October 1656
William Sudell | James Cottam |
Edmund Werden | Tho. Martin |
Evan Wall | William Martin |
Edward ffrench | John Hynd |
Rich. Sumpner | Roger Sudell |
William Patten | James Gorton |
Geo. Addison | Henry Atherton |
Tho. Bickerstaffe | Henry Werden |
John Chorley | Nicholas Sudell |
Rich. Bostocke | Tho. Walmsley |
Barth. Worthington | Richard Kinge |
William Banaster |
Viewers of flesh & fish | Geo. Clarkson & William Wiggins |
Alefounders | Lawrence Poole & Tho. Dolphin |
Pinders & Herdsmen | Geo. Robinson & John Place |
Afferors & Assessors of taxacons & leys | Rich. Sumpner, Tho. Walmsley, William Shawe and Symon Hynd |
Treasurers for ye poor | Tho. Bickerstaffe & John Chorley ye elder |
ffriergate weend & backsides adoiyning to ye same beginning at ye shopp of Richard Sumpner and from there to ye end of ye said street | Tho. Sumpner & Tho. Arkwright |
Market place and ffishergate beginning a minspitt well weend and for afterwards to ye end of ye said streets | Evan Wall & William Marton |
Churchgate beginning at minspitt well weend withall ye weends and backsides of ye said street and from there East ward to the end of the Town. | William Sudell & Richard Kinge |
Elected for ?????????????? | Edward Sharrock & Edward Craven |
Court Leet held in the Moot Hall, on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1656, before Seth Blackhurst (Mayor), John Cottam and Henry Wilson(Bailiffs), ans Evan Wall (Steward of the Court).
The names of ye Jury to enquire aswell for his Highnes ye Lord Protector as for ye Maior, Bailiffes and Burgesses of ye Burrough aforesaid.
Henry Werden | James Gorton |
James Hodgkinson | Joseph Bolton |
John Preesall | Thurstan Darwen |
Robte Shakeshafte | John Sudell joyner |
Willm Harrison | Willm Werden younger |
Willm Blacowe | Tho: ffoole |
Rich: Abram | Tho: Hodgson |
John Dicconson |
1. Artillery is not used and exercised within the Towne accordinge to ye forme of ye statute in yt case made and provided, And ye now Bailiffes shall putt ye Butts in Repaire att or before ye 25th day of March next, upon paine of vjs. viijd.
2. Ye pinfold for sheepe is ruinated and goinge to decay and not repaired accordinge to ye 4th psentmt of Leet in 1654 wch wee leave to ye discrecon of Mr Maior & his Brethren to bee prformed.
3. Ye now Bailiffes of ye towne shall suffieciently Repaire ye Moote hall floare and ye Topp, and shall repaire the Councell house, and whitelime ye same, at or before ye first of May next, upon paine to forfeit xls. apeece.
4. Ye said Bailiffes shall cause ye minspitt well and ye Goose well to bee clensed foure tymes in ye yeare And shall cause ye stones wch are slidden downe in minspittwell and fallen by to bee sett upp again before ye second of ffebruary next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
5. Roger Tomlinson for not removing his Assmiddinge but dayly addinge more to itt to ye ge(ne)ral annoyance of ye high way leadinge to minspitt well, therefore to remove the same before ye second of ffebruary next upon paine of vis. viijd. and for ye fyne past to pay vjs. viijd. And as to ye stoopes and rayles in ye same passage we conceive them pruidiciall to ye towne as by ye 9th psntmt of ye Leet in 1654 and sevrall other prsentmts therefore wee leave ye same to ye dicrescon of Mr Maior and his brethren to bee considered of as they shall think wurth.
6. Ye now Bailiffes shall repaire Syke troughs upon Avenham and Spittle Mosse before ye 25th Mar[ch] next in paine of 6s. 8d.
7. John Greenewood hath not removed his swine trough in ye weend leading to minspitt well contrary to ye 25th prsentmt of ye Last Leet wch is great annoyance to ye publique passage, therefore to pay or ye tyme past 6s 8d and to remove them before 2nd ffeb next upon paine of vjs. viijd. & for every month after to pay vjs. viijd.
