March 1662
Mayor: William Bannester
No jury mentioned!
1. That Mr Stanhope shall sett a steele at ye further end of the Clarke yard before ye 25th of March next.
2. Sevrall owners of Timber lyeing at Church yards to bee removed according to ye last Guild order upon ye penalty therein Execisede.
3. Mr Nicholas Sudell for ye like at Mr Pigote wall side.
4. The sevrall psons following to remove theire middinge before ye first of May next upon paine of vjs. viijd a peece.
John Burton, Willm Lorimer, Hny Bayley, John Burton, Peter Hall, Robt Bayley, Edw: Rigby esq, James Hodgkinson, Mr James Hodgkinson.
5. Ye Supvisors to make a Cawsey upp ye hill leading into Ribbleton Layne & to repaire all needfull places in ye said Lane before ye first of may next.
6. Mr James Hodgkinson to scowre his ditch alonge his field in the said lane before the 25th of March.
7. Mr Thomas Rishton to open his platt and scowre his ditch allonge his ffields in Ribbleton Lane before ye 25th of March.
8. Mr Richard ffarington to remove his dunghill in ye said Lane before ye 1st May upon payne of 6s 8d.
9. Mr James Hodgkinson to open his ditch and platt allonge ye side of Hesketh fields before 25th March.
10. Supervisors to cause ye said Lane repaired & ye Cawsey at Salter house to be Amended before ye 1st June.
11. Mr Willm Walmesley to repaire ye foote cawsey leadinge to Ryble Bridge & to cause ye bridge at Swillbrooke to be laid straight and sett a Rayle there before 1st May.
12. Mr Hesketh to remove his middinge upon ye Syke hill before ye 1st May.
13. Mr Shawe to scowre his ditch all alonge ye Sykes & to set a Style at ye further end before ye 25th of March upon payne 6s 8d.
14. Widdowe Copeland, Mr Kinge & Mr Willm Sudell to set foot Styles downe from ye Cliffe downe to Meadow Lane before 24th March.
15. Mr Edmund Werden to scowre his ditch at ye north side of his meadowe in meadowe Lane yt ye water may passe into Ryble before 1st May.
16. Edward Taylor to scowre his ditch allonge at ye side of St Mary Acre before 1st May.
17. Mr Robert Hesketh to scowre his ditch allonge ye west side of Rydinge Croft in ye North Meadow Lane before 1st May.
18. Mr James Hodgkinson to scowre ye ditch at ye west end of ye Croft in North Meadow Lane lately Mr John Hinds before first May.
19. Thomas Goodshawe to Scowre his ditch allonge penwortham field downe to ye water before 1st May.
20. Mr Edmund Werden for ye Sike at Lane meadow & at Crooke Acre before ye 1st May.
21. Margaret Addison for ye like & bankside before 1st May.
22. Will. Charnock to shoole up his Middinge at both side of Hinde Barne before 25th March.
23. Mr Wall & Symon Hynde to remove theire midinge below ffishergate barrs before 1st May.
24. Mr Werden to scowre his ditch at ye west side of Key fields before 1st May.
25. Martin Maybury, John Place & Willm Charnocke to remove theire midinge forth of ye Streete above ffishergate barrs according to ye last Guilds order upon ye penalty of thereout specified.
26. Willm Werden, Nicholas Watson and John Kilshawe to remove theire timber forth of the Streete accordinge to ye last jurie order vis viijd penalty therein specified.
27. Nicholas Watson hath built a stable soe neare unto ye Land of Nicholas Walmesley yt ye water drops upon ye house of ye said Nicholas to ye great Anoyance of him therefore yt it shall be removed before 1st May upon payne of 40s.
28. Widowe Huson, John Helme jun, John Helme sen. & James Helme to remove theire midinge behinde ffriergate barrs before 1st May.
28a. Supervisors repaire ye frier lane downe to ye Marsh accordinge to ye 2nd prsentmt of ye last Leet.
29. Supervisors to mend ye Cawsey Leadinge to ye pinfolds before ye 1st May.
30. Supervisors to repaire ye Highway up north moore & longe Cawsey there before 1st May.
31. Midinge in St Johns weend to be removed before 1st May.
John Woods, John Miller, Thomas Oards, Ellice Wakefield, Mr Richard Sumpner, John Smith miller, Mrs Joan Wall, Mr Thomas Sumpner, Mr Willm Sudell, Edward Rigby esq., Mr Preston, Richard Thorpe, John Cottam, Edward Dawson, Mr Luke Hodgkinson, Roger Bayley, Mr James Hodgkinson, Thomas ffoole, Widdow Sharrocke.
32. George Hodgkinson, Roger Charnocke, Lawrence Cowp, Robte Bayley, John Kay, John Tomlinson, Evan Byrleey and the rest to repaiyre ye Cawsey on Peele moore and the foote platt neare Ridley Crosse & other decayes there before 1st May upon payne of vjs. viijd. apeece.
33. Mr Luke Hodgkinson & Mrs Elizabeth Guinson & Mr William Wall to repaire theire Cawseyes before theire Barnes in St John Weende before ye 1st May upon payne of 6s 8d apiece.
34. Mr Willm Shawe that he remove an house of office wch he hath erected under ye easinge droppe of Ralph Sharrocke at or before ye 24th of June next upon paine of 40s.
35. Mr Cole yt he remove and house or office wch he hath build under the Easinge droppe of Richard Burton at or before ye 24th of August next ensueinge and to suffer the water out of ye said Stable to runne in ye Laine watercourse that it hath done formerly upon paine of 40s.
