October 1660
William Sudell | ??? Werden |
Thomas Sumpner | Seth Blackhurst |
??? Wall | ??? French |
Richard Sumpner | Thos. Bickerstaffe |
Richard Bostocke | Barth: Worthington |
Jacob Cottam | Thomas Martin |
William Martyn | Roger Sudell |
John Hynd | Jacob Gorton |
Henry Atherton | Henry Werden |
Nich: Sudell | Thomas Walmsley |
Richard Kinge | William Curtis |
William Shaw | Henry Blackhurst |
Viewers for flesh & fish | Tho. Graistocke & John Cowborne |
Alefounders | Lawrence Poole & Tho: Copeland |
Pinders & Herdsmen | Tho: Evans & Geo: Robinson |
Affeerers & Assessors of Lays and taxacon | Edward ffrance, William Curtious, John Morley & Christoper Nowell |
Treasurers for the poore | Henry Werden & Joseph Bolton |
The maint: of those persons of the Comon Councell and others of this Towne with ??? this yeare ??? ellected and chosen for the severall Yards and Streets within this Towne, and for surveying removing and disposing of Inmated fforreigners & strangers & other enormoties within this Towne for the years following according to a former order heretofore made within this Towne and confirmed by the last Guild Merchant here holden.
ffor the ffryergate Wiends and Backsides adioyninge to the same, beginng at the Shopp of another Richard Sumpner and from thence to the end of the said street | Tho. Sumpner & Richard Tystinge |
ffor the whole Market place and ffisherdate beginning at the Minspitt Well? ??? & for Westwards to the end of the said Streets | Henry Atherton & John Sumpner |
ffor the Churchgate beginning at Minspit Well Weend withall the Weends & Backsydes of the said Streets and from thence eastwards to the end of the said Street & Towne. |
Jacob Gorton | William Shawe |
William Curtis | Henry Blackhust |
John Cottam | John Marsh |
Roger Rivington | Lawrence Tomlinson |
Richard Clarkson | William Audland |
John Tysringer | Richard Tysringer |
Thomas Loxam | Richard Turner |
Andrew Sharrock |
Great Court Leet held in the Moot hall, on the 19th of October, 1660, before James Hodgkinson (Mayor), Richard Hodgkinson and James Abbott (Bailiffs), and Evan Wall (Steward of the Court.)
1. That Artillery is not used within this Towne accordinge to the forme of the Statute in that case made & provided.
2. That the Assize of Bread and Ale is not observed and kept in the towne of Preston accordinge to Statute in that case made and provided and wee desire Mr Maior to take this into his special Care and consideracon.
3. That the Butts upon Spitle Mosse are in great decay to the priudice of Artillary and therefore wee fynd that the now Bayliffs of this Towne shall cause the same sufficiently to be repaired before the 25th of March next.
4. That the psons hereafter named did not appeare at the last Court leete held for this Towne tho: they were legally Summoned to give their appearance by the Sgt. and therefore to pay evy of them the somes to their names affixed.
Edw: Hindle - ijs | Willm Walmesley - vjd | Edm: Walmesley - vjd |
Joseph Bolton - ijs | George Blundell - ijd | John Bancke - ijs |
Henr Ingham - vjd | John Singleton - ijs | John Wall jun - ijs |
John Langton grd - ijs | John Hall - vjd | Henr Brewer - ijs |
Willm Lemon - ijs | John Barker - ijs | Willm Dobson - vjd |
John Mitton School - ijs | Willm Charnocke - vjd | Geo: Birchall - ijs |
Alexr Jolly - ijs | Willm Marsden - vjd |
5. That these psons hereafter named doe retaile and brew Ale & beare and swear their Oath unto the Comon & belonging & to the Towne they beinge Stallengers wch is contrary to ordr of this Towne and therefore doe fynd evy of them accordinge to their offences hereafter mentioned. Roger Haworth for retailing Ale and beare the second offence ijs vid John Royle for turning his house to the Moore is. Tho: Kay for turninge a Maire Colt to the Moore [undecipherable] Willm Lorrimer for turninge his Mair to the Comon ijs vjd Robert Tomlinson for turninge his horse to the Moore hee being a Stallenger iijs iiijd George Hindle for retailing Ale & beare beinge a Stallenger the second offence vjs viijd Robert Brindle for retailing Ale & beare being a Stallenger the first offence 2s 6d Robert Tomlinson for retailing Ale and beare being a Stallenger the first offence 0s 5d Thomas Silcock for retailing Ale & beare being a Stallenger & first offence iijs iiijd James Sharples for retailing Ale & beare being a Stallenger first offence iijs iiijd Henry Clarkson for retailing Ale & beare being noe ffreemane xs.
6. That Daniel Bulfeild and his family were by an ordr of the Councell of this Towne to remove out of this towne before the 15th of August last upon paine of xls. Now forasmusch as the said Daniel Bulfeild remained in the Towne contrary to the said ordr wee therefore fyne him in the said xls for the tyme past and that hee shall pay vjs. viijd for evy Month hee shall continue unremoved hereafter, and whoevr of this Towne shall harbor him or his said ffamily or any of them to pay vjs viijd for evy month hee or they shall soe harbor him them or any of them.
7. That the Minspitt well is in verry great ruin and decay & the water is corrupted through the earth & walling stones wch are lately fallen into the said well and that the Walls on both sydes of the said Well are verry much out of repaire & also at the further end for that it is verry dangerous for passengers wch goe that way in the night. Therefore that the Bailiffs shall cause the Walls round about the said Well to bee sufficiently amended and repeainred and the well to bee dressed at or before the 15th of November next upon paine of xxs.
