April 1654
Page 17 onwards
Great Court Leet with view of Frank pledge held on the 18th day of April, 1654, in the Moot Hall, before Edward ffrench (Mayor), William Shawe and Richard Primmett (Bailiffs), and Evan Wall (Steward of the Court).
The names of the Jury to enquire aswell for the Comonwealth as for the Maior, Bayliffs and Burgesesses of this Burrough or Towne aforesaid who were Sworne the day and yeare abovesaid vidzt.
James Taylor | William Merton |
William Woodward | Thomas Bonnie |
Arthur Bostocke | Edward Eccles |
Andrew Harrison | John Mitton schoolmr |
John Marshe | William Harrison |
Raphe Woodhouse | Raphe Harrison |
Ellis Wakefield | Andrew Sharrocke |
1. The Assize of bread and beere latelie prescribed by Mr. Maior ought to bee duelie observed within this Towne.
2. Henry Chorley and John Chorley, butcher, late Bayliffs of this Burrough, have neglected and doe denie the payment of the Townes money, wherewith they acknowledge they stand charged att the foote of theire accompte, contrarie to the 6th branch of the Oath they tooke when they entered into the office of Bayliffs, and to the bad example of other sworne officers, And wee doe therfore give in Verdict that they shall within one month next cominge pay into the hands of the now Bayliffs of this Towne all such summe and summes of money as they or either of them stand charged withall by theire accompts, upon paine to fforfeite and pay for everie month it continues undischarged the severall summe of viijli.
3. There is A greate and noysome abuse in this Towne by reason of butchers throwinge blood, ropps [intestines], and other garbage in the streetes, which is an unsufferable annoyance not onlie to Tradesmen and other frequentinge this Towne and markett but to scandall of the government of this Burrough, And wee doe therefore give in verdict That Mr. Maior shall cause notice to bee given to everie butcher frequenting this markett to forbeare to tresspasse or offend contrarie to this presentment, upon paine to fforteite for everie offence comitted by them or theire servants toties quoties iijs. iiijd. Whereof xxd. to the Seriant who shall give informacon thereof and xxd. to the Bayliffs for the use of the Towne.
4. The now Bailiffes of this Towne shall cause the free Wells of this Towne betwixt the Goose well and the Mince Spitt well to be cleansed fower tymes in the in yeare (the same beinge filthie in Summer if not often closed) And shall uphold and maintaine the Rayles to keepe horses and Cattell from defylinge the same.
5. The now Bayliffes of this Towne shall sufficientlie repaire the Townes Hall, before the 24th of June next, in paine of vjs. viijd.
6. Whereas Seth Morte, of Preston, gent did upon the second day of November, 1653, before the now Maior of this Towne, enter into a recognizance of the penalties of xxli, together with James Dewhurst and William Werden of this Towne, as Surties in Ten pounds a peece, Upon condicon that hee the said Seth Morte should appeare att the then next Leete Corte to bee holden for this Burrough, and in the meane tyme to keepe the peace of the Comonwealth against all people, and especiallie against Valentyne Robinson, gent, as by the said Recognizance remaining upon Record before the said Maior of this Burrough more att large appeareth, Wee find and present the said Seth Morte and his suerties have fforfeited and broken theire said recognizance, not only for the said Seth Morte beinge publiquelie and duelie called att this present Leete, beinge the first Leete holden after the date of the said Recognizance, [hath] not made his appearance accordinge to the [condition thereof], But also hee the said Seth Morte did upon the 22th of the said [month] of November, after his entringe into the Recognizance aforesaid, and before this Leete, make an Affray and Tusle within this Towne upon the bodie of Richard Morte, to the breach of the publique peace contrarie to the Condicon of the said Recognizance, And therefore the penaltie or forfeiture of the said Recognizance to bee Leavyed to the use of the Maior, Bayliffs, and Burgesses of this Towne, accordinge to such Charters and grants as are and have beene heretofore made and granted to the Incorporation.
