February 1654
Inquisition of office taken at Preston on the 12th of February, 1654, before Richard Sumpner (Mayor), Roger Sudell and George Woodhouse (Bailiffs), and Evan Wall (Steward of the Court), and a Jury of 18.
The Names of the Jury to enquire as well for his highnes the Lord Protector as also the Maior, Bailiffes & Burgesses of the Burrough & Towne aforesaid.
Barth: Worthington | Thomas Walmesley the elder |
Thomas Hesketh | Thomas Bostocke |
Thomas Bonny | James Dewhurst |
Arth: Bostock | Thomas Arthwright |
Thomas Ords | Richard Turner |
Hugh Blackledge | John Mitton Scoolemtr |
Roger Woodroffe | Rich: Johnson |
Raph Harrison | Willm Rydinge |
Hen: Newsham | Lawrence Bostocke |
1. The now Bailiffes of this Towne hall sett stoopes and Rayles betwixt the wash pond at the End of Churchgate and the High Way, for the prservacon of Travellers and their goods from the danger thereof, before the first day of March next, in paine of xiijs iijd.
2. William Bannester and Thomas Myres several tymes heretofor prsentmts and fynes imposed on them for not buildinge a house on the Townes Land at the East end of the Towne and that they shall build upp the same before ye 29th of September next in paine of xls.
3. The Supervisors of the Highwayes shall cause stoopes to bee sett all alonge the Cawsey in Ribleton Lane, for the prservacon of the same, that Carts and Carriages spoile not the foote way; this is to bee done before ye 25th of June next, in paine of vjs. viijd.
4. Thomas Werden hath not cutt his underwood and scowred and clensed his ditch in Brockall Lane, accordinge to the tyme Limitted, and therfore forfeited his ffyne of 6s 8d. And he shall scower and clense his Ditch all alonge his lands in the same Laine before ye 25th of this instance Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
5. Mr. James Hodgkinson was prsented and had notice to scowre his Ditch and open his platt over agt [against] Graystock house, and clense his Ditch all alonge his Lands over agt the New Hall, and, havinge neglected the Execution thereof, hath forfeited his ffyne of 6s 8d that hee shall sufficiently clense the same, before the 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
6. Raph Shorrock and Robt. Shakeshafte have not clensed theire ditches at the head of the meadow lane according to ye tyme And that they shall scowre and clense the same before ye 25th day of this instant in paine of either of them vjs. viijd.
7. Willm. Graddell & James Hodgkinson shall clense theire ditches meadow lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of either of them making default vjs. viijd.
8. Mr. Evan Wall shall cause his ditch to be clensed on the South side of his close in Meadow Lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vjs. viijd.
9. Margaret Walmesley widdow shall clense her ditch at the upper end of her close in Meadow lane before 25th of Aprill instant in paine of vjs. viijd.
10. Mr. William Shawe shall scowre his ditch and open his wattertrough in meadow Lane before the 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vjs. viijd.
11. Mr. James Hodgkinson, Lawrence Cooper, Henry Wilson & William Copeland (all scowre and clense their ditches all alonge their grounds in meadow Lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of every one makinge default vjs. viijd.
12. Mr. Edmund Werden shall scowre and clense his ditch all alonge the southside of his close in Meadow Lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vis. viijd.
13. Mr. Seth Blackhurste and Robte Shakeshaft shall scowre their Ditches being the great wattercourse that leadeth to Rible, before 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
14. William Brewer and Mr. James Hodgkinson shall scowre their Ditches in Broadgate before 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of either of them makinge Default, vjs. viijd.
15. Mr Edward Hodgkinson shall take upp and remove the Earth and Quickwood wch is slidden downe at Banckhead into ye highway to the ye great annoyance of Travellers and such as frequent this market, and shall stake and wynd for ye prservacon of ye highway sufficient for Cart and Carriage, before ye 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
16. Mr Seth Morte shall scowre his ditch in Broadgate down to the Ashe within the close that the water may have a passage which annoyeth the highway before ye 25th day of this instant Aprill in paine of vis. viijd.
17. John Copeland and Willm. Huson shall clense and scowre theire ditches in the ffryer Lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of either of them vjs. viijd.
18. Thomas Goodshawe shall scowre both his Ditches under Goldsmiths banck, leading to ye wattercourse wch goeth downe to Rible, before ye 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
19. Mr. James Hodgkinson shall scowre his ditch under Goldsmiths banck downe towards Rible before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vjs. viijd.
20. Mr James Hodgkinson, Rich. Blundell, and Lawrence Tomlinson shall scowre their ditches in North meadow Lane before ye 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of each one makinge default vjs. viijd.
21. Lawrence Cowper shall scowre and take upp his platt and lay it higher at his entrance to ye close nere ye marsh before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vis. viijd.