8. That Mr Maior shall forthwith cause his earth wch lyes to the Minspitt Well wall to bee cleerly taken up from the one end of the said Well unto the other soe that it doe not presse downe the said Wall for the future, and that the Bailiffs bee not indred in repairing the said Well.
9. Ann Ingham widdowe doth Contrary to the third prsentmt of the last Jury of the Leete continue to lay worthing and dung by the Churchgate barrs at the way syde leading through Cocker hole and therefore to pay 3s 4d for the fyne past and if shee doe offendin the like for the tyme to come to pay 6s 8d for evy offence.
10. The late Baliffs of this Towne Simon Hynd and Thomas Dewhurst for that they did not repaire the Goose well and Minspitt well accordinge to the 6th prsentmt of the Inquest of office the nynth of ffebruary last wch is wee conceive of evill example to surroundinge Bailiffs therefore wee fynd either of them in xs.
11. That the Rampier beyond the North moor yate is in decay and the water by reason thereof runs into the horse way wch if it bee not speedily repaired with stakes and windings will prove verry preuidicial to the said horse way. Therefore wee prsent that the now Bailiffs shall sufficiently the said rampier and keepe the water downe into the Brooke at or before the 15th of November next coming otherwise they to pay the fyne of xs a peece.
12. That Thomas Kay, Roger Charnock, Tho: Dolphin, George Hodgkinson, Robert Bailiff and Exan Birley shold have repaired the foot Cawsey upon the peele Moore leading to the Debdale brooke at or before the 24th of June last And wee fynd they have not done the same accordingly. Therefore to pay every of them vjs. viijd. and that they with Lawrence Cowp shall sufficiently repair the same Cawsey and lay up the Cop on both Sydes and lay up the foote bridges yt are in the said Cawsey slidden downe at or before the 21th of November next cominge upon paine of vjs. viijd. a peece.
13. That the Bailiffs shall pair all the places wch the Bailiffs of this Towne before this tyme have beene accustomed to pair at or before the 25th day of December next in paine of xxs.
14. That the Watering poole is wrecked and Sanded up & that the Bailiffs shall cause the same Sand and filth taken forth at or before the 15th of November next coming in paine of vjs. viijd a peece and that they shall evy quarter cause the same to bee Cleansed while they continue in their office.
15. That there is much harme and priudice done in mens ground about the Towne by reason of Swine wch goe unringed. Therefore to prevent this inconvenience for the future wee prsent that the pinders shall give notice forthwith to all such as keepe Swyne within this Towne that they cause their Swine to bee ringed within five dayes after notice as aforesaid, and in default thereof evy one to pay 6d for each swine, whereof the one half to the Towne, and the other half to the Pinders.
16. Edward Eccles of this Towne hath denied [refused] to sell ale and beare according to the 9th Statute made in the first year of Kinge James, and therefore wee fyne him xxs., according to the said Statute.
17. Robert Brindle of this Towne doth make and sell Mault within this Towne Contrary to the 11th ordr of Mr Catteralls Guild. Therefore wee desire that Mr Maior will puse[peruse] the said Ordr and impose wt[what] fyne or impose such punishmt as hee thinke fittinge.
18. That Tho: Higham & Willm Higham sons of John Higham did resue beasts from widd Walmesleys servant wch where goeinge to the ffould therefore to pay iijs. iiijd otherwise to bee punished at Mr Maiors discreson.
19. That the psons hereafter named shall take up and carry away their dunge and other worthinge over agt their Cawseys wch they have thrust downe and cast into the Wash way behind Church gate barrs to the great annoyance of all passengers at or before the 15th day of November next upon paine of evy of them vjs viijd
Mr. Winkrley, Thomas Taylor, John Broughill, Ellen Sheppard, widdow Sheppard, widdow Harrison, James Hodgkinson, Jane Hodgkinson wid, John Twistleton, Robt Salter, John Myres, Willm Bayley, Widdow Mason, widdow Slater, Joan Hindle. Northside of Churchgate behind the barrs. Willm Grundy, Lawr Bostocke, Peter Hall, Mr Turner, Walter Myres, Roger Woodroffe, James Langton, Edw: Cort, Willm Lorimer, Willm Cowlinge, Willm Wittington, Lawr Cowlinge.
20. John Jameson for making an affray and drawing blood upon the body of Agnes Loxam wife of Raph Loxam & therefore to pay vs.
21. Nicholas Mitton for making an affray and drawing blood upon the Thomas Werden & therefore to pay 5s
22. George Hadocke for makinge an affray & drawing blood upon the body of Rich: Tompson therefore to pay 5s.
23. John Townend for making and affray and drawing blood upon the body of Thomas Gregson therefore to pay vs.
24. Mr Seth Mort hath not erected a barne in St Johns weend accordinge to the 3rd prsentmt of the Jury of the Leete in October last therefore to pay his fyne of 40s for the tyme past & that hee shall erect the same at or before may day next otherwise to pay xls & for evy month the same barne shall remaine unbuilded after the said tyme to pay xls a month.
25. Nicholas Watson was formely psented for layinge his timber in the Streete to annoyance of Passengers & that the said Nich: Watson doth continue to lay timber notwithstanding. Therefore for the tyme past to pay vjs. viijd and for evy month it shall remain unremoved to pay vjs. viijd.
26. William Loxam hath laid earth and Rubbadge in St Johns weend to the hindrance of passengers and therefore hee shall load & carry the same away at or before the 25th of December next in paine of vjs. viijd.