7. Edward Morte and his sureties [Richard Johnson and Henry Kilshaw] have forfeited and broken theire recognizance [£20 each], not only for that the said Edward Morte beinge publiquely and duelie called called att this present Leete, being the ffirst Leete holden after the date of the said recognizance [2nd of November,1653], hath not made his appearance accordinge to the condicon of the said recognizance, But also hee the said Edward Morte did upon the 30th January, after being entringe into the recognizance aforesaid [to keep the peace] and before this Leete, make an Assault and Affray upon the bodie of Alexander Breres, in Eaves lane, near Chorley, and with his Rapier drawne pursued the said Breres, who leapt off his mare and fled, whereupon the said Edward Morte stabbed his Rapier into the bodie of the said mare, whereof shee presentlie dyed, as appeares to us upon Oath, to the breach of the publique peace and contrarie to the condicons of the said Recognizance; And therefore the penaltie or forfeiture of the said recognizance to bee levied to the use of the Maior, Bayliffs, and Burgesses of this Towne, accordinge to such Charters and grants as are and have been heretofore made and granted to this Incorporation.
8. A greate number of forraignors crept into this towne who keepe Alehouse contrarie to severall Guild Orders an whereas wee find by the 35th prsentment of the last Leete that they and everie of them shall pay accordinge to the said Guild Orders xxd p. month after notice, And itt appearinge to be they have had notice And as yett doe continue And utter Ale and Beere in theire severall houses Wee doe therefore give in verdict that they and everie of them have forfeited and shall pay theire severall ffyne of xxd.
And for everie month .... allow or sell Ale or beere theire severall ffine of xxd a month
Theire names are as followeth vidz
George Hindley plasterer, Robert Holte, Thomas Shawe, Roger Haworth, Thomas Patrick [...some text missing...] cattle on the Townes [...more text missing...]
9. That Raphe Banks shall cause the water fallinge from his now buildinge on the house of Richard Blackborne by Pipes of lead or otherwise & by theire 12th presentment they gave him tyme until the 24th of june last as by the same prsentment apparently Now wee the prsent jury havinge viewed the same and findinge itt is not done accordinge to the said prsentment Wee therefore find and present the said Raphe Banks hath forfeited and shall paie his ffyne of xxd imposed upon him by the said prsentment And that he shall carry away the water accordinge to the same presentment upon paine to forfeite for everie month neglect xxd.
10. Whereas itt is prsented to this Jury that Thomas Abbott, dyer, doth constantlie frequent this markett and receaves white cloth, and after hee dyed the same delivereth itt dyed in this markett, to the priudice of the ffree Burgesses of this Towne, whose livelyhood and maintenance wholelie depands upon the said Trade; And fforasmuchas wee doe conceave itt verie priudiciall that the said Abbott should take the benefitt of Tradeinge from the ffree Burgesses of this Towne and bear noe part of the burden of assessments, duties, and services imposed on this Towne, Wee doe therefore thinke fitt that Mr. Maior and his bretheren (the Councill of this Burrough) call the said Thomas Abbott before them, and proceede and take such course in the businesse as in theire discretion shall seeme meete and accordinge to the Charter and grants of this Incorporation.
11. John Banks made a tusle on the bodie of John Sumpner glazier and wee therefore amerce the said John Banks vjs. viijd.
12. John Casterson and Peter Burnett made a tusle upon the bodie of Christopher Kirkham And wee doe therefore amerce them the said John Casterson and Peter Burnett in either of them vjs. viijd.
13. William Audland made an Affray and drew blood upon the bodie of William Dobson and therefore wee amerce him the said William Audland in vjs. viijd.
14. William Dobson made an Affray and drew blood upon the bodie of William Audland and therefore wee amerce him the said William Dobson in vjs. viijd.
15. Thomas ffisher sonne of John ffisher made a Tusle upon the bodie of Edmund Walmesley and therefore wee amerce him the said Thomas ffisher in vjs. viijd.
