason that horses goats sheepe swine geese are all together when ffoulded and beinge of soe generall concern for the good and welfaire of this Corporacon therefore that the said balives cause the pinfould to be made upp againe and yt the pinfould be putt into as good and sufficient repaire as is formrly hath beene upon paine of xxs. before the 15th of August next.
4. That the Caules on ye march are out of repaire and that both moore yates are downe and that many places in the Streetes the pavemt is broken therefore that the said baliffes shall hange up again the said yeates and putt ye said Cawles and the said broaken places in the Streetes into good and sufficient repaire before the fifteenth day of August next upon paine of xxs.
5. That the psons ffolowinge are at Lawfull yeares and ought to take the oath of a burgesse but as yet have not therefore that they shall wthin one weeke after notice given them by the Sergeant com before Mr Maior and take the said oath or to forffeite each of them iijs. iijd.
John Hatch, James Werden Coop, Henry Sawley, Mr Tho: Bannester.
6. Mr Seth Mort for makeing a tussle & an Affray upon the body of Mr Thomas Patton and therefore to pay iijs. iiijd.
7. Mr Thomas Patton for makein a tussle & an Affray upon the body of Mr Seth Morte and therefore to pay 3s 4d.
8. Mr Seth Morte for makeinge a Tussle & an affray upon ye body of Mr Jonathan Stevenson & therefore to pay 3s 4d.
9. Richard Baley jun for makeings a tussle & an affray upon the body of Robte Aspden and therefore to pay 3s. 4d
10. Robte Aspden for makeinge a Tusle & an Affray upon the body of the said Richard Baley therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
11. Lawrence Cowp for makeinge a tussle and an Affray upon the body of Willm Caterowe? therefore to pay 3s 4d.
12. John Boulton for makeinge a Tussle & an Affray upon the body of John Hankison therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
13. Edward Rigby Esqre for makeinge a Tussle & Affray and did drawe blood on the body of Mr Thomas Bannester & therefore to pay 6s.8d.
14. Mr Thomas Bannester for makinge an affray upon the body of Edward Rigby Esqr therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
15. Willm Barnes ffor makeinge a Tussle & affray upon the body of Roger Welshman therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
16. Roger Welshman for makinge a Tussle and affray upon the body of Willm Barnes and therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
17. Willm Cottam for makinge a Tussle & an affray upon ye body of Willm Barnes therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
18. Willm Barnes for makeinge a tussle and affray upon ye body of Willm Cottam & therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
19. Willm Barnes and Michaell Higham for breakinge the pinfould and therefore to pay either of them 3s 4d.
20. John Richardson sonne of Willm Richardson alias Stringer for makeinge an affray and drawinge blood upon ye body of Willm Wright and therefore to pay 6s. 8d.
21. Willm Wright for makeings an affray upon ye body of John Richardson and therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
22. John Cowlborne for that he swore by gods blood and therefore to pay 12d.
23. Yt the Streetes are not kept clean and the ffish stones are not washed & clensed as they ought to bee and yt by the Noysomness of them for want of clensinge and washinge they may p(er)cure some pestilentiall dissease amongst the Inhabitants of this towne & that ye Scavenger for his neglect past shall therefore pay 3s. 4d.
24. Richard Osbaldeston Scavenger for yt he doth Lay ffishergate Garbage in the ffooteway in Mr Sudell banke goinge downe to ye washinge steads to ye great anoyance of all people who passe that way and therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
25. That these people ffollowinge doe keepe Geese on ye march contrary to an order of the last guild & therefore every one of them to pay 3s. 4d accordinge to that order.
Henry Graistocke, Thomas Shepheard, Mrs Elliz Preson, Jane Wallmsley widdow & Thomas Graistocke.
26. John Cowlbourne & Lawrence Crooke pinders for yt they suffer Henry Graistocke to keepe a Cowe & Goose on the Marsh & a Cowe & sheepe on the moore the said Henry dwellinge wthout ye libties of this towne & therefore the said pinders to pay for every neglect in this mattr 12d.
27. The now baliffes Mr George Addison & Mr Lawrence ffarrington for that they have not replainted wth wood ye Springe groves heretofore Erected wthin this towne namely the springes at ye East end of ye school house accordinge to an order of ye last guild & therefore to pay 6s 8d.
28. Nicholas Watson for layinge wood & timebr in ye street before his dore & sufferinge the same there still to lye for ye space of 12 months to ye great annoyance of people that passe alonge the street & contrary to an order of the last guild & therefore to pay for every weeke until it be removed 6s. 8d.
29. Mr Willm Sudell, Mr Edmund ffrench & Mr James Hodgkinson for layinge theire timber in ye streete & for layinge there timbr unto ye Church wall contrary to an order of ye last guild & therefore to pay 6s 8d for every weeke untill it be removed.