8. James Townend, for sufferinge his hedge to lye downe next unto Mr. Pattens garden, whereby ye swine hath much spoyled ye said garden, to pay for ye tyme past iijs. iiijd.
9. Mr Piggott hath incroached upon ye Townes wast near ye schoolhouse by erectinge a house or office and stepps. 4 yards in length and 4 yards in bredth And therefour conceive it pruidicial to ye Highway (& upon view to be made by Mr Maior and his Councell)to be rented at theire discrecon.
10. Ye now Bailiffes shall cause to bee erected a cuckstoole over ye washingpoole, nere ye Almeshouses, att or before ye 25th of March next upon paine of xls. apeece.
11. Yt ye said Bayliffes shall sufficiently repaire yates at ye east moor yate and ye north moor yate (wch are gone to decay) att or before ye 25th March next in paine of 6s. 8d.
12. Yt ye said Bayliffes shall cause ye great breach made at ye Church Barrs to bee sufficiently paved and repaired and all other ye breaches within ye barrs to bee sufficiently repaired before ye 25th March next upon paine of xxs a peece and also shall sufficiently repair ye Church gate barrs and sett now Rayles at Goosewell att or before ye 25th March next or els to pay xs. a peece.
13. Accordinge to ye 37th pntmt of ye last leete, yt is therein pnted yt they have gotten sand and made holes in ye way towards ye bridge by ye Almshouses and leading towards new-hall, which upon evidence appeares to us yt [according to] ye Indefinett ptickle [indefinite particulars] they to bee [those responsible are] Mr. Willm Sudell and Nicholas Sudell his sonne, And therefore to bee repaired and ye way made good att their own charges, att or before ye 25th day of March next, or els to pay 6s. 8d. a peece.
14. William Gardner, Jane Hodgkinson widdowe and James Hodgkinson currier for lettinge theire middinge lye upon ye now pavement before theire doore to pay for ye tyme past xijd a peece and to bee removed at or before ye 2nd ffeb: next in paine of 6s 8d and shall forbear to lay any more there upon paine of 6s 8d amonth.
15. John Twistleton shall remove ye middinge before his door at or before ye 2nd ffebr next upon paine of vjs. viijd. and forebeare to lay any more there upon paine of vjs. viijd. a month.
16. Anne Ingham, yt shee contrary to ye former prsentmts doth continually lay donnge and maketh an Ashe middinge, att ye Churchgate=barrs to ye great annoyance of ye highway. therefore to pay for ye tyme past vjs. viijd. and yt shee shall remove ye same att or before ye second day of ffebr next upon paine of vjs. viijd. and for ye future shall forbeare to lay any more there upon paine for every month contrary to this prsentmt forfeit vjs. viijd.
17. Mr. Maior shall cause all ye Inhabitant Burgesses within this Towne, being of ye age of xxj yeres and upwards, and as yet hath not taken ye oath of a burgesse, to bee sumoned to appeare before him, to bee sworne accordinge to ye Custome of this Towne, And as many as shall refuse soe to doe to bee fyned att his discrecon.
18. Nicholas Sudell hath not taken upp & removed his earth wch is slidden down in ye Laine leadinge to ye Swillbrooke accordinge to ye first prsentmt of ye Inquest in January 1653 wch is a great annoyance to man & house carte carriage & maketh ye highway inpassable to our market or Towne; Therefore for non pformance of ye said prsentmt and for his default therein to forfeit and pay for ye tyme past xxs. and if not repaired and made passable before ye 25th of March next to pay xls.
19. Mr Willm Hodgkinson hath not taken upp and removed ye earth wch is slidden down into ye highway over agt Mr Sudells ground on ye other side of ye same laine accordinge to ye second pstmt of ye Inquest January 1653 and yt hee hath not sett ye same evenly with ye old [undecipherable] therefore for ye tyme pt to pay xxs. And shall soe sufficiently repair ye same before ye 25th March next or els to pay xls.