16. Nicholas Sudell, in the 2nd presentments of the last Inquest, and William Hodgkinson, in the 3rd presentment of the same Inquest, are prsented to remove the earth slidden downe into the high way leadinge to Swillbrooke before the xxvth of Aprill last, which, being undone, they have forfeited theire severall ffynes of vjs. viijd.
According to Hewitson, Swillbrook exits into the Ribble near the tram bridge. It is now all culverted. Langs map (1774) shows a couple of crofts on the way down to the Ribble - possibly along the line of Manchester Road.
17. Upon pvsall[perusal] of the prsentments of the last Inquest of office that divers persons hereafter named have not amended what they were enjoyed [enjoined] by the Jury afforesaid, And wee doe ffyne them in the severall penalties and summes of money menconed in the same prsentments, And desire Mr. Maior to see the same ffynes Leavyed accordinglie:- Mr. Seth Morte to the 9th prsentment, Mr. Edmund Werden to the 19th and 33rd 34th and 36th, Henry Wilson to the 21th, Elizabeth Cowper to the 22th 30th and 51th, Mr. James Hodgkinson to the 23th 28th and 45th, Mr. Seth Blackhurst to the 24th, Thomas Goodshey to the 29th, Mr. Nicholas Sudell to the 31th, Thomas Graystocke to the 35th, Jane Walmsley, widdow, of the hole-house, to the 37th, The Bayliffs to the 33th and 39th, Mris. Anne ffleetwood and Mrs. Jane Bannester to the 41th, Thomas Werden to the 43th, Mrs. Lemon to the 44th, William Curtes to the 47th.
18. Roger Tomlinson shall remove his Assemiddinge wch lyeth att George Birchall garden end, and shall takeupp and remove the Stoopes and Rayles, which stand before his house in the weend leading to mince pitt well before the ffirst day of June next, in paine of vjs. viijd. And for everie month itt remaines unremoved vjs. viijd.
19. Jane Walmesley, widdow, and Thomas Walmsley, of hole-house, putt Geese to the Marsh contrarie to the 37th presentment of the last Inquest and contrarie to divers former and other prsentments, And therefore to pay theire severall ffynes of ijs. vjd.
20. These severall persons hereafter named are fforaigners and inmates and unfitt members to inhabit within this town And formerlie prsented by the last Leet to bee removed upon paine of everie one vjs viijd. And such as harbour them vjs viijd. And wee give in verdict thet and everie of them have forfeited and shall pay the afforesaid severall ffynes of vjs. viijd. Edward Johnson harboured by Mr Richard Sumpner. Thomas Hoghton and his mother harboured by Mr Luke Hodgkinson. Henry Banester & his wife & two children harboured by Mr Edmund Werden. And wee further psent that they and everie of them shall bee removed forth of this Towne before the 24th Day of June in paine of everie of them vjs. viijd. And the severall harboureth of them in everie month vjs. viijd.
21. The severall persons hereafter named are fforreigners and unfitt members to Inhabit within this Towne, and therefore to be removed before the 24th of June next, in paine of everie of them vjs. viijd., And the severall harbourers of them in each of them vjs. viijd.: - Robert Gregson and his wife and children harboured by Mr. Willm Bannester. Thomas Anderton and his wife and children harboured by Mr. James Wall. John Shorte and his wife and children harboured by Sir Richard Hoghton. John Royle and his wife harboured by Henry Cuerdall. Henry Shakeshaft and his wife harboured by John Higham. Henry Cotten and William Prockter and and theire wives and the said Prockters children harboured by Mr. Roger Sudell. John Mutus and his wife and children harboured by Thomas Bickerstaffe. James Potter and his wife harboured by Nicholas Wattson, to give or remove. Ralphe Porter to give bond or remove. Mr. Newton and his wife and A child and the wife ... harboured by Lawrence Crooke. Thomas Seriantson harboured by Roger Tomlinson. Grace Clough and her boy harboured by Sarah Kendall. George Catterall and his wife harboured by Thomas Taylor. Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Bayley and A child, shee beinge wife to the old glasse-man, harboured by Richard Bayley. Mrs. Kade harboured by Richard Burton. Agnes Greene harboured by Henrie Cowbourne.
