October 1657

This presentment appears to have preceded the main Court that occurred a few days later.

Inquisition taken at Preston in ye County of Lancaster ye 3rd day of October in ye year of Lord 1657 before Seth Blackhurst gen Maior of ye said Burrough, John Cottam and Henry Wilson bailiffes of ye said Towne and Evan Wall Steward those of divers misdeamenrs provided by ye Oathes of Willm Curtis, John Clifton, Rich: Turner, John Townend, Antho: Grescam, Tho: Gregson.

That upon viewe of one Hyde of Tannd Leather of ye Goods of Mrs. Assheton, of Cuerdall, they find one piece of ye neck thereof to ye value of 9d. to bee insufficiently tanned, but do not find yt ye same was exposed to sale, And ye same is acknowledged by Roger Tomlinson to bee searched and sealed by him amongst other hydes at unawares.


Elected for viewers of fflesh & ffish Henry Graddell & William Wigans
Elected for Alefounders Lawrence Poole & Tho. Copeland
Elected for pinders & herdsmen Tho. Evans & John Parr
Elected for affeerers and assessors of Ley & taxacon Hen. Patten gen, Henry Atherton, Richard Primmett and Tho. Arkwright
Elected Treasurer for the poor Barth. Worthington & Roger Sudell ye younger
House lookers for Churchgate Edward French & Wm Hodgkinson
ditto for ffishergate & Market Street Seth Blackhurst & Tho. Martin
ditto for ffriergate Richard Sumner & Tho. Bickerstaffe


John Hynd Henry Blackhurst
John Marsh Raphe Woodhouse
Joseph Bolton John Mitton Schoolmastr
Edward Gradill William Harrison
Lawrence Bostocke William Blacowe
William Werden John Smith
John Bancke George Birches
Thomas Hodgson Tho: Gregson
Tho: ffeilden  


Who say and prsent upon their Oathes as ffolloweth.

1. The exercise of Artillery is not used, exercised, within this Towne accordinge to the forme of ye statute in such case made and provided, and ye now bailiffs of this Towne shall forthwith cause the Butts to be prepared and keepe them in good repaire,and shall sett Railes about them to preserve them from Cattell rubbing upon them and pulling them downe.

2. Ye Assize of bread and Ale is not observed according to ye statute, and desire Mr. Maior will take care yt ye officers sworn for ye purpose do duely execute theire office.

3. Mr Seth Morte hath not erected and builded his barne upon the townes Land in St Johns weend according to ye 5th prsentmt of ye last Leet and therefore forfeited his fyne of 40s and yt hee shall build upp the barne before the 24th of June next in paine of 40s.

4. Ye now bailiffes of this towne shall cause the wells called the Goose well the Minspitt well and the Draw well in ye ffriergate to be cleansed & dressed foure tymes in ye yeere And yt they shall repaire the Draw well in ye ffryergate wth a now turn & Railes and other necessary reparacons before ye xxth of this instant novembr in paine of vjs. viiijd.

5. Ye now bailifes of this towne shall repair ye Highway at ye north moore yate and Stake and wynde in needfull places to keepe the water in it right course wch brakes forth and spoyles the highway and this to bee done before the 18th of this instant november in paine of vjs. viijd.

6. These psons hereof & named being sumoned to make theire appearance at ye great Cort Leet did Contrary to theire Oath neglect to appeare to ye evill example of others And wee do therefore amerce them in every of them ijd.

James Marsden, Willm Bannister, Thomas Nickson, James Gregson, Willm Marsden, Richard Jollye, George Woods, John Sumpner, John Gregson, John Salter, Lawrence Cooper, Lawrence Crooke, John Sudell, Willm Bragger, John Anderton, John Wall, James Longton, Roger Corles, Henry Burton, Henry Blackhurst, John Abbott, Symon Hynd, Roger Mosse, Joseph Pennington, Willm Blackburne, James Parnivall, John Singleton, Willm Bennett, James Hodgkinson, Richard Lund, John Chorley, Willm Martin jun, Richard Osbaldeston,

7. Yt ye severall psons hereafter named are free Burgesses have not as yet taken ye Oath of a Burgesse according to ye orders of this towne and if Mr Maior at his first Leasure shall call them before him and to take them sworne according to ye Custome of this towne and yt every one making default after notice shall forfeit & pay vjs. viijd.