22. The now Bailives of this Towne shall sett stoopes & Rayles at Davill Bridge for the presevacon of the same and to prvent horses from headinge forth the same before ye 1st May next in paine of xiijs. iiijd.
23. The now Bailives of this Towne shall make or cause to bee made 3 or 4 sufficient large Cawles about and above where the old mill stood, for ye prservacon and encrease of the Marsh, wch greatly decayeth for want thereof, and this to bee done before 24th of June next, in paine of xls.
24. Henrie Chorley, John Chorley, butcher, Mr. Jo. Sumpner, and ye rest of the occupiers of Mr. Ashton Lands, shall set styles and foot Bridges all alonge to the new well, before ye 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of every one making default, vjs. viijd.
25. Mr. Robte. Blundell had notice to remove his Copp, all alonge the end of his close in North moor Lane, that Thomas Balshawe may have a sufficient way for Cart and carriage to his owne Lands where formerly his way hath beene, and havinge neglected ye Execution of the same hath forfeited vjs. viijd., and that hee shall make him a sufficient way before ye 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of vjs. viijd.
26. The now Bailives of this Towne to cause sufficient ffould to bee made for sheepe therein to bee impounded and safely kept untill ye offendr bee known & come to make sattisfaction and this to be done before 24th June next in paine of xls.
27. Mr. Seth Morte shall cause a Barne to be builded in the weend wch hee hath suffered to get to ruine upon the Townes Lands before ye 29th September in paine of xls.
28. The owners of Cellars ought to make rayles or hange yates before theire Cellars before ye 25th of this instant month in paine of every one making default vid. viijd.
Christopher Santer, Thomas Ords, Symon Hynd, Edw. Hodgkinson, Mr. Rich. Sumpner maior, James Gorton, Thomas Rishton, John Langton, Thomas Werden, Nicho: Watson, Seth Morte.
29. Rith: Primmett, John Cowper Barber, Hugh Blackledge shall carry theire Ashes to the middingsted and shall keepe ye wattertrough open & clensed from tyme to tyme wch goeth under Mr. Sudells house upon paine of every one makinge default to fforfeit for every offence iijs. iiijd.
30. All the Occupiers of the Lands upon Avenham and thereabouts shall make a platt and a sufficient way for Cart and Carriage at the head of Titmouse Crofte, before 25th of this instant Aprill, in paine of every one vjs. viijd.
31. All owners of middings within St. John's weend and its where within this Towne shall cause them to be removed before ye 10th May next in paine of every one makinge default iijs. iiijd.
32. Mr. Edmund Werden shall cast upp and make a winnowinge hill in some convenient place nere his wattermill, yt ye marsh bee not overrune and spoyld with winnowinge from place to place, upon paine of every month after ye 20th of May next to forfeit vjs. viijd.
33. Ye 18th and 21th pntments of ye last Leete, which is against stallengers, fforrainners, and unfit members, is not put in Execucon, accordinge to ye Affearinge therof, and that divers Stallengers keepe Alehouse and put their Cattle and other goods to the moore and Comon grounds belonginge to this Towne, contrary to divers good and holesome Orders of severall guilds, to the great priudice of the ffree Burgesses within this towne, And wee further pnte yt ye ____.
34. Noe Inh[ab]itants within this Towne shall put downe their Cattle to the Marsh before sixe of ye Clock in ye morninge, but shall keep them till the Heardsmen bee ready to receave them, upon paine of ye fforfeite for every offence iijs. iiijd. And if the pinders find any Cattle upon ye Marsh before they goe downe with the rest of ye Cattle, and doe not impound them, then the said pinders to forfeit for every neglect xijd.
35. That the now Bailives of this Towne shall repaire all decayed and breaches of ye Drawer well in ye ffriargate before ye 25th instant Aprill upon paine of neglect xxs.
36. The high way of ye Peele Moore is very dangerous both for man and beast, by reason of digginge Claye pitts for Breeck, and in regard it is a great annoyance, and hath beene often heretofore prsented, and noe redresse being made, wee desire all old Clay pitts may bee filled upp and made even, by ye people from every house within this Towne, at ye appoyntment of Mr. Maior and his Brethern as they in their discretions shall thinke meete.
37. Noe person or persons shall hereafter digg clay nor make any pitts upon ye Moore for making Breek, without ye lycence or appoyntment of Mr. Maior or ye Bailiffs for ye tyme being, in the mose convenient place where they shall thinke fitt, neither shall they make any pitts nere the highway, where may bee dangerous for passengers with Cart and Carriage, and also shall fill upp all their pitts they have made or shall make, upon paine of every one offendinge, contrary to this pntemte to forfeit for every offence vjs. viijd.