36. John Hurst of Hakeinge? to make his Garden Hedge from Mr James Ashtons Breeckwall round about his garden at or before the first of May next upon payne of 6s 8d Henry Blackhust for makeing a paire of Seller Stares at ye Newhouse in Churchstreete and to be rented at ye discrecon of ye Maior & his brethren.
37. All psons that make or have lately made any Breeke upon Peele moore or upon ye north moore yt they shall sell & dispose of any of the stones already gotten and unsold & delivered (wch were gotten amongst ye Clay) nor shall hereafter sell or dispose of any of ye stones hereafter to be gotten but that they shall leave them upon ye ground where they shall be gotten upon payne of xxs.
38. Thomas Walmesley of ye hole house & Willm Graystocke for makeinge A highway over Spittle mosse to theire grounde they possesse in ye Mawdland & whereby ye saime is much damnifyed whereas theire way is through ye Lane called Mawdland lane and soe ye fyne we referr it to ye discrecon of ye Maior & his brethren.
39. All such psons as have laid any dung hills on ye Spittle mosse yt they remove them at or before ye 1st of May next and yt they noe any other psons shall not hereafter lay any dunghills of ye said Mosse upon payne of 6s 8d a peese.
40. Of a rentale made in ye 15th yeare of Kinge James we doe finde yt all ye Lands wthin this ??? belonginge to ye Maior, balifes & Burgesses of this towne are contained in ye said Rentails And wee doe finde yt there are some psons who only have contracted for ye Lands in theire possession wthout further desiringe any Lease whereby ye towne in tyme may be much damaged therefore we fynde & psent all psons whatsoever yt posess any of ye said Lands and have contracted for ye same yt they doe take out Leases for ye same at or before ye 24th of June next ensueinge or els ye said Lands be disposed of & lett by ye said Mayor to such psins as will take out Leases for ye said Lands not wthstandinge their former contracts.
41. Ye Balliffes of this Burrough & towne of Preston yt they doe Cause ye minspitt weel & goose well & ye three drawells to be Clensed & putt in sufficient repaire wth Iron Chaines & Buccetts also before 24 May next upon payment of xxs.
42. These persons followinge that they pare theire Coppe soe yt ye water may have it right Course at or before ye 1st May next upon payne of 6s 8d a peice. Ralph Shorrocke, Charles Lingnard
43. Mr James Hodgkinson yt he make his fence and pare his Coppe at ye Lower end of his Courte behind his mault loft betwixt him & John Smith at or before ye 24th of this Instant Aprill upon payne 6s 8d.
44. Nothing
45. All such psons as shall hereafter water theire horses at any of ye Common wells or drawells wthin this Burrowe of Prston or shall hereafter or Carry any water from ye drawells to ye ??? upon payne of 6s 8d. apiece for every such pson offendinge.
46. Mr Seth Morte yt he erect & build abarne wch is decayed upon a barnstead in St Johns weend at or before ye 29th of September next upon payne of 40s.
47. Edward Osbaldeston for erectinge and buildinge a Smythy upon ye Waste of ye townes Lands wthout ye Consent of ye Maior, Bailliffes & Burgesses of this towne and Burrough of Preston (contrary to a guild ordr) & yt ye same is not as yet rented therefore wee doe referr it to ye discrecon of Mr Maioir & his bretheren.
48. Willm Corties yt he scowre his ditch with at ye Lower end of his croft at or before ye 1st of May next upon paine of 6s. 8d.
49. James Abbott hath lately Erected & set one doore or gate at ye end of his garden at ye backside of his house now in ye possession of Mr Henry Brabin for people to passe & repasse to & from his said house into acertaine pcell of Land lyinge in ye water willowes abuttinge to ye end of ye said Garden beinge ye Inheritance of Lawrence Wall gent and now in ye possession of Edward Hindle whose new or any gate or passage was formerly duringe ye memory of man to ye great pjudice & damage of ye occupiers of ye said pcell of Lands wee therefore comand yt ye said James Abbot or ye occupyers of ye said house shall make upp ye said gate doore or passage at or before ye first of may next upon payne of xxs & yt ye said James Abbott or ye occupyers of ye said house shall not by themselves nor any other by theire ??? at any time hereafter make any way or passage out of or from ye said garden into ye said pcell of Land or out of ye said pcell of Land into ye said garden upon every time makeinge default to forfeit 6s 8d.
50. Yt widdow Hueson or ye occupiers of ye Sykes comonly called farrman or Hueson Sykes shall sufficiently repayre & mend theire Hedges ditches & fenses all alonge ye sd Sykes at ye bottom of ye sevall closes abuttinge on both sides of ye said Sykes at or before ye first of May next upon payne of 6s. 8d.
51. Ye baliffes of this towne yt the repaire and make good ye ralle at March side to Rible at or before ye 24th of June next upon payne of 40s.
52. There hath beene a custome wthin this towne of Preston yt many fields & much of ye ground about ye said towne hath for time out of minde gone Comon after ye 29 of 7ber & for yt of late there are some wch in this towne by force & armes doe resist and suffer not such pcells of Land to goe comon as formerly whereby many times the psons of ye comon wealth are indangered to be broken therefore we doe psent all such psons as doe enjoy any of ye said pcell of Land yt they Suffer yt said Land to goe Comon as formerly upon payne of twenty shillings a piece which we doe refer to ye Consideracon of Mr Mayor & his brethren.
53. Ye Stewards yt be drawe a true and pfect rent also for all ye rents due unto ye Mr Maior Baliffes & burgeses of this towne before 22th of August next.