30. These psons ffollowing for harbouring of Inmates to remove them wthin one weeke next after notice given by ye Sergeant or to pay for every weeke after soe longe as they are unremoved 6s. 8d.
Edward Osbaldeston for harbouring Thomas Smith Mary Gradwell for harbouringe Isabell Leeminge Mary Gradwell for harbouringe Geoffrey Heysam his wife & child.
Mary Graddell for harbouringe Mary the wife of John ffairclough & a child.
Agnes Myers for harbouringe Thomas Wilkinson his wife & children & Anne Blackburne a Childe of Mr John Whiteheads.
Hugh Copeland for harboureing Lawrence Midgley his wife & a child.
John Copemand for harboureing Margret Potten widdow & her children Isabell Poole for harboureing James Grundy.
31. That Allexr. Rigby Esq did make and affray & did drawe blood upon the body of Willm Rydinge & therefore to pay 6s. 8d.
32. Sylvester Ingham for makeinge a tussle & an affrey upon ye body of Lawrence Cowp & therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
33. Lawrence Coop for makeinge an affray & tussle upon ye body of Sylvester Ingham & therefore to pay 3s. 4d.
34. Yt George Pigott hath digged upp & carried away forth of ye libtis of this towne a great quantities of Earth & sand from the moore end & therefore to pay 6s 8d and after notice given to him heareafter to forebeare to digge upp or carry away any more earth or sand upon paine of 12d for every loade.
35. Thomas Birches for that he doth lay a midding in ye high way in the ffishergate lane to ye Annoyance of his neighbors & to ye pruidice of people that drive Carte or Carriage that way & that he remove the said middinge in 2 dayes time after notice given him or to pay 6s. 8d.
36. Theise psons ffollowinge for that they did not appear at ye last Cort Leete holden for this towne of Preston & therefore every pson of them to pay to somes to theire names affixed.
Mr Willm Lemon - 3s 4d | Mr James Ashton - 3s 4d | Mr Thomas Birches - 3s 4d | John Chorley - 3s 4d |
George Woodhouse - 3s 4d | Mr Richard Hodgkinson - 3s 4d | Allexr Rygby Esq. - 3s 4d | Jeoffrey Rishton Esq - 3s 4d |
George Woods - 0s 6d | Edward Osbaldeston - 0s 6d | Willm Curtis sen - 2s 6d | Thomas Slater - 0s 6d |
Willm ffisher - 0s 6d | Robte Bayley - 0s 6d | Thomas Winckley gen - 3s 4d | Thomas Sergeantson - 0s 6d |
Richard Lutmoore? - 0s 6d | Roger Myers - 0s 6d | Willm Curtis jun - 0s 6d | Willm Woodward sen - 2s 6d |
James Chamble? - 0s 6d | Will. Blackburne - 0s 2d | John Southworth - 0s 6d. | James Gregson - 0s 6d. |
Willm Dobson - 0s. 6d. | Symon Hinde - 3s 4d. | John Greenwood - 1s. | Henry Blackburne - 1s. |
Thomas Pedder - 1s. | Thomas Loxam - 1s. | Willm Bennet - 1s. | James Pressal - 0s 2d. |
John Langton gen - 3s 4d. | Rich: Kinge gente - 3s 4d. | Lawrence Coap? - 2s 6d. | Peter Harrison - 2s. 6d. |
John Anderton - 0s 6d. | Mathew Reade - 0s 6d. | Tho: Werden plaisterer - 0s 6d. | Thomas ffisher - 0s. 6d. |
Willm Marsden - 1s.6d. | John Kilshawe - 1s 6d. | Thurstan Darwen - 2s 6d. | James Dawson - 0s 6d. |
John Radcliffe - 0s 6d. | Evan Rogerson - 0s 6d. | John Dawson - 0s 6d. | Robte Walker - 0s 6d. |
Henry ffisher - 0s 6d. | John Barker - 1s 0d. | James Hilton - 1s. 0d. | Thomas Tomlinson - 0s 6d. |
John Cumbrall - 0s 6d. | Willm Graistocke - 2s 6d. | Thomas ffisher - 0s 2d. | Robtus Toogood - 0s 6d. |
James Martland - 0s 6d. | John Whalley - 0s 6d. | Henry Hethrington - 2s 0d. | John Gurnall - 0s 2d. |
Willm Charnocke - 0s 2d. | Edm: Walmsley - 0s 2d. | Abell Mosse - 0s 6d. | Willm Wiggans - 0s 6d. |
Thomas Balshawe - 0s 6d. | Lawrence Tomlinson thatcher - 1s 0d. | Thomas ffrance - 0s 6d. | Richard Mosse Taylor - 0s 6d. |
Willm Blacoe - 2s 0d. | Edward Taylor - 2s. 0d. | John Dolphin - 0s 6d. | James Dolphin - 0s 6d. |
Nicholas Watson - 2s. 6d. | John Smith Millnr - 0s 6d. | Mr Rich: Sumpner - 3s 4d. | John Wall jun - 2s 0d. |
Henry Kilshawe - 1s 0d. | Edward Dawson - 0s 6d. | Chrus Kilshawe - 0s 6d. | Willm Cottam - 1s 0d. |
George Birchall - 1s 0d. | John Wall gen sen - 2s 6d. | James Lemon - 1s 0d. | Henry Gregson - 1s 0d. |