20. Ye supvisors of ye Highway shall repaire and mend ye Cawsey at ye entrance upp into Ribbleton Laine, being very dangerous to passengers frequentinge our markett and towne, And desire Mr. Maior and ye Councell to see such a good worke pfomed. And wee further find and pnte ye Highway on both sides of Debdale-brook to bee insufficient and not passable either for man or horse, Cart or Carriadgs, And desire ye like consideracon of ye Maior and his bretheren to see ye same pformed.
21. Ye late Bailiffes Mr Willm Hodgkinson and Mr James Asheton accordinge to ye 10th prsmt of ye Leet in Aprill 1656 were ordered to provide a bull for ye good of ye inhabitants of this Towne and not to sell him again without ye consent of ye Mr Maior and ye greater pte of ye Councells had advice obtained And being affeered not to sell him in paine of 40s a peece: wch wee humbly consider ye Maior & Councell took not ye prsentmt aforesaid into Consideracon upon ye accoumpts of ye said Bailiffes otherwise ye figures aforesaid would have been taken notice of and required att theire hands, all wch we leave to ye concideracon of Mr Maior and ye Councell to consider of yt & what is done by ye Jury & affeerers my be performed.
22. Mr John Marsh hath not made sufficient Cover over his sellar stairs in ye weend to minspitt well to [undecipherable] upon all occasions accordinge to ye 52th prsntmnt of ye last Leet and yt ye said Mr Marsh shall make sufficient covers as aforesaid before ye 25th March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
23. Noe Inh[ab]itants within this Towne shall lay any middinge before their doores in ye street to continue there above 20 days, and in default of evy pson [every person] of offendinge to pay iijs. iiijd., the one halfe to ye towne and ye other halfe to ye Townes Serjeant.
24. Mr. Maior shall cause summons to bee given to all Inhitants within this Towne who utter or sell beere or Ale, and have not been lycensed, that they appeare before him and receive Lycense according to ye Statute in yt case made and pvided.
25. Willm Walmesley for ye middinge lyeinge at his owne doore near unto ye Bran:channell in ye ffryergate haveinge continued there for a very longe tyme to ye great annoyance of ye street therefore to pay for ye tyme past vjs. viijd. and if not removed before ye second of ffebruary next to pay vjs. viijd.
26. John ffisher, John Whinrall, and Thomas Shawe for keepinge contant tiplinge in their houses on ye Sabboth dayes, betimes in ye morninge and in tyme of Divine service and sermon, and late att nights of ye Sabboth dayes, And therefore wee conceive them guiltie of ye penalty of ye Act of parliament in yt behalfe, And not to be lycensed at all but upon their better reformacon, And Mr. Maior is desired to see this pformed accordinge to Act in yt behalf.
27. Yt ye supervisors of ye highway shall casue the new cawsey from John Twistletons house to ye Almshouses to bee repaired and ye great breach upon ye Moor in ye highway near unto Tipping bridge, att or before ye 2nd of ffebruary next upon paine of xxs a peece.
28. There is a great abuse by many swine within this Towne in ye fields and mens gardens & especially upon ye markett dayes in ye markett tyme they pull Country mens sacks in pieces and spoyles theire corne, therefore we conceive and doe find yt evy inhabitant (after a warninge given by an officer) shall pay if theire swyne bee found soe trespassinge for evy swyne xijd a peece ye one half to ye Towne ye other half to ye informer, and desire Mr Maior and his brethren to make there of such a one for ye purpose to see this order prformed.
29. George Birches hath encroached at his house in ye ffryergate in length three yards & qr(quarter) & in bredth 4tr to be rented att ye discrecon of Mr Maior and his brethren.
30. Willm Wall an incroachment at ye house at Goose well now in ye possession of Willm Grundy in length 1/3 yards and in bredth sixe, such to be rented at ye discrecon of Mr Maior and his brethren.
31. These psons hereunder written have not made rayles and hung yates before theire sellar stayres accordinge to former prsntmts of ye Leet and Inquest of office therefore to pay for tyme past vjs. viijd. and if not before ye 25th May next to pay 6s 8d a peece.