22. John Nicholson and his wife and A child harboured by Geoffrey Lomaxe, att Spittle Mosse, who keepeth Alehouse and of ill reporte, therefore the said Geoffrey to remove them before the ffirst of June next, in paine of xxs., And for everie month hee continues there xxs.
23. Roger Chernocke, A fforraigne Burgesse, harboured by Mr. William Sudell, to give bond and make his agreement with the Towne or bee removed before the 24th of June, in paine of 6s. 8d.
24. Roger Elston (A fforraigne Burgesse) and his wife and three children harboured by Mr. Roger Sudell, to give bond and Compound with the Towne before the 24th of June next, in paine of vjs. viijd. And in everie month after untill hee Compound vjs. viijd. And the said Roger Sudell for harbouringe him in every month vjs. viijd.
25. A great abuse in this Towne by reason of Carryon, dead Swyne, Doggs, and other noysome, filthie carryon beinge throwne in St. John's Weend and other Weends and backe lanes belonginge to this Towne, to the great annoyance both of men and Cattell, passengers and others, And for redresse thereof was given in verdict That if anie man or theire servants shall throw anie Carrion in anie Weend or backe lane or suffer anie to lye uncovered upon theire middings or before theire barnes to forfeite for everie offence vjs. viijd.
26. The now Bayliffs of this Towne shall make A new Torne for the draw well in the ffryergate and sufficientlie repaire the same before the 24th day of June next, in paine of vjs. viijd.
27. The severall persons hereafter named are free Burgesses and as yett have not taken the Oath of a Burgesse, and therefore wee further prsent that they and everie of them shall come before Mr. Maior at his commandement, to take the Oath of A Burgesse, upon paine of everie man makeinge default after notice to fforfeite and pay vjs. viijd.
John Worden | William Cottam |
John Langton | Thomas Feilden |
Roger Sudell | John Gurnall |
Robert Blundell | William Hodgkinson |
Lawrence Wall | Robert Higham |
Seth Morte | Henrie Higham |
John Cottom | Christopher Kilshaw |
William Shaw | Thos. Sharrock |
John Abbott | William Woodward |
James Abbott | Tymothie Woodward |
George Bludell | William Woodburne |
Richard Bostocke | George Woodhouse |
Thomas Burton | Thomas Birches |
John Clifton | George Birches |
John Willowsey | Robert Walker |
John Baxtor | John Marsh |
Thomas Rishton | Thomas Arthwright |
John Harrison | James Asheton |
John Sumpner | William Worden |
James Worden | Henry Balsham |
John Banks | John Wall |
James Holme | John Holme |
Matthew Read |
Roger Howarth - 5s_0d | George Hindley - 3s_4d |
James Taylor - 0s_2d | Edward Johnson to be removed |
Thomas Hall - 2s 0d | Widdow Barnes (John crossed out) - 0s 2d |
Samuell Crawshaw - 1s 0d | James Preesall - 1s 0d |
Henry Shakeshaft - 2s 0d | Hen. Waringe - 1s 0d |
John Weengreene - 1s 0d | John Myres Brickman - 2s 0d |
Edward Partington - 1s 0d | Willm Eston - 1s 0d |
John Serjeant - 2s 0d | Wm Brewer - 5s 0d |
John Broughill - 2s 0d | John Jameson - 3s 4d |
Robert Hoult - 1s 0d | Thos. Shawe - 3s 4d |
Willm Procter - 1s 0d | Thos. Patrick - 5s 0d |
Henry Cotton - 1s 0d | Henry Holme - 3s 4d |
Jennett Prescott - 1s 0d | James Leigh - 10s 0d |
Thos Serjeantson - 3s 4d | James Simpson - 2s 0d |
Thomas Anderton - 6s 8d | Jo. Mutus - 3s 4d |
Rob. Gregson - 3s. 4d | Mr Newton - 3s. 4d |
Jo. Royle - 1s 0d | James Potter - 3s 4d |
Raph Porter - 1s 0d |