Willm Bennet sen - 0s 6d. | Richard Marsden - 0s 6d. | Robte Clarkson - 0s 6d. | Willm Eaves jun - 0s 2d. |
Robte Whittinghm - 1s. 0d. | Willm Kewerden - 0s 6d. | John Shorte - 0s 6d. | Thomas Wright - 0s 6d. |
37. Robte Mayore for that he doth not keepe in Sufficient repaire ye railes upon the Stares where wid. Harrison now layeth her mault beinge awaste upon the townes land that he shall sufficiently repaire the same before the ffifteenth of August next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
38. The 26th prsentmt made by the Jury of this Cort Leete the Seaventeendth day of Aprill in ye ffifteene yeare of ye Raigne of our most gracious Sovraigne Lorde Kinge Charles the 2nd and also ye 4th prsentmt made by the Jury of this Cort Leete the 23rd day of October last to be very reasonable tendinge to ye unity ??? and satisfacton of the Burgesse of this Corporacon & noteinge as yet beinge done in either of the said prsentmt to ye satisfaction of the said Burgesses Therefore wee doe also finde and prsent Mr Willm Bannester late maior of this towne of Preston togeather wth ye Aldermen & Comon Councell accordinge to ye 2 afforesaid prsentmt Inregard that they have not yet accompted to ye ffree Burgesses of this Corporacon according to the Antient usuallaccustomed manner thereof for the proffitts of ye last guild merchant here holden being six hundred pounds & upwards that they shall at or before the next Cort of Elleccon of office ffor this Burrough give unto ye Burgesses thereof then present a pticuler Accompt in writinge how & in what manner they have disposed of the said £600 and to what uses that soe the said Burgesses may be satisfyed how they have discharged the trustwch they have undertaken on the said Burgesses behalf.
40. All the psons wtihn this Corporacon who doe keepe ale to sell that they are unlycensed and that they doe sell the same without Lycence contrary to severall Statutes in that case made & provided.
41. These sevrall psons ffollowinge for that they have voyllated the Sabboth day puplicquely by carrying burdens of water on the Sabboth day contrary to ye 38th prsenmt of the last Jury Leet & Contrary to ye good & wholesome Lawes of this Kingdome & contrary to ye good govrmnt & order of this Corporacon therefore to pay 12d a piece for every offence hereafter to pay 3s a piece.
The wife of Thomas Leigh; Mary Sergeantson servt to Edw: Hindley; Margret Rurton.
42. George Woods for that he is a Comon hedgebreakr therefore to pay 3s 4d & for the future for every offence according to ye statute in that case made & pvided.
43. John Sumpner Glazner & Ralph Kilshawe for harbouringe Jeoffrey Heysam his wife & childe.
44. That John Blacore is not removed by Mr Patten accordinge to ye ffifth prsentmt of ye last Jury Leete And yt he doth still continue there & doth cutt downe whins on the moore contrary to the orders fo this towne & that he shall remove before ye 15th of August next or els to pay for every weeke after 3s. 4d.
45. Henry Chorley for harbouringe Gyles Leeth, his wyfe & Children.
46. Mr Robte Hesketh for harbouringe John Sowerbuts, his wife & children.
47. John Townend for harbouringe one Richard Blest a smith.
48. Ann Dixon for harbouringe one Thomas Bickerstaffe & also one Ellen country? wooman.
49. Henry Graistocke hiringe out of ye libties of this towne for puttinge his Cattell horses & sheepe by ye march moore And whereas the pinders laboringe in right of this Corporacon & in discharge of theire oathes to Impound the goods of the said Henry Braistocke was mett by his wife & the goods taken from ye said pinders & he married by her & likewise that the said Henry hath divrs times rescued goods from ye pinders & therefore to pay xxs for every trespasse of his goods made on ye Moore or marsh to pay 3s. 4d.
50. Willm Lorimar for that he beinge one of ye Jury of this Leete contrary to ye oath of a Jurier did unadvisedly discuss? the secretts of the foremane & his fellows therefore wee leave ye pnishmet thereof to Mr Maior & Steweard.
These prsentmts weare Afeared by us ye 2nd of September 1664.
W. Wall, Tho:Dewhurst, John Kellett