James Werden (sworne), John Simpson jun, Wm Martin jun, Thomas Slater, Robert Ingham, James Mason, Henry Graddyll (sworne), Thomas Tomlinson, Henry Graystocke, James Dawson, Willm Graysocke, Henry ffisher, Evan Hughson (sworne), John Cowborn, Thomas Wiggins, Abell Mosse, Thomas ffisher, James Dolphin, Thomas fframe, Robt Kighley, Henry Walmsley, John Dawson, Raph Woodhouse jun, Thomas Wall, Lawrence ffarington, Roger Cowles, Thomas Bannester, John Wall, Willm Cottam jun, Lawrence Cooper, Roger Mosse, Henry Balshaw, James Hodgkinson, Henry Blackhurst junr, John Singleton, John Hodgkinson

8. Willm Threlfall a fforaigner is suffred to inhabitt within this towne and to sell wood and wooden vessells aswell on Markett daies as also all ye weeks alonge to the great prejudice of other free Burgesses wthin this towne Wee doe therefore give in verdict yt Mr Maior & his brethren shall cause him to Compound for his freedome or bee stallanged And yt hee shall forbeare to trade till hee have Compounded upon paine to forfeit for every offence vjs. viid.

9. Mr John Cottam shall open & clense his ditch betwixt the barne field & Tittmouse croft and shall keepe ye platt in good and sufficient repaire upon paine to forfeit vij. viijd.

10. Ye now bailiffes of this towne shall cause the ffish stones to bee put in good repaire before the 13th day of December next,in paine of vjs. viijd.

11. These sevrall persons hereafter named are fforaigners and inmates & unnecessary members to inhabit wthin this towne and therefore to compound or give bond and bee stallanged at the discrecon of Mr Maior and his brethren or bee removed before the seacond day of ffebruary next in paine for every one harbouring any such to forfeite vjs. viijd.

And for every month after warning to ye Contray - vjs. viijd.

John Shorte & his wife & children harbored by Thomas Copeland

Raph Loxam and his wife

Geo Preston & his wife & Children harboured by Mathew Read

Henry Hodgkinson & his wife harboured by widd ___

Mary Brennand widdow & 4 children harboured by Thomas Dolphin

Henry Clarkson taylor & his wife harboured by Mr John Winstanley

Agnes ye wife of Richard Bayley & 2 children harboured by Jennet Cowbourne widdow

Lawrence Barnes & his wife & 3 children harboured by Mr Willm Bannester

Jane Leaver harboured by Agnes Bannester widd, being with child therefore to be removed before ye 25th of this instant month

Martin Mayburn & his wife harboured by Edm. Hill

Jame Singleton & her Child harbored by Robt Aughton

12. George Woodhouse hath made an encroachmt at his cellar 5 foote into ye Streete and two yards in length to be rented at ye discrecon of Mr Maior & his brethren.

13. Mr Richard Sumpner hath encroached at his new buildinge into ye markett place 7 yards in lenghth and 2 yards in breadth to bee rented at the discrecon of Mr Maior & his brethren.

14. John Hodgkinson, butcher, did affront and abuse Thomas Burton, sergeant of this towne, in ye due execucon of his office,upon ye 28th of October last, being ye ffayre day, on wch hee would had [have] tryed ye weights according to his oath and office, And forasmuch as ye same abuse was contrary to his oath (if a sworn burgesse) and to ye evill example of othrs, and absolutely repugnant to the Xlth ordr of Mr. Prestons Guild, wee do therefore according to ye said order amerce him, ye said John Hodgkinson, vjs. viijd.

15. Mrs Joan Wall employed Bullen daughter to wash bellyes pudding skins and the like at the Syke troughs to ye great annoyance & prjudice of ye inhabitants wthin this town and wee desire Mr Maior wth the advice of his brethren wold have the fine of iijs. iiijd. of ye said Mrs Wall and punish the said Bullens daughter according to his & theire discrecon.

15b. There is a great abuse by reason of swine pulling mens sacks in pieces on the markett day, and for the prvencon thereof wee do give in verdict of all ownrs of swine shall keepe them upp on ye markett daies, upon paine of every one offending to forfeit for every offence xijd. Mr. Maior is desired to appoint a man on purpose to take notice of such offences and offendors.

Inquisition - 27th October

William Curtis Ellis Wakefield
John Clifton Tho.Gregson
Henry Tompson Anthony Gresham


Upon their Oathes and say. That a piece of a Bend and one piece of Lether of the Goods of Thomas Cardwell to ye value of xviijd. is insufficiently tanned.