Mr Seth Morte, Chrofer Santer, Edward Hodgkinson, Tho: Werden, Tho: Orde
32. Mr John Marsh, Bartholomew Worthington, Wm Bushell, Raph Sharrock, Geo: Clarkson and Henry Newsham shall take upp theire coppes wch are slidden downe on ye west side of ye weend leading to minspitt well from Roger Tomlinsons house downe to ye brooke yt ye watter may passe away downe ye usuall cannell att or before ye second day of ffebr next upon paine of vjs. viijd a peece.
33. John Higham hath suffered his fence to lye downe adjoyninge to a feild called Toby-croft, now in ye possession of Mathew Dickson, to ye great losse and damadge of ye said Mathew Dixon, ye said Croft being now sowne with wheat, and upon information to us, upon Oath, wee conceive him to bee much dampnified by John Highams horses treadinge and spoylinge ye same wheate, Therefore yt be said John Higham shall make his fence sufficient, and scoure his watter course wch goes ye Right way to ye moor, att or before ye second day of ffebruary next, upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.
34. That whereas Alice Sowden wife of Chrofer Sowden by her Recognizance dated ye 15th 8br 1655 did before ye Maior of this Towne confess her self to be bound to his Highness (some amount) And by ye said Recognizance ye said Chrofer her [undecipherable] husband bound himself in xls also as her surety yt shee shall appeare att ye Court Leet to be held for this Towne of Preston next after the Date of ye said Recognizance, now wee find yt shee did not appeare accordingly. Therefore shee & also the said Chrofer each forfeited the said Recognizance.
35. Roger Woodroffe hath made nowe breeks for himself and others then hee hath accompted for to ye late Bailiffes of this Towne by 60m: of breeks and hath not filled upp his pitt or pitts as appeared to us upon oath contrary to ye 8th order of Mr Prestons Guild therefore to forfeit for his offence xxs. and not to make any more breeks either for himself or others without givinge a inst accompt upon oath unto Mr Maior of this Towne for ye tyme being And to give bond unto this Towne not to comitt ye like offence or els accordinge to ye 37th prsentmt of ye Leet in 8br 1653 to pay xls being affeared in performance of ye said prsentmt.
36. That whereas Willm Bragger for sevrall inconveniences hath had notice by Mr Maior and his officers that hee shall neither brew nor retale Ale or Brew without lycence from Mr Maior upon ye penalties in ye Act in yt case made. And appearinge to be yt both brewer and retale Ale since, Therefore wee leave ye same to Mr Maior to consider it & to see ye Act putt in Execucon again.
37. Lawrence ffarington, John Kellett, Wm Clarkson and Roger Cowles yt they contrary to ye 4th order of Mr Werdens guild doe use and exercise theire sevrall trades & have not compounded wth ye Towne, Therefore we desire Mr Maior & ye Councell to consider wt(what) fines they must pay for theire composicon with ye Towne and if ye said pters shall refuse to pay wt ye Mr Maior & Counsell agree on upon notice given by ye 8br. (to pay 40s a peece) and for evy month after they shall neglect to compound with ye Towne to forfeit 40s a peece.
38. Ye sevall psons hereunder whoe are forryners and unfitt members to continue within this Towne and therefore the harbourers shall cause them to be removed before ye 25th May next upon paine of evy one makinge default vjs. viijd.
Rich: Sumpner for harbouring Edw: Johnson and his wife Jane Singleton harboured by Rich: Rydinge Jo: Short and his family harboured by Willm Higham Raph Sharrock his wife and family, if not removed to be stallanged Jennett Hoghton & her son harboured by Mr Luke Hodgkinson
39. Mr John Winstanley doth incroach wt his hedge upon Mr Banaster into ye croft on ye backside of ye said Mr Banaster. Therefore ye said Mr Winstanley shall at or before ye 25th of March next take upp and remove his said hedge & imediately thereupon erect a paile or make a hedge & make & erect ye same to adioyne or simally to or lineally to stand even with the remainder of ye old paile adioyninge to Mr Evan Walles garden. and a stoope standinge on Mr Winstanleys part of the hedge close unto Mr Banasters Arbor upon paine to forfeit xxs and 6s viijd for every month it shall remain unremoved after ye tyme aforesaid upon notice hereof to bee given by ye Serjeant.