38. The Inhabitants within this Towne doe comonlie sweepe myre from before theire doores and houses into the Channell, or leave itt on heapes, to the great annoyance of the Towne, therefore everie one upon notice shall take away the same within three dayes, that itt bee not noysome, upon paine of everie one makinge default to forfeite and pay for every offence xijd.
39. There is a greate abuse in this Towne by reason of Swyne pullinge mens Sacks in peeces, on the markett day, whereof the countrey [people] doth much complayne. And severall presentments have been heretofore made for redresse thereof. Wee doe therefore pr'sent that all owners of Swyne shall keepe them upp on the markett dayes, in payne of everie one offendinge to fforfeite and pay for everie swine xijd., whereof vjd. to the sub Bayliffe and vjd. to the Finders for theire care and paines. And if the Finders neglect to bee carefull and doe not theire dutie, they to fforfeite for everie abuse done by swyne, through their negligence, xijd.
40. There is A greate abuse in this Towne by reason of the pinders lendinge mens horses and other goods of such as are frequent trespassers upon the Marsh, Whereas accordinge to the 12th Order of Werdens Guild they ought to pay for everie second, third, and other offence vjd. Wee doe therefore present the Pinders shall hereafter forbeare to lend the goods tresspassinge or discharge the[m] more than once without the Licence and consent of Mr. Maior or o[ne] of the Baylives for the tyme beinge, upon paine to fforfeite for everie offence, accordinge to the 8th Order of Werdens Guild, vjd.
41. The Swyneheards of this Towne are verie carelesse and idle and suffer mens Swyne to trespasse into Corne grass, wch is A great Annoyance, And therefore henceforth they shall keepe the Swyne further on the Moore, and not suffer them to come neare the yate, or upon complaynt made to bee disp[l]aced and punished att the discretion of Mr. Maior for the tyme beinge. And that all ownors of Swyne shall after they retume from the Moore keepe them upp, untill the Swyneheard call for them next morninge, upon paine of every one offendinge to forfeite for everie offence xijd., whereof vjd. to the Pinder and vjd. to the use of the Towne.
42. Noe pson or psons within this Towne shall put any Geese, Goose, or Goslinge to ye Marsh from yr 25th day of March untill ye 29th of __ber, upon paine to forfeit for every one soe offendinge, to ye use of ye Towne, xxs, and that the pinders take care to see this pntment executed, and bringe all such Geese as they shall trespassinge upon the marsh into the Towne, and impound them there till the owners bee knowne and have paid their ffyne of xxs; and if the pinders be found negligent, and make default in the execucon of this pntment, to forfeit for every offence iijs. iiijd., or three days and three nights punishmte; and any rescouse their geese soe taken to pay for every goose soe rescoused iijs. iiijd.
43. James Hodgkinson hath made an incroachment at the house in the weend of Edward Eccles sixe yards in length and one foot of breadth to be rented at ye discretion of Mr Maior and his Bretheren.
44. Roger Tomlinson accordinge to the 9th prsentment of ye last Leet in that he hath not removed his stoopes and rayles and Assemiddings from before his house and therefore we amerce him in vis. viijd. for yt hee hath not removed them before ye 2nd Febr last and for every month after neglecting vis. viijd.
45. George Clarkson for that hee hath not [re]payered his Coppe & scowered his ditch in ye weend [undecipherable] ye minspitwell to ye great annoyance of ye well and ye highway accordinge to ye 13th prsentment of ye last Leet wch hee should have done before ye second of ffebruary last for[feit] for offendinge xijs. and for[feit] for offendinge to forfeit for every month xijs.
46. George Werden is verie negligent in his dutie or office, and suffereth the markett place to continue most parte of the weeke uncleansed, often until ffriday in the afternoone, whereas hee ought to sweepe and cleanse the same everie Monday, which this Summer tyme will bee verie noysome. Therefore wee present hee shall hereafter more carefullie discharge his dutie or bee discharged of his place.
47. The now Bailiffes of this Towne shall cause ye streets and all other ye pavements within this Towne to bee repaired soe farre forth as others their predecessors have been accustomed to repaire the same.
48. Raph Sharrock shall sett a steele(stile) at a ffoote path leadinge to the hepp greave before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vis. viijd.
49. Thomas Goodshey hath not repaired his garden hedge and ffence to ye weend but suffred the lane to be downe to ye annoyance of his neighbours and that hee shall sufficiently repair the same before ye 25th of this instant Aprill in paine of vjs. viijd.
50. The wife of William Walmersley doth annoy Thomas Bonny by Throwinge his cloathe from his hedge, and [we] referr her fyne or punishmte to the discretion of Mr. Maior, and leave ye execution of theis pntemt to his discretion.