40. According to ye 43th prsentment of ye Last Jury of ye Leet Mr Richard Sumpner hath incroached on ye townes Land by his Barn in St. Johns weend and yt ye same ought to bee rented. Therefore wee desire yt Mr Maior wold take care yt ye barn be rented accordingly.
41. Widdowe Evans shall scowre her ditch at ye bottom of John Preesalls Croft to take ye watter away att or before ye 25th March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.
42. Ye psons herundr written, who being not free burgesses, inhabited a longe tyme within this towne and cannot conveniently bee removed, to bee caused to give bond accordinge to ye orders of this towne, and to bee stallenged att the discrecon of Mr. Maior and his bretheren.
Roger Haworth, Mrs Harlinge, Ja: Preesall, Tho: Hall, Jennett Prescott, Jo: Sowarbutts, _____ Markland, Tho: Kay, Hen: Wareinge, Hen: Shakeshaft, Tho: Serjeantson, Jo: Myres, Jo: Weengreene, Widdow Anderton, Jo: Jameson, Edw: Parkinson, Robte Gregson, Tho: Shawe, John Serjeant, John Royle, Tho: Patrick, John Broughill, Raph Porter, Wm Threlfall, Robte Holt, Geo: Hindle, Ja: Simpson, Henry Cotton, Widdow Barnes, Robert Tomlinson.
43. There is a great abuse by sevall of ye Inhitants, Burgesses, to take upon them to encroach upon ye Townes wast, and to erect and build upon ye towne Land without ye acquaintinge ye Maior and his Councell aforesaid, by wch ye towne is much priudiced, Therefore wee desire Mr. Maior and his bretheren to make an order according to ye power of our Charter, and to informe ye Inhitants thereof yt they shall not under such a penalty eract or brake ye earth or encroach upon ye towns wast without ye Maior and Councells prvity first had and obtained upon ye penalty of ye said Order.
44. Ye Marsh is gone to decay by reason of ye Inundacon of ye waters; and ye opposite calls [cauls] on ye ther side, made by Willim ffarington, of Worden, esqr., have gott much upon our side, and, if not tymely prvented, in tyme will destroy our pte [part] of ye marsh begininge on this side of ye brooke adgjoyninge neere until the wood holme all alonge westwards where ye old Call [caul] is. Therefore we desire Mr. Maior and his bretheren to tak speedy care abt it, and to pvide to have it psently pformed.
45. Ye bridge att swillbrooke is gone to decay and ruinated by ye late Inundacon of watters, and as yet for any thinge wee heare or can inquire of one halfe of it belongeth to ye Townepp [township] of ffishwicke and ye other halfe to ye Towne of Preston, wch wee desire Mr. Maior and his bretheren to take into consideracon, yt speedy course may bee made for ye repaire thereof, and, if upon due consideracon had with his Councell it appeare yt ye said Towneshipp of ffishwicke ought to repaire the one halfe of the said Bridge, wee desire they may bee sent unto about it; if not pformed by them, then to pnte [present] ye said Towne[ship] of ffishwicke before ye Justices att ye next sessions [quarter sessions], or what other course ye Maior and his bretheren shall thinke most meet.
46. That Mr Maior haveinge informacon ye Mathew Read was about to make & erect his mothers house in ffryergate (next Mr Addisons house) into a smithy, wtch Mr Maior conceivinge dangerous gave notice to ye said Read yt hee shall not, yet notwithstandinge hee ye said Read hath contrary to Mr Maiors comand erected & built a chimley for ye purpose aforesaid & therefore wee leave it ye consideracon of Mr Maior & his brethren to consider weather it bee fitt to stand for ye intent aforesaid And more over wee find & prsnt Mr Robte Blundell yt hee hath not repaired and made good his chimley at Livesays smithy accordinge to ye 50th prsntmt of ye last Leet therefore to pay for ye tyme past 40s and to repaire it before ye 2nd ffebr next upon paine of 40s & for evy month after it shall continue unrepaired to pay 40s.